Έκθεση Γενεύης 2013: Στο περίπτερο της Fiat
Η Fiat στη Γενεύη έχει φέρει τα 500L Trekking, το 500 GQ το δίχρωμο Panda 4×4 Concept σε πράσινο χρώμα με μπεζ οροφή, το 500e, τα νέα αξεσουάρ της Mopar για τα μοντέλα της ενώ στο αεροδρόμιο της πόλης βρίσκεται και το πρωτότυπο Panda Monster
Το 500L Trekking διαθέτει αυξημένη απόσταση από το έδαφος, νέους προφυλακτήρες, μαύρα προστατευτικά πλαστικά και ζάντες 17″, ενώ στο εσωτερικό υπάρχουν δίχρωμες επενδύσεις.
Το 500 GQ έχει κατασκευαστεί σε συνεργασία με την Gentlemen’s Quarterly και το ανδρικό περιοδικό Condé Nast. Θα βγει στην αγορά από τον Ιούνιο και είναι βαμμένο σε γκρι και μαύρο χρώμα. Βασίζεται πάνω στην έκδοση 500S και διαθέτει χρωμιομένους πλαϊνούς καθρέπτες, ζάντες 16″, λογότυπο “GQ” στη πλαϊνή κολόνα, πορτοκαλί λογότυπο “500″ καθώς και πορτοκαλί δαγκάνες φρένων (μόνο στην έκδοση με τον 1.400αρη κινητήρα με τα 100 άλογα).
Στο εσωτερικό συναντάμε πορτοκαλί Fiat 500 GQ λογότυπο στο ταμπλό, δερμάτινες επδνύσεις, σπορ αλουμινένια πεντάλ και δερμάτινο επιλογέα ταχυτήτων. Θα είναι διαθέσιμο με τον 1.200άρη κινητήρα με τα 69 άλογα, με τον 0.9 TwinAir με τα 85 άλογα, τον 1.400αρη με τα 100 άλογα και τον 1.3 MultiJet με τα 95 άλογα. Όλοι συνδυάζονται με μηχανικά κιβώτια ταχυτήτων. Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες μπορείς να βρεις στο δελτίο τύπου που ακολουθεί.
[Πηγή: Fiat]
Δελτίο ΤύπουΗ Fiat στη Διεθνή Έκθεση της Γενεύης 2013
Η Fiat παρουσιάζει τρεις παγκόσμιες πρεμιέρες στην 83η Διεθνή Έκθεση Αυτοκινήτου της Γενεύης: το 500L Trekking, το 500 GQ και το δίχρωμο Panda 4×4. Επιπρόσθετα, το περίπτερο της Fiat θα φιλοξενήσει και άλλα δημοφιλή μοντέλα που αντιπροσωπεύουν την πλήρη γκάμα της Fiat: το 500S, το Punto 2013 με το πακέτο “Sporting”, το Freemont Lounge AWD και το Sedici με το νέο Nitro Kit. Στη Γενεύη θα υπάρχουν επίσης το 500e, το μικρό ηλεκτρικό αυτοκίνητο με τις μηδενικές εκπομπές ρύπων που θα είναι διαθέσιμο στην αγορά των ΗΠΑ από το δεύτερο μισό του 2013. Η Έκθεση είναι επίσης μια ευκαιρία για να παρουσιαστούν τα οικονομικά προϊόντα της FGA Capital και τα αξεσουάρ της Mopar®. Επίσης, οι επισκέπτες της Έκθεσης θα έχουν τη δυνατότητα να δουν το πρωτότυπο Panda Monster Truck στο αεροδρόμιο της Γενεύης.
Παγκόσμια πρεμιέρα: 500L Trekking
“Off-road” εμφάνιση και ειδικός εξοπλισμός για τους ενθουσιώδεις των σπορ και τους λάτρεις της φύσηςΣτάνταρ σύστημα ελέγχου πρόσφυσης “Traction+”Διαθέσιμο με όλους τους κινητήρες της γκάμας, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του ντίζελ 1.6 MultiJet II 105 HPΚαινοτόμος εξοπλισμός: 520 Watt Beats Hi-Fi Audio System, “Lavazza 500 Espresso Experience” και “City Brake Control”Διαθέσιμο στην Ευρώπη από τον ΙούνιοΙδανικό για τους ενθουσιώδεις των σπορ και τους λάτρεις των δραστηριοτήτων της φύσης, το νέο Fiat 500L Trekking συνδυάζει εμφάνιση “off-road” με έξυπνη μπροστινή κίνηση χάρη στην τεχνολογία “Traction+” , ένα καινοτόμο σύστημα ελέγχου πρόσφυσης που βελτιώνει το κράτημα σε δύσκολα και ολισθηρά εδάφη κι εξασφαλίζει εντυπωσιακές επιδόσεις στο δρόμο. Όλα αυτά, μαζί με εξαιρετικούς χώρους και κορυφαία λειτουργικά χαρακτηριστικά.
