Έκθεση Φρανκφούρτης 2013: Fiat 500L Living και Trekking
Η Fiat στη Φρανκφούρτη έχει φέρει τα 500L Living και 500L Trekking τα οποία ήδη πωλούνται στην Ιταλία, ενώ στις υπόλοιπες ευρωπαϊκές χώρες, συμπεριλαμβανομένου και της Ελλάδας, θα ξεκινήσουν την εμπορική τους πορεία από το φθινόπωρο.
Το πρώτο, είναι η 7-θέσια εκδοχή του 500L, με το 5+2 500L να έχει μήκος 4,35 μέτρα και να είναι το μοναδικό αυτοκίνητο της κατηγορίας του με χώρο αποσκευών 638 λίτρων. Η Fiat
Αρχικά θα είναι διαθέσιμο με 2 κινητήρες βενζίνης και 2 κινητήρες βενζίνης. Έτσι θα συναντάμε τον 1.400αρη 16βάλβιδο απόδοσης 95 ίππων, τον 900άρι TwinAir Turbo απόδοσης 105 ίππων, τον 1.6 MultiJet II απόδοσης 105 ίππων και τον 1.3 MultiJet II απόδοσης 85 ίππων, με τον τελευταίο να είναι ο μόνος που συνδυάζεται και με αυτόματο κιβώτιο.
Στο λανσάρισμά του στην Ελληνική αγορά, το Fiat 500L Living θα εφοδιάζεται με δυο turbodiesel: τον 1.6 MultiJet II που αποδίδει 105 ίππους και τον 1.3 MultiJet II με 85 ίππους και αυτόματο κιβώτιο Dualogic. Από το φθινόπωρο, το Fiat 500L Living θα εξοπλίζεται με τον καινοτόμο 0.9 TwinAir Turbo με διπλό καύσιμο (βενζίνη-φυσικό αέριο), που πρόσφατα κέρδισε τον τίτλο “Best Green Engine of the Year 2013″.
Ο νέος κινητήρας 1.6 MultiJet με απόδοση 105 ίππων εξασφαλίζει διασκεδαστική οδήγηση, καλές επιδόσεις, χαμηλά κόστη και μεγαλύτερα διαστήματα ανάμεσα στα service. Εξασφαλίζει τελική ταχύτητα 180 χλμ./ώρα και επιταχύνει από 0 ως 100 χλμ./ώρα σε μόλις 12,2 δλ. Κι όλα αυτά με μέση κατανάλωση 4.5 λίτρα/100 km και εκπομπές CO2 117 g/km.
Υπάρχουν 2 επίπεδα εξοπλισμού (Pop Star και Lounge), 5-θέσια ή 7-θέσια διάταξη, 19 εξωτερικά χρώματα (11 εκ των οποίων με δίχρωμους συνδυασμούς), 6 εσωτερικοί χρωματισμοί, 15 διαφορετικής σχεδίασης ζάντες, προσφέροντας έτσι 282 συνδυασμούς. Το 500L Living διαθέτει επίσης ανέσεις που προσφέρουν αυτοκίνητα μεγαλύτερης κατηγορίας όπως δερμάτινες επενδύσεις, σύστημα πλοήγησης και κάμερα οπισθοπορείας.
Το δεύτερο, το 500L Trekking διαθέτει αυξημένη απόσταση από το έδαφος, νέους προφυλακτήρες, μαύρα προστατευτικά πλαστικά και ζάντες 17″, ενώ στο εσωτερικό υπάρχουν δίχρωμες επενδύσεις. Και αυτό θα είναι διαθέσιμο με 2 επίπεδα εξοπλισμού (Pop Star και Lounge).
Το Fiat 500L Trekking λανσάρεται στην Ελληνική αγορά τον μήνα Ιούλιο ενώ είναι ήδη διαθέσιμο για παραγγελίες με ένα κινητήρα βενζίνης -0.9 TwinAir Turbo με 105 ίππους- και δύο turbodiesel: 1.6 MultiJet II με 105 ίππους και 1.3 MultiJet II με 85 ίππους. Ο τελευταίος συνδυάζεται επίσης με το κιβώτιο Dualogic. Η έκδοση με τον πιο δυνατό κινητήρα 1.6 diesel διατίθεται στις €20.120 (συμπεριλαμβανομένου έκπτωσης και οφέλους απόσυρσης). Και για όσους επιζητούν επιπλέον διευκόλυνση, παρέχεται ευνοϊκή χρηματοδότηση από την FGA Bank 5,25% επιτ, 0% προκ. έως 72 δόσεις.
[Πηγή: Fiat]
Δελτίο ΤύπουH οικογένεια του 500 μεγαλώνει: νέα 500L Living και 500L Trekking
- Fiat 500L Living: το νέο μοντέλο προσφέρει μια νέα ερμηνεία για την έννοια του «πρώτου αυτοκινήτου» για ολόκληρη την οικογένεια, χάρη στην ελκυστική σχεδίασή του, τη λειτουργικότητα και την αποδοτικότητά του.
- Το Fiat 500L Trekking είναι ένα ελεύθερο πνεύμα με μια τέλεια διπλή προσωπικότητα που λατρεύει να εναλλάσσεται κάθε μέρα: μια αστική, για καθημερινές γρήγορες μετακινήσεις μέσα στην πόλη, και μια άλλη περιπετειώδη, ιδανική για εκείνες τις μικρές απολαύσεις του Σαββατοκύριακου που κάνουν τη ζωή να αξίζει.
Η Fiat παρουσιάζει τα 500L Living και 500L Trekking στο διεθνή Τύπο, που οδηγούν την οικογένεια 500 να εξερευνήσει νέα εδάφη, ξεπερνώντας τα συμβατικά όρια της κατηγορίας τους. Δύο αυτοκίνητα πολύ διαφορετικά σε μορφή και χαρακτήρα, που έχουν όμως τις ρίζες τους στο Fiat 500, το σύμβολο υπεροχής της ιταλικής βιομηχανικής παραγωγής, που καθιερώνεται σε όλο τον κόσμο χάρη στο ιταλικό του στιλ, τη συνεχή καινοτομία, το σεβασμό στο περιβάλλον και την premium ποιότητα. Αυτή είναι η μαγική φόρμουλα με την οποία το 500 έχει διαψεύσει την συμβατική νοοτροπία της αγοράς, αποδεικνύοντας ότι ένα μικρό αυτοκίνητο πόλης μπορεί να γίνει μια παγκόσμια επιτυχία.500L Living
- Ο μεγαλύτερος «χώρος διαμονής» στην κατηγορία: 5+2 θέσεις σε μόλις 4,35 μ.
- Το πρώτο αυτοκίνητο για όλη την οικογένεια: το απαράμιλλο ντιζάιν του 500 συνδυάζεται με τη βέλτιστη ισορροπία ανάμεσα στους εσωτερικούς χώρους και τις εξωτερικές διαστάσεις.
- Ευκινησία και συμπαγείς διαστάσεις ενός αυτοκινήτου μεσαίου μεγέθους, άνεση και περιεκτικότητα ενός station wagon της κατηγορίας C και χώροι κι ευελιξία ενός πολυμορφικού.
