Επιστροφή στο μέλλον της NASA μέσα από ένα φωτογραφικό άλμπουμ

18:54 30/7/2019 - Πηγή: In.gr

Επί εννιά ολόκληρα χρόνια ο Βρετανός φωτογράφος Μπένεντικτ Ρέντγκροουβ,  φωτογράφιζε στο αρχείο της NASA τεχνουργήματα τα οποία χρησιμοποιήθηκαν στις πέντε δεκαετίες του διαστημικού προγράμματος των ΗΠΑ.

Σήμερα, περισσότερες από 200 από αυτές τις φωτογραφίες θα κυκλοφορήσουν σε ένα φωτογραφικό άλμπουμ με τίτλο «NASA – Past and present dreams of the future», με αφορμή την 50η επέτειο από  τότε που οι Νιλ Άρμστρονγκ, Μπαζ Όλντριν και Μάικλ Κόλινς πάτησαν για πρώτη

φορά το πόδι τους στη Σελήνη.

«Ξέρω ότι οι πρώτες αναμνήσεις είναι κάτι υποκειμενικό, αλλά απ’ όσο μπορώ να θυμηθώ, η πρώτη μου ανάμνηση είναι να είμαι σε ένα καροτσάκι, σε ένα σκοτεινό δωμάτιο με τις κουρτίνες τραβηγμένες και να βλέπω μια μαυρόασπρη εικόνα με κόκκους ενός ανθρώπου που περπατούσε στη Σελήνη» εξομολογήθηκε ο Ρέντγκροουβ. «Γεννήθηκα τον Μάιο του 1969, οπότε αμφιβάλλω για το αν ήταν η πρώτη προσελήνωση, αλλά είναι η πιο παλιά μου ανάμνηση».

Αντικείμενα σύμβολα

Μιλώντας για τα τεχνουργήματα που φωτογράφιζε επί χρόνια – στολές αστροναυτών, μέρη διαστημοπλοίων, πολυάριθμα εργαλεία που χρησιμοποιούσαν οι αστροναύτες – ο Βρετανός φωτογράφος τονίζει ότι αυτά τα αντικείμενα κατέληξαν να συμβολίζουν το σπουδαιότερο ανθρώπινο επίτευγμα.

«Η διέγερση και ο θαυμασμός που γεννούν όλα αυτά τα αντικείμενα είναι κάτι που ελπίζω ότι θα μεταδώσω στον θεατή – την αίσθηση δέους και θαυμασμού, ευλάβειας και απόλυτης χαράς για τα σχέδια και τη μηχανουργική κατασκευή, την ιστορία και την ενέργεια που κάθε αντικείμενο μεταδίδει σ’ εμένα» σημειώνει ο ίδιος.

Ο Ρέντγκροουβ ελπίζει ότι αυτοί που θα δουν τις φωτογραφίες θα έχουν την ίδια συναισθηματική αντίδραση που έχει ο ίδιος βλέποντας αυτά τα αντικείμενα.

Το άλμπουμ «έχει να κάνει με το να δείξω τον συναισθηματικό αντίκτυπο αυτών των αντικειμένων. Θέλω να εξερευνήσω την αντίδρασή μας σε αυτές τις μηχανές και αντικείμενα όταν τα βλέπουμε στις μικρολεπτομέρειές τους, καθώς και το τι σημαίνουν για εμάς, τους ανθρώπους».

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“Something is going to happen… something wonderful” Stay tuned – countdown imminent. You’re really going to like this. #apollo11 #lunarlandertrainer #nasa #thenasaproject #nasapastandpresentdreamsofthefuture #benedictredgrove #weareink retouching by @weareink nter #aerojetrocketdyne #phaseonephoto #alpacameras

A post shared by benedictredgrove (@benedictredgrove) on Jul 9, 2019 at 9:55am PDT

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“Something is going to happen… something wonderful” Stay tuned – countdown imminent. You’re really going to like this. #apollo11 #commandmodule #columbiacommandmodule #nasa #thenasaproject #nasapastandpresentdreamsofthefuture #benedictredgrove #weareink retouching by @weareink #aerojetrocketdyne #phaseonephoto #alpacameras

A post shared by benedictredgrove (@benedictredgrove) on Jul 9, 2019 at 9:56am PDT

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“Something is going to happen… something wonderful” Stay tuned – countdown imminent. You’re really going to like this. #apollo11 #lunartrainingarticle #nasa #thenasaproject #nasapastandpresentdreamsofthefuture #benedictredgrove #weareink retouching by @weareink #aerojetrocketdyne #phaseonephoto #alpacameras

A post shared by benedictredgrove (@benedictredgrove) on Jul 9, 2019 at 9:58am PDT

