Editorial Ta Nea: Stone Age

17:28 19/9/2019 - Πηγή: In.gr

The first study in Greece on the impact of climate change leaves little room for doubt.

The cost of its effects will be enormous and it is estimated at 700bn euros by the end of the century.

Yet the cost and repercussions are already obvious.

It is encouraging

that Greek citizens are aware of the magnitude of the problem as the study shows that they rank climate change as the second most important problem, right after unemployment and before pollution.

This awareness – from recycling to ecological means of transportation – demonstrates that citizens are willing in their daily lives to adopt environmental-friendly practices.

Yet this daily effort does not suffice. The handling of a problem that does not pertain only to the future is the duty of governments especially in larger economies.

Citizens can certainly make a contribution but it is world leaders who have a duty to act immediately to save the planet so that we all do not return to the Stone Age.

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