«Φυλακισμένα» τα έργα του Άλφρεντ Κόεν λόγω της πανδημίας του κοροναϊού

08:03 23/3/2020 - Πηγή: In.gr

Η έκθεση με τίτλο «Alfred Cohen: an American Artist in Europe» στο Bush House στο King’s College του Λονδίνου, η οποία προετοιμαζόταν εδώ και χρόνια εγκαινιάστηκε και τερματίστηκε την ίδια μέρα λόγω της πανδημίας του κοροναϊού.

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Join us for 'Alfred Cohen:

An American Émigré in Europe' a study day! 14 June 2018 10:00 am – 6:00 pm …………………………………. Alfred Cohen (1920-2001) was an American whose art was firmly rooted in the European tradition, and who lived and worked in Europe after the war, settling in England in 1960. ……………………………………………. He exhibited successfully in London through the 1960s and 70s. His paintings and drawings are represented in numerous major national and international collections. ……………………………………………… With the return of interest in figurative painting, Cohen’s work has been sought after by collectors and museums. In 2016 the Sainsbury Centre of Visual Art acquired an important group of his pictures. ………………………………………. As Cohen’s centenary in 2020 approaches, the study day will explore and evaluate the full range and significance of his work. It will assess his place in the Anglo-American art worlds of the time, and examine his unique synthesis of the Ecole de Paris and abstraction. ……………………………………….. Full programme and schedule soon available, click the link in our bio for more information! #courtauldresearch #courtauldinstituteofart #opencourtauld #alfredcohen #americanart #terrafoundation

A post shared by Courtauld Research Forum (@courtauldres) on May 24, 2018 at 3:03am PDT

Στις 16 Μαρτίου, την ημέρα που τέθηκαν σε ισχύ περιοριστικά μέτρα λόγω της Covid-19 στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο, η Νταϊάνα Κόεν, 90 ετών ταξίδεψε από το βόρειο Νόρφολκ στο Λονδίνο για τα εγκαίνια της πρώτης έκθεσης την τελευταία 20ετία με έργα του εκλιπόντος συζύγου της, ζωγράφου Άλφρεντ Κόεν.

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“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you”- B.B. King . . Two years ago, I decided to join King’s College London as a part-time Master’s student and it has been one of the best decisions . #education #challengeyourself #lifeatkings #neverstoplearning #london #kcl #kings #mastersdegree #bushhouse #businessstudent #motivateyourself #keeplearningkeepgrowing

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