Άντζελα Κέλι: Τι αποκαλύπτει η βοηθός της βασίλισσας στο βιβλίο της;
Η γκαρνταρόμπα της βασίλισσας ανοίγει στο κοινό…
Λίγοι άνθρωποι γνωρίζουν πώς είναι πραγματικά η ζωή στο εσωτερικό του παλατιού του Μπάκιγχαμ, αλλά ένα νέο βιβλίο με τίτλο “The Other Side of the Coin: The Queen, the Dresser and the Wardrobe” (Η άλλη πλευρά του νομίσματος: η βασίλισσα, η ενδυματολόγος και η γκαρνταρόμπα), θα ανοίξει στους αναγνώστες ένα παράθυρο σε αυτόν τον κόσμο.
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Today, The Queen undertook a day of engagements in Cambridge. In the morning, Her Majesty visited NIAB (National Institute of Agricultural Botany) to mark their 100th anniversary. The Queen was met by the Mayor of Cambridge, Cllr Gerri Bird, as well as The Bishop of Ely, Stephen Conway, and Police and Crime Commissioner, Jason Ablewhite. At NIAB, which The Queen first visited in 1969 on the occasion of its 50th anniversary, Her Majesty viewed an exhibition celebrating 100 years of crop research and learned about the new building facilities. She met staff and patients and then moved to the glasshouse, where she met NIAB plant breeders, viewed plants and learned about research work to improve yield and crop resilience. At the conclusion of the visit, The Queen planted a tree outside the building. NIAB chairman Jim Godfrey offered to plant the official tree for her but Her Majesty said, handing her handbag to a lady-in-waiting: "No, no, I’m still perfectly capable of planting a tree!". Long serving staff member Teresa Stratton then presented The Queen with a posy with roses, chrysanthemums and wheat. The Queen wore a hot pink silk coat and dress by Angela Kelly and The Singapore Peranakan Diamond Jubilee Brooch. NIAB is one of Britain’s oldest, and fastest growing, crop science research centres. The National Institute of Agricultural Botany, as it was originally known, was founded in 1919 as a charitable trust, to promote the improvement of British crops. NIAB provides scientific research, technical services and practical advice to improve the yield, efficiency and resilience of crop production across the arable, forage and horticulture sectors. King George V and Queen Mary were the first members of the Royal Family to visit NIAB, opening a new building on Huntingdon Road on 14th October 1921. King George VI became NIAB’s first Patron, followed by Queen Elizabeth II in 1952. ———————— After the visit, The Queen continued by car to Queens’ College, of which she is Patroness, where she took lunch as a guest of the college and met staff and graduates.
A post shared by Her Majesty The Queen (@hm.queenelizabeth) on Jul 9, 2019 at 7:00am PDT
Η βασίλισσα Ελισάβετ έχει δώσει την προσωπική άδειά της στην Άντζελα Κέλι, η οποία έχει υπηρετήσει ως επιμελήτρια γκαρνταρόμπας, εσωτερική σχεδιάστρια και έμπιστή της για 25 χρόνια, να γράψει ένα βιβλίο όχι μόνο για τη βασιλική μόδα, αλλά και για την εμπειρία της συνεργασίας και τον δεσμό φιλίας τους.
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Angela Kelly, dressmaker, in-house designer and confidante to the Queen for 25 years announces she has written a book about her time at the Palace. In an unprecedented move, The Queen has given Angela her blessing to publish the book – the first ever time that’s happened for a serving member of the Royal Household. It will be published by @harpercollinsuk on 29 October. The book will include never-seen-before photos of The Queen from Angela Kelly’s private collection over the last quarter of a century working together. The publisher says Angela Kelly’s book will be ‘revealing’ and will give ‘memorable insights into what it’s like to work so closely with The Queen’. #thequeen #queen #queenelizabeth #publishing #book #angelakelly #royal #royals #royalfamily #britishroyals #britishroyalfamily
A post shared by ITV News Royals (@itvnewsroyals) on Sep 23, 2019 at 2:33am PDT
Σύμφωνα με τον οίκο Harper Collins, που θα δημοσιεύσει το βιβλίο τον επόμενο μήνα, είναι η πρώτη φορά που εργαζόμενη στη βασιλική οικογένεια του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου έλαβε τέτοια άδεια.
Τι θα περιέχει το βιβλίο;«Το βιβλίο τεκμηριώνει τη μοναδική σχέση συνεργασίας μεταξύ της Αυτού Μεγαλειότητας και της γυναίκας που ήταν προσωπική βοηθός της για περισσότερο από δύο δεκαετίες: την Άντζελα Κέλι» αναφέρει η Σαμάνθα Κόεν, πρώην βοηθός γραμματέα της βασίλισσας.