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ITS LAUNCH DAY AT 12 midday GMT Click the link in my profile to take you to the Kickstarter page from 12 midday gmt My photography project “NASA // PAST AND PRESENT DREAMS OF THE FUTURE” will be launching a Kickstarter campaign for the book that accompanies the exhibition #spacesuit #spaceshuttle #spaceshuttleatlantis #apollo11 #commandmodule #ilcdover #columbiacommandmodule #nasa #thenasaproject #nasapastandpresentdreamsofthefuture #benedictredgrove #weareink retouching by @weareink #space #kickstarter #photographybook #spacesuit #designbook #spacephotography #photographymag #science #exhibition #kickstartercampaign #outerspace #spacecenterhouston #smithsonianairandspacemuseum #kennedyspacecentervisitorcomplex #johnsonspacecenter #phaseonephoto #alpacameras

A post shared by benedictredgrove (@benedictredgrove) on Jul 19, 2019 at 11:08pm PDT

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ITS LAUNCH DAY AT 12 midday GMT Click the link in my profile to take you to the Kickstarter page from 12 midday gmt My photography project “NASA // PAST AND PRESENT DREAMS OF THE FUTURE” will be launching a Kickstarter campaign for the book that accompanies the exhibition #spacesuit #spaceshuttle #spaceshuttleatlantis #apollo11 #commandmodule #ilcdover #columbiacommandmodule #nasa #thenasaproject #nasapastandpresentdreamsofthefuture #benedictredgrove #weareink retouching by @weareink #space #kickstarter #photographybook #spacesuit #designbook #spacephotography #photographymag #science #exhibition #kickstartercampaign #outerspace #spacecenterhouston #smithsonianairandspacemuseum #kennedyspacecentervisitorcomplex #johnsonspacecenter #phaseonephoto #alpacameras

A post shared by benedictredgrove (@benedictredgrove) on Jul 19, 2019 at 11:18pm PDT

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The five F1 engines of the Saturn V rocket. The largest and most complex machine at the time and still the most powerful rocket successfully launched into space 3 days to launch -keep an eye out for the launch time announcements And thank you for all the messages of support, it’s great to hear. Check the project web site for details and any upcoming press. www.the-nasa-project.com KICKSTARTER ORDERS START FROM JULY 20 – AUGUST 20. PLEASE NOTE THE KICKSTARTER IS NOT ACTIVE UNTIL JULY 20. Set your reminders . . . . My photography project “NASA // PAST AND PRESENT DREAMS OF THE FUTURE” will be launching a Kickstarter campaign for the book that accompanies the exhibition #saturnv #spacesuit #spaceshuttle #spaceshuttleatlantis #apollo11 #commandmodule #ilcdover #columbiacommandmodule #nasa #thenasaproject #nasapastandpresentdreamsofthefuture #benedictredgrove #weareink retouching by @weareink #space #kickstarter #photographybook #spacesuit #designbook #spacephotography #photographymag #science #exhibition #kickstartercampaign #outerspace #spacecenterhouston #smithsonianairandspacemuseum #kennedyspacecentervisitorcomplex #johnsonspacecenter #phaseonephoto #alpacameras

A post shared by benedictredgrove (@benedictredgrove) on Jul 16, 2019 at 9:45pm PDT

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The cockpit of the Space Shuttle Trainer in the Vehicle Mock-up Facility. 3 days to launch -keep an eye out for the launch time announcements And thank you for all the messages of support, it’s great to hear. Check the project web site for details and any upcoming press. www.the-nasa-project.com KICKSTARTER ORDERS START FROM JULY 20 – AUGUST 20. PLEASE NOTE THE KICKSTARTER IS NOT ACTIVE UNTIL JULY 20. Set your reminders . . . . My photography project “NASA // PAST AND PRESENT DREAMS OF THE FUTURE” will be launching a Kickstarter campaign for the book that accompanies the exhibition #saturnv #spacesuit #spaceshuttle #spaceshuttleatlantis #apollo11 #commandmodule #ilcdover #columbiacommandmodule #nasa #thenasaproject #nasapastandpresentdreamsofthefuture #benedictredgrove #weareink retouching by @weareink #space #kickstarter #photographybook #spacesuit #designbook #spacephotography #photographymag #science #exhibition #kickstartercampaign #outerspace #spacecenterhouston #smithsonianairandspacemuseum #kennedyspacecentervisitorcomplex #johnsonspacecenter #phaseonephoto #alpacameras

A post shared by benedictredgrove (@benedictredgrove) on Jul 16, 2019 at 9:50pm PDT

