Κι αν είναι boho μην το φοβάσαι!
Η καλύτερη εποχή για να δοκιμάσει κανείς το boho στυλ διακόσμησης είναι φυσικά το καλοκαίρι!
Το boho στυλ έχει γίνει ιδιαίτερα δημοφιλές τα τελευταία χρόνια και στην εσωτερική διακόσμηση, καθώς χαρίζει στους χώρους μια πολύχρωμη και χαλαρή αίσθηση, χαρακτηριστικά πολύτιμα για τους αγαπημένους μας χώρους.
Αν θέλετε να πειραματιστείτε και να ανανεώσετε το σπίτι
Το boho στυλ διακόσμησης γενικά προστάζει ανεμελιά, ηρεμία, ζωηρά χρώματα και prints, διαφορετικές υφές, αναφορές στη φύση και λάμψεις, ακολουθώντας την μποέμ φιλοσοφία, η οποία δε φυλακίζεται ανάμεσα σε συγκεκριμένα όρια.
Τα παραπάνω στοιχεία αυτά είναι αρκετά προκειμένου να δημιουργήσουν έναν μποέμικο χώρο, ο οποίος θα σας φτιάχνει τη διάθεση και μόνο που θα τον βλέπετε.
Στις παρακάτω φωτογραφίες θα βρείτε την απαραίτητη έμπνευση γα να δημιουργήσετε τη δική σας boho chic διακόσμηση στους αγαπημένους σας χώρους: View this post on Instagram
Bon #lundi / happy #monday : #madecoamoi #deco #chalet #homegoals #boheme #bohotribex #bohointeriors
A post shared by #decoboheme by MOUNTAiN GiRL (@mountaingirl_fr) on Jul 28, 2019 at 11:58pm PDT
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Just nicee.. Reposted from @janki.home – Dobry wieczór był weekend i pach… nie ma u nas dziś cały dzień pochmurnie, więc spędziliśmy czas miło w domku i zrobiliśmy małego grilla na ogródku:) a teraz to już tylko netflix, kanapa i.. kolacja od starego mam zakaz zaglądania do kuchni bo se wymyślił, że zrobi coś do jedzenia i aż się boję co to będzie jakbym się nie odzywała dłuższy czas to dzwońcie po ambulansy uściski ___________________________ #nordicinspiration #livingroominterior#livingrooms #interiordesign #livingroomdecoration #livingspace #hyggehome#cozyandwarm #westwingpl #roomtour#livingroomview #tableandchairs #domoweinspiracje#sharemywestwingstyle #bohointeriors #livingroominspo #cozyandwarm#whiteinteriors #interior_delux #mittnordiskehjem #nordicroom #interior_and_living #cozyroom #livingroomdesign#livingroominspiration #livingroomgoals#mieszkanie #livingroomideas #livingroomstyle
A post shared by CMISSARRA COLLECTIONS (@cmissarra.bn) on Jul 29, 2019 at 12:55am PDT
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Good morning InstaFamily!! Happy Monday to all!! Here is some morning Inspo to get your day going!! What do you think of this space?? . . . . . Follow @design_your_spaces Follow @design_your_spaces . . @tatiana_home_decor
A post shared by Design Your Spaces (@design_your_spaces) on Jul 29, 2019 at 6:52am PDT
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Who doesn't want to be surrounded by plant friends . . . . . . #houseplantclub #greenplants #plantmom #plantportraits #monsteradeliciosa #plant #plantlover #planthoarder #plantaddict #interiordesign #interiør #nordiskehjem #nordichome #bohointerior #rom123 #interior_magasinet #zzplant #decoratewithplants #discovertheplantcommunity #grønneplanter #plantasjen
A post shared by Wanderlust house (@wanderlust.house) on Jul 29, 2019 at 5:07am PDT
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Urban Jungle Vibes! This great, playful boho look with wool rug Berber Cream in @elbankerdekoration's living room makes you feel like summer and vacation. #mybenuta #bohostyle #plantinterior
A post shared by benuta rugs (@benuta) on Jul 29, 2019 at 8:07am PDT
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[Werbung] Ich habe heute noch einige Kleinigkeiten für unsere Hochzeit besorgt. Damit war der Montag gar nicht schlimm Und weil ich so gute Laune habe, gibt es nochmal 10 % auf alles im Shop mit dem Code HAPPY. Code gilt bis Sonntag Viel Spaß beim Stöbern und einen schönen Abend wünsche ich euch . .Link in Bio . . #sa_interiorstyle#bohostyle#bohemianwarrior#hangingchair#bohointeriors#summerfeelings#summerstyle#inspire_me_home_decor#mynordicroom#interior_and_living#hem_inspiration#passion4interior#instahome#livinroomdecor#natural_boho#naturalhome#myinterior#whiteandwood#inspo4all#homestyling#urbanjungle#interioraddict#dailyinstainspo#scandiboho#scandiinterior#whiteinterior#modernboho
A post shared by Sarah (@sa_interiorstyle) on Jul 29, 2019 at 7:55am PDT
