Editorial Ta Nea: The path to recovery

22:03 30/6/2019 - Πηγή: In.gr

The qualititative data of a poll conducted by MRB for Ta Nea are of interest in many ways.

Overall, they confirm recent polling trends which suggest that New Democracy is on its way to single-party rule.

That path, however, is not guaranteed.

The reason for that is that this general election

is the first since the post-junta restoration of democracy in 1974 that will be held almost in the heart of summer.

That means that it is extremely difficult to predict the levelof voter participation.

Will citizens return to the polls en masse just 40 days after the European Parliament election or will they choose to take to the beaches?

It is even more difficult to gauge the characteristics of the absentee vote.

One cannot know precisely the balance between those who will not vote due to their disappointment with the ruling party and those who will not vote because they view a parliamentary majority for main oppositition New Democracy as a given.

The fact that this isssue is of concern for the campaigns of the parties is demonstrated by the main opposition leader’s declaration that there will be a repeat general election if the first party is unable to clinch a parliamentary majority.
A repeat general election, however, is the last thing that the country needs.

An environment of political stability is required in order for the country to ensure an unhindered path to recovery.

Only voters can guarantee an environment that will facilitate the path to recovery.

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