Εντυπωσιακά λουλούδια φτιαγμένα από χαρτί
Με έδρα του τη Νέα Υόρκη, ο καλλιτέχνης Σούραμπχ Γκούπτα (Sourabh Gupta) δημιουργεί περίτεχνες ανθοσυνθέσεις που αν και μοιάζουν αληθινές και μπορούν να ξεγελάσουν τον καθένα, δεν είναι.
Στο στούντιό του στο Χάρλεμ, ο Γκούπτα, με μεγεθυντικό φακό και τσιμπιδάκι, κατασκευάζει περίτεχνες απομιμήσεις λουλουδιών από χαρτί: μαργαρίτες, τριαντάφυλλα, αλθαίες.
Ο Γκούπτα γεννήθηκε στην Ινδία, όπου σπούδασε αρχιτεκτονική. Υποτροφία από το Parsons School of Design
The smallest and the happiest place… ~ The place of making ~ Gerrit Thomas Rietveld’s , red and blue chair – in the making. The next step is intended to explore what is about the chair that inspired me and what can further be subtracted or added as the design was already intended to bring it to the basics. #wood #redandblue #redandbluechair #making #learningbymaking #makingtolearn #makingandbreakingrules #Himachal #handtools #carpentry #woodandscrews #curiosity #exploration #experiments #handmade #handcrafted #papercliffstudios
A post shared by Design (@sourabh_gupta_design) on Apr 15, 2018 at 6:08am PDT
«Παιδί, ζούσα σε σπίτι με ένα δωμάτιο, χωρίς παράθυρο» θυμάται. «Θέλησα να το κάνω «σπίτι» διακοσμώντας το με ό,τι έβρισκα, από καπάκια βερνικιού παπουτσιών, συρματόπλεγμα, λάστιχα αυτοκινήτων, χαρτί κλπ. Από αυτό γεννήθηκε η προσέγγιση «τα πάντα είναι αρκετό»» δηλώνει ο ίδιος.
«Εξέλιξα την ικανότητα να βλέπω το δυναμικό κάθε υλικού και να βλέπω πώς μπορώ να το μετασχηματίσω σε κάτι μεγαλύτερο από τα μέρη που το αποτελούσαν. Τα αρχικά εργαλεία μου ήταν πιρούνια, φτιαγμένα από συρματόπλεγμα. Σπόροι λουλουδιών που έβρισκα στο χώμα ήταν οι βαφές μου, τα πινέλα μου ήταν από κλαδιά μίσβακ (τοπικό δέντρο της πατρίδας του) και ο παππούς μου μού έμαθε πώς να τα χρησιμοποιώ», εξηγεί.
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Paper Flowers ~handcrafted~ Happy Place – Work Desk when I get to meditate making simple things. More coming soon. #paper #dsfloral #alittlebeautyeveryday #makersvillage #botanic #paperflowers #florallife #antiques #maximlism #onmytable #imadethis #craftsposure #ccseasonal #elledecor #betterhomesandgardens #floweraddict #aquietstyle #thatauthenticfeeling #petalperfection #flashofdelight #acolorstory #plantsmakepeoplehappy #floralstories #botanicalart #botanicalgarden #vintagehome #tempuradesign #forflowerlovers
A post shared by Design (@sourabh_gupta_design) on Feb 7, 2019 at 1:45pm PST
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Making Paper Flowers-sally Holmes / Austin Roses Climbing roses paper flowers ~Handcrafted~ #paper #dsfloral #alittlebeautyeveryday #makersvillage #botanic #paperflowers #florallife #antiques #maximlism #onmytable #imadethis #craftsposure #ccseasonal #elledecor #betterhomesandgardens #floweraddict #aquietstyle #thatauthenticfeeling #petalperfection #flashofdelight #acolorstory #plantsmakepeoplehappy #floralstories #botanicalart #botanicalgarden #vintagehome #tempuradesign #forflowerlovers
A post shared by Design (@sourabh_gupta_design) on Feb 4, 2019 at 8:58pm PST
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Making Paper Flowers-sally Holmes / Austin Roses Climbing roses paper flowers ~Handcrafted~ #paper #dsfloral #alittlebeautyeveryday #makersvillage #botanic #paperflowers #florallife #antiques #maximlism #onmytable #imadethis #craftsposure #ccseasonal #elledecor #betterhomesandgardens #floweraddict #aquietstyle #thatauthenticfeeling #petalperfection #flashofdelight #acolorstory #plantsmakepeoplehappy #floralstories #botanicalart #botanicalgarden #vintagehome #tempuradesign #forflowerlovers