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A piece of Colombian tranquility in my home. I got this beautiful hammock in Santa Marta. Perfectly fits two snuggely coatis watching Netflix. . #monsteramonday #monsteradeliciosa #urbanjungle #urbanjunglebloggers #solebich #apartmentherapy #apartmentdecor #planterior #plantsagram #plantgang #junglegram #junglehome #homedecor #interiorstyling #greenhome #interiorinspiration #interiordetails #bohostyle #bohointeriors #hammock #hammocklove #plantlove #houseplantplantclub #plantsofinstagram #wohnkonfetti #homestyle
A post shared by Frank | Berlin (@frankyfolia) on Jul 29, 2019 at 8:40am PDT
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So pretty . I just love seeing Australian small businesses do good & get their products out there. . This post supports a few of us . . #Repost @projectcoastalboho ・・・ | Meet Kaliyah | I would like to introduce you to my new friend Kaliyah! She hails from Tash over at @nmpliving and boy does she know how to make a statement! Her sister Kailani is a bit peed that she didn’t make the cut in this one but let me assure you she makes just as big a statement and features gorgeous spiral shells (she’s currently on display in my stories if you need a texture fix) Swipe to see the glorious close up details This is why I love supporting small businesses… hand-designed exclusive pieces that you won’t find anywhere else! Tash you’ve out done yourself here In other news Jessie @seascape_living and I are heading to Bangalow (Byron Bay) for a couple of nights R&R at @collective_retreat, hit us up with your Byron & surrounds must do’s please!
A post shared by Inspire Your Space (@inspireyourspace) on Jul 29, 2019 at 9:46am PDT
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Monday vibes who is ready to take on the week?! Annnnnd who is just feeling like they want to be on vacation?! #mondaymood #dkrenewal #summertimeisthebesttime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #jungalow #colourmyhome #colormyhome #colourmyworld #bohodecor #mybohohome #bohoinspo #bohointeriors #crashbangcolour #designsponge #myplantlovinghome #urbanjungle #colourfuldecor #colorfuldecor #bohemianhome #bohemiandecor #bohemianinterior #bohemianinspo #myhomevibe #mycolourfullife #boldbohemians #thenewbohemians #stellarspaces #cozyhome #styledbydkrenewal #ihavethisthingwithtextiles
A post shared by Dawnelle + Kirsten (@dkrenewal) on Jul 29, 2019 at 9:58am PDT
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when it comes to decorating, every inch counts. #pampaspeople via @elledecor with @collective_retreat at @spell
A post shared by Pampas People (@pampaspeople) on Jul 29, 2019 at 11:25am PDT
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Table for kings. . Follow us for more @bohemian_heaven . Credits @la_sidhu • • • • • . . #bohemianheaven #bohoinspired #modernboho #bohemianstyle #bohemianinterior #bohemianrhapsody #bohointerior #boholiving #bohohomedecor #bohemian #bohemiandecor #bohemianliving #bohemianhome #bohointeriors #homedesign #bohemianlifestyle #bohemianfashion #homestyle #boholifestyle #homesweethome #home #boholovers #boholook #bohoinspo #bohoshop #homedecor #homedecoration #bohemianlife #decor
A post shared by Bohemian interior Decor (@bohemian_heaven) on Jul 29, 2019 at 3:03pm PDT
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Probably the latest space to get a revamp for summer but in fairness everywhere got hit over the last month Took away the grey curtains and replaced with floaty pink ones for £20!! @hmhome New rug from @wayfairuk a splash or orange and green accessories and some new crockery from @iamcarolyndonnelly @dunnesstores to complete the colourful vibe Home improvements day 29 @houseandhomemagazine #myhouseandhome Home Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #interiorinspiration #interiorwarrior #interior4inspo #modernrustic #homesofinstagram #interiormilk #jungalowstyle #interior_delux #pocketofmyhome #interiorsforall #mybohoabode #eclecticdecor #bohointeriors #modernboho #homeinspiration #homedecordiy #myhousethismonth #mydiymydecor #myeclecticshack #styledupinterior #mycuratedspace #walltowallstyle #myhousebeautiful #pinkinmygaff #eclecticallymade #colourfulhome
A post shared by Cathy McGovern (@carrow_lane) on Jul 29, 2019 at 11:45am PDT
