«No matter how the memoranda will be called, there will be ever-present»
15:25 3/11/2014
- Πηγή: NewsBomb
The more New Democracy and SYRIZA converge on strategic issues, the more the pre-election debate escalates, communist KKE party secretary…
and the country.”
Asked on how a SYRIZA government would put an end to the memoranda, he said that "no matter how the memoranda will be called, there will be ever-present" while reiterating that “the same anti-popular measures are taken in France and Italy and other European countries regardless of the memoranda and the amount of the public debt.”
He said that coalition government and main opposition are not the same thing and noted that for decades the main opposition, as a result of its role and position, “appears somewhat better than the government that legislates.” He stressed though that the people should also consider to which direction crucial issues would be settled.
Asked whether KKE’s participation in a SYRIZA government would be an opportunity to implement policies friendly to the people, he said that such a proposal was not realistic nor was it an alternative option to what New Democracy and the SYRIZA leadership stand for.
Referring to the need for a radical change in the overall policy course and not just the “correction” of a given policy, Koutsoumbas said there are strategic differences not only on big issues but also on “minor” ones.
Koutsoumbas said the meetings with Papoulias can easily take place but “if you are asking for a meeting to intensify the bipartisan game, then you offer no services to the people
Asked on how a SYRIZA government would put an end to the memoranda, he said that "no matter how the memoranda will be called, there will be ever-present" while reiterating that “the same anti-popular measures are taken in France and Italy and other European countries regardless of the memoranda and the amount of the public debt.”
He said that coalition government and main opposition are not the same thing and noted that for decades the main opposition, as a result of its role and position, “appears somewhat better than the government that legislates.” He stressed though that the people should also consider to which direction crucial issues would be settled.
Asked whether KKE’s participation in a SYRIZA government would be an opportunity to implement policies friendly to the people, he said that such a proposal was not realistic nor was it an alternative option to what New Democracy and the SYRIZA leadership stand for.
Referring to the need for a radical change in the overall policy course and not just the “correction” of a given policy, Koutsoumbas said there are strategic differences not only on big issues but also on “minor” ones.
democracy, syriza, kke, party, game, people, government, put, end, france, italy, european, public, debt, opportunity, big, syriza, game, kke, people, public, anti, big, debt, democracy, france, government, italy, opportunity, popular, put, party, european
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