Papamimikos: Unlawful acts cannot be tolerated
17:35 31/10/2014
- Πηγή: NewsBomb
The secretary of the New Democracy Political Committee Andreas Papamimikos underlined the need for the immediate implementation of the law…
move to the next step which is their liaison with the labour market.
For one more time, he said, 50 students or persons outside the university community invaded the Athens University Senate and interrupted its meeting. “These practices should eventually be terminated…and the law should be implemented. The law is clear; it says that when unlawful acts take place, it should be implemented as it is the case with venues outside the university,” he said.
He also said that “whenever unlawful acts take place, the police should get into the university, just as it happens in other countries.”
“Each person is entitled to one’s own opinion. No one however has the right to interrupt the Senate, no one has the right to allow hooded people access the university premises, no one has the right to cause damage in the universities and have the Greek citizens pay for them,” he added.
The secretary of the New Democracy Political Committee Andreas Papamimikos, underlined the need for the immediate implementation of the law in the universities.
Unlawful acts cannot be tolerated, he said and added that universities should
For one more time, he said, 50 students or persons outside the university community invaded the Athens University Senate and interrupted its meeting. “These practices should eventually be terminated…and the law should be implemented. The law is clear; it says that when unlawful acts take place, it should be implemented as it is the case with venues outside the university,” he said.
He also said that “whenever unlawful acts take place, the police should get into the university, just as it happens in other countries.”
“Each person is entitled to one’s own opinion. No one however has the right to interrupt the Senate, no one has the right to allow hooded people access the university premises, no one has the right to cause damage in the universities and have the Greek citizens pay for them,” he added.
democracy, law, market, time, community, athens, people, access, greek, pay, people, time, athens, access, community, democracy, greek, law, market, pay
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