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Angela Kelly #AngelaKelly #LVO #british #fashiondesigner #borntoday #onthisday #famousbirthdays #bornthisday
A post shared by golddigger (@ritidre2009) on Nov 4, 2018 at 7:08am PST
«Δίνει μια σπάνια εικόνα των απαιτήσεων του έργου υποστήριξης της βασίλισσας και προσφέρει στοιχεία για μια επιτυχημένη εργασιακή σχέση που χαρακτηρίζεται από χιούμορ, δημιουργικότητα, σκληρή δουλειά και αμοιβαία δέσμευση στην υπηρεσία και το καθήκον. Η Άντζελα είναι ταλαντούχα γυναίκα, η οποία έχει καταγράψει τις σημαντικές στιγμές της μακράς καριέρας της με τη βασίλισσα για να τη μοιραστεί μαζί μας» πρόσθεσε.
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The Court Circular announced last week the funeral in the Chapel Royal of Peggy Hoath, former Dresser to the Queen. Surprisingly little is known about Peggy. A US paper referred to her in 1965 as a ‘serving maid’ to The Queen. In 1967, she was described as Assistant Dresser. She must have helped the redoubtable Margaret – Bobo – MacDonald, who served The Queen for 67 years until her death in 1993, aged 89. Presumably Peggy stepped up in 1989 – when Bobo stepped aside – and stayed for 5 years until Angela Kelly, the celebrated incumbent, became Dresser. Mrs Kelly, daughter of a Liverpudlian crane-driver, thrice-divorced, mother of 3, has transformed her boss into a (forgive the cliche) fashion icon. She not only recruits couturiers and milliners but creates many of The Queen’s clothes herself. 25 years later, Mrs Kelly now enjoys the title of Personal Assistant to the Queen. By 2000, even the maestros of Italian fashion were praising The Queen for her enduring style. And while her career may he said to be remarkable, Bobo’s was unique. The daughter of an Inverness railway worker, 22-year-old Margaret joined the Yorks soon after the birth of Princess Elizabeth in April 1926. Bobo was said to be the Princess’s first word and she remained the only one, outside the family, to call her Lilibet. They shared a bedroom into the Princess’s teens as Bobo graduated from nursery maid to Dresser. She joined the Princess on her honeymoon and all her trips abroad. She could tell her ‘Little Lady’ ‘You look terrible in that’; and ‘You can’t wear green’ Bobo was blamed for those square mismatched handbags but she knew her jewellery. Norman Hartnell and Hardy Amies would not dare to cross her. When Amies once proffered HM a white handbag he mollified Bobo by giving her one of chinchilla. When The Queen knighted Sir Hardy, she quipped, ‘Bobo will give me hell for this’. She was respected and feared throughout the Palace; even HM’s Private Secretaries knew that Bobo had The Queen’s absolute confidence. Thanks to Bobo, Betty and Angela: Clothes maketh the Ma’am.
A post shared by Mark McGinness Writes (@markmcginnesswrites) on Jan 19, 2019 at 5:11pm PST
Η σχέση των δύο γυναικώνΗ Άντζελα Κέλι, σύμφωνα με το ΑΠΕ – ΜΠΕ, έχει μιλήσει παλαιότερα για τη σχέση της με τη βασίλισσα, αλλά αρκετά αόριστα. «Νομίζω ότι η βασίλισσα εκτιμά τη γνώμη μου, αλλά είναι εκείνη που έχει τον έλεγχο, παίρνει πάντα την τελική απόφαση» δήλωσε στην Telegraph το 2007.
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VOCÊ SABIA? Muita gente me pede pra falar sobre o estilo da #rainhaElizabeth. Na verdade poucas pessoas no mundo criaram um estilo tão próprio e marcante quanto ela, o que já lhe rendeu da Vanity Fair o título de uma das Mulheres Mais Bem Vestidas do Mundo em todos os tempos. Desde 1993 a estilista pessoas da rainha é #AngelaKelly, que baseada numa conversa prévia desenha quatro esboços para cada tipo de tecido, apresenta à rainha, ela escolhe e então a roupa começa a ser confeccionada. As cores fortes, chamativas e quase sempre monocráticas sao propositais, para que Elizabeth não passe despercebida e seja reconhecida de longe. A rainha não usa nada sintético e os tecidos preferidos são a seda pura, o chiffon e a organza, por serem os que acha mais confortáveis. Pequenos pesos as vezes são colocados nas barras dos vestidos para evitar que levantem com o vento e a manga 3/4 é outra marca registrada para facilitar o aceno aos súditos. A icônica #bolsa da rainha é da grife britânica especializada em bolsas de luxo #Launer, custam entre R$4 e 8mil e ela tem mais de 200 exemplares no seu closet, variando a cor e o tipo de couro, mas todas com a alça um pouco mais alongada do que o normal, para que possa pendurar no braço e cumprimentar as pessoas confortavelmente. Os #sapatos são feitos sob medida pela house Anello&Davide, possuem um salto de 5cm e uma funcionária antiga do palácio calça os #sapatos novos durante algumas semanas para amacia-los. #CorneliaJames é a empresa que faz as luvas e #RegelMorgan os chapéus, sempre de acordo com o vestido e com aba curta, para que o rosto da soberana apareça. A “cereja do bolo” é o colar de três voltas de pérolas com brincos de #southseas (as maiores e mais valiosas pérolas que existem), além de um broche, que ela escolhe da sua coleção com mais de 500 opções. Em dias de chuva ou sol muito forte, um guarda-chuva acompanha o look, transparente e com borda no tom da roupa. Ah! Na bolsa ela leva uma nota de 5libras, um batom, um celular e um pequeno espelho. Nunca leva documentos, simplesmente porque não possui. Sim, ela não tem carteira de motorista, passaporte, nem mesmo carteira de identidade. Coisas de rainha!
