Editorial To Vima: An abysmal President

13:49 16/4/2020 - Πηγή: In.gr

With his decision to suspend US funding to the World Health Organisation US President Donald Trump has surpassed all limits of social callousness, even his own,  and quite rightly has triggered a global chorus of strong criticism.

The unprecedented move by all appearance

was an effort to wrench himself out of a political impasse caused by his delay in taking measures to confront the pandemic and to shirk his criminal responsibility for the nightmarish spread of Covid-19 in his country.

As is his wont, he decided to manufacture villains and enemies.

That is how he rose to power and that is how he is attempting to cling to it.

He is targeting the WHO and foreign leaders in order to divert the attention of his domestic base which is already vulnerable to manipulation and irrationality as for years it has been treated to misleading generalisations and has been prone to accept irrational arguments and conspiracy theories.

Confronted by the pressures of his presidential campaign he is increasingly losing all sense of measure and his contact with reality and is full of negative surprises.

His shilly-shallying and errors are now continual and he stops at nothing.

It is truly unfortunate for the US and the world that at a time of unprecedented crisis such an abysmal president is leading the global superpower.

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