Διαθέσιμο στην Ευρώπη και στην Ελληνική αγορά, από τον Ιούνιο, το νέο 500L Trekking λανσάρει τις εξαιρετικές επιδόσεις και την υπεροχή του “Fiat City Lounge”, το οποίο μέσα σε πέντε μήνες έχει δεχτεί ήδη 38.000 παραγγελίες στην Ευρώπη, οι μισές εκ των οποίων αφορούν αγορές εκτός της Ιταλίας. Ειδικά στην Ιταλία, είναι το πρώτο σε πωλήσεις αυτοκίνητο μεσαίου μεγέθους και είναι το δεύτερο ανάμεσα στα ντίζελ. Είναι το μόνο αυτοκίνητο που γνωρίζει μια σταθερή ανάπτυξη στην κατηγορία του, παρά τη δύσκολη οικονομική συγκυρία στην ήπειρό μας. Χάρη στα σημαντικά πλεονεκτήματά του, το αυτοκίνητο κέρδισε τη διάκριση “New Model of the Year 2013″ από τους αναγνώστες του περιοδικού ειδικού Τύπου Quattroruote, μπροστά από τους ισχυρούς γερμανούς ανταγωνιστές του.
“Off-road” εμφάνιση και ιδιαίτερο εσωτερικό Για να τονίσει τον εκδρομικό του χαρακτήρα, το 500L Trekking είναι εξοπλισμένο στον στάνταρ εξοπλισμό του με ειδικούς προφυλακτήρες με προστατευτική ποδιά, για περισσότερο επιθετική και δυναμική εμφάνιση. Οι ζάντες ελαφρού κράματος 17” με τα ελαστικά ‘snowflake’ M+S εξασφαλίζουν μέγιστο έλεγχο και πρόσφυση, ακόμη και στις πιο δύσκολες συνθήκες.
Στο εσωτερικό, η έκδοση Trekking διαθέτει νέα “high-tech” υλικά στα καθίσματα και οι πελάτες μπορούν να διαλέξουν ανάμεσα σε δυο διαφορετικούς συνδυασμούς: magnesio grey για μια ατμόσφαιρα all-road, ή μαύρο χρωματισμό για μια εναλλακτική προσωπικότητα.
Τέλος, το 500L Trekking διατίθεται σε έξι χρώματα, καθώς και το νέο “Κίτρινο Sole” συνδυασμένο με άσπρη ή μαύρη οροφή.
Σύστημα Traction+ Το βασικό χαρακτηριστικό της έκδοσης Trekking είναι το σύστημα έξυπνης μπροστινής κίνησης, που χρησιμοποιεί την τεχνολογία Traction+. Πρόκειται για ένα καινοτόμο σύστημα ελέγχου πρόσφυσης, που βελτιώνει τον έλεγχο του αυτοκινήτου σε ολισθηρές επιφάνειες όταν το αυτοκίνητο κινείται με ταχύτητα μέχρι 30 χλμ./ώρα, με μικρότερο βάρος και κόστος πολύ χαμηλότερο από αυτό ενός συστήματος τετρακίνησης. Χάρη στο ειδικό λογισμικό που το ελέγχει, το σύστημα εξομοιώνει τη λειτουργία ενός μπλοκέ διαφορικού.
Κινητήρες Το νέο Fiat 500L Trekking θα είναι διαθέσιμο, ανάλογα με τις αγορές, με τους κινητήρες βενζίνης 1.4 16v 95 HP, 0.9 TwinAir Turbo 105 HP, ντίζελ 1.6 MultiJet II 105 HP και 1.3 MultiJet II 85 HP (ο τελευταίος συνδυάζεται και με το κιβώτιο Dualogic). Ο νέος εξαιρετικός 1.6 MultiJet II 105 HP προσδίδει στο 500L Trekking τελική ταχύτητα 181 χλμ./ώρα και επιτάχυνση 0-100 χλμ./ώρα σε μόλις 11,3”. Η μέση κατανάλωση στον συνδυασμένο κύκλο είναι 4,5 λίτρα/100 χλμ. και οι εκπομπές CO2 117 g/km.
Με τον κινητήρα 1.3 MJΤ 85 HP, το κιβώτιο Dualogic 5-σχέσεων βελτιώνει τις παραμέτρους οικονομίας, σε σχέση με την ίδια έκδοση με το χειροκίνητο κιβώτιο: κατανάλωση στον συνδυασμένο κύκλο από 4,2 λίτρα/100 χλμ. σε 4,0 λίτρα/100 χλμ. και εκπομπές CO2 από 110 g/km σε 105.
