Τα μεγαλύτερα είδωλα του στυλ όλων των εποχών
Πολλοί μπορεί να είναι εκείνοι που συχνά μπερδεύουν τη μόδα με το στυλ. Τη διαφορά ανάμεσα σε αυτές τις δύο συγκεχυμένες έννοιες, οι παρακάτω προσωπικότητες την ήξεραν καλά η ιστορία το έχει αποδείξει περίτρανα.
Είτε πρόκειται για αστέρες του Χόλιγουντ, είτε για σπουδαίους δημιουργούς στο χώρο της μόδας και της μουσικής, είτε για απλούς «κοινούς θνητούς» υπάρχει πάντα κάτι που συνδέει τους ανθρώπους που καταφέρνουν να ξεχωρίσουν με το στυλ τους και αυτό δεν είναι
Από την σοφιστικέ Κάθριν Χέπμπορν, στο αιώνιο σύμβολο του σεξ που ακούει στο όνομα Μέριλιν Μονρόε και από τον «μάτσο» Μάρλον Μπράντο, στην εύθραυστη ανδρική γοητεία του Τζέιμς Ντιν, στην παρακάτω λίστα θα βρείτε μερικούς από τους πιο στιλάτους ανθρώπους όλων των εποχών.
Ποιο είναι το δικό σας αγαπημένο είδωλο του στυλ;1. Audrey Hepbrn View this post on Instagram
Any questions about audrey check out ask.fm/audreyhepburn_ I love the photos of her during the filming if Sabrina || Audrey Hepburn / in her dressing room during production of Billy Wilder’s Sabrina (1954) / photos by Mark Shaw.
A post shared by Audrey Hepburn (@audrey.hepburn) on Jun 25, 2014 at 8:24am PDT
2. James Dean View this post on Instagram
“I’d hang around and watch him shoot and I noticed his concentration, that tremendous concentration.” – Joe Brown, cast member of Giant
A post shared by James Dean (@jamesdean) on Dec 3, 2018 at 1:44pm PST
3. Brigitte Bardot View this post on Instagram
Brigitte Bardot in summer days, 1965 ° #brigittebardot #brigitte #bardot #bb #60s #1960s #vintage #sixties
A post shared by Brigitte Bardot BB (@brigittebardotbb) on Apr 7, 2019 at 9:37am PDT
4. Coco Chanel View this post on Instagram
Coco Chanel died on 10 January 1971, at the age of 87. She was still designing at the time of her death. For example, in the (1966–1969) period, she designed the air hostess uniforms for Olympic Airways, the designer who followed her was Pierre Cardin. In that time, Olympic Airways was a luxury airline, owned by the transport magnate Aristotle Onassis. After her death, the leadership of the company was handed down to Yvonne Dudel, Jean Cazaubon and Philippe Guibourgé. After a period of time, Jacques Wertheimer bought the controlling interest of the House of Chanel. Critics stated that during his leadership, he never paid much attention to the company, as he was more interested in horse breeding. In 1974, the House of Chanel launched Cristalle eau de toilette, which was designed when Coco Chanel was alive. 1978 saw the launch of the first non-couture, prêt-à-porter line and worldwide distribution of accessories. کوکو شنل در ۱۰ ژانویه ۱۹۷۱ در ۸۷ سالگی درگذشت. او تا زمان مرگش همچنان مشغول طراحی بود؛ برای مثال در دورهی سالهای ۱۹۶۶ تا ۱۹۶۹ یونیفرم مهمانداران شرکت هواپیمایی Olympic Airways را طراحی کرد، طراحی که دنبالهروی کوکو شنل بود Pierre Cardin بود. در آن زمان Olympic Airways یک شرکت هواپیمایی لوکس بود. بعد از مرگش برای مدتی کمپانی توسط Yvonne Dudel, Jean Cazaubon و Philippe Guibourgé اداره شد. بعد از دوره Jacques Wertheimer مزون شنل را خرید، در این دوره او خیلی به مزون شنل نپرداخت چراکه بیشتر با اسبهایش مشغول بود. در ۱۹۷۴ عطر Cristalle را ارائه دادند که در زمان حیات کوکو ساخته شده بود. ۱۹۷۸ اولین سالی بود شنل بدون ارائهی طرحهای خاص ظاهر شد و فقط لباسهای آماده پوشیدن و اکسسوری را به تمام جهان ارائه کرد. #fashion #cocochanel #chanel #gabrielchanel #chaneljewelry #chanelperfume #styleblogger #fashionschool #fashionblogger #hengamemojtahedi #style #fashionschoolbyhegi #crazydiamondjewelry #hegimoj #pierrecardin #jewelry #مد #فشن #lamod #mod #paris #france
A post shared by Hégi (@fashion_school_by_hegi) on Sep 11, 2018 at 9:37pm PDT
5. Grace Kelly View this post on Instagram
Fransa-Granville'deki Christian Dior Müzesi, Grace Kelly'nin Dior kıyafetleri için açılacak sergiye ev sahipliği yapacak. Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams sergisiyle Londra'daki V&A Müzesi'nde tüm zamanların en büyük moda sergisine imza atan Fransız moda evi, bu kez kendi müzesinde #GraceKelly 'nin #Dior kıyafetlerini ağırlayacak.#designerofdreams #buseonthego
A post shared by @ buseonthego on Apr 16, 2019 at 12:26am PDT
6. Katharine Hepburn View this post on Instagram
Sigh.. was there anyone with more moxie and style than Katharine Hepburn? You can have that style too.. wear vintage! We’re open 10-5 in Orleans 12-5 in Provincetown #vintsgestyle #lovevintage #provincetown #orleans #vintageshop #katehepburn #katharinehepburn #1940sstyle #40sstyle #shoplocal #shopsmall #supportsmallbusinesses #orleans #capecod
A post shared by Vintage in Vogue InstaShop (@vintage_in_vogue) on Nov 8, 2018 at 8:14am PST
7. Marilyn Monroe View this post on Instagram
Inspired by Marilyn, made for you. M.Monroe jewelry is coming soon! Follow @mmonroejewelry to find out. #MarilynMonroe #MMonroeJewelry : @samshawphoto
A post shared by Marilyn Monroe (@marilynmonroe) on Mar 27, 2018 at 3:37pm PDT
8. Twiggy View this post on Instagram