A post shared by Design (@sourabh_gupta_design) on Feb 19, 2019 at 7:34pm PST
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Handmade Paper Blue Harebell Here’s the Paper Blue Harebell Flower and Plant that I made out of paper. This piece was done for the exhibition at Bolton Historical Museum at Lake George, Adirondacks. The process involves extensive study of botanical drawings and colors and fun research. The piece is made entirely out of paper to keep as a specimen for studies. Paper New York Aster in progress. Keep Tuned and Watch the coming stories… Thank you @Boltanhistoricalmuseum #boltonhistoricalmuseum #sourabhguptadesign #paperflowers #thatauthenticfeeling#createeveryday #createinsummer#craftsposure #creativeliving#sodomino #acolorstory #colorlove#wearethemakers#alittlebeautyeveryday #handmade #handcrafted #elledecor#paperflowers #paperbotanicalstudies #postitfortheaesthetic#flashesofdelight #antiques #blueharebell #beautifulmatters#aquietstyle #ilovecolor #imadethis#psimadethis #flowerlovers#botanicalart #apartmenttherapy#flowersandotherstories
A post shared by Design (@sourabh_gupta_design) on Aug 18, 2019 at 4:46pm PDT
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Handmade Paper Blue Harebell Here’s the Paper Blue Harebell Flower and Plant that I made out of paper. This piece was done for the exhibition at Bolton Historical Museum at Lake George, Adirondacks. The process involves extensive study of botanical drawings and colors and fun research. The piece is made entirely out of paper to keep as a specimen for studies. Paper New York Aster in progress. Keep Tuned and Watch the coming stories… Thank you @Boltanhistoricalmuseum #boltonhistoricalmuseum #sourabhguptadesign #paperflowers #thatauthenticfeeling#createeveryday #createinsummer#craftsposure #creativeliving#sodomino #acolorstory #colorlove#wearethemakers#alittlebeautyeveryday #handmade #handcrafted #elledecor#paperflowers #paperbotanicalstudies #postitfortheaesthetic#flashesofdelight #antiques #blueharebell #beautifulmatters#aquietstyle #ilovecolor #imadethis#psimadethis #flowerlovers#botanicalart #apartmenttherapy#flowersandotherstories
A post shared by Design (@sourabh_gupta_design) on Aug 18, 2019 at 8:07am PDT
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Paper Handmade Wild Rose Plant Here’s the Wild Carolina Rose that I made out of paper. This piece was done for the exhibition at Bolton Historical Museum at Lake George, Adirondacks. The process involves extensive study of botanical drawings and colors and fun research. The piece is made entirely out of paper to keep as a specimen for studies. Paper hawkweeds in progress. Watch the coming stories… Thank you @Boltanhistoricalmuseum #boltonhistoricalmuseum #sourabhguptadesign #paperflowers #thatauthenticfeeling#createeveryday #createinsummer#craftsposure #creativeliving#sodomino #acolorstory #colorlove#wearethemakers#alittlebeautyeveryday #handmade #handcrafted #elledecor#paperflowers #paperbotanicalstudies #postitfortheaesthetic#flashesofdelight #antiques #beautifulmatters#aquietstyle #ilovecolor #imadethis#psimadethis #flowerlovers#botanicalart #apartmenttherapy#flowersandotherstories
