Απίστευτα φωτορεαλιστικά πορτρέτα από τον Dylan Eakin
Ο φωτορεαλισμός μας έχει χαρίσει μέχρι σήμερα, μερικά από τα πιο εντυπωσιακά πορτρέτα. Τα πορτρέτα, όμως, του αμερικανού καλλιτέχνη Dylan Eakin είναι ίσως από τα εντυπωσιακότερα που έχουμε δει, αν αναλογιστούμε ότι έχουν όλα φτιαχτεί εξ’ ολοκλήρου με τα απλά και ταπεινά υλικά, όπως είναι το κάρβουνο και το μολύβι.
Χωρίς να χρησιμοποιεί φανταχτερά χρώματα, λάδια ή ακριβά υλικά ο Dylan Eakin με όπλο το ταλέντο του και άπειρη υπομονή δημιουργεί ασπρόμαυρα φωτορεαλιστικά πορτρέτα, που δύσκολα αφήνουν κάποιον ασυγκίνητο.
Το εγχείρημα του Dylan Eakin,
Ο Dylan Eakin αποφοίτησε από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Ozarks στο Clarksville του Αρκάνσας το 2013 με πτυχίο επικεντρωμένο στη γλυπτική τέχνη. Ξεκίνησε να ασχολείται με τον φωτορεαλισμό το 2016 καθώς ήταν φθηνότερο από το να επιδιώκει μια καριέρα στην εικαστική κεραμική.
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Alright, so I took a bit of a longer break than I expected, but back at it now. I really like this piece, so I hope nothing catastrophic happens. See you in a while! (And a lot of people always ask about supplies, is it weird if I just list them on every post?) General's compressed charcoal, Ritmo charcoal pencils, and an Uni Posca paint pen on Strathmore smooth bristol. . . . #gallery #artoftheday #paint #art_toinspire #sketch_dailydose #art_dailydose #portrait #art_realism_ #worldofpencils #creative_uprising #creative #artwork #drawings #artist #art #charcoaldrawing #charcoal #art_insanely #realism #pencilportrait #duende_arts_help #create #art_spotlight #loveart #photorealism #photography #artgallery #fineart
A post shared by Dylan Eakin (@drawings.by.dylan) on Nov 26, 2018 at 7:58am PST
Όπως ο ίδιος αναφέρει μιλώντας για τα εντυπωσιακά πορτρέτα που δημιουργεί:
«Ξεκίνησα να ασχολούμαι μόνος μου με τον φωτορεαλισμό το 2016. Ήταν ένα μεγάλο και δύσκολο ταξίδι, αλλά τελικά βρίσκομαι σήμερα σε ένα επίπεδο που μπορώ να αισθάνομαι πραγματικά περήφανος για το έργο μου. Το κάρβουνο είναι το κύριο μέσο που χρησιμοποιώ, ενώ το μολύβι με βοηθά στις μικρότερες λεπτομέρειες. Συχνά, θα χρησιμοποιήσω μικρές ποσότητες λευκού χρώματος για δώσω φως στα σημεία που χρειάζεται».
