The myth of patriotism of the Modern Greek ship-owners
This "patriotism" reaches in the narrow business interests and conservation in every way of their super profits.
A recent example is the highly challenging amendment of Minister of Marine and Aegean, Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, (which was voted for by members of the coalition), for the change of the extraordinary contribution of Greek ship-owners from voluntary to mandatory.
Until the amendment of shame come in the House, representatives of the domestic shipping business had taken every kind of 'patriotic' threats for taking companies and ships from Greece. Samara's government succumbed, defending via Varvitsiotis the need to preserve the competitiveness of the Greek-owned ship, while pretended not to know that many years now, the Greek ship-owners prefer "cheap" flags instead of Greek, no matter of statutory or voluntary contributions.
Modern Greek ship-owners of their actions confirm that they have not feelings for homeland, for their obligations to the country and social solidarity, especially since it is obvious that the economic crisis and the austerity policies will leave an indelible mark in the next generations of Greeks.
Although they behave as if they have been given a hereditary right to the patriotic pride, seasons of benefactors captains and ship-owners are gone for good. With donations and major investments had supported local communities, economy at the national level, and the establishment of the new Greek state after the Revolution of 1821 and for most of the 20th century. This contribution the last 20 years began to crumble.
Apart from some exceptions, known to everyone, who through institutions continue to offer charitable work, the majority of new ship-owners seem indifferent for the everyday life of Greek people, perhaps because it spends more time in the cities of the world, than in Greece.
Their "patriotism" is like a sinking ship: they take down the Greek flag from their ships, prefer the English language for conferences and events that take place in our country, drive Greek sailors to poverty and refuse to contribute substantially to relieve Greek people from the consequences of crisis.
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