Editorial Ta Nea: Impasse
It is quite sad that Moria and other refugee and migrant reception centres have become the object of political skirmishes.
It is hardly convincing and futile for the main opposition party to attack the government over the lack of a plan in the camps when it bears the greatest responsibility for the situation.
It was SYRIZA that handled the crisis as it did and the current situation is the result of its
Yet this is a national problem that requires a solution for people who abandoned their countries to seek a better life elsewhere.
Greece cannot absorb all these migrant flows.
On the other hand, the solution cannot be inhuman living conditions in a chronic, perpetual impasse.
The camps must urgently reduce the numbers of refugees and migrants to levels that they can host and procedures must be expedited to determine those who are eligible for asylum and those who must be repatriated.
Beyond the self-evident and the measures that have been announced Greece must exert pressures in all directions for its European partners to assume their share of the burden.
The problem concerns not only one country but an entire continent.
It is quite sad that Moria and other refugee and migrant reception centres have become the object of political skirmishes.
It is hardly convincing and futile for the main opposition party to attack the government over the lack of a plan in the camps when it bears the greatest responsibility for the situation.
It was SYRIZA that handled the crisis as it did and the current situation is the result of its policies.
Yet this is a national problem that requires a solution for people who abandoned their countries to seek a better life elsewhere.
Greece cannot absorb all these migrant flows.
On the other hand, the solution cannot be inhuman living conditions in a chronic, perpetual impasse.
The camps must urgently reduce the numbers of refugees and migrants to levels that they can host and procedures must be expedited to determine those who are eligible for asylum and those who must be repatriated.
Beyond the self-evident and the measures that have been announced Greece must exert pressures in all directions for its European partners to assume their share of the burden.
The problem concerns not only one country but an entire continent.
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