Ιωάννα Δεσύλλα: «Για κομπλιμέντο είπα ότι η Βίκυ Καγιά είναι σαν κέρινο ομοίωμα»

10:01 11/2/2020 - Πηγή: In.gr

Το μοντέλο Ιωάννα Δεσύλλα τα βάζει ξανά με την Βίκυ Καγιά…

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This decade has been very special for me: I became a mother to two healthy babies. I found my partner. I made my dream of contributing to the fashion education system

in Greece a reality, by creating the Fashion Workshop. I went back on TV to host shows that I really love . The past 10 years have been an endless journey of self reflection and completion and I appreciate it more than words know how to say. C.P. Cavafy famously said in Ithaca, that the journey is more important than the destination. And I have loved and cherished that journey this far, with its ups and downs. And I cannot wait for this journey to continue as the new decade unfolds before us. Stay healthy. Appreciate life. Surround yourself with people you care for. Be productive. Do things that matter. 2020 – bring it on.

A post shared by Vicky Kaya (@vickykaya_) on Dec 31, 2019 at 5:32am PST

Η Ιωάννα Δεσύλλα, πρώην παίκτρια του GNTM, δήλωσε ότι στο GNTM δεν θα πήγαινε ποτέ ξανά, ενώ, κατά την άποψή της, ο χαρακτηρισμός «κέρινο ομοίωμα» για την Βίκυ Καγιά ήταν… κομπλιμέντο.

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