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Good Morning. . . Last night we went to see Lion King I actually think it's the first modern remake Disney film that I've seen and to tell you the truth it was fab…some parts I was nearly crying with laughter definetly worth a watch…just maybe not at the cinema we went to as they cancelled our viewing without letting us know until we arrived, then put us on a later showing which ran late itself, then for them to email a discount code only to be told at the till we don't accept them anymore oh and not to mention the quiet rattling noise throughout the film…but apart from all that was a good film and good night!!! . . Swipe across to see the amazing coasters which we were kindly gifted by @becobay who specialise in concrete items…superb quality and super stylish.They constantly move around the house as I want them in every room Go check them out . . Have a fab day all . . #gifted #ad #bedroominspiration #eclecticallycool #eclectichome #mygorgeousgaff #sodomino #apartmenttherapy #wallpaperclub #walltowallstyle #interiorspace #interiorwarrior #rockmyvibe #crashbangcolour #colourismyjam
A post shared by Ewan and Joe (@the_boys_at_13) on Jul 29, 2019 at 11:37pm PDT
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Double Tap if You’re a Hippie! Tag a Friend! • Via: @monikapedersenartist
A post shared by Real Life Hippies (@bohobox.co) on Jul 15, 2019 at 12:01pm PDT
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Miłego dnia , a ja zabieram się za porządki ——————————————————————————— #livingroom #livingroomdecor #livingroomdesign #boholiving #bohointeriors #bohostyle #myinteriorstyletoday #interior #interiør#berberrug #berberrugs #ffandme #plants#plantsofinsta #planted #myinteriorstyle#interiør123#interior_and_living#dywanyluszczow #berberrugs
A post shared by @ _mybohome on Jul 29, 2019 at 2:21am PDT
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WHICH would you rather STEAL for YOUR : the table runner or the light fixture? — @cottageandsea — I would definitely take that elegant runner — it’s to die for! — Use #bohofanatics to be featured! — — — #interiorstyling #interior2you #interior4inspo #interiordesigninspiration #boholiving #bohofarmhouse #bohemianhome #bohemiandecor #bohemianstyle #mybohohome #bohoinspo #bohodecor #bohoinspiration #bohoinspired #bohointeriors #modernboho #mybohoabode #cottagedecor #cottagestyle #farmhousechic #bhghome #diningroomdecor
A post shared by Boho Fanatics (@bohofanatics) on Jul 29, 2019 at 5:32pm PDT
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Bohostyle…Love my Black Wall #lovemyhome #boholiving #bohointerior #blackwall
A post shared by Alexandra Bauer (@alex.voicelove.lounge) on Jul 29, 2019 at 2:08pm PDT
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Lazy Corner . . . . . . . . . . . #iic #kitschcanmakeyourich #vscolovers #kleinerfeinerfeed #solebich #howwelive #kinfolkhome #kinfolk #minimalist #minimalistic #industrialinterior #whitegram #iloveminimalism #decorationideas #minimalisticinterior #makeitcozy #makeitcosy #myhomestyle #meinzuhause #sleepeatrepeat #bohointerior #cozycozy #hippiehome #bohemianhome #bohohome #vintagehome #minimalistisch #mybdrm #readingspot
A post shared by Maren (@frenchgraffito) on Jul 29, 2019 at 10:06am PDT
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Haaaa… weer heerlijk buiten kunnen zitten vandaag! Bamboe lantaarn bij @xenos_nl gekocht, daar had ik dr nog niet zoveel van namelijk (for my defense: deze was afgeprijsd, dus dan kun je dr eigenlijk nix aan doen..) Fijne aaf lieve mensen!!
A post shared by Manon van Geenen (@nonnie01) on Jul 29, 2019 at 9:49am PDT
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[Werbung] Heute machen wir ein Outdoor Päuschen. Es hat sich um die Hälfte der Temperaturen abgekühlt. Alle Fenstern und Türen aufgerissen um die frische Luft gegen die Warme auszutauschen. Das tut gut! Morgen soll es aber schon wieder schön werden. Also ab auf das Sofa und die Füße hoch. Wer noch? Habt es fein! #weissmacherei #interiør #interiørmagasinet #garden #outdoor #outdoirliving #backyarddesign #outdoorlounge #gardenispiration #inspire_me_home_decor #bohostyle #bohointerior #interior4inspo #bohemiandecor #apartmenttherapy #homeinspo #interior_delux #interior123 #interior2all #interior4you1 #scandinavianinterior #scandinavianhome #interior_and_home #einrichtung #scandiinspo #scandistyle #interior_and_living #interiorwarrior #interiorwife #passion4interior
A post shared by Nicole ♡ (@weissmacherei) on Jul 28, 2019 at 10:53am PDT
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