Το 500L Living καταδεικνύει την ικανότητα της Fiat να σχεδιάζει και να παράγει καινοτόμα αυτοκίνητα με μέγιστη εργονομία και λειτουργικότητα. Το νέο μοντέλο είναι κορυφαίο ανάμεσα στα μεσαία πολυμορφικά σε θέματα ισορροπίας μεταξύ εξωτερικών διαστάσεων και εσωτερικών χώρων, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των χώρων για επιβάτες και του χώρου αποσκευών. Και χάρη στις περιορισμένες εξωτερικές διαστάσεις του, το νέο μοντέλο εγγυάται ευελιξία, ευκολία οδήγησης και πρακτικότητα σε αστική οδήγηση -στάθμευση σε μικρούς χώρους, εύκολες αλλαγές λωρίδας, ευκινησία σε στενούς δρόμους – στοιχεία που το καθιστούν μοναδικό.
Το εσωτερικό περιβάλλον είναι ένα φιλόξενο μέρος, ένα άκρως ευχάριστο μέρος για να βρίσκεται κανείς, χάρη στη μεγάλη γκάμα των χρωματικών συνδυασμών, αποκλειστικών λύσεων και αποκλειστικών αξεσουάρ.
Το Fiat 500L Living προάγει την κορυφαία ευρυχωρία και άνεση στην κατηγορία του, όπως ακριβώς προσφέρει καινοτόμες λύσεις στις ρυθμίσεις των καθισμάτων για να διευκολύνει την επιβίβαση και την αποβίβαση των επιβατών, αλλά και τη φόρτωση αντικειμένων. Για να ικανοποιήσει κάθε ανάγκη, το νέο μοντέλο είναι διαθέσιμο σε δυο εκδόσεις: 5 καθίσματα (στάνταρ) ή 5+2 (έξτρα). Στην τελευταία περίπτωση, τα δυο επιπρόσθετα καθίσματα μπορούν άνετα να φιλοξενήσουν δυο επιβάτες μεσαίου ύψους. Επιπλέον, η πρόσβαση στην τρίτη σειρά είναι εύκολη χάρη στο μεγάλο άνοιγμα της πόρτας και τον μηχανισμό “one hand” που επιτρέπει στο κάθισμα να γίνει εντελώς επίπεδο με μια κίνηση.
Στην 5θέσια διάταξη, χάρη στα ρυθμιζόμενα πίσω καθίσματα, ο χώρος αποσκευών έχει ελάχιστη χωρητικότητα 560 λίτρα (με τα καθίσματα «τέρμα» πίσω) και μέγιστη χωρητικότητα 638 λίτρα (καθίσματα τραβηγμένα μπροστά). Η αναδιπλούμενη 2η σειρά και το κάθισμα του συνοδηγού μπορούν επίσης να πέσουν πλήρως. Αυτό διευκολύνει αφάνταστα τη μεταφορά αντικειμένων μεγάλου μήκους (2,60 μέτρα). Επίσης, χάρη στο σύστημα “Cargo Magic Space” ο χώρος φόρτωσης μπορεί να χωριστεί σε τρία επίπεδα, ξεχωρίζοντας τα εύθραυστα αντικείμενα από τα βαριά, τα καθαρά από τα λερωμένα, τα ογκώδη από τα μικρά. Ο χώρος αποσκευών διαθέτει επίσης θήκες και γάντζους επιτρέποντας τη μεταφορά οποιουδήποτε αντικειμένου. Στην διάταξη 5+2 το 500L Living προσφέρει χώρο αποσκευών 168 λίτρα, πάνω από το μέσο όρο της κατηγορίας του. Συνοπτικά υπάρχουν πολυάριθμες διαμορφώσεις του εσωτερικού και 22 χώροι αποθήκευσης διαφόρων μεγεθών.
Το 500L Living είναι για να ζεις τη ζωή στο μέγιστο. Με την προσθήκη της τρίτης σειράς καθισμάτων είναι το πιο συμπαγές πολυμορφικό 5 + 2 θέσεων στην κατηγορία του: έχει μήκος 435 cm, πλάτος 178 cm και ύψος 167 cm. Επιπλέον, παρά το γεγονός ότι έχει 20 εκατοστά μικρότερο μήκος από ένα Station Wagon της κατηγορίας C, το Fiat 500L Living εξασφαλίζει εξαιρετική άνεση, χώρους και χώρο αποσκευών. Γι’ αυτό ακριβώς το νέο μοντέλο είναι το ιδανικό πρώτο αυτοκίνητο για όλη την οικογένεια, ένα αυτοκίνητο που απευθύνεται σε μια τεράστια βάση αγοραστών.
Το Fiat 500L Living θα παράγεται στο νέο εργοστάσιο στη Σερβία, στο Kragujevac. Στην Ελληνική αγορά, αναμένεται να λανσαριστεί τον Σεπτέμβριο, ενώ οι προτεινόμενες τιμές και οι διαθέσιμες εκδόσεις αναμένεται να ανακοινωθούν στις αρχές του Αυγούστου.
Στο λανσάρισμά του στην Ελληνική αγορά, το Fiat 500L Living θα εφοδιάζεται με δυο turbodiesel: τον 1.6 MultiJet II που αποδίδει 105 ίππους και τον 1.3 MultiJet II με 85 ίππους και αυτόματο κιβώτιο Dualogic.
Από το φθινόπωρο, το Fiat 500L Living θα εξοπλίζεται με τον καινοτόμο 0.9 TwinAir Turbo με διπλό καύσιμο (βενζίνη-φυσικό αέριο), που πρόσφατα κέρδισε τον τίτλο “Best Green Engine of the Year 2013″.
Ο νέος κινητήρας 1.6 MultiJet με απόδοση 105 ίππων εξασφαλίζει διασκεδαστική οδήγηση, καλές επιδόσεις, χαμηλά κόστη και μεγαλύτερα διαστήματα ανάμεσα στα service. Εξασφαλίζει τελική ταχύτητα 180 χλμ./ώρα και επιταχύνει από 0 ως 100 χλμ./ώρα σε μόλις 12,2 δλ. Κι όλα αυτά με μέση κατανάλωση 4.5 λίτρα/100 km και εκπομπές CO2 117 g/km.
Ιδιαίτερη μνεία επίσης αξίζει να γίνει στην άνεση που προσφέρει το αυτοκίνητο, που έχει τη δυνατότητα αποτελεσματικής απορρόφησης των κραδασμών από τις ανωμαλίες των κακών δρόμων και εξίσου αποτελεσματικού ελέγχου των κινήσεων του αμαξώματος, χάρη στις αναβαθμισμένες αναρτήσεις του. Το εξαιρετικό αυτό αποτέλεσμα έχει επιτευχθεί χάρη στα -ειδικά σχεδιασμένα για την 7θέσια έκδοση- αμορτισέρ με λειτουργία «εξαρτημένη από τη συχνότητα» (frequency dependent), στα οποία η απόσβεση μεταβάλλεται ανάλογα με τις συνθήκες λειτουργίας:
- υψηλή απόσβεση για καταστάσεις χαμηλής συχνότητας διέγερσης (κλίσεις αμαξώματος στον εγκάρσιο και διαμήκη άξονα) για να περιορίζονται οι κινήσεις του αμαξώματος και να βελτιώνεται ο έλεγχος του αυτοκινήτου και η ασφάλεια.
