Η βασίλισσα Ελισάβετ εγκαταλείπει επίσημα την αληθινή γούνα
Νέα ενδυματολογικά σύνολα που ράβονται για τη βασίλισσα Ελισάβετ δεν θα περιλαμβάνουν πια αληθινή γούνα, σύμφωνα με ανακοίνωση των Ανακτόρων του Μπάκιγχαμ, μια απόφαση που χαιρετίζουν ακτιβιστές των δικαιωμάτων των ζώων.
Η βασίλισσα Ελισάβετ έχει φωτογραφηθεί κατά καιρούς με γούνινα σύνολα ή αξεσουάρ όπως βραδινές εσάρπες, επίσημα φορέματα, χειμερινά καπέλα, ζακέτες.Ωστόσο, ενώ τα ρούχα της βασίλισσας Ελισάβετ θα κατασκευάζονται από εδώ και στο εξής από συνθετική γούνα, η ίδια δεν θα διαθέτει παλιά κομμάτια που έχουν στοιχεία από πραγματική
A little throwback to when The Queen attended a dinner hosted by the Government of Canada at the Northlands AgriCom in Edmonton, Alberta in May 2005. The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh were on a nine-day Royal tour of Canada to mark the Centennial year of Alberta and Saskatchewan. The then Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin, and his wife Sheila greeted Her Majesty as she arrived for the dinner. For the occasion, The Queen wore a white evening gown designed by Angela Kelly and a white fur stole. For jewellery, The Queen wore Queen Alexandra's Kokoshnik Tiara, The Dubai Looped Sapphire Demi-Parure (Necklace, Earrings & Bracelet) and The Diamond Evening Watch. Her Majesty also wore her Canadian insignia as sovereign of the Order of Canada and the Order of Military Merit. The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh posed for a photograph with the Prime Minister and his wife, before Her Majesty addressed those present at the dinner. Here's a quote from her speech: "This country and Canadians everywhere have been a constant presence in my life and work, and I have so many vivid memories and a tremendous sense of pride in being part of the Canadian family. This is a relationship I have come to treasure and a country for which I have a deep and abiding affection".
A post shared by Her Majesty The Queen (@hm.queenelizabeth) on Jul 19, 2019 at 6:42am PDT
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Her Majesty The Queen, photographed by Nina Duncan for Chris Levine's holographic portrait 'Equanimity' in 2004. @ChrisLevine_art was commissioned by the Island of Jersey to create that portrait to commemorate 800 years of allegiance to the crown by the Island. 'Equanimity’ was presented to the National Portrait Gallery by the people of Jersey in 2011. Swipe to see some intimate behind-the-scenes snaps taken by Chris Levine's assistant Nina Duncan, during two sittings at Buckingham Palace. The Queen is shown smiling warmly, or sitting pensive. Elsewhere, she is being helped into her clothes by her personal assistant Angela Kelly – a lavish set of costumes including the ermine-trimmed cloak she ultimately wore in the resulting portrait – and an opulent blue cloak. In the fourth picture, The Queen is positioning The Diamond Diadem – created for George IV and worn by Her Majesty for the procession to her Coronation on 2nd June 1953 – in front of the mirror. Nina Duncan took many of the photographs on a small digital camera. She said: "People have seen hundreds of different pictures of The Queen, but these show a different side to her. Some of the people in the room were in awe of her, but I took a different point of view. I saw this wonderful little old lady who reminded me of my nana. I was quite surprised she put her own crown on her head. I thought someone would do that for her. There wasn't a lot of pomp and ceremony around her. She just put it on and we got on with the job." To create the over-life-size three-dimensional portrait, Levine himself took over 10,000 images and 3D data-sets of Her Majesty. The final hologram is mounted in glass and illuminated by a strip of blue LEDs.
A post shared by Her Majesty The Queen (@hm.queenelizabeth) on Apr 24, 2019 at 6:30am PDT
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Wishing Her Majesty The Queen a very happy birthday today . 93 years old and still going strong! Fun facts about Her Majesty: 1. The Queen is free to travel in and out of country boarders without a passport. 2. Her Majesty owns all the sturgeons, whales, and dolphins in the UK waters. 3. The Queen once invented a new breed of dog called the 'dorgi' after mating her pet corgi with one of Princess Margaret's dachshunds. 4. The Queen is the only person in the UK who is allowed to drive without a number plate or a drivers license. 5. She is the only female member of The Royal Family to have entered the armed forces and is the only living head of state who served in World War II. 6. The Queen has visited 128 countries in 270 official visits. 7. Elizabeth first met Philip when she was 8 years old and he 13, at a wedding. 8. Her family called her "Lilibet" when she was young. It has also been reported that Philip refers to his wife as "Cabbage." 9. Her Majesty has sat for 129 official portraits during her reign. 10. According to her best friend Margaret Rhodes, every day The Queen has a gin and dubonnet before lunch with lemon and ice. With her lunch she enjoys a dry Martini and at the end of the day she will have a glass of champagne. 11. During the post-war austerity, The Queen collected clothing coupons for her wedding dress which she wore in 1947 when she married her third cousin Prince Philip. 12. During a tour of Australia in 1954, The Queen and her husband were caught having a row on one of their rest days. She was seen throwing a tennis shoe at The Duke as he stormed off out of their chalet. 13. She is woken up each morning by a bagpiper, who plays outside of her window for 15 minutes every morning at 9 am. 14. For the 2012 Olympics, The Queen (and her corgis!) made a cameo with James Bond. 15. The Queen has loved Welsh Corgis ever since she was young. She has owned over 30 of the dogs and even bred them herself. 16. Her Majesty uses her handbag as a way to signal to her staff when a meeting should end. 17. The Queen has an official "Poet Laureate", who writes poems for special royal events. The current Poet Laureate is Carol Ann Duffy.