Through the Vanity, 2019 View this post on Instagram
Through the Vanity Charcoal, Graphite, and Acrylic 18×24" One of my favorite pieces. The cigarette's a little long. Big thanks to @incredibleholcomb for modeling. Done with General's compressed charcoal, Ritmo charcoal pencils, Tombow graphite, and an Uni Posca paint pen on Strathmore smooth bristol. . . . #gallery #artoftheday #paint #art_toinspire #sketch_dailydose #art_dailydose #portrait #art #charcoaldrawing #charcoal #art_insanely #realism #pencilportrait #duende_arts_help #create #art_spotlight #loveart #photorealism #photography #artgallery #art_realism_ #drawing #drawings #graphite #pencildrawing
A post shared by Dylan Eakin (@drawings.by.dylan) on May 6, 2019 at 7:02am PDT
Through the Vanity II, 2019 View this post on Instagram
This might be my favorite drawing so far. But I'm kinda biased towards the process, the dense, in-focus textures are the most fun and relaxing to work on. I'm happy to say it's finally done, and thanks so frikkin much to @lux.lucet.tenebris for modeling. And if anyone's counting, this one clocked at 185 hours. New project starts next week! . . Through the Vanity II, 2019 Charcoal and Graphite 18×24" . . . #art #arts_gate #art_supernova #artistic_unity_ #artist #pencil #illustration #drawing #sketch #artistic_nation #spotlightonartists #wip #worldofpencils2017 #instaart #artofdrawingg #drawinganatomyandart #artistic_dome #young_artists_help #art_worldly #art_spotlight #draw #duende_arts_help #artfido #art_realism_ #artistuniversity #sharingart #illustratenow
A post shared by Dylan Eakin (@drawings.by.dylan) on Aug 23, 2019 at 7:00am PDT
One Hundred Little Prayers, 2019 View this post on Instagram
This drawing was a fun one. It had just enough shifting elements to keep me engaged the whole time. It really just turned into hair week, face week, and jewelry week. "One Hundred Little Prayers" done in charcoal and graphite on 18×24" paper. Also I'll be travelling, so I won't get started on another piece for about a month. Apologies in advance for all the reposts you're gonna see. Til then! . . . #gallery #artoftheday #paint #portrait #art #charcoaldrawing #charcoal #realism #create #loveart #photorealism #drawing #graphite #pencildrawing #drawings
A post shared by Dylan Eakin (@drawings.by.dylan) on Sep 27, 2019 at 11:00am PDT
We Thought She Was Dancing, 2019 View this post on Instagram
We Thought She Was Dancing Charcoal and Graphite 18×24" This was my most difficult piece, but I'm so happy to call it done. Huge thanks to @laurenhlubny for modeling, and who's been such a help to my art through the years. And if your feed feels like it's missing something, it's cuz you're not following her. I'm gonna take a solid couple of days away from the desk, but the next piece is shaping up to be pretty exciting, and I can't wait to get started. Til then! . . . #gallery #artoftheday #paint #portrait #art #charcoaldrawing #charcoal #charcoalpencils #realism #create #loveart #photorealism #drawing #graphite #pencildrawing #drawings
A post shared by Dylan Eakin (@drawings.by.dylan) on Jul 4, 2019 at 7:01am PDT
Sequences of Fantasy Violence, Frightening Images, and Brief Mild Language, 2019 View this post on Instagram
"Sequences of Fantasy Violence, Frightening Images, and Brief Mild Language" 2019 Charcoal, Graphite, and Acrylic 24×18" 150 hours, done with General's compressed charcoal, Tombow graphite, Ritmo charcoal pencils, and an Uni Posca acrylic pen on Strathmore smooth bristol. . . . #gallery #artoftheday #paint #tombowusa #sketch_dailydose #art_dailydose #portrait #art #charcoaldrawing #charcoal #art_insanely #realism #pencilportrait #duende_arts_help #create #art_spotlight #loveart #photorealism #photography #canon #art_realism_ #drawing #strathmore #graphite #pencildrawing
A post shared by Dylan Eakin (@drawings.by.dylan) on Mar 4, 2019 at 7:18am PST
Commission for Sandi, 2019 View this post on Instagram
Commission for Sandi, 2019 Charcoal and Graphite 9×12" Done with General's compressed charcoal, Ritmo charcoal pencils, and Tombow graphite on Strathmore smooth bristol. . . . #gallery #artoftheday #paint #art_toinspire #sketch_dailydose #art_dailydose #portrait #art #charcoaldrawing #charcoal #art_insanely #realism #pencilportrait #duende_arts_help #create #art_spotlight #loveart #photorealism #photography #artgallery #art_realism_ #drawing #drawings #graphite #pencildrawing