- χαμηλή απόσβεση για καταστάσεις υψηλής συχνότητας διέγερσης (μικρές ανωμαλίες, τραχύ οδόστρωμα) για τη βελτίωση της άνεσης.
500L Trekking
- Αυξημένο ύψος και εδικά εσωτερικά: εξερεύνηση νέων εδαφών με το νέο Fiat με τον πολύπλευρο χαρακτήρα.
- Στάνταρ το Traction+, το καινοτόμο σύστημα ελέγχου και κατανομής ροπής, που βελτιώνει τον έλεγχο του αυτοκινήτου στα ολισθηρά εδάφη.
- Ένας κινητήρας βενζίνης -0.9 TwinAir Turbo με 105 ίππους- και δύο turbodiesel: 1.6 MultiJet II με 105 ίππους και 1.3 MultiJet II με 85 ίππους.
Κάθε μέρα μπορεί να φέρει νέες περιπέτειες σε άγνωστα εδάφη, τα οποία απλώς περιμένουν να εξερευνηθούν. Ο περιπετειώδης χαρακτήρας του νέου Fiat 500L Trekking φαίνεται με την πρώτη ματιά: ειδικά σχεδιασμένοι προφυλακτήρες, εμπρός και πίσω προστατευτικές ποδιές και αυξημένο ύψος από το έδαφος (+10% συγκριτικά με το 500L) για να προσπερνάει τα δύσκολα εδάφη με ευκολία.
Το Fiat 500L Trekking είναι ένα ελεύθερο πνεύμα με μια τέλεια διπλή προσωπικότητα που λατρεύει να εναλλάσσεται κάθε μέρα: μια αστική, για καθημερινές γρήγορες μετακινήσεις μέσα στην πόλη, και μια άλλη περιπετειώδη, ιδανική για εκείνες τις μικρές απολαύσεις του Σαββατοκύριακου που κάνουν τη ζωή να αξίζει.
Στο εσωτερικό, τα νέα υψηλής τεχνολογίας υλικά στα καθίσματα, στις ταπετσαρίες και στα υφάσματα κερδίζουν τους επιβάτες. Ο υποψήφιος αγοραστής μπορεί να επιλέξει μεταξύ δυο ελκυστικών επιλογών: magnesio grey με καφέ κομμάτια από δέρμα για εμφάνιση “all-terrain”, ή μαύρο χρώμα με λευκά κομμάτια από δέρμα για περισσότερο αστική αίσθηση. Το 500L Trekking είναι διαθέσιμο σε επτά συναρπαστικά χρώματα αμαξώματος – και το ολοκαίνουργιο Κίτρινο Trekking – συνδυασμένα με λευκή ή μαύρη οροφή, δημιουργώντας συνολικά 16 χρωματικούς συνδυασμούς.
Το Fiat 500L Trekking είναι ένα από τα πλέον ασφαλή αυτοκίνητα στο παγκόσμιο αυτοκινητικό στερέωμα. Συγκεκριμένα, το νέο αυτοκίνητο έχει έναν σύγχρονο και εξαιρετικά ασφαλή κλωβό ασφαλείας με διπλές κολόνες που ικανοποιούν και τα πιο αυστηρά κριτήρια του αμερικάνικου οργανισμού παθητικής ασφάλειας. Επιπλέον, οι 6 αερόσακοι, το σύστημα ESP/ASR/MSR/Hill Holder και το σύστημα Traction+ θεωρούνται δεδομένα.
Εξωτερικά, η έκδοση Trekking διαθέτει:
- Εμπρός/Πίσω προφυλακτήρες με ματ γκρι πλαστικό
- Πλευρικά μαρσπιέ σε ματ γκρι πλαστικό
- Πλευρικές λωρίδες στις πόρτες που περιλαμβάνουν ματ πλαστικό σε — συνδυασμό με γυαλιστερή μεταλλική πλάκα
- Πλαίσια εμπρός / πίσω φώτων σε ματ επιχρωμίωση
- Καλύμματα εξωτερικών καθρεφτών σε ματ επιχρωμίωση
- Ζάντες αλουμινίου 17’’ Black Diamond με ελαστικά M+S για καλύτερο κράτημα
- Υπερυψωμένη ανάρτηση (κατά 13 χιλ. σε σχέση με την αντίστοιχη άλλων εκδόσεων)
Το νέο μοντέλο προσφέρει μια σειρά από χαρακτηριστικά στον στάνταρ εξοπλισμό του, όπως την έξυπνη μπροστινή κίνηση με τεχνολογία Traction+ η οποία, μαζί με τα ελαστικά M+S, βελτιώνει τον έλεγχο του αυτοκινήτου σε εδάφη με χαμηλή πρόσφυση. Κι όλα αυτά φυσικά συνδυάζονται την ευρυχωρία και τη λειτουργικότητα του 500L. Άλλωστε το “City Lounge” της Fiat έχει σχεδιαστεί για να φιλοξενεί εύκολα τις απολαύσεις της ζωής -παιδιά, φίλοι, ταξίδια- χάρη στο χώρο επιβατών που είναι 3.17 m³ και στον ευρύχωρο και πλήρως εκμεταλλεύσιμο χώρο φόρτωσης (455 λίτρα).
Το Fiat 500L Trekking λανσάρεται στην Ελληνική αγορά τον μήνα Ιούλιο ενώ είναι ήδη διαθέσιμο για παραγγελίες με ένα κινητήρα βενζίνης -0.9 TwinAir Turbo με 105 ίππους- και δύο turbodiesel: 1.6 MultiJet II με 105 ίππους και 1.3 MultiJet II με 85 ίππους. Ο τελευταίος συνδυάζεται επίσης με το κιβώτιο Dualogic. Η έκδοση με τον πιο δυνατό κινητήρα 1.6 diesel διατίθεται στις 20120€ (συμπεριλαμβανομένου έκπτωσης και οφέλους απόσυρσης). Και για όσους επιζητούν επιπλέον διευκόλυνση, παρέχεται ευνοϊκή χρηματοδότηση από την FGA Bank 5,25% επιτ, 0% προκ. έως 72 δόσεις.
