Editorial: The opponent

20:47 1/10/2020 - Πηγή: In.gr

Fifteen months after rising to power New Democracy undisputedly maintains high popularity ratings in the polls.

Citizens by and large trust it with the management of both national issues and the pandemic.

The main opposition party does not pose a threat because the government is dominant

on all fronts.

Its only opponent is itself and that is no small thing. The only trap that endangers it is that of developing the arrogance of power.

That includes ministers believing that they are all-powerful and MPs believing that there are certain rules for some and other rules for the rest.

The PM has delayed in reacting to such phenomena.

Perhaps he overestimated his team or maybe he believed that matters resolve themselves on their own and that there is a magic wand that pushes things forward.

In addressing his cabinet yesterday he hit his hand on the table and criticised errors, omissions and missteps.

He warned, rang alarm bells, and raised yellow cards. He declared to his ministers that it is politically and morally unacceptable to shift their responsibilities onto others and not to back the choices of the government.

In contrast to the main opposition leader, who is irked when his cadres express criticism, Kyriakos Mitsotakis made clear that he will not tolerate the indifference of his associates towards citizens and their needs.

A true leader should seek neither obedience nor flattery.

Instead he must be dedicated to achieving the objectives that he has set and be prepared to be judged constantly.

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