A post shared by Dylan Eakin (@drawings.by.dylan) on Feb 5, 2019 at 8:20am PST
Portrait in Precipitate, 2018 View this post on Instagram
I'm very happy to announce that my drawing "Portrait in Precipitate" was chosen as the figurative art winner in Artzine's Art Prize 2018. There were some really, really incredible submissions, so I'm still waiting for them to say it was a mistake. To celebrate I'm gonna go find a tomato and take pictures of it. . . . #gallery #artoftheday #paint #art_toinspire #sketch_dailydose #art_dailydose #portrait #art_realism_ #worldofpencils #creative_uprising #creative #artwork #drawings #artist #art #charcoaldrawing #charcoal #art_insanely #realism #pencilportrait #duende_arts_help #create #art_spotlight #loveart #photorealism #photography #artgallery #fineart
A post shared by Dylan Eakin (@drawings.by.dylan) on Oct 2, 2018 at 8:00am PDT
Portrait in Precipitate II, 2019 View this post on Instagram
Portrait in Precipitate II, 2019 Charcoal, Graphite, and Acrylic 18×24" First drawing of the year and I'm relatively happy with it, but I'm ready for the next thing. Gonna shoot for something softer and lighter for my next portrait. Done with General's compressed charcoal, Ritmo charcoal pencils, Tombow graphite, and an Uni Posca paint pen on Strathmore smooth bristol. . . . #gallery #artoftheday #paint #art_toinspire #sketch_dailydose #art_dailydose #portrait #art #charcoaldrawing #charcoal #art_insanely #realism #pencilportrait #duende_arts_help #create #art_spotlight #loveart #photorealism #photography #artgallery #art_realism_ #drawing #drawings #graphite #pencildrawing
A post shared by Dylan Eakin (@drawings.by.dylan) on Jan 21, 2019 at 7:28am PST
Don’t Bury Me On Hart Island, 2018 View this post on Instagram
Don't Bury Me On Hart Island, 2018 Charcoal, Graphite, and Acrylic 9×12" Huge thanks to my sister @hannaheeakin for modeling. I'm pretty happy to cap 2018 off with this one, and I kinda can't wait for next year's projects. I won't get too mushy but I want to thank everyone out there for their awesome support, it's been a pretty wild time. Good luck with your drawings, and Happy New Year! . . . #gallery #artoftheday #paint #art_toinspire #sketch_dailydose #art_dailydose #portrait #art_realism_ #worldofpencils #creative_uprising #creative #artwork #drawings #artist #art #charcoaldrawing #charcoal #art_insanely #realism #pencilportrait #duende_arts_help #create #art_spotlight #loveart #photorealism #photography #artgallery #fineart
A post shared by Dylan Eakin (@drawings.by.dylan) on Dec 31, 2018 at 4:20pm PST
Grandportrait, 2018 View this post on Instagram
Grandportrait, 2018 Charcoal, Graphite, and Acrylic 9×12" Looks like this is the last drawing of the year (actually that's probably not true) and it feels like we're ending on a high note. Happy holidays everyone! . . . #gallery #artoftheday #paint #art_toinspire #sketch_dailydose #art_dailydose #portrait #art_realism_ #worldofpencils #creative_uprising #creative #artwork #drawings #artist #art #charcoaldrawing #charcoal #art_insanely #realism #pencilportrait #duende_arts_help #create #art_spotlight #loveart #photorealism #photography #artgallery #fineart
A post shared by Dylan Eakin (@drawings.by.dylan) on Dec 21, 2018 at 3:35pm PST
We Won’t Remember Us, 2018 View this post on Instagram
We Won't Remember Us, 2018 Charcoal, Graphite, and Acrylic 18×24" And a huge thanks to @sashaliane for modeling. I'm not sure what I'm drawing next, but idk, expect a fruit or something. See you soon! This was done with General's compressed charcoal, Ritmo charcoal pencils, Tombow graphite pencils, and an Uni Posca paint pen on Strathmore smooth bristol. . . . #gallery #artoftheday #paint #art_toinspire #sketch_dailydose #art_dailydose #portrait #art_realism_ #worldofpencils #creative_uprising #creative #artwork #drawings #artist #art #charcoaldrawing #charcoal #art_insanely #realism #pencilportrait #duende_arts_help #create #art_spotlight #loveart #photorealism #photography #artgallery #fineart
A post shared by Dylan Eakin (@drawings.by.dylan) on Dec 5, 2018 at 7:42am PST
Gutter Dog Stay Down, 2018 View this post on Instagram