500L Living
KINHTHPAΣ1.6 MultiJet II 105 HP5θέσιο/7θέσιοΧωρητικότητα (κ.εκ.)1598Iσχύς (ίπποι)105Σ.α.λ.3700Ροπή (kgm)32,4Σ.α.λ.1750ΜΕΤΑΔΟΣΗΧειροκίνητο κιβώτιο 6 σχέσεωνΔΙΑΣΤAΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΒΑΡΗΜήκος x Πλάτος x Ύψος (mm)4352χ1784χ1667Μεταξόνιο (mm)2612Βάρος (κιλά)1395Χώρος αποσκευών (λίτρα)560ΕΠΙΔΟΣΕΙΣ 5θέσιοΜέγιστη ταχύτητα (χλμ./ώρα)180Επιτάχυνση 0-100 χλμ./ώρα (sec)12,2ΚΑΤΑΝΑΛΩΣΗ 5θέσιοΣυνδυασμένη (λίτρα/100 χλμ.)4,5ΕΚΠΟΜΠΕΣ CO2 5θέσιο (g/km)117
500 L Trekking
KINHTHPAΣ0.9 Turbo TwinAir 105 HPΧωρητικότητα (κ.εκ.)875Iσχύς (ίπποι)105Σ.α.λ.5500/5750Ροπή (kgm)14,7Σ.α.λ.2000/1750ΜΕΤΑΔΟΣΗΧειροκίνητο κιβώτιο 6 σχέσεωνΔΙΑΣΤAΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΒΑΡΗΜήκος x Πλάτος x Ύψος (mm)4147x1784x1679Μεταξόνιο (mm)2612Βάρος (κιλά)1270Χώρος αποσκευών (λίτρα)412-1375ΕΠΙΔΟΣΕΙΣΜέγιστη ταχύτητα (χλμ./ώρα173Επιτάχυνση 0-100 χλμ./ώρα (sec)12,6ΚΑΤΑΝΑΛΩΣΗΣυνδυασμένη (λίτρα/100 χλμ.)5,1ΕΚΠΟΜΠΕΣ CO2 (g/km)119
KINHTHPAΣ1.3 16V MultiJet 2 85 HPΧωρητικότητα (κ.εκ.)1248Iσχύς (ίπποι)85Σ.α.λ.3500Ροπή (kgm)20,2Σ.α.λ.1500ΜΕΤΑΔΟΣΗΧειροκίνητο κιβώτιο 5 σχέσεωνΔΙΑΣΤAΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΒΑΡΗΜήκος x Πλάτος x Ύψος (mm)4147x1784x1679Μεταξόνιο (mm)2612Βάρος (κιλά)1305Χώρος αποσκευών (λίτρα)412-1375ΕΠΙΔΟΣΕΙΣΜέγιστη ταχύτητα (χλμ./ώρα160Επιτάχυνση 0-100 χλμ./ώρα (sec)15,3ΚΑΤΑΝΑΛΩΣΗΣυνδυασμένη (λίτρα/100 χλμ.)4,3ΕΚΠΟΜΠΕΣ CO2 (g/km)114
The 500 family grows: new 500L Living and 500L Trekking
The Fiat 500L Living: the new model offering a new interpretation of the ‘first car’ for your entire family, thanks to its distinctive style, its functionality and its efficiency.The Fiat 500L Trekking is a free spirit with two perfectly fused souls which love to play off one another every day: one metropolitan, for breezing through the city, and one more adventurous, perfect for those little weekend pleasures that make life worth living.The 500 family: from the founding member in 2007 to the new 500L in 2012.The new fiat500.com site dedicated to the 500 family on line.
Fiat is presenting the 500L Living and 500L Trekking to the international press, two developments of the 500′s identity that lead the 500 family to explore new territory, breaking the conventional segment barriers. Two cars very different in form and character, but which have the same roots in common: the Fiat 500, the icon of Italian manufacturing par excellence, which establishes itself throughout the world thanks to Italian style, continuous innovation, respect for the environment and premium quality. This is the magic formula with which the 500 has belied the conventional wisdom of its market, demonstrating that a small city car can become a global success, as well as establish a family of attractive, accessible cars that ensure the utmost choice and versatility.
Fiat has chosen to present the two new additions to the 500 family in Zona Tortona, Milan, a symbol of the city that reinvented itself, transforming its industrial roots – there were some important factories in this area – into an international present, made up of design, fashion and modern art. It’s an evocative location that perfectly represents the continuous transformation of Milan, which today is opening up to new ideas and the future reflected in Expo 2015, of which both Fiat Spa and Fiat Industrial will be Global Partners.
The same attitude towards reinventing itself which distinguishes Fiat, which undertook a profound transformation in 2007 with its iconic 500, marking the beginning of a new stylistic and industrial journey. In fact, upon its appearance it was christened as the manifesto of the “new Fiat”, a model which still today carries with it a new approach to construction, renewed brand strategies and another way to see the car, which concentrates more on quality, emotions and unique features. In this sense, Milan and Fiat – with the whole 500 family – speak the same language and are alike in terms of identity, ability to reinvent themselves and the never conventional ways with which they relate to the people living there.
500L Living
The 500L Living is the newest evolution of the 500 family, a car which reaches out to a diverse audience, an audience looking for something new, for a balance between functionality and design, with flexibility of use and space for a range of interests, with no need to compromise on style.
Fiat’s new Magic Purpose Wagon has all the charm of a 500, the agility and compactness of a mid-sized car, the comfort and content of a C-segment station wagon and the space and versatility of an MPV. These are the ingredients for a new car concept, which is not based solely on technical specifications, but also and above all how it is experienced in life: in this car, the ‘living space’ that determines its name takes centre stage.
An evolution of the iconic model launched in 2007, the 500L Living is for living life to the full, combining unmistakeable ‘made in Fiat’ design with the optimum balance between interior space and exterior dimensions. With the addition of the third row of seats, the new vehicle is the most compact ’5 + 2-seater’ MPV in its category: it is 435 cm long, 178 cm wide and 167 cm high. What’s more, despite being 20 cm shorter than a C-segment Station Wagon, the Fiat 500L Living ensures exceptional comfort, space and load capacity, as demonstrated by its 638 litre load capacity.
That’s why the new model is the perfect first vehicle for the whole family, a car which appeals to a wide range of consumers, thanks to its combination of style, functionality and efficiency. The Fiat 500L Living is the superlative expression of Fiat’s characteristic ingenuity in creating vehicles that make everyday life more simple, and a bit more fun as well.
At launch, the Fiat 500L Living will be equipped with one petrol engine – the 105 HP 0.9 TwinAir Turbo – as well as two turbodiesels: the 105 HP 1.6 MultiJet II and the 85 HP 1.3 MultiJet II, the latter also with automatic transmission.
The range includes two trim levels (Pop Star and Lounge), both with 5 or 7 seats, 19 body colours (including 11 two-tone combinations) and 6 interior trims, 15 different types of alloy wheels and hub caps, for a total of no less than 282 possible combinations. What’s more, the new Fiat 500L Living offers equipment worthy of a higher segment, as demonstrated by the new leather interiors, integrated navigation system and rear camera to assist with reversing manoeuvres.
The Fiat 500L Living will be produced in the new Serbian factory at Kragujevac, and orders will open in July in Italy, to be extended progressively to other European countries.
500L Trekking
The Fiat 500L Trekking is a free spirit with two perfectly fused souls which love to play off one another every day: one metropolitan, for breezing through the city, and one more adventurous, perfect for those little weekend pleasures that make life worth living.
