Η ελληνική μυθολογία ταξιδεύει στο μετρό της Νέας Υόρκης

08:06 22/1/2020 - Πηγή: In.gr

Καινούργια σειρά ελαιογραφιών παρουσίασε ο Μάθιου Γκραμπέλσκι (Matthew Grabelsky), στις οποίες απεικονίζει Νεοϋορκέζους να διασχίζουν το «Μεγάλο Μήλο» με τον μετρό.

Πηγή έμπνευσης των πινάκων του είναι τα χρόνια που πέρασε παιδάκι στο μετρό της Νέας Υόρκης, αλλά και η γοητεία που άσκησε από νωρίς επάνω του η ελληνική μυθολογία.

Μικρές λεπτομέρειες, όπως αφίσες του ζωολογικού κήπου, αυτοκόλλητα, T-shirts και παιχνίδια, δίνουν νότα χιούμορ
στα έργα του.

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“Daddy’s Girl” – Oil on Canvas. I painted this for the @thinkspace_art 15th anniversary show opening tonight in Los Angeles. If you’re interested in acquiring this oil painting, DM me and I’ll connect you to the gallery. . My friend Max and his daughter Mari modeled for this painting. She has cheeks just like a baby hippo. Fun fact about hippos: the animal they are most closely related to is the whale. . 15 Years of Thinkspace Thinkspace Projects, 6009 Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232 Opening Reception: Saturday, January 11th, 6-9pm On view through January 25th

A post shared by Matthew Grabelsky (@grabelsky) on Jan 11, 2020 at 11:03am PST

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My painting “Hello Kitten” is on the cover of the next issue of @beautifulbizarremagazine along with a feature on my oil paintings. Available for pre-order at beautifulbizarre.net/product/issue-028-pre-order. Subscribers will be entered to win a small print of “Hello Kitten”. If you missed out on the sold out limited edition, this is your chance to get a copy. . Fun little numerology detail: this is issue #28 and it comes out in March 2020 and I will turn 40 on March 28th.

A post shared by Matthew Grabelsky (@grabelsky) on Jan 18, 2020 at 11:01am PST

Σε πρόσφατη συνέντευξη που παραχώρησε στο «Sour Harvest» του Thinkspace Project, ο με έδρα το Λος Άντζελες καλλιτέχνης αποκάλυψε ότι οι χαρακτήρες των πινάκων του θα εγκαταλείψουν σύντομα τον υπόγειο και θα βγουν στην επιφάνεια.

«Η ιδέα μου είναι ότι αυτοί οι χαρακτήρες ξεκίνησαν στον υπόγειο και μετά βγαίνουν στον κόσμο. Στα σίγουρα θέλω να κάνω πίνακες με σκηνικό διάφορα μέρη της Νέας Υόρκης.

Γεννήθηκα στο Λος Άντζελες και σήμερα εκεί ζω, οπότε περιμένω ότι κάποια στιγμή οι χαρακτήρες μου θα φτάσουν και στο Λος Άντζελες».

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“Transfer at Canal” – oil on canvas. I initially painted this oil painting without the newspaper but the brightly lit base of the seat took the focus away from the panda’s head. I had the idea to cover it with a Chinese newspaper that I imagined the panda just finished reading. I picked one up in Chinatown and by complete chance there was an article about pandas in it! An added benefit of this piece: painting a tiny subway map is a great way to learn all the stops. At least the ones that aren’t covered by the panda’s head. . DM me your email address if you’d like to be added to my mailing list to receive information about purchasing my original oil paintings and prints.

A post shared by Matthew Grabelsky (@grabelsky) on Aug 31, 2019 at 10:08am PDT

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“Anotter Painting” – Oil on Canvas. My friend who modeled for this painting jokes that she’s small, brown, and furry like an otter so when I had the idea for this piece I naturally asked her to pose for it. The girl reflected in the window on the right is also her. She’s a television writer so for fun I put the leads of her favorite shows on the train with her. Bill Hader (@billfreakinghader) of “Saturday Night Live” (@nbcsnl) and “Barry” reflected on the far right and Rachel Bloom (@racheldoesstuff) of “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” (@cw_crazyxgf) on the far left. And of course a gnarled old sea captain is there too. . DM me your email address if you’d like to be added to my mailing list to receive information about purchasing my original oil paintings and prints.

A post shared by Matthew Grabelsky (@grabelsky) on Sep 7, 2019 at 10:17am PDT

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“Central Park”. Oil on canvas. Central Park has always been one of my favorite places in New York City. I grew up 7 blocks away and have spent countless hours there sitting, relaxing, running around, riding my bike, and sledding in the winter. In a city made of bricks, steel, and concrete it’s one of the best places to be in nature amongst the trees and to observe wild animals in their natural habitat such as all the squirrels gathering up acorns. DM me your email address if you’d like to be added to my mailing list to receive information about purchasing my original oil paintings and prints.

A post shared by Matthew Grabelsky (@grabelsky) on Oct 19, 2019 at 11:32am PDT

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“Elephant & Castle” – Oil on Canvas. My solo show “Passengers” opens TONIGHT at @dorothycircus in London! I wanted to paint a piece set on the London Tube for this show and one of my friends from London told me that there is a tube stop called “Elephant & Castle”. Obviously I had to paint an elephant at that stop. The patterned cloth seats were a fun change from the shiny plastic ones on the NYC subway I paint all the time. DM me your email address if you’d like to be added to my mailing list to receive the collector preview for the show. If you’re in London, come by the opening and say hi! . Passengers Dorothy Circus Gallery, 35 Connaught Street W2 2AZ, London Opening Reception: Thursday, December 5th, 6:30-8:30pm On view through January 5th

A post shared by Matthew Grabelsky (@grabelsky) on Dec 5, 2019 at 8:31am PST

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“Guccy Bunny” – Oil on Canvas. This oil painting is currently on view at my solo show “Passengers” at @dorothycircus in London. DM me your email address if you’d like to be added to my mailing list to receive information about purchasing my original oil paintings and prints. . My friend Amanda came over to model one day and brought this fake fur coat she had just gotten. I thought it made her look like a bunny. I added the Gucci sequined Bugs Bunny T-shirt to complete the ensemble. Take a look at the window on the right and you’ll see Amanda reflected there, looking off in the opposite direction unaware of her alter ego sitting across from her. If you’re in London, swing by and see the show! . Passengers Dorothy Circus Gallery, 35 Connaught Street W2 2AZ, London Opening Reception: Thursday, December 5th, 6:30-8:30pm On view through January 5th

A post shared by Matthew Grabelsky (@grabelsky) on Dec 14, 2019 at 11:00am PST

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“Monkey Business” – Oil on Canvas. I missed Art Basel this year but it seems that banana art was all the rage! No duct tape in this one, just oil paint. My friend David (@retoyman) modeled for this painting. He’s a fashion photographer and talented painter and so he really understands how to be a great model and is a suave dresser. He’s also the dad in all of my father and son paintings. A fun little detail, the woman reflected in the window, and oblivious to the monkey headed guy sitting across from her, is his wife Karen. . This oil painting is currently on view at my solo show “Passengers” at @dorothycircus in London. DM me your email address if you’d like to be added to my mailing list to receive information about purchasing my original oil paintings and prints. If you’re in London, check out the show! . Passengers Dorothy Circus Gallery, 35 Connaught Street W2 2AZ, London On view through January 5th

A post shared by Matthew Grabelsky (@grabelsky) on Dec 21, 2019 at 11:03am PST

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