Χάρι και Μέγκαν κατηγορούμενοι για υποκλοπή
Πριν από λίγες μέρες, ο πρίγκιπας Χάρι και η σύζυγός του Μέγκαν Μαρκλ παρουσίασαν τον επίσημο λογαριασμό τους στο Instagram, ο οποίος μάλιστα έσπασε το ρεκόρ Γκίνες φθάνοντας γρηγορότερα από οποιονδήποτε άλλον τους ένα εκατομμύριο ακολούθους.
Παλαιότερα, το ζεύγος μοιραζόταν φωτογραφικά στιγμιότυπά του στον λογαριασμό που διαχειρίζεται το Παλάτι του Κένσινγκτον, όπου αναρτώνται φωτογραφίες των δραστηριοτήτων και του μεγαλύτερου αδελφού του Χάρι, του πρίγκιπα Ουίλιαμ
Το @SussexRoyal προφίλ χρειάστηκε μόλις 5 ώρες και 45 λεπτά για να σπάσει το ρεκόρ Guinness και να φτάσει γρηγορότερα από οποιοδήποτε άλλο, τους ένα εκατομμύριο ακολούθους.
Ωστόσο, ο πρίγκιπας Χάρι και η σύζυγός του Μέγκαν Μαρκλ τώρα βρίσκονται αντιμέτωποι με την κατηγορία της υποκλοπής, καθώς το όνομα του προφίλ χρησιμοποιούνταν εδώ και αρκετό καιρό από άλλον χρήστη.
Σύμφωνα με τα σχετικά δημοσιεύματα, το username @SussexRoyal χρησιμοποιείται εδώ και καιρό από ένα άλλον χρήστη, τον Kevin Keiley, ο οποίος υποστήριζε με το προφίλ αυτό την ομάδα soccer Reading FC, που έχουν το παρατσούκλι Royals.
Ο Kevin έχει δηλώσει πως του έκλεψαν το username και το προφίλ του και μετατράπηκε σε royalsussex χωρίς κανείς να του ζητήσει την άδεια, όπως γίνεται συνήθως, και πιστεύει πως πρόκειται για καθαρή κλοπή από το Instagram ή τον ίδιο τον Δούκα και τη Δούκισσα του Σάσεξ.
Το Instagram επιβεβαίωσε πως το όνομα είχε αλλάξει και εξήγησε στον Βρετανό δάσκαλο οδήγησης, πως δεν πρόκειται για κλοπή, αφού το όνομα μπορεί να αλλάξει εάν το προφίλ είναι για καιρό ανενεργό ή αν γίνει επιβεβαίωση στοιχειών από κάποιον άλλο.
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“Welcome to our official Instagram; we look forward to sharing the work that drives us, the causes we support, important announcements, and the opportunity to shine a light on key issues. We thank you for your support, and welcome you to @sussexroyal.”- Harry & Meghan
A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Apr 2, 2019 at 7:16am PDT
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Today The Duke of Sussex met with families, children and young adults at @Ymcaenglandandwales in South Ealing as a continuation of his dedicated work in the mental health space. “There continues to be huge progress in smashing the stigma that surrounds mental health, but let’s keep normalising the conversation. Let’s keep reminding each other that it’s okay to not be okay, and to listen to each other. After all, how we think determines how we act, how we feel, and how we treat ourselves and those around us.” -The Duke of Sussex. It takes courage, strength and honesty, but talking through your mental health issues often becomes the key to dealing with them. Just like physical exercise, which we all know is good for us; we have to care for our minds as much as we do for our bodies. 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem at some point in their lives. It is a part of all of us. Have an unashamed conversation on how you feel, be empowered to share your story and you will see you are not alone. For more information visit @heads_together. – Royal Communications / PA
A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Apr 3, 2019 at 11:02am PDT
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After serving in the @BritishArmy for ten years, The Duke of Sussex has committed himself to promoting the welfare of members of the Armed Forces and veterans. The Duke knows the lasting effects military service can have, as soldiers recover from PTS after battle or struggle to get back into the normalities of civilian life. Through his work with servicemen and women, The Duke has also seen how families benefit from extra support when their loved ones are away and adjusting to life back home. He met many soldiers and their families at the Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch in London today. This is an annual event which raises money for @soldierscharity to support those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Duke’s work with wounded servicemen and women has included creating @weareinvictusgames, volunteering with the Army's Personnel Recovery Unit in London, trekking with wounded servicemen and women to the South Pole and in the Arctic and supporting a number of adventure challenges through his Endeavour Fund. The Duchess of Sussex was unfortunately unable to attend today, but has joined her husband in supporting the troops at the Invictus Games, Endeavour Fund and with the TILS Fund, as an extension of her previous work in this space. By participating in events like today’s, The Duke hopes that servicemen and women are recognised for their unique skill set and abilities, and that we all work together to ensure that they and their families have the support they need and deserve during and after service.
