3,87 εκατ. πωλήσεις για το VW Group έως και τον Μάιο

To VW Group ανακοίνωσε ότι τους πρώτους πέντε μήνες του 2013 πούλησε 3,87 εκατ. αυτοκίνητα, παρουσιάζοντας αύξηση +5,9% σε σχέση με την αντίστοιχη περίοδο του 2012. Τον Μάιο πούλησε 816.500 αυτοκίνητα (+6,9%), ενώ από την αρχή του έτους στην Ευρώπη πούλησε 1.53 εκατ. αυτοκίνητα (-3,5%), στην Δυτική Ευρώπη (εκτός Γερμανίας) 799.100 αυτοκίνητα (-3,2%), στη Γερμανία 473.100 αυτοκίνητα (-4,2%), και στη Κεντρική και Ανατολική Ευρώπη 254.100 αυτοκίνητα (-3,3%). Στη Ρωσία

πούλησε 122.500 αυτοκίνητα (-1,3%).

Στην περιοχή Ασίας-Ειρηνικού πούλησε 1.43 εκατ αυτοκίνητα (+16,4%), με τα 1.28 εκατ. αυτοκίνητα (+18,2%) στη Κίνα, κάνοντας την, την μεγαλύτερη αγορά του ομίλου παγκοσμίως. Στην Ινδία πούλησε 41.300 αυτοκίνητα (-20,2%). Στη Βόρειο Αμερική πούλησε 360.000 αυτοκίνητα (+13%), με τα 249.300 (+11,2%) στις Η.Π.Α, ενώ στη Νότιο Αμερική πούλησε 375.400 αυτοκίνητα (-0,4%) με τα 276.300 (+1,2%) στη Βραζιλία.

Σε ότι αφορά τις φίρμες. Η Volkswagen πούλησε 2.41 εκατ. αυτοκίνητα (+5,3%), η Audi 640.200 αυτοκίνητα (+6,7%), η Porsche 67.300 (+21,1%), η Skoda 377.200 (-7,0%), η Seat 149.100 (+11,0%) ενώ τα επαγγελματικά της VW 219.900 αυτοκίνητα (-0,3%). Αναλυτικότερες λεπτομέρειες μπορείς να βρεις στο δελτίο τύπου που ακολουθεί.

[Πηγή: VW Group]

Δελτίο Τύπου

Volkswagen Group delivers 3.87 million vehicles in period to May*

5.9 percent* rise in deliveries from January to May816,500 units handed over in May / +6.9 percent* Group Board Member for Sales Christian Klingler: “Development of Group brands is stable. Markets worldwide remain difficult and uneven.”

Wolfsburg, 14 June 2013 – The Volkswagen Group delivered 3.87 (January-May 2012: 3.65; +5.9 percent)* million vehicles from January to May. The company handed over 816,500 (May 2012: 763,900; +6.9 percent)* vehicles to customers in the month of May. “Overall, development of the Volkswagen Group brands in the period to May was stable, albeit at different levels. In particular Audi, Volkswagen Passenger Cars and Porsche as well as SEAT maintained delivery levels in spite of continuing difficult market conditions”, Group Board Member for Sales Christian Klingler said in Wolfsburg on Friday. Klingler went on to say: “Meanwhile, developments on markets worldwide remain uneven and are characterized by continuing economic uncertainty, above all in Western Europe. In contrast, the sales situation in China remains encouraging.”

Group brands delivered a total of 1.53 (1.58; -3.5 percent) million vehicles on the overall European market from January to May, of which 799,100 (825,800; -3.2 percent) were handed over in Western Europe (excluding Germany). In the home market of Germany, 473,100 (493,900; -4.2 percent) customers opted for a new vehicle. Europe’s largest automaker delivered 254,000 (262,600; -3.3 percent) vehicles in Central and Eastern Europe. 120,900 (122,500; -1.3 percent) units were handed over to customers in Russia during the same period.

Deliveries in the North America region from January to May grew by 13.0 percent to 360,000 (318,700) units, of which 249,300 (224,100; +11.2 percent) were handed over in the United States. In South America, the Volkswagen Group delivered 375,400 (376,700; -0.4 percent) vehicles to customers during the same period, of which 276,300 (273,000; +1.2 percent) were handed over to customers in Brazil.

Group figures for the Asia-Pacific region remained encouraging. 1.43 (1.23; +16.4 percent) million vehicles were handed over to customers there in the period to May, of which 1.28 (1.08; +18.2 percent) million units were delivered in China, the Group’s largest single market. In contrast, deliveries in India dropped to 41,300 (51,700; -20.2 percent) vehicles.

Outline of developments at Group brands

The Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand delivered 2.41 (2.29; +5.3 percent) million vehicles to customers worldwide from January to May. The brand developed well in the Asia-Pacific region, handing over 1.07 (0.91; +17.6 percent) million vehicles there. In the North America region, Volkswagen Passenger Cars delivered 252,700 (242,100; +4.4 percent) models, while deliveries on the overall European market, which remained difficult, ran at 688,900 (743,000; -7.3 percent).

Audi delivered 640,200 (600,200; +6.7 percent) vehicles to customers worldwide in the period to May. Deliveries by the premium brand from Ingolstadt developed well in the Asia-Pacific region, where 218,500 (189,000; +15.6 percent) models were handed over to customers. In the North America region, Audi delivered 73,600 (64,000) vehicles during the same period, an increase of 14.9 percent.

The sports car manufacturer Porsche, which became a Volkswagen Group brand on August 1, 2012, delivered a total of 67,300 vehicles in the first five months. Demand for models built by the Stuttgart-based carmaker was especially high in the Asia-Pacific region, where 20,000 vehicles were delivered, and in the North America region, where 19,400 models were handed over to customers.

ŠKODA delivered a total of 377,200 (405,500; -7.0 percent) vehicles from January to May. The Czech automaker handed over 96,700 (107,600; -10.1 percent) units in Central and Eastern Europe and 111,600 (120,900; -7.7 percent) vehicles in the Asia-Pacific region.

SEAT delivered 149,100 (134,300; +11.0 percent) vehicles worldwide in the period to May, thus continuing the upward trend. The Spanish brand recorded growth above all in Germany, where deliveries increased by 30.9 percent to 30,700 (23,500) units, in the UK, where the company handed over 18,500 (16,500; +12.6 percent) vehicles to customers, and in Mexico, where deliveries ran at 9,200 (8,500; +8.2 percent) models.

Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles delivered 219,900 (220,600; -0.3 percent) vehicles to customers from January to May, of which 66,800 (67,100; -0.5 percent) units were handed over in Western Europe (excluding Germany). In contrast, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles grew deliveries in the South America region by 10.9 percent to 61,800 (55,700) units.

*) including deliveries by the Porsche brand from August 1, 2012; excluding MAN and Scania

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