Lead of 9 percentage of ND over SYRIZA projected in Europarliament poll

23:48 26/5/2019 - Πηγή: In.gr

The Singular Logic company which for many years has administered the vote count on behalf of the Interior Ministry has projected a nine percentage point lead ( with a margin of error of 0.5 percentage points) of main opposition New Democracy over ruling SYRIΖΑ in today’s European Parliament


Earlier, the results of an exit poll conducted by four polling companies with 100 percent of the returns in gave New Democracy an 8.5 percentage point lead, with between 32.5-34.5 percent for New Democracy compared to 24-26 percent for SYRIZA.

The projection was based on the results from 2,000 out of 43,000 polling precincts nationwide received through secure electronic transmission.

Both Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and ND leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis had called on voters to treat the European Parliament election as a vote of confidence in the government.

In that sense, the apparent results represent a crushing defeat for the ruling party, the top aim of which was to limit as much as possible lead of ND.

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