Editorial Ta Nea: Burdens

15:56 2/5/2019 - Πηγή: In.gr

This government has instituted a number of measures which previous ones would never have thought of passing into law.

It tied up state assets by handing them over to the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF). It cut pensions. It passed

a law lowering the tax-free threshold.

Any move that aims to reverse these measures, either by the government or by other parties, should be welcomed, but only under certain conditions.

One such condition is that the government must adopt an honourable stance, which is to say that it cannot pass inconceivable measures into law and then attempt to make the opposition shoulder the political cost.

It cannot complain about opposition initiatives which it supports, as occurred with New Democracy’s proposal to rescind a law lowering the tax-free threshold.

The government should at long last show some recognition towards those parties that backed it in passing the third bailout memorandum in the summer of 2015 so as to keep the country from falling off a cliff.

No initiative by anyone should undermine the enormous efforts made by the Greek people to pull the country out of the crisis.

The political system should not engage in a competition between parties regarding who will offer the most social benefits and handouts.

Unfortunately, the burden of adopting a responsible stance again falls upon the shoulders of opposition parties, as the ruling party has exhibited its irresponsibility countless times.

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