Siri: η πλήρης λίστα εντολών
09:06 6/10/2011
- Πηγή: iPhone Hellas
Αδιαμφισβήτητα το Siri αποτελεί το «δυνατό χαρτί» του iPhone 4S. Οι δυνατότητες που θα προσφέρει ο νέος ψηφιακός αυτός βοηθός είναι πολλές και αρκετά σημαντικές.Σε περίπτωση που έχετε απορία για το ποιες είναι οι εντολές που αναγνωρίζει το Siri το TUAW μπόρεσε και συγκέντρωσε σε ένα δημοσίευμα τις φράσεις που μπορεί να καταλάβει το Siri. Διαβάστε παρακάτω ποιες είναι αυτές:Address BookQuerying ContactsWhat’s Michael’s address?What is Susan Park’s phone
number?When is my wife’s birthday?Show Jennifer’s home email addressFinding ContactsShow Jason RussellFind people named ParkWho is Michael Manning?RelationshipsMy mom is Susan ParkMichael Manning is my brotherCall my brother at workCalendarsAdding EventsSet up a meeting at 9Set up a meeting with Michael at 9Meet with Lisa at noonSet up a meeting about hiring tomorrow at 9amNew appointment with Susan Park Friday at 3Schedule a planning meeting at 8:30 today in the boardroomChanging eventsMove my 3pm meeting to 4:30Reschedule my appointment with Dr. Manning to next Monday at 9amAdd Lisa to my meeting with JasonCancel the budget review meetingAsking about eventsWhat does the rest of my day look like?What’s on my calendar for Friday?When is my next appointment?When am I meeting with Michael?Where is my next meeting?AlarmsSetting AlarmsWake me up tomorrow at 7amSet an alarm for 6:30amWake me up in 8 hoursChange my 6:30 alarm to 6:45Turn off my 6:30 alarmDelete my 7:30 alarmChecking the ClockWhat time is it?What time is it in Berlin?What is today’s date?What’s the date this Saturday?Using a TimerSet the timer for ten minutesShow the timerPause the timerResumeReset the timerStop itEmailSending MessagesEmail Lisa about the tripEmail Jennifer about the change in plansNew email to Susan ParkMail Dad about the rent checkEmail Dr. Manning and say I got the forms, thanksMail Lisa and Jason about the party and say I had a great timeChecking MessagesCheck emailAny new email from Michael today?Show new mail about the leaseShow the email from Lisa yesterdayResponding to MessagesReply Dear Susan sorry about the late paymentCall him at workFriendsChecking Up on FriendsWhere’s Jason?Where is my sister?Is my wife at home?Where are all my friends?Who is here?Who is near me?MapsDirectionsHow do I get home?Show 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CaliforniaDirections to my dad’s workLocal BusinessesFind coffee near meWhere is Starbucks?Find some burger joints in BaltimoreFind a gas station within walking distanceGood Mexican restaurants around hereMessagesSending TextsTell Susan I’ll be right thereSend a message to Jason RussellSend a message to Lisa saying how about tomorrowTell Jennifer the show was greatSend a message to Susan on her mobile saying I’ll be lateSend a message to 408 555 1212Text Jason and Lisa where are you?Reading TextsRead my new messagesRead it againReplying to TextsReply that’s great newsTell him I’ll be there in 10 minutesCall herMusicPlaybackPlay The Light of the SunPlay TroublePlay Taking Back Sunday shuffl
iphone 4s, iphone, phone, home, email, jason, people, brother, tomorrow, today, budget, calendar, time, date, jennifer, dad, rent, party, mail, infinite, coffee, burger, gas, mobile, light, φρασεις, email, mail, people, time, budget, brother, mobile, phone, burger, calendar, coffee, dad, date, gas, home, jason, jennifer, light, infinite, party, rent, tomorrow, today, βοηθος
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