Tsipras: SYRIZA the guarantor of stability in Greece

SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras called his party the guarantor of the social, economic and political stability in Greece, in his…

Tsipras also charged the government that "because of its stance today exists 'a political and institutional uncertainty".

SYRIZA leader said that

"a total political certainty that the next Greek government will be a SYRIZA government exists" adding that his party "will be a government of social salvation and of political stability. A government of all the progressive political forces. An all Greeks government'.

Tsipras presented his party's positions that as he said, are the exact opposite of the followed policy in Europe noting that the austerity policy has led not only Greece but the entire Europe to an impasse, something that has been fully understood. The austerity, said Tsipras, is not only unsuccessful and a deadlock but has also been proved dangerous. He also added that the danger for Europe to sink again in the recession and to export its own crisis to the world's economy makes mandatory a radical political turn in Europe, a radical political turn that maybe, will start from Greece and from SYRIZA's imminent victory in the elections.

The main opposition leader also said that he "can't stand any more the government's so-called success story of a quirky world of poverty and exclusions bore by the memoranda policy in Greece" adding that "what the country needs to stand on its feet is stability and security and demanding with security".

Sternly attacking the government, Tsipras said that "Samaras' government guarantees the non-demanding and the insecurity, the uncertainty and the instability" adding that "it has turned its own intrinsic instability that emerges from the policy it implements into a total, social, economic and political instability for the country".

As long as social stability does not exist, political stability will not prevail, he said and underlined that "it is clear that condition for the restoration of calmness and stability in the country is the immediate restoration of the democracy, of the popular sovereignty". He reiterated his position that neither a solution will exist nor a new agreement without the approval and the people's confirmation. He asked for elections and for a 'strong order for negotiation and an even more strong social rally and support to demand the best possible agreement in Europe, for the people's best.

Tsipras further analysed this position saying that SYRIZA asks for elections and strong mandate with aim:

The cancellation of the largest part of the debt in order to become sustainable. A "growth clause" to repay the rest of the debt in order to be facilitated by the growth and not by the State Budget's surplus. A period of grace, a 'moratorium' for immediate financial savings for growth. The exclusion of the public investments programme from the restrictions of the Stability and Growth pact. An agreement for a "European New Deal" with public investments for growth and financing by the European Investments Bank. A quantitative easing from the European Central Bank with direct acquisition of treasury bills.

Moreover, Tsipras said that SYRIZA asks for a strong mandate in order to turn the demand for the Nazi's occupation loan into Greece's official position. Regarding the occupation loan he clarified that it is not only a bilateral difference but a European pending issue because it is linked with the final closing of the most painful chapter of the European history and this is something that, as he stated "we have made clear to our partners".

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