Editorial Ta Nea: On transparency

22:34 24/7/2019 - Πηγή: In.gr

Our country unfortunately cannot be proud of its record in combating corruption.

According to inernational data it is considerably below the EU average.

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to seek ways to address a problem that dishonours the country and has a negative impact on its economic and social life.

The monitoring mechanism that the government

intends to establish should be welcomed as a step in the right direction.

That mechanism will not be a public administration service but rather an independent authority which will act autonomously from the state bureaucracy and political power.

Without that autonomy the role of those monitoring and those being monitored would coincide and a lack of tranparency and corruption would continue to rule.

This government obviously did not invent the wheel. As an expose in Ta Nea reported, however, it introduced a model that yielded exceptional results in Singapore 45 years ago.

One should swiftly see similar results here in Greece, not because it is similar to that Asian country but rather because it must return to the inner core of Europe.

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