The new car sports a distinctive all-round look teamed with a high ride and specially designed bumpers with protective shield. In addition, the stylish exterior is enhanced by new 17″ diamond-finish alloy wheels, satin finish handles and brushed steel side mouldings.
The new model offers a range of features as standard, including smart front-wheel drive with Traction+ technology which, together with M+S “snowflake” tyres (also standard), improves the vehicle’s handling on terrain with poor grip. All this, without compromising the space and functionality of the 500L, the Fiat ‘City Lounge’ has been designed to easily accommodate life’s little pleasures and greatest joys all together – children, friends, travelling – thanks to its 3.17 m³ of passenger volume and a spacious, regular-shaped boot (up to 455 litres).
The Fiat 500L Trekking is available with two petrol engines – the 95 HP 1.4 16v and the 105 HP 0.9 TwinAir Turbo – and two turbo diesel engines – the 105 HP 1.6 MultiJet II and the 85 HP 1.3 MultiJet II, the latter also with Dualogic robotised automatic transmission.
All of the new Trekking’s engine versions come packed with high value features. In addition to the equipment of the 500L Pop Star, the Trekking offers important standard features such as an automatic climate control system, electric rear windows, fog lights, Traction+ system, CD/MP3 UConnect radio with 5″ touchscreen display, automatic headlights and rain sensor.
One of the engine options which best demonstrates the new model’s explorer’s spirit is certainly the 105 HP 1.6 MultiJet II, the turbodiesel recently launched as part of the 500L range. It is a highly adaptable engine offering high torque at low rpm, the best in its segment. This makes it the perfect power unit for any situation on any road, a true all-rounder which has been received extremely positively by 500L owners – the figures say it all: in just 4 months since its introduction, it has been chosen by 20% of Fiat City Lounge customers.
The same engine has been chosen for the exclusive 500L Trekking Opening Edition, a Limited Edition launched in June in Italy – through the ‘Facebook offer’ and ‘Google offer’ – which has received 500 orders thanks to the plethora of features available as standard and included in the price: two-tone paintwork, rear parking sensors, City Brake Control, Beats Hi-Fi sound system and Comfort Pack (front armrest and electric lumbar front seat adjustment).
The 500 family: from the founding member in 2007 to the new 500L in 2012
Launched on 4 July 2007, the new Fiat 500 is the iconic Italian car, a successful model which has taken over the world with its cheerful style and lust for life. Suffice to say, it’s the Fiat model with the highest level of sales outside of Italy: more than 1,100,000 units sold from 2007 to date, 65% of which have been registered abroad.
Produced in Poland since 2007 and in Toluca (Mexico) since 2010, the Fiat 500 is sold in more than 100 countries worldwide – from Italy to Brazil, South Africa to Poland, the United States to Japan – and it also marked the return of the Fiat brand to the United States, where it has been beating its own sales records for 15 months, and has now sold over 100,000 vehicles.
The model has been equally well received by critics the world over, winning over 40 international awards to date, including the prestigious ‘Car of The Year 2008′, and has 357,000 fans registered on the official Facebook Fan Page (www.facebook.com/fiat500). To this extraordinary collection of recognitions, we can add the numerous records set by the Fiat 500 within its segment. To name just a few: it was the first city car to offer 7 airbags as standard, the first to win the Euro NCAP 5 star rating, the first to make ESP available throughout the entire range, and the first Fiat Group car to introduce the two-cylinder TwinAir engine family.
One of the secrets of the vehicle’s global success is without a doubt the 500 family’s ability to continuously evolve and offer new interpretations: consider the 500 Abarth (March 2008), 500 by Diesel (September 2008), 500 Pink (June 2009), 500C (July 2009), 500C Abarth (March 2010), 500C by Diesel (June 2010), 500 TwinAir (July 2010), 500 Matt Black (September 2010), 500 two-tone (December 2010), 500 and 500C by Gucci (April and August 2011 respectively), 500 America Limited Edition (February 2012), 500S and 500 Color Therapy Lounge (December 2012) and the latest arrival, the 500 GQ (June 2013).
Boosted by the icon’s global success in 2007, last year the 500 family decided to explore new territory, and created the 500L, the Fiat ‘City Lounge’ which effectively combines characteristics you would normally consider to be mutually incompatible: the compact external dimensions typical of the B segment, with the performance, generous interior and rich equipment typical of the C segment. All this comes at an accessible city-car price and with added value you won’t find elsewhere: this is the distinctive personality of the Fiat 500, a real Italian design icon.
Recently refreshed with the introduction of two new engines – the 105 HP 1.6 MultiJet II and the 105 HP 0.9 TwinAir Turbo – the Fiat 500L offers reduced emissions and fuel consumption, a wide range of passenger space configurations and excellent flexibility in luggage carrying solutions. In fact, it boasts the best passenger space index in its class. Panoramic windows also guarantee segment topping visibility, and running costs and performance are another two best-in-class features.
It is thanks to these special features – in combination with the vehicle’s all-round protection, certified by the prestigious Euro NCAP 5 star rating – that the Fiat 500L is the only model in its segment with constantly growing sales in Europe, despite the difficult economic climate. Since its launch, 41,000 units have been sold and registered. Interestingly, 52% of 500L customers come from other brands and 61% from very different vehicles types among them: 35% from the B segment, 15% from the C segment and 10% from the A segment. In short, the 500L is a trans-segment car that satisfies a wide clientele with a range of inclinations, ages and daily vehicle usage requirements. For example, with its functional nature, the 500L appeals to this segment’s more traditional customers – 40% are aged between 36 and 50, and 30% between 50 and 65 – including adult families who, traditionally opting for higher segment models, choose the Fiat City Lounge because they want a functional, roomy and comfortable car.
Similarly, the smiley, fun-loving look of the 500L appeals to a clientele which is much younger than the segment average (16% of customers are aged between 18 and 35), who like its sophisticated but easily accessible technological solutions and its contents which provide practical answers to the needs of daily mobility and rising environmental awareness. Incidentally, Fiat is the brand with the lowest average CO2 emissions of cars sold in Europe – only 119.8 g/km – for the sixth year running.
The 500L is therefore the perfect example to demonstrate how the future of the 500 family lies in its transversal development: in fact, if the 500 is the ‘cool’ city car par excellence, the 500L adds the functionality that makes it unbeatable in day-to-day life, the performance and contents that let it live new experiences outside of the city limits.
For the sixth birthday of the iconic Fiat city-car, the new fiat500.com site dedicated to the 500 family is being launched. It presents the models of the entire range: from the founding member in 2007 to the two latest models, the 500L Living and 500L Trekking.
It’s the first site designed for the iPad that can also be browsed from your PC: with tablets very clearly in mind, its design allows you to explore the portal on a single page, discovering all the models and versions in the 500 range by operating two large knobs at the side that display trim levels, colours, engines, rims and interiors with the corresponding details. As well as cool graphics and bright colours, the Fiat 500′s new virtual environment offers simple, quick and intuitive navigation, which is sure to engage its many fans throughout the world.