Παγκόσμια πρεμιέρα: 500 GQ
Το Gentleman’s Car είναι μια ειδική σειρά για τον σύγχρονο άντρα των πόλεων της τρίτης χιλιετίας Με τη συνεργασία του Gentlemen’s Quarterly, αντρικού περιοδικού που διευθύνεται από τον Cond? NastΛεπτομέρειες σε πορτοκαλί και σπορτίφ εμφάνιση για αυτούς που λατρεύουν το στιλΣτις ευρωπαϊκές εκθέσεις από τον ΙούνιοΣτην Έκθεση με την αποκλειστική διχρωμία matt grey/carbon blackΑποτέλεσμα της συνεργασίας με το διάσημο αντρικό περιοδικό, το Fiat 500 GQ είναι αφιερωμένο στον σύγχρονο άντρα της τρίτης χιλιετίας των σημερινών πόλεων. Διαθέσιμο σε εκδόσεις saloon και convertible, το νέο Fiat 500 GQ μπορεί να εφοδιαστεί με τους κινητήρες βενζίνης 1.2 69 HP, 0.9 TwinAir 85 HP και 1.4 100 HP, όπως και με τον πετρελαιοκινητήρα 1.3 MultiJet 95 HP (όλοι συνδυασμένοι με χειροκίνητα κιβώτια).
Το Fiat 500e
Το σύμβολο των ιταλικών αυτοκινήτων με ηλεκτροκινητήρα 111 ίππων (83 kW)Η Fiat καλύπτει τις ανάγκες των πελατών της, όποιες κι αν είναι οι τοπικές πολιτικές σχετικά με τις εκπομπές CO2Διαθέσιμο από το δεύτερο εξάμηνο του 2013 στις ΗΠΑΛιγότερο από 4 ώρες για πλήρη φόρτιση της μπαταρίας και αυτονομία 140 χλμ.Επίπεδα κατανάλωσης από 29 kilowatts/ώρα για 160 χλμ. και ετήσιο κόστος επαναφόρτισης της μπαταρίας στα 500 δολάριαΟι επισκέπτες της Έκθεσης της Γενεύης θα έχουν την ευκαιρία να δουν από κοντά την ευρωπαϊκή πρεμιέρα του 500e, του μικρού ηλεκτρικού αυτοκινήτου μηδενικών ρύπων που πρωτοπαρουσιάστηκε στην Έκθεση του Λος Άντζελες.
Αυτοκίνητα μικρά εξωτερικά και ευρύχωρα εσωτερικά, με σχεδίαση πολύ φιλική στο περιβάλλον που είναι πολύ ευχάριστα στην οδήγηση: αυτό είναι το στιλ “Simply More” και η σχεδιαστική προσέγγιση της Fiat. Η ίδια προσέγγιση εφαρμόστηκε και στο νέο 500e, προβάλλοντας το ιταλικό ντιζάιν στο μέλλον. Για βελτίωση της αεροδυναμικής του κατά 13% το αυτοκίνητο υποβλήθηκε σε δοκιμές και ρυθμίσεις για περισσότερες από 140 ώρες στην αεροδυναμική σήραγγα.
Στο εσωτερικό, το 500e 2013 υιοθετεί ένα φουτουριστικό ρετρό σχεδιασμό με μοναδικά χαρακτηριστικά της τεχνολογίας Electric Vehicle, δημιουργώντας ένα απλό και καινοτόμο περιβάλλον. Η νέα ψηφιακή οθόνη TFT 7” παρέχει όλες τις πληροφορίες που χρειάζεται ο οδηγός. Το Fiat 500e 2013 διαθέτει και ένα εύκολο στη χρήση ηλεκτρονικό κιβώτιο ταχυτήτων με έναν επιλογέα-μπουτόν.
Οι καλύτερες επιδόσεις στην κατηγορία Σχεδιασμένο να είναι ένα Ηλεκτρικό Αυτοκίνητο χωρίς συμβιβασμούς, το Fiat 500e 2013 βασίζεται στη δοκιμασμένη λύση του μικρού αυτοκινήτου στο οποίο έχει τοποθετηθεί ένας ηλεκτροκινητήρας. Αυτός αποδίδει ισχύ 111 ίππων (83 kW) και τροφοδοτείται από μία μπαταρία που φορτίζει σε 4 ώρες.
Η EPA – η υπηρεσία προστασία περιβάλλοντος των ΗΠΑ – έχει αξιολογήσει εξαιρετικά τις επιδόσεις στον συνδυασμένο κύκλο του Fiat 500e: το αποτέλεσμα είναι 108 MPGe (μονάδα μέτρησης της απόστασης που διανύεται με ηλεκτροκίνηση, καταναλώνοντας ενέργεια αντίστοιχη με αυτή που περιλαμβάνεται σε ένα γαλόνι βενζίνης), τιμή χαμηλότερη από την αντίστοιχη οποιουδήποτε άλλου ηλεκτρικού αυτοκινήτου στις ΗΠΑ. Οι δοκιμές που πραγματοποιήθηκαν από την EPA, υπό πλήρη φόρτιση, έδειξαν ότι το Fiat 500e έχει αυτονομία περίπου 140 χλμ., το καλύτερο αποτέλεσμα που επιτεύχθηκε σε ηλεκτρικό αυτοκίνητο στις ΗΠΑ από μεγάλο κατασκευαστή.
