The crucial dates until the election of president

What Samaras wants, what Tsipras seeks and what the lenders require.

Time is coming to an end. The election of a new President of the Republic is in about 40 days, which will be overshadowed by the requirements of lenders, and the extreme political polarization between ND and SYRIZA.


government plans are similar, up to now, with the requirements of the troika.

The roadmap of the government and lenders

-In Maximou hope for the immediate return of the troika (until 07/11/2014) in order to "close" the open fronts, (which is a prerequisite of the technical staff of troika), on insurance, trade union law, etc., and to complete the evaluation of the troika by the end of November.

-Up to December 15, must pass the budget for 2015 and if possible a little before 8 December, in order the issue of the budgetary of the state to have "close" before the Eurogroup of December.

-Right after December 15, must sign on the new agreement and the arrangements of debt and on December 18 the government and lenders to go with a clear framework in the Summit, where the new agreement and the new line of preventive credit, will be adopted.

-Then the certified agreement will take the "green" light from the parliaments of countries - members of the eurozone by the end of 2014.

Based on the above and based on the possibility of a positive outcome on the issue of debt, the government hopes that will change the climate in Greek society and ... within the parliament and that "the country will be able to elect a new President of the Republic without surprises."

The plans of Alexis Tsipras...

The president of SYRIZA stated yesterday (Monday 11/03/2014) clearly his proposal to Antonis Samaras via Karolos Papoulias: "You suggest a President and then we go to elections" was the message sent to the Prime Minister.

Based on the above, SYRIZA hoped to conduct a council of political leaders within the next three days, in order to carry out elections in the first week of December.

The new government with SYRIZA as a basic party would begin negotiations with the troika in order to go at Eurogroup on 18/12/2014.

The above of course are not accepted since Antonis Samaras refuses to convene council of political chiefs.

It remains therefore to see how the negotiations with the troika will influence political developments...

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