Ένας πατέρας «ζωντανεύει» τις παιδικές ζωγραφιές των παιδιών του
Έχετε ποτέ αναρωτηθεί πως θα έμοιαζε ο κόσμος αν οι ζωγραφιές των παιδιών έπαιρναν «σάρκα και οστά»;
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. اگر نقاشی های کودکان واقعیت داشت اینجوری میشد کدومش جالب تر بود؟ . . . پست های قبلی رو هم حتما ببینید . . . #بخندیم #کمیک #کمیک_فارسی #کمیک_خنده_دار #عکس #خنده #کامیک #کامیک_فارسی #طنز #جوک #کارتون #کاریکاتور #بمب_خنده #ایران #جالب #عشق #بامزه #تبلیغات #خوشگل #بانمک #طراحی #زیبا #باحال#سرگرمی #کمیک_دونی #کمیک_استریپ #comic #comicfarsi #comic_farsi #comic_doni
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Μην αναρωτιέσαι άλλο! Ο λογαριασμός στο Instagram “Things I Have Drawn”, (Τα πράγματα που έχω ζωγραφίσει) κάνει ακριβώς αυτό – και τα αποτελέσματα είναι εκπληκτικά! View this post on Instagram
“What on earth have they done to me, Mummy? There's a gap in my legs – it should be my tummy!” ___ Brilliant drawing by Martha here. (Sorry if we got the belly a bit wrong.) ___ #thingsihavedrawn #penguin #babypenguin #kidsdrawings
A post shared by Things I have drawn (@thingsihavedrawn) on Feb 2, 2020 at 8:41am PST
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A couple of pics from our trip to Milan. A cat and a car (or is it a van?) ___ Hi everyone. If you’ve been following us for a while, you might notice these have been ‘recycled’ from previous posts. I’m working on a new animal and it’s not quite finished yet, so I thought I’d share these instead. (It was a great trip to Italy by the way.) ___ #thingsihavedrawn
A post shared by Things I have drawn (@thingsihavedrawn) on Feb 9, 2020 at 8:35am PST
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We just saw this woodpecker up in a tree (It's looking pretty normal to me.) ___ Hi everyone. Today we’ve been doing the #BigGardenBirdWatch for @rspb_love_nature. I’ll be honest – this isn’t really the woodpecker we saw. The one we saw had two legs. And looked like a sparrow. Actually, I think it was a sparrow.
A post shared by Things I have drawn (@thingsihavedrawn) on Jan 26, 2020 at 8:40am PST
Οι ζωγραφιές αποδεικνύουν πως η φαντασία των παιδιών δεν έχει όρια και μπορεί σε μερικές εικόνες να γελάμε με αυτά τα θεαματικά αστεία και ελαφρώς ενοχλητικά φανταστικά ζώα, αλλά οφείλουμε ένα τεράστιο συγχαρητήρια για τον μπαμπά, Tom, ο οποίος έχει κάποιες σοβαρές τεχνικές photoshop και 3D!
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Toucan, play that game. __ Cool drawing by Seb, aged 8. Massive thanks, everyone, for the huge number of drawings you’ve DMed us over the past couple of weeks. Sorry we’ve not been able to respond to you all. At least we’ve got hundreds of animals and objects to choose from for the next…err…few years. ___ #thingsihavedrawn #toucan (Thanks to Mike from @asbrewco for sending Seb’s pic)
A post shared by Things I have drawn (@thingsihavedrawn) on Dec 8, 2019 at 8:45am PST
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I know you might think that I’m probably bluffing. Well I’m not, because this is most certainly a puffin. ___ Hi everyone. Tom here. I often get comments from people on Insta asking what I’ll do when Dom and Al get too good at drawing. Well, here’s the answer. Everyone’s good at drawing! This is a brilliant puffin by Byron, who lives in our village. ___ #thingsihavedrawn #puffin #kidsdrawings
A post shared by Things I have drawn (@thingsihavedrawn) on Oct 27, 2019 at 10:48am PDT
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DRAW. NOT WAR! ___ Hi everyone. Tom here. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised when Dom and Al started drawing aeroplanes dropping bombs, spaceships firing laser beams and army tanks causing mayhem and destruction. They wouldn’t draw funny, smiley animals forever. I don’t think Dom really expected (or wanted) me to colour this particular creation pink, decorate it with flowers and a rainbow, and turn it into a supersonic bubble machine though. Draw, Dom. Not war! I tell you what though. This one’s taken me absolutely ages, as most vehicles do – and especially ones this detailed. I started it about 3 weeks ago (although have admittedly been on holiday for 2 weeks of that). Vehicles also don’t tend to get as many likes and comments as happy animals, but it’s important, I think, that we mix things up a bit. Hope you agree. ___ #thingsihavedrawn #bubblemachine #drawnotwar #ps_scifi
A post shared by Things I have drawn (@thingsihavedrawn) on Aug 24, 2019 at 9:07am PDT
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Here’s what you’ve all been waiting for… It’s Mia – a Chocolate Labrador! ___ Hi everyone. Tom here, the boys’ dad. So this weekend, Instagram’s Weekend Hashtag Project is #whpunexpected. If you’ve been following us for a while, you might not be especially surprised to see this photo of our friend’s pet dog looking very much like the drawing we posted yesterday. But imagine if you’d not come across Things I Have Drawn before and you met this rather unusual looking dog in the street. Err – where’s her nose?! ___ #thingsihavedrawn #kidsdrawing #chocolatelabrador
A post shared by Things I have drawn (@thingsihavedrawn) on Jan 6, 2019 at 8:33am PST
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