Επιπλέον, η επιτροπή κατέδειξε ότι το ετήσιο κόστος είναι της τάξεως των 500 δολαρίων. Η εκτίμηση αυτή έγινε υπολογίζοντας το κόστος του ηλεκτρισμού για περισσότερα από 24.000 χλμ. με βάση τον συνδυασμένο κύκλο δοκιμών. Το Fiat 500e πέτυχε 116 MPGe σε αστικό/υπεραστικό κύκλο και 122 MPGe στον αστικό κύκλο. Τέλος, οι δοκιμές της EPA αναφέρουν ότι η κατανάλωση ενέργειας του αυτοκινήτου είναι μόλις 29 κιλοβατώρες για 100 μίλια.
Οι επιβάτες μπορούν να έχουν πρόσβαση στις πληροφορίες που αφορούν το Fiat 500e μέσω εφαρμογών των smartphone , που είναι συμβατές με iPhone και Android και δείχνουν την κατάσταση του αυτοκινήτου σε πραγματικό χρόνο, τη διαχείριση του εύρους φόρτισης της μπαταρίας, την ενεργειακή κατανάλωση και τους πλησιέστερους σταθμούς που μπορεί το αυτοκίνητο να φορτιστεί, σχεδιάζοντας και στέλνοντας χάρτες για το αυτοκίνητο και στέλνοντας μηνύματα text με προειδοποιήσεις και σημειώσεις.
Τέλος, για να εξασφαλιστεί κορυφαίο επίπεδο οδηγησιμότητας και ικανότητα πέδησης του Fiat 500e 2013, οι μηχανικοί επέλεξαν νέες ρυθμίσεις για το πλαίσιο και τις αναρτήσεις στο ηλεκτρικό 500, αποδίδοντας τα εξαιρετικά ευρωπαϊκά δυναμικά χαρακτηριστικά για τα οποία η Fiat και το 500 είναι γνωστά παγκοσμίως.
Παγκόσμια πρεμιέρα: το δίχρωμο πρωτότυπο Panda 4×4
Τρία αυτοκίνητα στην Έκθεση με μοναδική εμφάνιση: άσπρο, κόκκινο και δίχρωμο πράσινο/μπεζΗ δίχρωμη εμφάνιση θυμίζει το περιβάλλον της εξοχής, που είναι το ιδανικό για το Panda 4×4Κερδίζοντας τον τίτλο ‘SUV of the Year 2012′ από το αγγλικό περιοδικό Top Gear, το Fiat Panda 4×4 είναι το μόνο τετρακίνητο μοντέλο στην κατηγορία AΑπό τη στιγμή του πρώτου λανσαρίσματος του, το νέο Panda 4×4 και Panda Trekking έγινε η επιλογή περισσότερων από 10.000 ευρωπαίων καταναλωτώνΤα φώτα της Έκθεσης θα πέσουν επίσης και στην οικογένεια Panda, που στη Γενεύη εκπροσωπείται από τα Trekking 0.9 TwinAir 85 HP, Panda 4×4 0.9 TwinAir 85 HP και Panda 4×4 1.3 MultiJet 75 HP. Τα αυτοκίνητα που εκτίθενται έχουν μοναδική εμφάνιση: δυο από αυτά είναι ‘clad’ με μια εντυπωσιακή βαφή σε τρία στρώματα – ένα είναι λευκό και ένα άλλο κόκκινο – κάνοντας το Panda 4×4 MultiJet να τονίζει με άνεση την δίχρωμη έκδοσή του: Toscana Πράσινο για το αμάξωμα και Accogliente Μπεζ για την οροφή, ένας συνδυασμός που παραπέμπει στη φύση και στα χρώματά της, το ιδανικό τοπίο δηλαδή για το Panda 4×4.
Τέλος, στο περίπτερο της Fiat θα εκτίθεται επίσης το 500S, το Punto 2013 με το πακέτο “Sporting”, το Freemont Lounge AWD και το Sedici με το νέο Nitro Kit, όλες εκδόσεις με έντονο στιλ και έντονη προσωπικότητα.
Fiat at the 2013 Geneva International Motor Show
Fiat presents three world premières at the 83rd International Motor Show in Geneva: the 500L Trekking, the 500 GQ and the two-tone Panda 4×4. In addition, the Fiat booth will also be showcasing some other popular models to represent the extensive and well-articulated Fiat range: the 500S, the Punto 2013 with ‘Sporting’ Pack, the Freemont Lounge AWD and the Sedici with the new Nitro Kit.
The booth will also be featuring the new 500e, the small zero-emissions electric car that will be available for purchase solely in the United States from the second quarter of 2013. The Swiss event is also the opportunity to illustrate the financial products offered by FGA Capital and the accessories produced by Mopar®.
Lastly, during the show, visitors will also get the chance to admire the Panda Monster Truck prototype housed at Geneva airport.