A post shared by Francisco Campelo (@colunadocampellooficial) on Mar 29, 2019 at 6:53pm PDT
«Είμαστε δύο τυπικές γυναίκες, συζητάμε για ρούχα, μακιγιάζ, κοσμήματα και λέμε:« Θα ταιριάζει αυτό το κόσμημα με αυτό το ρούχο;» και τέτοια πράγματα» σημείωσε.
Στο νέο της βιβλίο όμως θα περιλαμβάνονται φωτογραφίες που δεν έχουν δημοσιευθεί μέχρι τώρα, καθώς και «γοητευτικά ανέκδοτα» για τη βασίλισσα, απαραίτητα για όσους ενδιαφέρονται για τη Βρετανίδα μονάρχη ή για τις ενδυματολογικές της επιλογές.
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RAINHA ELIZABETH! Muita gente me manda Directs pedindo pra falar sobre o estilo da #rainhaElizabeth. Na verdade poucas pessoas no mundo criaram um estilo tão próprio e marcante quanto ela, o que já lhe rendeu da Vanity Fair o título de uma das “Mulheres Mais Bem Vestidas do Mundo" em todos os tempos. Desde 1993 a estilista dela é #AngelaKelly, que baseada numa conversa prévia desenha quatro esboços para cada tipo de tecido, apresenta à #rainha, ela escolhe e então a roupa começa a ser confeccionada. As cores fortes, chamativas e quase sempre monocráticas são propositais, para que não passe despercebida e seja reconhecida de longe. Ela não usa tecidos sintético e os preferidos são seda pura, chiffon e organza, por serem os que acha mais confortáveis. Pequenos pesos as vezes são colocados nas barras dos #vestidos para evitar que levantem com o vento e a manga 3/4 é outra marca registrada para facilitar o aceno aos súditos. A icônica #bolsa da rainha é da grife britânica de luxo #Launer, custam entre R$4 e 8mil e ela tem mais de 200 exemplares no seu closet, variando a cor e o tipo de couro, mas todas com a alça um pouco mais alongada do que o normal, para que possa pendurar no braço e cumprimentar as pessoas confortavelmente. Os #sapatos são feitos sob medida pela Anello&Davide, possuem um salto de 5cm e uma funcionária antiga do palácio calça os sapatos novos durante algumas semanas para amaciá-los. #CorneliaJames é a empresa que faz as luvas e #RegelMorgan os chapéus, de acordo com o vestido e sempre com aba curta, para que o rosto da soberana apareça. A “cereja do bolo” é o colar de três voltas de #pérolas com #brincos de #southseas (as maiores e mais valiosas pérolas que existem), além de um broche, que ela escolhe da sua coleção com mais de 500 opções. Em dias de chuva ou sol muito forte, um guarda-chuva acompanha o look, transparente e com borda no tom da roupa. Na bolsa ela leva uma nota de £5, um batom, um celular e um pequeno espelho. Nunca leva documentos, simplesmente porque não possui. Sim, ela não tem carteira de motorista, passaporte, nem mesmo carteira de identidade. Coisas de rainha!
A post shared by Francisco Campelo (@colunadocampellooficial) on Jun 30, 2019 at 3:28pm PDT
«Είμαστε εξαιρετικά υπερήφανοι που είμαστε οι εκδότες του όμορφου βιβλίου της Άντζελα Κέλι. Αυτό το πρότζεκτ ήταν ένα έργο αγάπης για ολόκληρη ομάδα ανθρώπων στον HarperCollins. Η Άντζελα είναι μια αξιοθαύμαστη γυναίκα και αυτό που θεωρώ ιδιαίτερα συναρπαστικό στη συνεργασία της με τη βασίλισσα – κάτι που αποκαλύφθηκε κατά τη διάρκεια αυτής της διαδικασίας – είναι πόσα στοιχεία πρέπει να λάβει υπόψη η Άντζελα όταν σχεδιάζει για την Αυτού Μεγαλειότητα» ανέφερε στο περιοδικό Town and Country η εκτελεστική διευθύντρια του τμήματος HarperNonFiction, Κάτια Σίπστερ.
Το βιβλίο «The Other Side of the Coin: The Queen, the Dresser and the Wardrobe» θα κυκλοφορήσει στις 29 Οκτωβρίου.
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So proud of @agenthighheels for what promises to be the book of the year! So happy to share in the big launch moment.. . . . #angelakelly #queenelizabeth #harpercollins #royalfamily #booklaunch
A post shared by Michael Atmore (@michael_atmore) on Sep 24, 2019 at 6:17am PDT
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