„Being young isn't about age, it's about being a free spirit. You can meet someone of 20 who's boring and old, or you can meet someone of 70 who's youthful and exciting. I met Fred Astaire when he was 72 and I was 21, and I fell in love with him. He certainly was a free spirit.“ – Twiggy _________________________________________ #90sfellas #tumblr #instagram #pinterest #twiggy #thefaceof60 #faceofsixties #iconofthe60s #66s #fredastaire #eyes
A post shared by aubrey_lo (@90s_fellas) on Apr 15, 2019 at 1:55pm PDT
9. Lauren Bacall View this post on Instagram
I posted this last year sometime and thought I'd share it once again, another well done colorized photo. #laurenbacall #bacall #style #icon #actress #beautiful #oldhollywood #classichollywood #stunning #gorgeous #humphreybogart #judygarland #moviestar #lauren #glamorous #elegant #hollywood #legend #marilynmonroe #joancrawford #lanaturner #audreyhepburn #katherinehepburn #bettedavis #avagardner #elizabethtaylor #marlenedietrich #cinema #film #goldenage
A post shared by Lauren Bacall (@mslaurenbacall) on Apr 5, 2019 at 7:40am PDT
10. Cate Blanchett View this post on Instagram
Spring time @willdavidsonphoto photographed Cate for @vogueaustralia with styling by the magazine’s fashion director, @ChristineCentenara . #cateblanchett #actress #film #movie #cinema #spring
A post shared by Cateblanchett (@cate_blanchettofficial) on Mar 24, 2019 at 8:17am PDT
11. Diane Keaton View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Stéphane Roches (@rochesstephane) on Apr 11, 2019 at 3:08am PDT
12. Clark Gable View this post on Instagram
"This "King" stuff is pure bullshit. I eat and sleep and go to the bathroom just like everybody else. There's no special light that shines inside me and makes me a star. I'm just a lucky slob from Ohio. I happened to be in the right place at the right time, and I had a lot of smart guys helping me–that's all." #clarkgable
A post shared by Tijana's Little Cinema (@tijana_digs_classics) on Apr 15, 2019 at 3:23am PDT
13. Paul Newman View this post on Instagram
#PaulNewman on the beach on Long Island, 1958.
A post shared by Paul Newman (@paullnewman) on Feb 12, 2019 at 7:43pm PST
14. Prince View this post on Instagram
In the mid-2000s, Prince was renting a home in Los Angeles that he referred to as “the 3121 house,” and it was the site of many legendary parties and recording sessions. Located at 3121 Antelo Drive, off Mulholland Drive in Beverly Hills, the home was owned by NBA star Carlos Boozer @mrcbooz. While he was staying there, Prince had the mansion transformed to suit his own style – complete with purple pillars, a new hair salon and massage room, and a home gym-turned-nightclub where Prince's guests could enjoy all-night dance parties. As Prince would later tell Carlos Boozer, the 3121 house was an “inspiration for my album, inspiration for my band.” In addition to writing and recording portions of the album at the house, Prince also hosted some downright legendary parties, including star-studded Grammy and Oscar afterparties that would begin after midnight and last until dawn. "I think these parties were some of the happiest times for Prince: They brought together like-minded people in a very easy-going unpretentious setting and people really let their hair down, relaxed, and had an incredible time," Prince's longtime photographer, @afshinashahidi, would later remark. #prince #3121 #carlosboozer #afterparty #grammy
A post shared by Prince (@prince) on Feb 14, 2019 at 8:51am PST
15. Marlon Brando View this post on Instagram
14 years old… R.I.P #MarlonBrando.
A post shared by Marlon Brando (@themarlonbrando) on Jul 1, 2018 at 5:45am PDT
16. Maria Callas View this post on Instagram
Callas opened La Scala’s season six times: let’s get ready for the opening night of today listening to her stunning “Liberamente piangi” from ATTILA with #linkinbio Erio Piccagliani
A post shared by Maria Callas (@mariacallasofficial) on Dec 7, 2018 at 7:56am PST
17. Jane Birkin View this post on Instagram
Jane photographed by Giancarlo Botti (1968) #janebirkin #janebirkindaily
A post shared by Jane Birkin Daily (@janebirkindaily) on Nov 2, 2018 at 1:16pm PDT
18. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis View this post on Instagram
One of the most iconic pictures of Jackie in the White House!! ♡ —————— . . —————— [taken by : Mark Shaw]
A post shared by Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis (@jacquelinebkenncdy) on Feb 24, 2018 at 10:04am PST
19. Carmen Dell’Orefice View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Carmen Dell’Orefice (@carmen_dellorefice) on Jun 9, 2017 at 9:39am PDT
20. Madonna View this post on Instagram
#love #instagood #fashion #beauty #music #blonde #blueeyes #blondehair #80s #american #madonna #americangirl #madonna80s #madonnafans #madonnafamily #madonnaciccone #madonnacollection #madonnastyle #madonnaqueen #queen #mdna #madonnahistory #80sfashion #80style #vintage #cult #retro #hairstyle #newyork
A post shared by Madonna80s (@mdna80s) on Mar 30, 2019 at 2:37pm PDT
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