Editorial To Vima: We must save people and support businesses

16:02 18/3/2020 - Πηγή: In.gr

The alarm bells regarding the painful repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic on the Greek and global economy are ringing louder daily.

Covid-19 appeared precisely at the moment that the Greek economy was taking its first steps toward recovering from a deep, decade-long crisis.

There will be a major impact

on employees and businesses and much will depend on the duration of the crisis.

In any event the businesses that will suffer the greatest losses will need support from the state in order to reorganise and recover.

The government is preparing a series of measures to bolster employees that were laid off and businesses that were forced to shut down due to the epidemic.

Certainly these measures are on target but clearly it is not just businesses that have closed that have been harmed.

Many sectors have been deeply affected by the unprecedented tumult in the market but still continue to operate.

What is needed is a detailed and analytical charting of all business sectors that have been exposed to strong pressures and shock.

Let us not fool ourselves. With few exceptions the entire business world will suffer severe trials and will have to build new defences and strategies in order to survive the crisis.
The state has a duty to be a pillar of support and ally in this effort.


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