Επιστροφή στη φύση από τον οίκο Gucci
Από τότε που ανέλαβε το τιμόνι του οίκου Gucci ο Αλεσάντρο Μικέλε στις διαφημιστικές καμπάνιες της εταιρείας πρωταγωνίστησαν ο Χάρις Στάιλς, η Λάνα Nτελ Ρέι και χαριτωμένα ζωάκια, όπως κοτόπουλα και γουρουνάκια.
Τα χαριτωμένα ζώα βρίσκονται στο επίκεντρο της νέας καμπάνιας του Gucci για την Pre-Fall συλλογή του οίκου για το 2020.Η φωτογράφιση έγινε στη νότια Ισπανία και το μήνυμα της διαφημιστικής εκστρατείας με τίτλο #SoDeerToMe, το θέμα του είναι
«Στον κόσμο ενός παιδιού, οποιοδήποτε κατοικίδιο ζώο -μία νυφίτσα, ένας βάτραχος ή μια κουκουβάγια- μπορεί να είναι ο καλύτερος φίλος».
Η ιδέα αποφασίστηκε τον Φεβρουάριο, προτού ο κοροναϊός φθάσει σε επίπεδα πανδημίας και η φωτογράφιση των ελαφιών, σκίουρων, κουνελιών και των άλλων ζώων και των μοντέλων έγινε από τον βρετανό φωτογράφο μόδας, Alasdair McLellan.
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Immersed in a natural landscape, the #GucciPreFall20 #SoDeerToMe campaign is a return to childhood. Discover more through link in bio. @alessandro_michele #AlessandroMichele
In February this year, Gucci partnered with The @lionssharefund, which raises funds to protect endangered species and their natural habitats. The House donates 0.5% of its media spend to The #LionsShare Fund every time an animal is featured in its advertisements.
A post shared by Gucci (@gucci) on Apr 30, 2020 at 8:45am PDT
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#SoDeerToMe. An ode to innocence, when as children we revelled in nature and life is the idea behind the new #GucciPreFall20 campaign shot by @alasdairmclellan with creative direction by @alessandro_michele and art direction by @christophersimmonds. Discover more through link in bio. #AlessandroMichele In February this year, Gucci partnered with The @lionssharefund, which raises funds to protect endangered species and their natural habitats. The House donates 0.5% of its media spend to The #LionsShare Fund every time an animal is featured in its advertisements.
A post shared by Gucci (@gucci) on Apr 28, 2020 at 3:36am PDT
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With its call to nature, the #GucciPreFall20 #SoDeerToMe campaign is ultimately an invitation to enjoy the simple things in life. Sometimes, it just takes very little, or a burst of imagination, to find some balance. Discover more through link in bio. @alessandro_michele #AlessandroMichele In February this year, Gucci partnered with The @lionssharefund, which raises funds to protect endangered species and their natural habitats. The House donates 0.5% of its media spend to The #LionsShare Fund every time an animal is featured in its advertisements.
A post shared by Gucci (@gucci) on Apr 30, 2020 at 3:54am PDT
Το αποτέλεσμα είναι ένας ύμνος στη φύση, ένας φόρος τιμής στον εναγκαλισμό και την προστασία της φύσης.Οι εικόνες παραμυθιού δείχνουν μια επιστροφή στην υπέροχη ύπαιθρο, με μοντέλα που αλληλεπιδρούν και περιβάλλονται από ζώα, ακόμη και καλύπτονται από αυτά, θυμίζοντας την ωραία Κοιμωμένη.
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In a child’s world, any pet can be a best friend. This is the premise for the new #GucciPreFall20 #SoDeerToMe campaign. Discover more through link in bio. @alessandro_michele #AlessandroMichele In February this year, Gucci partnered with The @lionssharefund, which raises funds to protect endangered species and their natural habitats. The House donates 0.5% of its media spend to The #LionsShare Fund every time an animal is featured in its advertisements.
A post shared by Gucci (@gucci) on Apr 28, 2020 at 2:24pm PDT
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An image from the #GucciPreFall20 #SoDeerToMe campaign inspired by childhood innocence, when as kids we rejoiced in nature. Discover more through link in bio. @alessandro_michele
In February this year, Gucci partnered with The @lionssharefund, which raises funds to protect endangered species and their natural habitats. The House donates 0.5% of its media spend to The #LionsShare Fund every time an animal is featured in its advertisements.
A post shared by Gucci (@gucci) on Apr 29, 2020 at 4:47am PDT
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Deers, fawns, owls, blue birds, skunks, squirrels, frogs, hedgehogs, ducks and rabbits are featured across the #GucciPreFall20 #SoDeerToMe campaign: spirit animals dialoguing with the subjects in ways that recall classic allegories and cartoons. Discover more through link in bio. @alessandro_michele #AlessandroMichele In February this year, Gucci partnered with The @lionssharefund, which raises funds to protect endangered species and their natural habitats. The House donates 0.5% of its media spend to The #LionsShare Fund every time an animal is featured in its advertisements.
A post shared by Gucci (@gucci) on Apr 29, 2020 at 3:22pm PDT
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Animals and a childlike imagination are recurring motifs of @alessandro_michele’s collections. These themes are conveyed in a series of portraiture vignettes depicting the beauty and the personalities of a group of men, women and their beloved animals for the new #GucciPreFall20 campaign, #SoDeerToMe. Discover more through link in bio #AlessandroMichele
In February this year, Gucci partnered with The @lionssharefund, which raises funds to protect endangered species and their natural habitats. The House donates 0.5% of its media spend to The #LionsShare Fund every time an animal is featured in its advertisements.
A post shared by Gucci (@gucci) on Apr 29, 2020 at 9:00am PDT
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Enjoying the simple things in life including nature and the love for animals is the message behind #SoDeerToMe, the #GucciPreFall20 campaign. Discover more through link in bio. @alessandro_michele #AlessandroMichele In February this year, Gucci partnered with The @lionssharefund, which raises funds to protect endangered species and their natural habitats. The House donates 0.5% of its media spend to The #LionsShare Fund every time an animal is featured in its advertisements.
A post shared by Gucci (@gucci) on Apr 30, 2020 at 11:25am PDT
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