Merkel's blazer costs more than the average salary of the Greeks
At a time where unemployment in Greece has reached 25.1% and images from people searching the garbage are increasing daily, Angela Merkel visited our country to "support" us wearing a blazer made of gold!
She might want to present an image of simplicity by wearing a monochrome suit in all her formal
The German designer who is behind the Chancellors blazers stated in an interview that each blazer that Merkel wears costs approximately 750 euro! Given that, at times photographers have captured the German chancellor with at least 100 different blazers of such style, in total her wardrobe of blazers exceeds 75,000 euros! The designer also added that by weraing these blazers Merkel has no anxiety before a formal appearence as she does not need to go through the process of deciding what to wear, but most importantly she doesn't want her outfits to draw attention.
Indeed, it has been observed that the German chancellor chooses a different color blazer each time, depending on the message she wants to send in each one of her appearences.
So Merkel decides to appear and speak to all the Greek families that try to make it through each month with less and less money in a blazer which she owns in all shades, that costs more money than what most Greek families have each month.
Moreover, as the stylists around the globe pointed out, apart from the cost, it is anything but a flattering for Merkel to wear a three buttoned blazer as with the slightest breeze the excess pounds are likely to show!
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![Merkels, Greeks,](
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