A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Apr 4, 2019 at 7:11am PDT
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The Duke of Sussex attends the ‘Our Planet’ premiere at the Natural History Museum with The Prince of Wales and The Duke of Cambridge, lending their joint support for the protection of our environment. As president of @africanparksnetwork, The Duke of Sussex continues to advocate for the communities and wildlife that coexist in some of the most vulnerable environments around the world. Be it human wildlife conflict or natural disasters, these communities (park rangers, school children, families) are on the frontline of conservation and we must do more to help them as we also work to safeguard the animals and landscapes that are in critical danger. A few recent photos that look back on: Prince Harry’s long time commitment to this cause as well as a glimpse into the work he and The Duchess of Sussex did in 2017. Their Royal Highnesses travelled to Botswana to assist Dr. Mike Chase of Elephants Without Borders in equipping a bull elephant with a satellite collar. Approximately 100 elephants are poached/killed every day for their ivory tusks. Using satellite technology allows conservationists to track their critical migratory patterns and to protect them and the local communities from human wildlife conflict. The elephant pictured was sedated for just 10 minutes before he was up and back with his herd. Tracking his movements has allowed conservationists to better protect him and other elephants and ensure heightened protection for these beautiful creatures moving forward. Credit: Image 1 PA
A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Apr 4, 2019 at 12:33pm PDT
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What an incredibly special surprise the grassroots led #globalsussexbabyshower was last Sunday! The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are immensely grateful for the outpouring of love and support in anticipation of the birth of their first child. In lieu of sending gifts, the couple have long planned to encourage members of the public to make donations to select charities for children and parents in need. If you already made a donation, the couple send you their greatest thanks. If you are thinking about it, they ask that you kindly consider the following organisations they’ve selected, which we will highlight here over the next few days: @thelunchboxfund @littlevillagehq @wellchild @baby2baby The Duke and Duchess remain appreciative for your warm wishes and kindness during this especially happy time in their lives! Thank you for sharing the love
A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Apr 5, 2019 at 8:17am PDT
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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are so grateful for the well wishes in anticipation of their first born. Today we introduce you to one of four charities the couple has asked that you consider supporting in lieu of sending gifts. Please meet The Lunchbox Fund:@thelunchboxfund provides a nutritious daily school meal to children in South Africa who would otherwise go hungry. Since its inception, @thelunchboxfund has provided over 20 million meals to school children in need. This meal encourages children to attend school and enables them to better concentrate and maximise their learning potential. As President and Vice President of The Queens Commonwealth Trust, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are committed to supporting the children and communities of the 53 commonwealth countries around the world. For those members of the public who have graciously asked to send baby gifts for the couple’s upcoming arrival, they ask that instead, you consider lending your support to @thelunchboxfund or the other 3 charities through the links in our bio. Thank you for your kindness! Photos courtesy of: @thelunchboxfund
A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Apr 6, 2019 at 6:15am PDT
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As a continuation of yesterday’s post, we now introduce you to London based organisation, Little Village. Similar to a food bank, @littlevillagehq is for clothes, toys and essentials for babies and children up to the age of five. The Duchess of Sussex became aware of the organisation last December and strongly believes in their community ethos and goal to ensure every parent and young child have the necessary supplies and support they need. The couple have made private contributions in the last few months, and are excited to share this special organisation with you. Please consider supporting @littlevillagehq – their staff and volunteers work tirelessly to help local families have the support they need to thrive. That’s what community is all about. Photos via: @littlevillagehq
A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Apr 6, 2019 at 11:25am PDT
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