Fiat Talento 2016
H Fiat ανακοίνωσε το Talento, το νέο της επαγγελματικό όχημα που δεν είναι τίποτα περισσότερο από το Renault Trafic ή το Opel Vivaro με τα σήματα της Ιταλικής αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίας. Σε λίγο καιρό θα παρουσιαστεί και το Nissan NV300, με τα τέσσερα μοντέλα να κατασκευάζονται στο εργοστάσιο της Renault
Το Fiat Talento φέρει νέα γρίλια, διαφορετικούς προφυλακτήρες, νέες ζάντες και τοποθετείται ανάμεσα στα Doblo Cargo και Ducato. Κίνηση θα παιρνει από diesel κινητήρα απόδοσης έως 145 ίππων που συνδυάζονται με μηχανικά εξατάχυτα κιβώτια ταχυτήτων.
Δελτίο ΤύπουThe Fiat Professional Range’s Got Talent Aplenty
Turin, 24 March 2016
For the new vehicle, Fiat Professional has chosen a name in tune with tradition that by making reference to an ancient coin evokes the concept of value and combines top-in-class loading capacity with extraordinary compactness and agility. This makes the Fiat Professional line-up even more competitive in terms of range and number of solutions. Orders will kick off in May.
Fiat Professional introduces Talento, the model that with its generous loading capacity is the ideal work mate for professionals in city streets and on major roads alike. Its features include great versatility and the ability to adapt to the most diverse needs of customers. Its name – Talento – evokes the innate qualities of the vehicle and the concept of value by making reference to the name of an ancient coin as in the best Fiat Professional tradition. The moniker has high symbolic value and suggests what the vehicle can do, its abilities and – in short – its talent. All its features are crucial for taking on the new challenges of the future.
From the style standpoint, the new Talento is compact and well-proportioned: the forward stretching windscreen pleasantly connects to the short bonnet and the overall effect is one of an imposing but dynamic front end. The design is horizontal with bold, clear-cut lines in tune with the new family feeling of the Fiat Professional range and enhances the width of the vehicle and its loading capacity, clearly suggested by the square-shaped rear end, while conveying an idea of dynamism and stability. The new model is equipped with reliable, powerful and cost-effective turbo and twin turbo diesel engines delivering powers up to 145 HP.The new Talento line-up is the link between Doblò Cargo and Ducato, and allows Fiat Professional to cover new volumes and loading lengths and provide comprehensive, satisfactory answers to all professional transportation needs.
The result is a functional vehicle that maximises the value of work, time and money by focusing on real customer needs with a full range of versions featuring vans, people-carriers, crew cabs and flat beds.Talento – with its transparent, complete line-up – and Fiat Professional – with its comprehensive ranges and organisation dedicated to professionals – have all the answers for customers seeking ever more specific solutions.
- Δημοφιλέστερες Ειδήσεις Κατηγορίας Αυτοκίνητο
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