After the initial release in July, a second, more complete site will be available in October, with a series of interactive sections, featuring a magazine dedicated to the world of the 500 with content provided through the social networks; a social toolbar permitting access to the social world of 500 and an engaging game to entertain as well as inform.
Fiat 500L Living
The largest ‘living space’ in its category: 5+2 seats in just 4 metres 35 centimetres.The first vehicle for the whole family: the Fiat 500′s unmistakeable design combined with the optimum balance between internal space and external dimensions.The agility and compactness of a mid-sized car, the comfort and content of a station wagon and the space and versatility of an MPV.
The new 500L Living is the superlative expression of Fiat’s characteristic ingenuity in creating vehicles that make everyday life more simple, and a bit more fun as well. The family feel is clear right from the external style, which rejects sharp edges in favour of “rounder” shapes, maintaining the friendly, cheerful look of the Fiat 500. But inside, the new vehicle is full of surprises, guaranteeing exceptional comfort, space and load capacity. That’s why the 500L is the perfect first vehicle for the whole family, a model which appeals to a wide range of consumers, thanks to its combination of style, functionality and efficiency.
The 500L Living demonstrates Fiat’s ability to design and produce innovative vehicles with maximum space efficiency. It is not by chance that the new model is leader among mid-sized MPVs in terms of the ratio between exterior dimensions and interior space, including both the passenger compartment and the boot. With the addition of the third row of seats, the new vehicle is the most compact ’5 + 2-seater’ MPV in its category: it is 435 cm long, 178 cm wide and 167 cm high. Despite being 20 cm shorter than a C-segment Station Wagon, the Fiat 500L Living ensures exceptional comfort, space and load capacity. And thanks to its compact dimensions, the new car guarantees handling and practicality in urban driving – parking in tight spots, smooth lane changes, agility on corners and in narrow streets – that make it unique.
The truth is that the Fiat 500L Living cannot be confined to a traditional segment, as it takes the best of different categories, reinterpreting it to offer all of the following in a single solution: the charm of a 500, the agility and compactness of a mid-sized car, the comfort and content of a C-segment station wagon and the space and versatility of an MPV. These are the components of the new magic formula, which expands both the winning formula of the 500, a style icon offering continuous innovation and premium quality, and that of the 500L, which adds even more functionality to all of the above.
The interior environment is therefore a welcoming place, an extremely pleasant place to be, thanks to the wide range of colour combinations, dedicated solutions and exclusive accessories, such as the 6 interior upholstery options. For each trim level, the customers can choose between two special fabrics: Black/Red or Grey/Black for the Pop Star version, Grey/Grey or Grey/Beige for the Lounge version. Upon request, you can also customise your 500L Living even further, with two elegant leather upholstery options (Grey/Grey or Grey/Beige). Both trim levels come with black fabric seats on the third row.
The passenger compartment is filled with light from the glass roof, which can be operated electrically, and is no less than 1.5 metres squared.
Finally, the new model is also easy to customise on the outside, with a choice of 19 exterior colours, including 11 two-tone options (black or white roof), and 15 different alloy or steel rim options, 16″ and 17″, for a total of 282 possible combinations.
The Fiat 500L Living boasts top class interior capacity and comfort, as well as offering innovative seating configurations to facilitate the transporting of both passengers and loads. To satisfy the most diverse needs, the new model is available in two configurations: 5 seats (as standard) or 5+2 (on request). In the latter case, the two additional seats can comfortably accommodate two passengers of medium height. What’s more, access to the third row is facilitated by the large door surround and the ‘one hand’ mechanism which permits the seat to be folded down completely.
In the 5-seater configuration, thanks to the modular second row of seats, the luggage compartment has a minimum capacity of 560 litres (seats all back) and a maximum capacity of 638 litres (seats all forward). The Fold&Tumble 2nd row and the passenger seat can also be fully folded down. This means the customer can obtain a flat loading surface for the entire length of the passenger compartment (2.60 metres), for optimum use of the interior space: its volume reaches 1584 litres. And that’s not all. With the ‘Cargo Magic Space’ system, the load platform can also be adjusted on three levels, separating fragile objects from heavy ones, clean objects from dirty ones, bulky objects from small ones. The load compartment is also filled with pockets and hooks, allowing you to transport any object in total safety and tidiness.
In 5+2-seater configuration, the 500L Living maintains its load capacity of 168 litres, above the segment average.
In total, there are more than 6,000 possible interior space configurations, as well as 22 compartments of different sizes, and the dashboard has been designed to group the instrument panel and main controls of the audio and IT devices into two distinct but adjacent zones. The passenger compartment is a pleasant place to be, as passenger room of 3.89 m3 and some internal dimensions confirm: the maximum width of the front part is 1456 mm (measured at the shoulders) while the height, from seat to roof, is 1034 mm (in the rear zone the measurements are 1387 mm and 993 mm, respectively).
The range of possible seat adjustments also contributes to top-level on board comfort. They can be adjusted on every axis using 8 different modes, starting from the driver’s seat which offers, as standard, a longitudinal configuration and reclining backrest, while it can be electrically heated and adjusted both in height and at the lumbar level on request. The front passenger seat is fitted with a fold-down table backrest, offering a handy surface on which to rest everyday objects, such as a bag or a laptop. The rear seat offers the same versatility. It has a 60/40 split folding backrest that can be adjusted longitudinally and separately in 12 positions, with the third central head restraint and armrest offered as optional.
Driving experience
The new 500L Living is a car for moments of relaxation and travel in comfort, in part thanks to the layout of the suspensions – MacPherson at the front, torsion beam at the rear – which have been updated to guarantee the utmost in control and comfort.
In particular, the 500 Living can absorb shocks from rough surfaces and limit body movement, as well as boasting excellent lane change response speed. This result has been achieved thanks to the introduction of ‘frequency dependent’ shock absorbers – specific for the 7-seater version, more subject to the effect of the car’s weight – which vary the damping in accordance with operating conditions:high damping in low excitation frequency conditions (pitch, roll) to reduce body motion, enhancing handling and safety;low damping at high frequencies (slight unevenness, rough paving, etc.) to increase suspension filtering and optimise comfort levels.
The front suspension with MacPherson architecture has a new anti-roll bar with extraordinary rolling rigidity made with hollow technology that provides increased performance and at the same time reduced weight. The front crossmember is also designed with high rigidity to achieve greater acoustic comfort and to integrate a third load line to improve energy absorption capacity in the case of collision. One of the innovations is the adoption of a “split” type of shock absorber mounting that transmits the loads to the body through two different routes, for improved filtering of road vibrations, better acoustics and more efficient shock absorption.
Finally, the rear suspension features ‘torsion beam’ architecture with a new, high rolling rigidity design which allows the weight from an anti-roll bar to be eliminated. Hydraulic bushes were also adopted to improve the car’s level of comfort. Last but not least, the rear suspension of the Fiat 500L was further lightened in weight by adopting single tube shock absorbers.