A post shared by Design (@sourabh_gupta_design) on Aug 17, 2019 at 5:57pm PDT
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Handmade Paper Blue Harebell Here’s the Paper Blue Harebell Flower and Plant that I made out of paper. This piece was done for the exhibition at Bolton Historical Museum at Lake George, Adirondacks. The process involves extensive study of botanical drawings and colors and fun research. The piece is made entirely out of paper to keep as a specimen for studies. Paper New York Aster in progress. Keep Tuned and Watch the coming stories… Thank you @Boltanhistoricalmuseum #boltonhistoricalmuseum and @earlestephen for the beautiful picture #sourabhguptadesign #paperflowers #thatauthenticfeeling#createeveryday #createinsummer#craftsposure #creativeliving#sodomino #acolorstory #colorlove#wearethemakers#alittlebeautyeveryday #handmade #handcrafted #elledecor#paperflowers #paperbotanicalstudies #postitfortheaesthetic#flashesofdelight #antiques #blueharebell #beautifulmatters#aquietstyle #ilovecolor #imadethis#psimadethis #flowerlovers#botanicalart #apartmenttherapy#flowersandotherstories
A post shared by Design (@sourabh_gupta_design) on Aug 18, 2019 at 11:01pm PDT
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Design (@sourabh_gupta_design) on Aug 23, 2019 at 2:51pm PDT
Τα λουλούδια του Γκούπτα στο κόκκινο χαλίΟι δημιουργίες του Γκούπτα τράβηξαν την προσοχή της σχεδιάστριας και ιδιοκτήτριας οίκου μόδας Tory Bursch (73η στη λίστα Forbes των πιο ισχυρών γυναικών του κόσμου, το 2015), η οποία του ζήτησε λουλούδια για την τουαλέτα που θα φορούσε η ίδια στο Met Gala. Μέσα σε τρεις ημέρες, ο Γκούπτα φιλοτέχνησε 320 χάρτινες μαργαρίτες.
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Design (@sourabh_gupta_design) on Aug 20, 2019 at 3:06pm PDT
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Design (@sourabh_gupta_design) on Aug 23, 2019 at 2:44pm PDT
Σε συνέντευξη που παραχώρησε στους Times της Νέας Υόρκης, ο Σούμπραχ Γκούπτα δήλωσε:
«Eκεί που μεγάλωσα, αν ήθελες κάτι έπρεπε να το φτιάξεις μόνος σου. Είναι τόσο βαθιά μέσα στο αίμα μας, που δεν βλέπουμε πουθενά αδιέξοδο. Όλη μου τη ζωή, έτσι δούλευα» ενώ ανακοίνωσε ότι αυτόν τον καιρό δουλεύει σε μια συλλογή φυτών που φύονται στην περιοχή της Νέας Υόρκης για ένα show στο Bolton Historical Museum.
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Paper Handmade Wild Rose Plant. Here’s the Wild Carolina Rose that I made out of paper. This piece was done for the exhibition at Bolton Historical Museum at Lake George, Adirondacks. The process involves extensive study of botanical drawings and colors and fun research. The piece is made entirely out of paper to keep as a specimen for studies. Paper hawkweeds in progress. Watch the coming stories… Thank you @earlestephen for the picture and at @Boltanhistoricalmuseum for the exhibition #boltonhistoricalmuseum #sourabhguptadesign #paperflowers #thatauthenticfeeling#createeveryday #createinsummer#craftsposure #creativeliving#sodomino #acolorstory #colorlove#wearethemakers#alittlebeautyeveryday #handmade #handcrafted #elledecor#paperflowers #paperbotanicalstudies #postitfortheaesthetic#flashesofdelight #antiques #beautifulmatters#aquietstyle #ilovecolor #imadethis#psimadethis #flowerlovers#botanicalart #apartmenttherapy#flowersandotherstories
A post shared by Design (@sourabh_gupta_design) on Aug 17, 2019 at 2:29pm PDT
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