Editorial To Vima: Enough is enough with the joking

23:28 15/9/2020 - Πηγή: In.gr

At a time when so many of our fellow humans are intubated due to Covid-19 and are fighting for their lives…

At a time when the government is planning stricter measures…

At a time when health

systems are once again under severe pressure and their endurance is being sorely tested…

At a time when some countries such as Israel are imposing a general lockdown…

At a time when the economic repercussions of the pandemic include skyrocketing unemployment rates globally and are plunging the most powerful economies into an unprecedented recession, the stance of those who deny reality is both very dangerous and exceedingly tiresome.

Those with lunatic ideas are most often not interested in the search for truth but instead are motivated by a deep need to differentiate themselves so as to have a sense of purpose.

They disagree for the sake of disagreeing. They deny scientific evidence just for the sake of denying it. Their differentiation is an end in itself.

It is almost certain that if epidemiologists and other medical experts advised the public not to wear masks, they would be protesting in Syntagma Square wearing masks even larger than those handed out to students and were much too big.

Christos Dogas

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