Engine options
At launch, the Fiat 500L Living will be available with one petrol engine – the 105 HP 0.9 TwinAir Turbo – as well as two turbodiesels: the 105 HP 1.6 MultiJet II and the 85 HP 1.3 MultiJet II, the latter also with Dualogic robotised automatic transmission. Each with their own different qualities, all exploited to the full in combination with the 6 or 5-speed manual gearboxes of the petrol and diesel engines, respectively.
These will feature the new 105 HP 1.6 MultiJet, which ensures a fun drive, high range, low running costs and longer service intervals. Equipped in this way, the new version reaches a top speed of 180 km/h and accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in just 12.2seconds. All this with reduced fuel consumption and emission levels: the data recorded on the type-approval combined cycle were 4.5 litres/100 km and 117 g/km of CO2 respectively. Aerodynamics that set the standard for the segment – CX of 0.30 – contribute to a reduction in consumption and emissions. This was achieved through close attention to the form and configuration of the car as a whole.
Fitted with a small turbocharger of fixed geometry, a variable displacement oil pump and alternator with “smart charge”, the 105 HP 1.6 MultiJet on the Fiat 500L Living is part of the second generation of MultiJet engines which ensure category topping economy, ecology and performance. The secret of its performance lies in the new fuel supply system with faster injectors able to execute multiple injections in rapid succession. Specifically, the MultiJet II system’s servo valve technology with balanced plunger enables it to manage up to 8 injections per cycle, offering greater speed, flexibility and precision in the various phases of operation.
The injector is also simpler and more reliable because its construction is less complex and it has 40% fewer components. This new type of injector paves the way for new strategies focused on optimising the increasingly advanced combustion, such as Injection Rate Shaping, which involves two consecutive injections so close together in time as to generate a continuous and modulated profile of the fuel supply into the cylinders. With this method, the combustion process is improved, all to the benefit of quieter operation and particulate and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions. Today MultiJet II engines totally satisfy the Euro 5 standard and at the same time mark a decisive step toward stricter regulatory levels in the future. Naturally the Start&Stop system is included, while engine and transmission use low viscosity lubricant oil to minimise friction.
Finally, from this autumn, the Fiat 500L Living will be equipped with the innovative 0.9 TwinAir Turbo dual fuel methane engine, which recently won the title of ‘Best Green Engine of the Year 2013′, one of the twelve categories which make up the ‘International Engine of the Year Awards’. Already available on the Panda and 500L models, the new ‘two cylinder’ combines the ecological advantages of methane with the power and driving fun of TwinAir Turbo technology. This is demonstrated by the maximum power of 80 HP (59 kW) at 5500 rpm, and maximum torque of 140 Nm at just 2500 rpm. All of this with reduced emissions and fuel consumption: the recorded values are 105 g/km of CO2 and 14.2 kg of methane respectively every 100 km (combined cycle).
For over 15 years, the Fiat Group has been the leading European original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for methane-fuelled vehicles, the one which offers the widest eco-friendly range with bi-fuel supply (methane/petrol), which accommodates the needs of a broad clientèle, including goods transport professionals: from 1997 to date, Fiat has sold over 560,000 Natural Power cars and commercial vehicles.
Lastly, mention must be made of the fact that the methane range has certainly contributed significantly to the records acknowledged in the latest research by JATO Dynamics, world leader in automotive consultancy and research. Indeed, in 2012, for the sixth year running, Fiat proved to be the brand which recorded the lowest level of CO2 emissions in Europe among the best-selling automotive brands, with an average value of 119.8 g/km. And that’s not all. Over the last 5 years, Fiat has reduced its average emissions by 13%, which is significantly lower than the target of 130 g/km set out by the European Union for 2015.
Range (Italy market)
The 500L Living is available in two trim levels – Pop Star and Lounge – in 5 or 7 seater configurations (optional). On the outside, the Pop Star version is characterised by an elegant chrome trim, body coloured mirror fairings and 16″ hub caps. Inside, in addition to the body coloured dashboard, the Pop Star version offers the most requested standard content in its category: manual climate control, Uconnect radio, cruise control, remote central locking and leather steering wheel and gear knob. For enhanced onboard safety, the vehicle comes with some of the finest technology available today: 6 airbags, ESP, ESR and Hill Holder.
For the more discerning customer in terms of comfort and technology, the top of the range Lounge version adds: dual-zone automatic climate control, fog lights, chamois ecoleather dashboard, 16″ alloy rims, body coloured rear-view mirror fairings, dusk and rain sensor, electric rear windows and privacy windows. On top of all of that, available for this version only, the Loft Pack, which includes leather seats, ParkView rear reversing camera, rear parking sensors and 5″ touchscreen radio with Uconnect NAV.
Finally, FGA Capital has conceived made-to-measure financing for the Fiat 500L for families with children. The various financing solutions include ’500L Family’, an offer dedicated to one of the major reference targets, where the financial benefit increases as the number of children increases, resulting in a particularly attractive interest rate for customers. Moreover, the characteristic element of this instalment plan is the saving on the total interest paid, according to the number of children, with the additional benefit of including extended warranty.
Fiat 500L Trekking
High ride and special interiors: free to explore new territories with the new all-round Fiat.TTraction+, the innovative traction control system that improves the vehicle’s handling on difficult terrain with poor grip, comes as standard.Two petrol engines – the 95 HP 1.4 16v and the 105 HP 0.9 TwinAir Turbo – and two turbo diesel engines: the 105 HP 1.6 MultiJet II and the 85 HP 1.3 MultiJet II.Greater protection in urban traffic thanks to the innovative ‘City Brake Control’.New Parkview rear reverse camera, Uconnect multimedia system with 5″ touchscreen – also with navigator function – and 520-watt Beats Hi-Fi Audio System.Exclusive Mopar® accessories to make your Fiat 500L Trekking more ‘moparised ‘.
Each day might bring unknown territory, just waiting to be explored. But venturing out there with interest and agility requires talent. Like that of the new 500L Trekking, a free spirit with two perfectly fused souls which love to play off one another every day: one metropolitan, for breezing through the city, and one more adventurous, perfect for those little weekend pleasures that make life worth living.
The all-round character of the new Fiat 500L Trekking is clear at first glance: specially designed bumpers, front and rear protective shield and a high ride (+10% compared to the 500L with a resulting total ground clearance of 145 mm) for tackling rough terrain with ease. The exterior also features a host of style-enhancing details, such as satin finish inserts on bumpers and side mouldings which perfectly complement the door handles.
A superlative expression of Italian manufacturing, the Fiat 500L Trekking is a highly functional car, able to “dialogue” with the user and offer quality to appreciate over the years. For example, one of its particular characteristics is the extensive internal volume, achieved by a thorough effort to reduce the size of mechanical parts, through the collaboration of designers and engineers. If the vehicle’s architecture generally follows the principles of “cab forward”, from which the frontal reduction of the body and bonnet section to achieve more available interior space is derived – especially at the height of the waistline and roof – it is above all the “empathetic” vocation of the 500L Trekking’s design that enhances the overall ergonomics of the car. The new model also boasts an extensive view of the outside and the greatest brightness of its category as it has the largest roof of its segment – 1.5 square metres of glass surface – and its windscreen pillars have been cleverly divided and slimmed to offer clear advantages in terms of active and passive safety as well.
