EditorialTa Nea: Solution

23:16 22/9/2019 - Πηγή: In.gr

In his interview with Ta Nea the president of the Pasteur Institute was categorical.

“It is irresponsible for one not to be vaccinated.’

That categorical confirmation from the head of the president of the premier research centre is dramatic.

That is because the anti-vacination movement persuades many parents

to not vaccinate their children and they put their lives in danger.

The incicidence of measles that reappeared after many years of effective handling is the most characteristic example.
There is a dual threat.

Deniers do not only imperil the lives of their children, but they also expose the lives of other children as the disease is transmissible.

If they are responsible for the lives of their own children, they also endanger the lives of other children since this disease is transmissible.

There is a double danger: Deniers place in harm’s way not only their own children but exibit a crinal indifference to those of others as well since the disease is transmissible.

Given the fact that many  are persuaded of the supposed side-effects of vaccinations, this is an assertion that still lacks a scientific basis but is grounded in paramedical theories and conspiracy theories that raise questions.

Given the fact that many are peruaded about the supposed side-effects of vaccines and side effects that have no scientific basis, the state must act.

The President of the Pasteur Institute reccomends that vaccination should be mandatory in all EU countries.

Confronted with a threat to public health, one does not have the luxury of choice, just as in saving lives one has no choice and cannot deny young women ptection from cancer of the uterus or cervical and vaginal cancer.

That means that ideological, religious, and other reasons cannot deprive young women of a vaginal and cervical vaccination.

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