Editorial To Vima: Paradigms

08:47 13/4/2020 - Πηγή: In.gr

Over the last years the club of populist, anti-systemic leaders became notorious for disputing and ignoring scientific knowledge and facts.

Most of them espoused conspiracy theories to fend off the pleas of experts for action against climate change and most recently they thumbed their nose at the warnings of epidemiologists about the huge repercussions of a coronavirus pandemic.

Some wanted to appear bold and invincible

by advancing the herd immunity theory (you allow many thousands to fall in and even die so the rest can become immune) so as to avoid economically painful move to declare a lockdown.

Later they ended up in an ICU bed or counted thousands upon thousands of dead. They revealed their cynicism and criminal responsibility and the fact that they are not fit to lead nations and peoples.

Essentially they were routed by their deficits and vacuity and science with its ministers – doctors, epidemiologists, and learned people boldly and directly took a stand on the coronavirus and demanded timely and restrictive action, placing health above all.

Today the planet relies on them, listens to their advice, obeys their guidelines, and realises the importance and danger of their job.

Undoubtedly this global humanitarian crisis shines a spotlight on new leaders and paradigms.

Others are the heroes in this period – faces which have toiled endlessly in school, and devoted their energy to science.

It avoids false idols of show business and entertainment and looks to those devoted their time and capabilities and yet remain modest and sympathetic, speak clearly and understand the invisible forces in nature and attacks us because we ignored it and for decades acted lke we owned it.

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