Inside, the new high-tech fabric for seat upholstery and trims features eco-leather inserts. You can choose from two distinctive combinations: magnesio grey fabric with leather inserts for a more all-terrain appeal, or black fabric with white inserts for a more urban look. A style that never compromises on functionality, thanks, among other things, to the wraparound glazing and the glazed windscreen pillars which ensure enhanced visibility, in addition to convenient storage compartments for all your essential items. Amongst other things, the 500L Trekking lets you live your passions to the max, thanks also to its superb flexibility: this is obvious in the host of possible seat adjustments, such as the front passenger seat with folding table backrest, or the split rear seats which, thanks to the fold&tumble function, can be folded down flat to provide you with a flat loading surface that exploits the entire length of the car.
Finally, 500L Trekking is available in seven exciting body colours – Cappuccino Beige, Cinema Black, Moda Grey, Gelato White, Toscana Green, Amore Red and the brand-new Sorrento yellow – combined with black or white roof, resulting in a total of 17 colour combinations.
Free spirit
500L Trekking owners can switch from city streets to more adventurous routes at the press of a button, thanks to Traction+, the innovative control system which ensures excellent performance when tackling snow or slippery surfaces. A freedom of use that meets its match in terms of safety, superlative protection which, in addition to all the most advanced active and passive safety systems, is enhanced by ‘City Brake Control’, the advanced device that detects the presence of obstacles in front of the car and automatically brakes to prevent collision.
Traction+ system
A key feature of the new Fiat 500L Trekking is Traction+, the innovative control system (fitted as standard) that improves grip on rough, slippery terrain. It also costs less and has lower emissions than a conventional 4×4 drive, proving more efficient in light, everyday off-road use.
The new Traction+ system uses the advanced hardware present on cars equipped with ESC, but is far more than a simple extension of the basic system. The control unit uses special algorithms for controlling and managing the braking system to electronically simulate the behaviour of a self-locking electromechanical differential. Optimised software and the fact that force is applied through the normal (hydraulic) braking circuit makes the system’s action more progressive than that of conventional systems. Though performance is easily comparable, the system offers the advantage of being much lighter. This system is operated by a button on the dashboard, and can operate at speeds of up to 30 km/h.
Under conditions of zero or low grip from any drive wheel, the control unit detects drive wheel slippage and commands the hydraulic circuit to apply the brakes to the wheel with least grip, thus transferring drive torque to the wheel on the road surface with the most grip. This makes it easier to handle the vehicle, maintains directional stability and control, and ensures the best possible traction even over very rough terrain with poor grip.
The Fiat 500L Trekking is one of the safest cars in the field of motoring. For guaranteed passenger protection, the new 500L Trekking combines a body designed according to the most modern criteria with active and passive safety features that ensure optimum performance, so much so that it enjoys best-in-class status. Specifically, the new car has a safety cell structure complete with double pillars up front designed in line with current U.S. regulations as far as crash tests and dimensional specifications of the materials used are concerned.
The new 500L Trekking offers 6 airbags as standard (front, window-bags and side bags), front headlights with DRL technology (Daytime Running Lights) and fog lights with the self-adaptive cornering function, in addition to ABS with B.A.S. (Brake Assist System) and the sophisticated ESC (Electronic Stability Control). What’s more, on request, the car can be fitted with the new ParkView rear reverse camera. The device offers a wide-angle view of the area immediately behind the vehicle on the screen of the navigation system, thus allowing the driver to reverse with greater peace of mind.
On request, the Fiat 500L Trekking can be fitted with the “City Brake Control” system, which recently won the prestigious ‘Euro NCAP Advanced 2013′ award.
Designed to help negotiate city traffic and active at speeds of under 30 km/h, the City Brake Control device – depending on certain parameters such as the vehicle dynamics, the steering angle, the position and pressure on the accelerator pedal – can avoid impact completely (“Collision Avoidance”) or minimise the consequences of a possible impact (“Collision Mitigation”). In addition, the sophisticated device on the Fiat 500L Trekking incorporates three functions: Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB), Prefill and Brake Assist. AEB, while respecting the driver’s wishes and leaving full control of the car in his/her hands, activates emergency braking when impact seems inevitable and the driver has not managed to react, thereby anticipating his/her reaction. The “Prefill” function, on the other hand, prefills the braking system to provide a quicker response both when Automatic Emergency Braking intervenes and if the driver brakes. Brake Assist, last of all, identifies emergency situations and, if collision is imminent, the system becomes more sensitive, lending power to the braking action to permit a reduction in stopping distance.
Engine options
The new Fiat 500L Trekking is available, depending on the market, with the 95 HP 1.4 16v, 105 HP 0.9 TwinAir Turbo and 105 HP 1.6 MultiJet II and 85 HP 1.3 MultiJet II turbo diesel engines (also with Dualogic gearbox). Specifically, a brilliant engine like the new 105 HP 1.6 MultiJet II turbo diesel is needed to propel the 500L Trekking in all driving conditions, in the city and out, securing plenty of fun, remarkable range, low running costs and reduced servicing frequency. With this engine, the new version offers a top speed of 175 km/h, with acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in just 12 seconds. All this with reduced fuel consumption and emission levels: the data recorded on the type-approval combined cycle were 4.7 litres/100 km and 122 g/km of CO2 respectively.
Excellent performance levels are also guaranteed with the new combination of the 85 HP 1.3 MultiJet with the Dualogic 5-speed robotised gearbox which, compared with the same engine with manual gearbox, improves fuel consumption and emission levels: down from 4.3 l/100 km to 4.2 l/100 km (combined cycle) and from 114 g/km to 109 g/km.
Both Fiat 500L Trekking turbo diesels belong to the second generation of MultiJet engines which offer fuel economy, eco-friendliness and performance levels that are best in class.
Fitted with a small turbocharger – of fixed geometry on the 1.6 and variable on the 1.3 – a variable displacement oil pump and alternator with “smart charge”, the two engines feature a new fuel supply system with faster injectors able to execute multiple injections in rapid succession. In particular, the system can now perform a main modulated injection of fuel in several distinct phases and anticipate the ones that follow. The MultiJet II system’s servo valve with balanced plunger enables it to manage up to 8 injections per cycle, offering greater speed, flexibility and precision in the various phases of operation. The injector is also simpler and more reliable because its construction is less complex and it has 40% fewer components. This new type of injector paves the way for new strategies focused on optimising the increasingly advanced combustion, such as Injection Rate Shaping, which involves two consecutive injections so close together in time as to generate a continuous and modulated profile of the fuel supply into the cylinders. With this method, the combustion process is improved, all to the benefit of quieter operation and particulate and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions. Today MultiJet II engines totally satisfy the Euro 5 standard and at the same time mark a decisive step toward stricter regulatory levels in the future. Naturally the Start&Stop system is included, while engine and transmission use low viscosity lubricant oil to minimise friction.
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