The pharmacy of winter
For the "alternative"
If you prefer natural solutions, there are a number of herbal "remedies" that will relieve you. Of course, this only applies if it is a simple cold, not flu.
Here, then, are some simple recipes that will relieve you:
Make drinks with herbs found in nature in order
Green tea, mountain tea, and licorice are some of the most popular teas to enhance the 'good' bacteria that we need. You can choose one of them or make a mix.
Essential oils
We usually use them for massage, but you can also make powerful energy drinks.
Herbal syrups
In the first discomfort on the throat you can use a herbal syrup which helps to clean the respiratory, bronchi and lungs.
Vitamins - dietary supplements
They stimulate the body. Prefer those high in vitamin C and rich in trace elements. They have antioxidant, tonic and anti-inflammatory properties.
You can also get prebiotics to repair and strengthen the intestinal flora and thus strengthen the natural defenses.
For the "classic"
If you believe that natural solutions are less effective and you want something more active, use drugs with the following active substances, of course always in consultation with your doctor.
Paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin
All three of these drugs, especially in the winter are in the agenda, because they relieve the pain and have antipyretic action. Usually we buy them without a prescription, and most of the times we do not read the instructions, so it is important to know their properties.
It is suitable for headaches, rheumatic pains and to reduce fever. You can take it even if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, as it is the only analgesic that can be consumed during pregnancy without putting at risk the health of the fetus.
It is incorporated in various drugs and has painkiller, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory action. Recommended for rheumatic pains, joint pains, migraines. Avoid it if you suffer from stomach ulcers if you are pregnant or if your child has chicken pox, because the drug increases the risk of serious skin infections.
It is one of the most popular painkillers, and has antithrombotic activity. Those who have problems with their digestive system will have to take it with caution.
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