5-1-20 Editorial Ta Nea: Threats

16:51 6/1/2020 - Πηγή: In.gr

he execution of one of the top officials of the Iranian regime on orders from the White House does not presage anything good for the broader region of the Middle East.

This is not only because it can lead to Tehran’s reprisals. It is also because of the huge distance that must be bridged to restore the relations between the two countries even partially.

Everything indicates that we are being led

to a deterioration that can spin out of control.

It would be useless for one to try to read the mind of the US President to ascertain the motivation behind his actions.

The execution of the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard was rejected by two US Presidents – George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

Donald Trump, however, is unpredictable and often ignores the counsel of his advisors. He stuns the international community and even his narrow circle of associates.

We face the danger of a conflagration that may draw in more international actors. The Middle East has many players, many delicate balances, and many conflicting interests.

The danger of chaos is crystal clear. The dawn of this decade is  accompanied by a great threat.

It is of minor importance whether this threat comes in the form of a conventional war, which is the least likely prospect, or in the form of a series of asymmetrical attacks on American targets.

Hell by any other name would be as terrifying.

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