World première: the 500L Trekking
Off-road look, high ride and specific equipment for sports enthusiasts and outdoor activity lovers.‘Traction+’ traction control system supplied as standard.Available with all the engine types in the range, including the new 105 HP 1.6 MultiJet II turbodiesel.Innovative equipment: 520 Watt Beats Hi-Fi Audio System, ‘Lavazza 500 Espresso Experience’ and ‘City Brake Control’.Available for purchase across Europe from next June.Intended for sports enthusiasts and outdoor activity fans, the new Fiat 500L Trekking combines off-road looks with smart front-wheel drive thanks to “Traction+” technology, an innovative traction control system that improves handling on difficult and slippery terrain thus guaranteeing excellent performance when setting off. All this, without compromising the space and functionality features of the 500L model, the Fiat ‘City Lounge’ that can contain all those little pleasures and life’s greatest emotions all together: children, friends, travelling, music and the web community.
Available for purchase across Europe from next June, the new 500L Trekking will contribute to consolidating the excellent performance of the Fiat City Lounge which in only five months has totalled approximately 38,000 orders in Europe, over half of which outside Italy. Particularly in Italy, it is the best-selling medium sized car and ranks second among the diesels. What is more, even before the entire launch plan has been completed across Europe, the Fiat 500L is the only model to be experiencing a constant rise in its segment in Europe despite the difficult economy of the continent. Among other things, the new Fiat car was recently named ‘New Model of the Year 2013′ by the readers of the Italian car magazine Quattroruote ahead of the best German competitors.
Off-road look, high ride and specific interior
To emphasise its outdoor character, the 500L Trekking is supplied standard with specific bumpers with protective shield, for an even more aggressive and dynamic look, and a high ride to enable it to drive over rough ground more effectively. Also supplied as standard, the new 17″ diamond alloy rims with ‘snowflake’ M+S tyres ensuring maximum road holding and traction, even in the toughest grip conditions. On the exterior, new details also stand out, which embellish the style of the version, such as the stone effect burnished wing mouldings, the satin handles and the brushed steel side mouldings.
On the interior, the Trekking version features a new high-tech fabric seat upholstery with eco-leather inserts. Customers can choose between two different combinations: magnesio grey fabric with leather inserts for an all-road atmosphere, or black fabric with white inserts for a more metro-chic personality.
Lastly, the 500L Trekking comes in 6 different body colours – white, dark metallic grey, black, sand, burgundy, dark metallic green and the new exclusive Sole yellow – teamed with a black or white roof. Traction+ system The key feature of the new Trekking version of the Fiat 500L is its adoption of “Traction +”, Fiat’s innovative traction control system that improves traction over harsh and slippery terrain and costs far less than conventional 4×4 drive.
The new “Traction +” system uses the advanced hardware present on cars equipped with ESC, but is far more than a simple extension of ESC. Thanks to special algorithms for controlling and managing the braking system, the control unit electronically simulates the behaviour of a self-locking electromechanical differential. Software optimisations and the fact that force is applied through the normal (hydraulic) braking circuit makes the system’s action more progressive than that of conventional systems.
Though performance is easily comparable, the system is much lighter. The system is activated using a button on the dashboard, and can be operated at speeds of up to 30 km/h. This is how it works. Under conditions of low or zero grip from any drive wheel, the control unit detects slip and commands the hydraulic circuit to apply braking force to the slipping wheel, thus shifting drive to the wheel on the surface offering better grip. This makes it easy to drive, maintains directional stability and control, and ensures the best possible traction even over the roughest surfaces with poor grip. Engine options The new Fiat 500L Trekking will be available, depending on the markets, with the 95 HP 1.4 16v, 105 HP 0.9 TwinAir Turbo and 105 HP 1.6 MultiJet II and 85 HP 1.3 MultiJet II turbodiesel engines (also with Dualogic gearbox). Specifically, a brilliant engine like the new 105 HP 1.6 MultiJet II turbodiesel is needed to propel the 500L Trekking in all driving conditions, in cities and out, securing fun, remarkable range, low running costs and reduced servicing frequency. Equipped in this way, the new version reaches a top speed of 181 km/h and accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in just 11.3 seconds. All this with reduced fuel consumption and emission levels: the data recorded on the type-approval combined cycle were 4.5 litres/100 km and 117 g/km of CO2 respectively.
Excellent performance levels are also ensured by the new combination of the 85 HP 1.3 MJet with the Dualogic 5-speed robotised gearbox which, compared with the same engine version with manual gearbox, improves fuel consumption and emission levels: from 4.2 l/100 km to 4.0 l/100 km (combined cycle) and from 110 g/km to 105 g/km. The latter figure ranks the 500L at the top of its segment, even among diesel engines, after first setting the record in the petrol engines with the 112 g/km of CO2 afforded by the 105 HP 0.9 TwinAir Turbo.
