XchangE Concept, αυτόνομο όχημα από την Rinspeed στη Γενεύη

Η ελβετική Rinspeed στη έκθεση της Γενεύης του 2014 θα παρουσιάσει το XchangE Concept, ένα ηλεκτρικό sedan πρωτότυπο αυτοκίνητο το οποίο θα μπορεί να οδηγηθεί εντελώς αυτόνομα.

Γι’αυτόν τον λόγο και το εσωτερικό του έχει διαμορφωθεί με τέτοιο τρόπο ώστε να προσφέρει στους επιβάτες του επίπεδα άνεσης που συναντά κανείς στις business θέσεις των

αεροπλάνων. Το τιμόνι είναι τοποθετημένο στο ταμπλό, αφού κάνει χρήση της τεχνολογίας steer-by-wire και περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες γι’αυτό θα μάθουμε μερικές εβδομάδες προτού ανοίξουν οι φετινές πύλης της έκθεσης της Γενεύης.

[Πηγή: Rinspeed]

Δελτίο Τύπου

Rinspeed thinks ahead on “autonomous driving”: Not even flying is better!

Redefined traveling in the comfort of business class with new infotainment concept

Autonomous driving is destined to become reality in the not-too-distant future. While the major automakers are putting the finishing touches on the vehicle technology, the Swiss idea factory Rinspeed puts the occupants at the center of the driverless car. Rinspeed boss Frank M. Rinderknecht: “So far hardly anyone has taken this to its logical conclusion from the perspective of the driver. After all, traveling in a driverless car will no longer require me to stare at the road, but will let me spend my time in a more meaningful way”.

The key question is: How does the interior of a vehicle has to be designed to let the now largely unburdened driver make optimal use of the time gained? The Swiss company provides the answer with a fully electric touring sedan by the name of “XchangE.” So far only a few highlights have been revealed. The vehicle features all-new seats reminiscent of the relaxing business-class seats of major airlines – with similarly elaborate functionality. And it uses a completely new operating and display concept with a host of innovative entertainment, safety and service functions. This makes it possible to work or relax in particular comfort while riding in the driverless car. All passengers can enjoy a wide variety of media or access in-depth information. And to make sure the steering wheel is not a hindrance while doing so, it can simply be “parked” in the middle of the dashboard, courtesy of state-of-the-art “steer-by-wire” technology that can also be found on modern jet aircraft. It is therefore no surprise that the smart automotive visionary with a wink negates the advertising slogan that has become part of the vernacular: “Not even flying is better!”

You can read, listen to music, surf the web, play games, watch movies in brilliant picture and sound quality or hold a meeting at 120 km/h and work on your files. The creators are certain that autonomous driving will actually make individual travel even more attractive compared to traveling by train, plane or long-distance coach. As Rinderknecht puts it: “I am given free time that I can use for myself anyway I please, while the sensor systems and the computer chauffeur me safely and reliably to my destination”.

The Geneva Motor Show will take place from March 6 through 16, 2014. The Rinspeed “XchangE” is already the twentieth proprietary concept vehicle of the Swiss “Think Tank” and “Mobility Lab”.

The partners and suppliers in the realization of the “XchangE” are:

4erC GmbH – www.4erc.chA.T. Kearney Global Management Consultants – www.atkearney.comBorbet Vertriebs GmbH – www.borbet.deCarl F. Bucherer – www.carl-f-bucherer.comEberspächer Climate Control Systems GmbH & Co. KG – www.eberspaecher.comEsoro AG – www.esoro.chEvonik Industries AG – www.evonik.comGeorg Fischer Automotive AG – www.gfau.comHarman International, Inc. – www.harman.comKRD Sicherheitstechnik GmbH – www.kasiglas.deLinde Material Handling – www.linde-mh.deOtto Bock Mobility Solutions GmbH – www.ottobock.comParavan GmbH – www.paravan.deRegus Global Management and Research Centre SA – www.regus.comSchoeller GmbH & Co KG – www.schoeller-wool.comSika Schweiz AG – www.sika.comSträhle+Hess GmbH – www.straehle-hess.deTRW Automotive GmbH – www.trw.comT-Systems International GmbH – www.t-systems.comVollmond Werbeagentur – www.agentur-vollmond.deWeidmann Plastics Technology AG – www.weidmann-plastics.com

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