Gutter Dog Stay Down, 2018 Charcoal, Graphite, and Acrylic 24×18" This piece was pretty breezy and fun, but it also represents a significant milestone in my own photorealism. The swollen eye and the surrounding tissue weren't included in the reference. I knew putting it in it would make the piece feel more complete to me, so for the first time I had to augment part of an image entirely from my head (plus doing a bit of research). So I really hope that eye looks like it belongs there. Anyways. Can't wait to take it easy for the next couple days, and the next piece begins soon! . . . #gallery #artoftheday #paint #art_toinspire #sketch_dailydose #art_dailydose #portrait #art_realism_ #worldofpencils #creative_uprising #creative #artwork #drawings #artist #art #charcoaldrawing #charcoal #art_insanely #realism #pencilportrait #duende_arts_help #create #art_spotlight #loveart #photorealism #photography #portraiture #artgallery #fineart
A post shared by Dylan Eakin (@drawings.by.dylan) on Oct 1, 2018 at 11:16am PDT
Varmint, 2018 View this post on Instagram
Varmint, 2018 Charcoal, Graphite, and Acrylic 24×18" . . . #gallery #artoftheday #paint #art_toinspire #sketch_dailydose #art_dailydose #selfportrait #art_realism_ #worldofpencils #creative_uprising #creative #artwork #drawings #artist #art #charcoaldrawing #charcoal #art_insanely #realism #pencilportrait #duende_arts_help #create #art_spotlight #loveart #photorealism #photography #portraiture #artgallery #fineart
A post shared by Dylan Eakin (@drawings.by.dylan) on Sep 18, 2018 at 7:38am PDT
Puncture, 2018 View this post on Instagram
Puncture, 2018 Charcoal, Graphite, and Acrylic 18×24" . . . #creative_uprising #artoftheday #gallery #friends #instaart #instaartist #creative #artwork #shadow #drawings #artist #art #charcoaldrawing #charcoal #portraitdrawing #realism #pencilportrait #hands #artistoninstagram #create #loveart #hyperrealism #pencil #photography #portraiture #artgallery #fineart #myart #inspiration
A post shared by Dylan Eakin (@drawings.by.dylan) on Jun 23, 2018 at 8:46pm PDT
Exstasis I, 2018 View this post on Instagram
Exstasis I, 2018 18×24" Charcoal, Graphite, and Acrylic Broke my time-investment record with 21 days on this piece (not including that dang oyster drawing, but that was a different story). I think I'm finally getting comfortable with the quality. Til next time! . . . #creative_uprising #gallery #model #instaart #instaartist #creative #artwork #shadow #drawings #artist #art #charcoaldrawing #charcoal #portraitdrawing #realism #pencilportrait #arte #artistoninstagram #create #loveart #photorealism #pencil #monochrome #photography #portrait #artgallery #fineart #myart #inspiration
A post shared by Dylan Eakin (@drawings.by.dylan) on Apr 7, 2018 at 6:07pm PDT
Self Portrait, 2018 View this post on Instagram
Self Portrait, 2018 Charcoal, Graphite, and Acrylic 18×24" . . . #creative_uprising #gallery #selfportrait #instaart #instaartist #creative #artwork #shadow #drawings #artist #art #charcoaldrawing #charcoal #portraitdrawing #realism #pencilportrait #arte #artistoninstagram #create #loveart #hyperrealism #pencil #monochrome #photography #portraiture #artgallery #fineart #myart #inspiration
A post shared by Dylan Eakin (@drawings.by.dylan) on Mar 14, 2018 at 2:24pm PDT
Stasis v1.3, 2018 View this post on Instagram
Stasis v1.3, 2018 Charcoal, Graphite, and Acrylic 18×24" . . . #artoftheday #gallery #friends #instaart #instaartist #creative #artwork #shadow #drawings #artist #art #charcoaldrawing #charcoal #portraitdrawing #realism #pencilportrait #arte #artistoninstagram #create #loveart #hyperrealism #pencil #monochrome #photography #portraiture #artgallery #fineart #myart #inspiration @art
A post shared by Dylan Eakin (@drawings.by.dylan) on Feb 17, 2018 at 7:24pm PST
Fomopan 400,2018 View this post on Instagram
Fomopan 400 Charcoal on Lanaquarelle Paper 22×30" . . . #creative_uprising #gallery #model #instaart #instaartist #creative #artwork #shadow #drawings #artist #art #charcoaldrawing #charcoal #portraitdrawing #realism #pencilportrait #arte #artistoninstagram #create #loveart #photorealism #pencil #monochrome #photography #portrait #artgallery #fineart #myart #inspiration #film
A post shared by Dylan Eakin (@drawings.by.dylan) on May 11, 2018 at 6:43pm PDT
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