Equipment The new Trekking version affords a broad range of standard and optional equipment. This includes the latest three contents now available for the entire range of Fiat 500L: the 520 Watt Beats Hi-Fi Audio System, the ‘Lavazza 500 Espresso Experience’ kit and the ‘City Brake Control’ system. 520 Watt Beats Hi-Fi Audio System The Fiat 500L is the first Fiat Group Automobiles car and the only European car fitted with a 520 Watt Beats Hi-Fi Audio System, the finest in audio quality, which saw the sound engineers of the Fiat Group work alongside the founders of Beats, the legendary rapper and producer, Dr. Dre and the chairman of Interscope Geffen A&M Records and record producer Jimmy Iovine.
Specifically, the system boasts a total power of 520 Watts – split between two 80 Watt mid-woofers, two 40 Watt tweeters, two 60 Watt full-ranges and one 80 + 80 Watt subwoofer – and an amplifier with DSP and 8 channels integrating an advanced equalisation algorithm developed by Beats, designed to recreate the entire sound spectrum that an artist experiences during his/her studio recordings. So the Beats Hi-Fi Audio System on the Fiat 500L, with its clean high definition sound, is revolutionising the way music can be experienced inside the car. Lavazza 500 Espresso Experience For the first time ever on the automotive scene, the Fiat 500L is the first standard production car to fit an authentic espresso coffee maker with Lavazza ‘A Modo Mio’ pod system that is perfectly integrated in the passenger compartment in a deck Fiat has specially designed for it. So for the first time you can enjoy the high quality, rich taste, body and creaminess of genuine Italian espresso coffee in a car. While comfortably seated without any wiring and in total safety. Fitted with a 12 V plug which fits in the central console, the coffee maker only works when the engine is running – for safety reasons the car must be stationary – and it dispenses espresso coffee in less than two minutes. Designed in close collaboration with Lavazza, the 500L coffee maker can be ordered as a normal optional at just Euro 249.
‘City Brake Control’ The Fiat 500L is one of the safest cars in the field of motoring as a whole, as demonstrated by the prestigious Euro NCAP 5-star rating with an overall score of 83/100. Affording all-round protection, now enhanced with the innovative ‘City Brake Control’ active safety system which detects the presence of obstacles in front of the car and automatically brakes if the driver fails to intervene promptly to avoid collisions.
Designed to help negotiate city traffic and driving at speeds of under 30 km/h, the ‘City Brake Control’ device – depending on certain parameters such as the vehicle dynamics, the steering angle, the position and pressure on the accelerator pedal – can avoid impact completely (“Collision Avoidance”) or minimise the consequences of a possible impact (“Collision Mitigation”).
In addition, the sophisticated device on the Fiat 500L incorporates three additional functions: Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB), Prefill and Brake Assist. The former, while respecting the driver’s wishes and leaving full control of the car in his/her hands, is triggered by emergency braking when impact seems inevitable and the driver has not managed to react, thereby anticipating him/her. The “Prefill” function instead prefills the braking system to provide a quicker response both when Automatic Emergency Braking intervenes and if the driver brakes. Brake Assist, on the other hand, recognises emergency situations and alters the brake pedal’s response to achieve quicker braking.
World première: the 500L GQ
Presenting the Gentleman’s Car, a special series for the metropolitan man of the third millennium.With the collaboration of Gentlemen’s Quarterly, the men’s magazine edited by Condé Nast.Orange details and a sporty look for those who like to stand out with style.In European showrooms from next June.A showcar in the exclusive two-tone matt grey/carbon black livery on exhibit.The Geneva International Motor Show witnesses the world début of the special series Fiat 500 GQ resulting from the collaboration with Gentlemen’s Quarterly, the men’s magazine edited by Condé Nast which sets the style and culture trends across the world each month. Available for purchase next June, a showcar of the new version will be on exhibit at the Fiat booth. This model stands out for its exclusive and refined two-tone matt grey/carbon black livery.
Resulting from the partnership with the world-famous men’s magazine, the Fiat 500 GQ is dedicated to the metropolitan man of the third millennium: a fan of sophisticated aesthetics and uncompromising style, he’s a young customer who’s always connected to his web community, who enjoys what life throws his way to the full, experiencing the fun, the culture, and the social life of the modern city.
The new special series about to be marketed is based on the 500S, yet the exterior differs in the two-tone paintwork (metallic grey/black), the chrome-plated mirror covers, the specific 16″ alloy rims and the ‘GQ’ logo on the pillar, as well as some exclusive features of this version: an orange 500 logo on the hub caps, orange brake callipers (only on the 100 HP 1.4 engine version) and grey aesthetic liner.
Similarly, the car features the exclusive orange Fiat 500 GQ logo fitted on the dashboard and leather seats with matching stitching. Specifically, the new upholstery was designed to offer the best possible ergonomics, guaranteeing comfort and character in a single solution. The internal look of the Gentleman’s Car is completed by the sports pedal unit with aluminium effect and the leather gear knob.
Available in the saloon and convertible configurations, the new Fiat 500 GQ can be equipped with the 69 HP 1.2, 85 HP 0.9 TwinAir and 100 HP 1.4 petrol engines, as well as the 95 HP 1.3 MultiJet (all combined with a manual gearbox).
