Αύξηση 3,3% στις πωλήσεις του Renault Group το 2015
Το 2015 έκλεισε θετικά για το Renault Group αφού όπως ανακοίνωσε, οι πωλήσεις του μέσα στο περασμένο έτος παρουσίασαν αύξηση της τάξης του 3,3% σε σχέση με το 2013. Συνολικά 2.801.592 αυτοκίνητα πούλησε παγκοσμίως ο γαλλικός όμιλος το 2015, με την Renault να πουλά 2.170.644 αυτοκίνητα (+2,4%), η Dacia 550.920 αυτοκίνητα (+7,7%) και η Renault Samsung
Στην Ευρώπη οι πωλήσεις αυξήθηκαν κατά 10,2% με 1.613.499 μονάδες, με την μεγαλύτερη αγορά της να ήταν αυτή της Γαλλίας με 607.173 πωλήσεις (+5,1%). Best seller μοντέλο της ήταν το Clio με 372.062 πωλήσεις, με το Duster να ακολουθεί με 331.238 πωλήσεις. Στην τρίτη θέση βρέθηκε το Sandero με 326.712 πωλήσεις, στην τέταρτη το Logan με 251.030 πωλήσεις και στην πέμπτη το Captur με 245.126 πωλήσεις. Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες μπορείς να βρεις στο δελτίο τύπου που ακολουθεί.
In 2015, Group registrations increased by 3.3% and achieved a new record of 2,801,592 vehiclesIn Europe, the Group registers another year of growth with market share exceeding 10%The Renault brand retained its leadership position in LCV in Europe for the 18th consecutive yearDespite the slump in the Russian and Brazilian markets, the Group maintained its international positionsThe success of new products in 2015, the many planned launches and the expansion of activities internationally will all support the ambition to grow in 2016.INCREASE IN WORLDWIDE SALES
In 2015, Groupe Renault’s PC+LCV worldwide registrations saw a further rise of 3.3% for a total of 2.8 million vehicles, in a market that grew by 1.6%. This third consecutive year of growth in registrations allowed the Group to set a new sales record. The Group’s worldwide market share now stands at 3.2%. The Renault brand remains the number one French brand in the world and Dacia has set a new sales record.
The Group continues to benefit from the momentum of the European automotive market (+9,4%) and realised a 10.2% increase in registrations to 1,613,499 vehicles, for a market share of 10.1%. Renault is the leader in the electric vehicle market here and, for the 18th consecutive year, is the leader in the LCV market.
Outside Europe, despite the economic crises in Russia and Latin America, the Group held steady and recorded market share gains in the Africa, Middle East and India and Eurasia regions.
Thierry Koskas, Groupe Renault Executive Vice President, Sales and Marketing, announced: “2015 marks another year of increased sales by Groupe Renault and we have beaten our previous sales record. Despite economic conditions that continue to vary from one region to another, our growth is constant and validates the geographic diversification strategy pursued these past years.”
In Europe, Groupe Renault’s share of the PC+LCVmarket rose to 10.1%, with an increase in registrations of 10.2% for 1,613,499 vehicles. The Group increased sales in all countries in the region, with particularly strong performances in Spain (+22.3%), the United Kingdom (+17.7%) and Italy (+18%), with a record market share of 9.1%.
2015 marks another year of growth for the Renault brand. This was the fastest-growing brand in 2015. With 1,238,711 registrations (+12.3%), the Group’s market share reached 7.8% as compared with 7.6% in 2014 and 7.4% in 2013. Clio remains leader of sales, all segments combined.
In the PCmarket (+11.1% to 969 508 vehicles), Renault retained its leadership position in the urban vehicle market (segments A+B) thanks to the continuing success of the Clio and of the Captur, the leader in its segment with 194 703 registrations (23,7% of the segment).Launches of 2015 drive strong customer demand : 49, 016 Kadjars have already been sold and there were 20, 930 registrations for the New Espace, representing three times more than its previous version during the same period in 2014.
In LCV, the Renault brand retained its leadership position for the 18th consecutive year, with 269, 203 registrations (+16, 9%), and recorded a 0.7 point increase in market share.
Ten years after its debut in Europe, theDacia brand recorded further growth in its registrations in 2015 (+3.6%), and marked record sales of 374, 458.
Renault is the leader in the European electric vehicle market. The Group’s sales are growing fast (+49%) to 23, 086 vehicles, excluding Twizy. ZOE becomes leader in the PC market with 18, 453 registrations over the year (+68%).
In France, Renault strengthened its position as the leading automotive brand and the Clio remained the most sold vehicle in the market for the sixth consecutive year. Clio, Captur, Twingo and Espace are leaders in their respective market segments. The Trafic, Master and Kangoo utility vehicles are also each at the top of their segments. ZOE held 60% of the electric PC market.
At the international level, despite an economic situation that varied by countries and regions, Groupe Renault was able to stabilise and even strengthen its positions.