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Current Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) helmet with camera and light attachments. 4 days to launch – thank you for all the messages of support, it’s great to hear. Check the project web site for details and any upcoming press. www.the-nasa-project.com KICKSTARTER ORDERS START FROM JULY 20 – AUGUST 20. PLEASE NOTE THE KICKSTARTER IS NOT ACTIVE UNTIL JULY 20. Set your reminders . . . . My photography project “NASA // PAST AND PRESENT DREAMS OF THE FUTURE” will be launching a Kickstarter campaign for the book that accompanies the exhibition #spaceshuttlecrew #spacesuit #spaceshuttle #spaceshuttleatlantis #apollo11 #commandmodule #ilcdover #columbiacommandmodule #nasa #thenasaproject #nasapastandpresentdreamsofthefuture #benedictredgrove #weareink retouching by @weareink #space #kickstarter #photographybook #spacesuit #designbook #spacephotography #photographymag #science #exhibition #kickstartercampaign #outerspace #spacecenterhouston #smithsonianairandspacemuseum #kennedyspacecentervisitorcomplex #johnsonspacecenter #phaseonephoto #alpacameras

A post shared by benedictredgrove (@benedictredgrove) on Jul 15, 2019 at 11:07pm PDT

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Space Shuttle Crew Launch Helmet 5 days to launch Check the project web site for details and any upcoming press. www.the-nasa-project.com KICKSTARTER ORDERS START FROM JULY 20 – AUGUST 20. PLEASE NOTE THE KICKSTARTER IS NOT ACTIVE UNTIL JULY 20. Set your reminders . . . . My photography project “NASA // PAST AND PRESENT DREAMS OF THE FUTURE” will be launching a Kickstarter campaign for the book that accompanies the exhibition #spaceshuttlecrew #spacesuit #spaceshuttle #spaceshuttleatlantis #apollo11 #commandmodule #ilcdover #columbiacommandmodule #nasa #thenasaproject #nasapastandpresentdreamsofthefuture #benedictredgrove #weareink retouching by @weareink #space #kickstarter #photographybook #spacesuit #designbook #spacephotography #photographymag #science #exhibition #kickstartercampaign #outerspace #spacecenterhouston #smithsonianairandspacemuseum #kennedyspacecentervisitorcomplex #johnsonspacecenter #phaseonephoto #alpacameras

A post shared by benedictredgrove (@benedictredgrove) on Jul 15, 2019 at 7:27am PDT

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Orion command module at the early design and fit out stage 4 days to launch – thank you for all the messages of support, it’s great to hear. Check the project web site for details and any upcoming press. www.the-nasa-project.com KICKSTARTER ORDERS START FROM JULY 20 – AUGUST 20. PLEASE NOTE THE KICKSTARTER IS NOT ACTIVE UNTIL JULY 20. Set your reminders . . . . My photography project “NASA // PAST AND PRESENT DREAMS OF THE FUTURE” will be launching a Kickstarter campaign for the book that accompanies the exhibition #nasaorion #spacesuit #spaceshuttle #spaceshuttleatlantis #apollo11 #commandmodule #ilcdover #columbiacommandmodule #nasa #thenasaproject #nasapastandpresentdreamsofthefuture #benedictredgrove #weareink retouching by @weareink #space #kickstarter #photographybook #spacesuit #designbook #spacephotography #photographymag #science #exhibition #kickstartercampaign #outerspace #spacecenterhouston #smithsonianairandspacemuseum #kennedyspacecentervisitorcomplex #johnsonspacecenter #phaseonephoto #alpacameras

A post shared by benedictredgrove (@benedictredgrove) on Jul 15, 2019 at 11:14pm PDT

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7 days. This time next week! Set your clocks. The current Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) suit. Check the project web site for details and any upcoming press KICKSTARTER ORDERS START FROM JULY 20 – AUGUST 20. PLEASE NOTE THE KICKSTARTER IS NOT ACTIVE UNTIL JULY 20. Set your reminders . . Head on over to the project website www.the-nasa-project.com for . . . My photography project “NASA // PAST AND PRESENT DREAMS OF THE FUTURE” will be launching a Kickstarter campaign for the book that accompanies the exhibition #emusuit #spacesuit #spaceshuttle #spaceshuttleatlantis #apollo11 #commandmodule #columbiacommandmodule #nasa #thenasaproject #nasapastandpresentdreamsofthefuture #benedictredgrove #weareink retouching by @weareink #space #kickstarter #photographybook #photography #design #spacesuit #designbook #spacephotography #photographymag #science #kickstartercampaign #outerspace #spacecenterhouston #smithsonianairandspacemuseum #kennedyspacecentervisitorcomplex #johnsonspacecenter #aerojetrocketdyne #phaseonephoto #alpacameras

A post shared by benedictredgrove (@benedictredgrove) on Jul 13, 2019 at 5:13am PDT


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