A post shared by Her Majesty The Queen (@hm.queenelizabeth) on Apr 21, 2019 at 4:47am PDT
«Όποια γούνα χρησιμοποιηθεί θα είναι συνθετική», δήλωσε εκπρόσωπος των Ανακτόρων των Μπάκιγχαμ, διευκρινίζοντας:
«Αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι όλα τα σύνολα που υπάρχουν θα αντικατασταθούν ή ότι η βασίλισσα δεν θα ξαναφορέσει ποτέ γούνα. Η βασίλισσα θα συνεχίσει να φορά ξανά τα ρούχα που έχει στη γκαρνταρόμπα της».
Η οργάνωση δικαιωμάτων των ζώων People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) χαιρέτισε την συγκεκριμένη απόφαση.
«Υψώνουμε το ποτήρι μας και πίνουμε τζιν με Dubonnet (σ.σ το αγαπημένο κοκτέιλ της Ελισάβετ) χαιρετίζοντας την ευσπλαχνική απόφαση της βασίλισσας για ένα μέλλον χωρίς γούνα», έγραψε η ΡΕΤΑ Βρετανίας στα social media.
Η βιομηχανία της μόδας γυρνάει την πλάτη στη χρήση αληθινής γούνας
Η απόφαση αυτή ακολουθεί τα βήματα αρκετών οίκων μόδας για την κατάργηση της πραγματικής γούνας στις κολεξιόν και τη βελτίωση της πράσινης και δεοντολογικής τους συμπεριφοράς, καθώς οι καταναλωτές γίνονται όλο και περισσότερο ευαισθητοποιημένοι.
Πέρυσι, για πρώτη φορά κατά τη διάρκεια της Εβδομάδας Μόδας του Λονδίνου, οι συλλογές που παρουσιάστηκαν στην πασαρέλα δεν είχαν ίχνος αληθινής γούνας.
Η οργάνωση προστασίας των ζώων Humane Society International UK, εξέφρασε κι αυτή με τη σειρά της την ικανοποίηση της, για την απόφαση της βασίλισσας Ελισάβετ, να εγκαταλείψει επίσημα τη συνήθεια να φορά γούνα, επικαλούμενη την επίσημο ενδυματολόγο της.
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⠀ ⠀⠀ The Queen of the United Kingdom made a very huge announcement regarding her personal style this week! Personal advisor and senior dresser to the queen, Angela Kelly, told @VogueMagazine, the queen will be going fur free! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀#FTMNews / #QueenElizabeth #QueenElizabethII #QueenOfEngland #RoyalFamily #news #fauxfur #style #model #editorial
A post shared by FASHION TO MAX (@fashiontomax) on Nov 6, 2019 at 2:36pm PST
Από το 2019, εάν η βασίλισσα έχει υποχρεώσεις τις πολύ κρύες ημέρες, δεν θα χρησιμοποιούμε παρά συνθετική γούνα για να εξασφαλίσουμε ότι θα νιώθει ζεστά», τόνισε η επίσημη ενδυματολόγος της Άντζελα Κέλι στο βιβλίο της «In The Other Side of the Coin: The Queen, the Dresser and the Wardrobe» (Η άλλη όψη του νομίσματος: η βασίλισσα, η ενδυματολόγος και η γκαρνταρόμπα) που κυκλοφόρησε στα τέλη Οκτωβρίου.
Σύμφωνα με δημοσκόπηση της εταιρίας YouGov που διεξήχθη το 2018 για λογαριασμό της οργάνωσης προστασίας των ζώων Humane Society International, περισσότερα από τα δύο τρίτα των ερωτηθέντων Βρετανών υποστήριζαν την απαγόρευση των εισαγωγών γούνας στη Βρετανία, μόλις το 8% ήταν αντίθετο σε αυτό.
Η Βρετανία έχει απαγορεύσει την εκτροφή ζώων για τη γούνα τους από το 2000 αλλά εισάγει και πωλεί γούνες διαφόρων ειδών όπως από αλεπού, κουνέλι, βιζόν.
Το 2018, το κίνημα FurFreeBritain («Βρετανία χωρίς γούνα») είχε συγκεντρώσει περισσότερες από 425.000 υπογραφές κατά των εισαγωγών γούνας, φέρνοντας την υπόθεση στο βρετανικό κοινοβούλιο, το οποίο τελικά δεν υιοθέτησε κάποιο νομοσχέδιο για την απαγόρευσή της.
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Reposted from @stefano.958 (@get_regrann) – Reposted from @filippolindt_e_mela (@get_regrann) – Reposted from @essereanimali (@get_regrann) – A 93 anni la sovrana più famosa del mondo ha scelto di sostituire pelli e pellicce animali con capi sintetici ed ecologici. Non è mai troppo tardi per cambiare! . . . . #essereanimali #ioscelgoveg #govegan #vegan #choosevegan #dirittianimali #animalrights #animals #animali #visoniliberi #visone #fur #pelliccia #stoppellicce #stopfur #reginaelisabetta #elisabeth #queenelizabeth – #regrann – #regrann
A post shared by @ roberta__basso on Nov 7, 2019 at 2:51am PST
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