Ακόμη 78 Saabs σε δημοπρασία

Ακόμη μια δημοπρασία από τα υπάρχοντα Saab λαμβάνει χώρα αυτές τις ημέρες και συνολικά 78 αυτοκίνητα θα δημοπρατηθούν. Από αυτά, τα 31 είναι 9-4x (από τα 700 που κατασκευάστηκαν), 7 9-5 SportKombi (από τα 30 που βγήκαν στη παραγωγή), 37 9-5 2012MY (από 54 που βγήκαν), ενώ στη δημοπρασία υπάρχει το τελευταίο 9-3X, το 9-5 SportSedan TiD6 (Alpha) 2.9 superdiesel και το ένα από τα τρία 9-3 SportSedan με Skyblue βαφή. Τα αυτοκίνητα βρίσκονται στο Wallhamn, μερικά χιλιόμετρα μακριά από το Γκέτεμπρογκ.

[Πηγή: Μynewsdesk]


The Last Saabs up for Auction

GOTHENBURG, Sweden, March 19, 2013

The last unique Saabs are now going to auction at KVD ’ s marketplace http://www.kvd.se . Among the lots are cars that were built in very limited numbers and a number of car models that Saab Automobile AB started to produce but that never came to the market. The auction, which features 78 Saabs, starts on the 19 th March and concludes on 3 rd April.

Among the cars are 31 of Saabs SUV, the 9-4X, only 700 of which were produced. The auction also sees the sale of seven of the 30 or so 9-5 NEW Sportkombi that were produced and 37 of the 54 9-5 New Sedan for the 2012 model year that were built.

“We held a similar auction at the end of last year and noticed the strong following that SAAB still has around the world. The interest was enormous, both in Sweden and internationally. With the last cars now being sold we expect an equally high level of interest from Saab enthusiasts,” says Per Blomberg, Business area manager at KVD.

Among the cars being sold are the last factory produced Saab 9-3X built by Saab Automobile AB and one of only three existing Saab 9-3 SportSedan in the colour Skyblue. In addition, there is a Saab 9-5 NEW SportSedan TiD6 (Alpha)2.9 superdiesel.

The cars will be displayed at Wallhamn, some kilometres north of Gothenburg, on Friday 22nd March. For security reasons a scheduled appointment is required. To make an appointment send an e-mail with your name, contact details and which car you are interested in to saabauction@kvd.se by 12:00, Thursday 21stMarch.

The auction has been commissioned by Saab’s receivers in bankruptcy. The cars are being sold individually and bidding takes place on KVD Kvarndammen’s market place http://www.kvd.se and http://www.kvdauctions.com. Photographs and detailed information about the cars may be found on these websites. Some of the cars cannot be driven on the road, while others need to be completed or registered. The conditions applying to each car will be found with its description on the website.

More information about the auction: http://www.kvd.se or http://www.kvdauctions.comMore information about the Saab bankruptcy: http://www.konkursboet.se

Pictures: http://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/pressroom/kvd/image/list

PDF with all the cars: http://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/pressroom/kvd/document/list

CONTACT: For questions about the auction and the cars: saabauction@kvd.se. For photographs or media questions about the auction, contact Dag Thyselius, information officer at KVD Kvarndammen on dag.thyselius@kvd.se. For questions about the Saab bankruptcy, contact Hans L. Bergqvist, Partner, Advokatfirman Delphi on konkurs@delphi.se or Anne-Marie Pouteaux, Partner, Wistrand Advokatbyra on konkurs@wistrand.se . +46-(0)-303-37-31-78

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