In Eurasia, the Group’s market share increased by 1.6 points to 11.9%, in particular due to the Group’s momentum in Turkey (+21.7%), where a new sales record was set. This growth offset the consequences of the economic crisis in Russia, where the market slumped by more than 35% and Groupe Renault’s registrations fell by 38.1%. Market share stabilised at 7.5% as a policy of preserving margins is conducted.
In the Africa, Middle East and India region, Group registrations increased nearly 17%, for a market share of 4.5% (+0.7 points).The Group has more than one-third of the North African market. In Algeria, the Group saw a record market share (35.6%) with a significant 8.7 points gain, benefiting from the local manufacture of Symbol in Oran. In Morocco, where Dacia and Renault are the leading and second brands, respectively, registrations increased 11.5%. The Group’s market share was more than 38.2% (+1,2 point).In Egypt, the second-largest market in Africa, its sales rose by 73.8% and its market share reached 7.5% (+3.4 points).In India, Renault remains the leading European automotive brand with sales up by 20.1%. Kwid had a very promising start with more than 80,000 orders since its launch in September.In the Americas (355, 151 registrations, a decrease of 14.8%), the Group withstood the economic difficulties with a market share of 6.3% (-0.1 point). In Brazil, the Group’s second-largest market, market share increased by 0.2 points to an unprecedented level of 7.3%, in a market that contracted by 25.5%. In Argentina, the Group contained the decline in its registrations to -6.5%, thanks to the performance in the last quarter with a market share of 14.7% (12.7% over the full year). In Colombia, Renault set a new market share high of 18.6%, a rise of 2 points.The Duster Oroch pick-up, launched at the tail end of the year, already ranks second in its segment in Brazil. Renault’s ramp-up in this segment, should bolster growth in the region during the coming months.
In Asia Pacific, the level of sales in Korea, the Group’s largest market in the region, stabilised following significant growth in 2014. In China, priority has been given to the preparation of the launch of the Chinese version of the Kadjar, the first vehicle locally produced by the Dongfeng Renault joint venture.
In 2016, the global market is expected to record growth of 1 to 2% compared with 2015. The European market is also expected to increase by 2%, with a 2% increase also for France.
At the International level, the Brazilian and Russian markets are expected to decline further, by 6% and 12% respectively. On the contrary, China (+4 to 5%) and India (+8%) should pursue their momentum.
Against this backdrop, and with a particularly full product plan this year, Groupe Renault expects:– an acceleration in sales growth worldwide;– the strengthening of the Renault brand in Europe– an increase in each of its five regions.
Thierry Koskas confirmed “Building on the business momentum of the past three years, a product range largely updated in 2015 and 2016 and our expansion in India and China, our growth will accelerate in 2016 and we will improve our positions in all our regions“.
Group sales by region PC + LCV
Sales at end December*20152014% variationFrance607, 173577, 6065.1%Europe** (hors France)1, 006, 326887, 17913.4%Total France + Europe1, 613, 4991, 464, 78510.2%Africa Middle East India359, 858307, 92716.9%Eurasia356, 216389, 704-8.6%Americas355, 151416, 914-14.8%Asia Pacific116, 868133, 197-12.3%Total excluding France + Europe1, 188, 0931, 247, 742-4.8%World2, 801, 5922, 712, 5273.3%* Sales** Europe = European Union, Iceland, Norway & Switzerland
Total sales per brand
Sales at end December*20152014% variationRENAULTPC1, 822, 9651, 811, 4430.6%LCV347, 679307, 58213.0%PC + LCV2, 170, 6442, 119, 0252.4%RENAULT SAMSUNG MOTORSPC80, 02882, 123-2.6%DACIAPC511, 510474, 6237.8%LCV39, 41036, 7567.2%PC + LCV550, 920511, 3797.7%GROUPE RENAULTPC2, 414, 5032, 368, 1892.0%LCV387, 089344, 33812.4%PC + LCV2, 801, 5922, 712, 5273.3%Groupe Renault’s 15 main markets at end December 2015
Sales 2015*Market Share PC+LCV 2015(units)(% )1FRANCE607, 17326.42BRAZIL181, 5047.33GERMANY177, 7875.24TURKEY162, 17516.85SPAIN156, 10813.16ITALY154, 7309.17UNITED KINGDOM128, 2694.38RUSSIA120, 4117.59ALGERIA90, 18235.610BELGIUM+LUXEMBURG82, 37413.311SOUTH KOREA80, 0174.412ARGENTINA79, 38312.713INDIA53, 8481.714IRAN51, 5004.815MOROCCO50, 36938.2*Figures at end December 2015, excluding Twizy
Groupe Renault Top 5 best PC sales at end December 2015
TotalRenaultDaciaRSMClio 4372, 062372, 062Duster331, 238168, 900162, 338Sandero 2326, 712141, 354185, 358Logan 2251, 030151, 94999, 081Captur/QM3245, 126220, 56724, 559>>> All figures in this document date to January, 12th, 2016.
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