With the new 500 GQ, the range of the iconic Fiat 500 is completed, having recorded over a million sales across the world since 2007. A genuine expression of style and personality, the 2013 range includes 2 bodies (saloon and convertible) and 5 engine versions (69 HP 1.2, 85 HP 0.9 TwinAir Turbo, 100 HP 1.4 16v, 69 HP 1.2 EasyPower and 95 HP 1.3 MultiJet 16v).
The Fiat 500e The icon of Italian-made cars with a 111 HP (83 kW) electric battery-powered engine.Fiat meets the actual needs of its clientele, whatever the market or policy on CO2 emissions.Available for purchase solely in the USA from the second quarter of 2013.Less than 4 hours to ‘fill up’ and a range of 140 km.Consumption levels of just 29 kilowatts/hour for 160 km and an annual battery recharging cost estimated at 500 Dollars.
Visitors of the Geneva International Motor Show will get a chance to see the European première of the 500e, the small zero-emissions electric car recently presented at the Los Angeles Motor Show, which will be available for purchase solely in the United States from the second quarter of 2013.
Together with the brand new 500 GQ and 500S versions on show in Geneva, the 500 continues to raise eyebrows for its ability to reinvent itself relentlessly. The new zero-emissions city-car emphasises how the Fiat brand is able to respond to the need to reduce CO2 emissions, whatever the market or government policy.
Unique style harnessed for efficiency Designing cars which are compact on the outside and large on the inside, with an empathetic, eco-compatible design yet which are still fun to drive: this is the ‘Simply More’ styling and design approach implemented by the Fiat brand. The same approach applied to the new 500e, projecting its Italian design into the future, through a silhouette modelled in the wind tunnel and futuristic retro references with a spotted matrix for a look at the very cutting edge. To achieve an aerodynamic improvement of 13%, the Fiat 500e offers eight exterior refinements and over 140 hours of testing and honing in the wind tunnel.
Inside, the 500e 2013 merges a futuristic retro design with the unique features of Electric Vehicle technology, making for a simple yet innovative interior. A new 7″ TFT digital display embellishes the instrument panel where, thanks to clear and accurate colour graphics, all the vehicle functions are displayed, along with the battery charge levels and the trip summary. In addition, a new TomTom navigation system allows the driver to see the vehicle charge programme, the capacity and energy flow measurements, and he or she can even find the nearest recharging stations in real time.
Under the dashboard panel, the Fiat 500e 2013 features a new easy-to-use electronic gearbox with a drive selector push-button. And for an additional touch of style, the passenger compartment is available in black or white, all underscored by bright elettrico orange features which further accentuate the distinctive personality of this particular 500.
Best-in-class performance Designed to be an Electric Vehicle without compromise, the Fiat 500e 2013 relies on the winning formula of offering a compact car – a characteristic trait of the 500 – adding a new electric battery-powered engine which develops a horsepower of 111 (83 kW) and which is recharged in under 4 hours thanks to the 240 V level-2 (OBCM) on-board charging module.
The EPA – the US Environmental Protection Agency – has valued the performance in the extra-urban cycle of the new Fiat 500e: the result is 108 MPGe, a value yet unbeaten by any electric vehicle on the US market. In detail, the MPGe is the measurement unit developed by the EPA to determine how many miles an electric vehicle can cover with a quantity of electricity generated by a battery, with the same energy content as a gallon of petrol.
The tests carried out by the EPA showed that, on a full charge, the Fiat 500e has a range of approximately 140 km, the best value among all electric vehicles on the US market produced by the major car manufacturers.
In addition, the Agency estimated the annual cost to power it to be in the region of 500 Dollars. This estimate was calculated by forecasting the price of electricity during a mileage of over 24,000 km with the performance specifications on the combined urban/extra-urban cycle of the car. The Fiat 500e boasts an index of 116 MPGe on the urban/extra-urban cycle and 122 MPGe on the urban cycle. Lastly, the EPA tests report the car’s energy consumption to be just 29 kW/hour for 100 miles.
Passengers can access information about the Fiat 500e using a new smartphone application, compatible with iPhone and Android, which shows the condition of the car in real time, managing the battery charge levels, recording the energy consumption, locating the car and the nearest battery recharging stations, planning and sending routes for the vehicle and sending text message warnings and notifications.
Lastly, to make sure the new Fiat 500e 2013 offers first-class manoeuvrability and braking capacity, the engineers devised a new chassis and suspension for the electric motor, consolidating the outstanding European driving dynamics for which Fiat and the 500 model are known the world over. Custom-made technology for all the needs of the international markets Where growing awareness of environmental issues brings together consumers and governments from the various continents, customer requirements differ considerably due to national culture and policy. This is the reason for the unique alliance between the Fiat and Chrysler groups for the joint development of innovative programmes which satisfy a sustainable custom-made mobility in the various markets in which both groups operate.
