100.000 παραδώσεις στο BMW Welt

Το BMW Welt παρέδωσε το 100.000στο αυτοκίνητο του BMW Group χθες, Πέμπτη 25/7/2013. Ο τυχερός ήταν ο Helmut Marxen ένας επιχειρηματίας από τη πόλη Sylt της Γερμανίας, ο οποίος παρέλαβε από τα κεντρικά της BMW μια 3 Series Gran Turismo Sportline και μια BMW X3. Τα αυτοκίνητα

παραδόθηκαν από τον Thomas Muderlak, επικεφαλή του BMW Welt, με τον τυχερό Marxen να κερδίζει επίσης ένα γεύμα στο εστιατόριο του Welt, μια ξενάγηση καθώς και τη δυνατότητα να δει από κοντά τον αγώνα του DTM αυτό το Σαββατοκύριακο.

Καθημερινά η BMW παραδίδει από 80 έως 120 αυτοκίνητα στο Welt, ενώ μερικές ημέρες μπορεί να παραδώσει έως και 160 αυτοκίνητα. Στο Welt φιλοξενείται και το μουσείο της BMW το οποίο διαθέτει 120 αυτοκίνητα από την 90χρονη ιστορίας της BMW. Υπάρχουν 25 εκθεσιακοί χώροι και περίπου 400.000 κόσμος επισκέπτεται το μουσείο κάθε χρόνο.

Το Welt, σημαίνει Κόσμος, και κάθε χρόνο, η BMW φιλοξενεί περισσότερους από 2 εκατ. επισκέπτες, από το 2007 που άνοιξε τις πύλες του. Το BMW Welt, εκτός από τον χώρο παραλαβής και το μουσείο, διαθέτει επίσης διαδραστικά εκθέματα που δείχνουν το πως λειτουργεί το τμήμα έρευνας και ανάπτυξης της BMW, το τμήμα σχεδιασμού και παραγωγής, καθώς επίσης αίθουσες συνεδριάσεων, συναυλιακούς χώρους καθώς και το Junior Campus για τους μικρούς επισκέπτες. Τέλος, ο επισκέπτης μπορεί να επισκεφτεί και το κεντρικό εργοστάσιο της BMW, εκεί όπου κατασκευάζει τη Σειρά 3 καθώς και το μεγαλύτερο μέρος των κινητήρων της.

[Πηγή: BMW]

Δελτίο Τύπου

BMW Welt marks 100,000th delivery

Car collection experience impresses visitors from around the world

Munich. The BMW Welt in Munich welcomed its 100,000th vehicle-collection customer today, Thursday. Helmut Marxen, a businessman from Sylt, actually took delivery of two cars: a BMW 3 Series Gran Turismo Sportline and a BMW X3. Thomas Muderlak, head of BMW Welt, gave the lucky new car owner a warm welcome. After a busy day with behind-the-scenes tours of the BMW Welt and the BMW Plant, and lunch at Käfer’s Bavarie restaurant, this special customer can also look forward to an exclusive DTM (German Touring Car Masters) weekend organised by BMW Motorsport.

“We are delighted to welcome Mr Marxen and his family today. Our 100,000th vehicle delivery is a special occasion we are happy to celebrate. Collecting a new car is a very emotional moment for many customers and, for us, expresses the fascination of our brand. Our steadily increasing delivery figures show that we are on the right path,” says Thomas Muderlak.

“Picking up this car is very special for us as BMW fans. This certainly happens only once in a lifetime. We look forward to our new vehicles and the first driving experience to our hometown Ramstedt. We also want to thank our dealer Raudzus & Bossen from Niebüll”, said Helmut Marxen, the 100,000th vehicle-collection customer.

Vehicle collection with individual configuration and high experience factor

Many customers from around the world travel long distances to realise their dream of collecting their new car. The BMW Welt architecture was designed to make the first encounter with the vehicle a unique experience – from the moment the customer arrives at the BMW Welt, with individual consultation and planning to tailor the programme for the day to the customer’s interests. The options range from a reception in the exclusive premium lounge through a tour of the main plant and the BMW Welt, to a visit to the BMW Museum and the Junior Campus for children and teenagers.

The highlight of every visit is the presentation of the new car. On the roughly 3,000m2 “premiere” platform five metres above the exhibition area – after a full programme and an extensive vehicle briefing – customers receive the keys to their new car and get to drive their new BMW for the first time. Between 80 and 120 vehicle deliveries take place at the BMW Welt every day, with up to 160 deliveries at peak times. The open design of the delivery area allows BMW Welt visitors to share in this special moment from a distance.

The number of vehicle collections has steadily increased since the BMW Welt opened in 2007. In 2012, for the first time, more than 20,000 customers took delivery of their new car at the BMW Welt. Around 2,000 customers even made the trip from the US for the experience. In general, almost 90% of customers collecting their vehicles come from Germany, with a majority from Southern Germany; 10% have already taken delivery of more than one car.

BMW Welt

With around 2.5 million visitors each year, BMW Welt in Munich is Bavaria’s most popular attraction and has become a real magnet for visitors since its opening in 2007. With its pioneering architecture, BMW Welt is the heart of all the brands in the BMW GroupBMW, the sub-brands BMW M and BMW i, MINI, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars and BMW Motorrad, which are impressively presented in their own worlds of experience. But it is not only the exhibitions and the collection of new vehicles that are highlights for car lovers from all over the world. Visitors can enjoy a year-round programme of varied events covering culture, art and entertainment along with culinary delights in several restaurants. Whether it’s a jazz concert, poetry slam, clubbing, improv theatre, family Sundays, a film première, gala event or panel discussion – BMW Welt is the perfect platform for innovative events with a capacity for up to 2,500 guests. In the BMW Welt Junior Campus, children and youngsters can enjoy exciting guided tours and workshops on the themes of mobility and sustainability.

The BMW Group

The BMW Group is the leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles in the world with its BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brands. As a global company, the BMW Group operates 28 production and assembly facilities in 13 countries and has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.

In 2012, the BMW Group sold about 1.85 million cars and more than 117,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax for the financial year 2012 was euro 7.82 billion on revenues amounting to euro 76.85 billion. At 31 December 2012, the BMW Group had a workforce of 105,876 employees.

The success of the BMW Group has always been built on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company has therefore established ecological and social sustainability throughout the value chain, comprehensive product responsibility and a clear commitment to conserving resources as an integral part of its strategy. As a result of its efforts, the BMW Group has been ranked industry leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes for the last eight years.

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