This is the first cabinet of Tsipras
Revelation of Newsbomb
The collaborators of the President of SYRIZA are preparing the Governmental formation and the plan for the first 100 days
Already within SYRIZA
In election fever are the executives of all parties despite the fact that the Maximou exorcises early elections. Already the associates of Alexis Tsipras are preparing the party's ballots, and the first cabinet, since as they claim when "it's time for the people to talk, the party must be ready for any eventuality."
On the other hand the ... prophets who said that Tsipras will rule with various "TV stars", seems that are belied. The people to whom Mr. Tsipras will entrust the government of the country are experienced politicians with unquestionable ethics and brilliant professional career.
According to exclusive information of Newsbomb the scenarios which until now are considered as most prevalent are:
1. John Dragasakis - Finance
2. George Stathakis - Development
3. Dimitris Stratoulis - Labor
4. Sofia Sakorafa - Interior
5. Zoi Konstantopoulou - Justice
6. Theodore Dritsas - National Defense
7. Anastasios Courakis - Education
8. Iro Diotis - Environment
From SYRIZA these names are almost locked, but all are subject to the associations, alliances and the electoral rates to be shaped. So obviously there will be correlations and possibly "pileups" even with executives working with SYRIZA such as Luka Katseli, who is expected to take a productive ministry.
The second scenario which also has many possibilities is as follows:
1. John Dragasakis - Vice President and Coordinator of Government
2. George Stathakis - Ministry of Finance
3. Efthymios Tsakalotos - Labour
4. Panagiotis Lafazanis - Public Administration
5. Dimitris Papadimoulis - Foreign Ministry
Beyond that, will participate anyway, Dritsas (Defense) Sakorafa, Mitropoulos (Public Administration or/and the Labor), Panagiotis Skourletis, Nickos Phillis, Moulopoulos for the ministry of Press, while Mr. Phillis is also a candidate for the ministry of Foreign. The surprises will come from outside SYRIZA; academics, technocrats ... For the ministries of Environment, Culture and Education everything is open...
The following are expected to have a specific role:
Nikos Voutsis (next to Dragasakis)
Yannis Varoufakis,
Nikos Kotzias (in foreign ministry)
Rena Dourou
Perhaps due to his experience, Panagiotis Kouroumplis will go to the Ministry of Health.
The other names
In addition to the above names that seem to have "locked", critical posts are expected to take the current director of the political office of the president of SYRIZA, Mr. Nikos Pappas and Mr. Alekos Flabouraris.
It remains a serious question about the post of Luka Katseli, for which Tsipras feels special appreciation.
The president of SYRIZA would like her for the Bank of Greece, but most likely, the replacement of John Stournaras would be proved difficult, as it depends from the European Central Bank.
For the Ministry of Defense we hear the names of Nadia Valavanis and Kostas Isichos in minor roles.
For the Ministry of Health, along with Panagiotis Kouroumplis, was heard the name of Andras Xanthos.
For the Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection candidate is - like all show - Mr. Dimitris Tsoukalas.
For the Ministry of Education candidates seem to be: Mrs. Theano Photiou and Mr. John Amanatides.
For the Interior Ministry we heard the name of Mr. Stavros Kontonis with Mr. Costas Poulakis and probably Mrs. Olga Gerovasili.
For the Ministry of Environment and Energy candidate - among others - is Mr. Thanasis Petrakis while for the Ministry of Rural Development will be Mr. Vangelis Apostolou, with Mr. Dimitris Gelalis or Mr. Tasos Kantaras.
In the Ministry of Tourism will probably go Mr. Michael Kritsotakis while Mrs. Litsa Amanatidou will probably go in the Ministry of Macedonia-Thrace.
According to information, for the Ministry of Culture Alexis Tsipras wants a person of a wider acceptance, along with Mr. Christopher Papadopoulos.
In the field of communication will be used Mr. Panos Skourletis and Andreas Karitzis, while are expected to join the government also Mr. Nikos Syrmalenios, Mr. Athanassios Athanassiou, Mrs. Katerina Inglezi and Mrs. Eugenia Ouzounidou.
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