For this reason, Chrysler is the centre of expertise for electrifying cars for both Groups, with special focus on marketing these products in the United States where this technology is now consolidated. In Europe, on the other hand, Fiat Group Automobiles pursues the containment of polluting emissions and of the level of CO2 by developing its own technologies (TwinAir, MultiAir and MultiJet II) applied to its petrol and diesel engines, in addition to the distribution of alternative power supplies using methane gas and LPG, which are concrete solutions within everyone’s reach and now available for all.
World première: the two-tone Panda 4×4 concept
Three showcars with unique liveries: three-layer white, three-layer red and two-tone green/beige.The two-tone paint recalls the outdoor world, the ideal habitat for the Panda 4×4.Awarded the prestigious title of ‘SUV of the Year 2012′ by the English magazine Top Gear, the Fiat Panda 4×4 is the only four-wheel drive model in segment A.Ever since it was launched, the new Panda 4×4 and Panda Trekking were the choice of more than 10,000 European customers, out of which the 70% were from abroad.The spotlights will also be trained on the Panda family, presented here in Geneva in the Trekking 85 HP 0.9 TwinAir, Panda 4×4 85 HP 0.9 TwinAir and 75 HP Panda 4×4 1.3 MultiJet versions. The cars on exhibit stand out for the three unique high-impact liveries: two of them are ‘clad’ with a sophisticated three-layer paint – one is white and the other red – whereas the Panda 4×4 MultiJet stands out even more for its exclusive two-tone body: Toscana green for the body and Accogliente beige for the roof, a combination that recalls the world of nature and the great outdoors, the ideal habitat for the Panda 4×4.
This is no mere exercise in styling but a genuine experiment to identify some of these colour combinations for a production model. After all, colour has never been simply a matter of aesthetics for the Panda model. On the contrary, it is an integral part of a product philosophy that incorporates personality, creativity, style and Italian appeal.
Awarded the prestigious title of ‘SUV of the Year 2012′ by the English magazine Top Gear, the Fiat Panda 4×4 is the only 4WD model in segment A and it is winning over the entire region of the Alps, just like the previous two generations did. Just think, ever since it was launched, the new Panda 4×4 and Panda Trekking versions were the choice of more than 10,000 European customers (70% outside Italian borders), representing 17% of all Pandas sold in Europe. This percentage rises to 50% in Switzerland and exceeds 70% in Austria. So the new 4×4 and Trekking versions will contribute towards consolidating the leadership of the new Panda in segment A in Europe: in 2012 the new model was confirmed to be the most popular citycar sold in Europe with over 185 thousand new registrations and a share of 15.7%.
The only ’4×4 citycar’ on the market, the new four-wheel drive Panda is the successor to a best-seller which first appeared 30 years ago and made its name as the smallest and most interesting “explorer” in its class. Today, the new Panda 4×4 is confirmed to be a Jack-of-all-trades car, ready to tackle mountain mule tracks and the urban jungle with the same cool. Furthermore, from a technical point of view, the new Panda 4×4 improves itself once again and reasserts its admirable capacity to compete with off-road cars of much greater dimensions (as well as much higher prices).
Designed for motorists who love adventure and outdoor living, the new Panda 4×4 fits “Torque on demand” traction which cuts in automatically when needed to tackle any situation with ease. The Panda 4×4 also features the ESC (Electronic Stability Control) system with ELD (Electronic Locking Differential) function as standard. This system provides additional assistance while driving and setting off on slippery terrain.
In addition, the Panda 4×4 also offers all the dynamics and comfort you need to complete long and challenging routes, thanks above all to the revised suspension – an independent MacPherson wheel arrangement at the front and interconnected wheels with torsion beam layout at the rear – and to the six-speed gearbox with low first gear combined with the 85 HP TwinAir Turbo engine which, thanks to the generous torque, accentuates the model’s off-road features. Excellent performance levels are also afforded by the other engine type in the range: the 75 HP 1.3 MultiJet II turbodiesel.
Lastly, the Fiat booth at the Geneva International Motor Show will also be featuring a Panda Trekking, the link between the 4×2 and the 4×4 version, combining off-road looks with smart front-wheel drive and “Traction+” technology. From the point of view of style and standard equipment, the Trekking version is perfectly in line with the 4WD version: the only differences are the aesthetic treatment of the alloy rims (aluminium instead of burnished) and the absence of a skid plate and respective protection under the engine.
Fiat models, Mopar® accessories and FGA Capital financial products
The Fiat booth will also be exhibiting the 500S, the Punto 2013 with the ‘Sporting’ Pack, the Freemont Lounge AWD and the Sedici with the new Nitro Kit.FGA Capital financial products and accessories produced by Mopar® also at the Geneva show.A Panda Monster Truck on show at Geneva Airport.500S The Geneva catwalk sees the Fiat 500S, the new version distinguished by ‘Sexy’, ‘Stylish’ and ‘Seductive’ positioning values, all enclosed within the letter ‘S’. With a tough look and complete standard equipment, the models on display in Geneva fit the 85 HP 0.9 engine (cabrio version) and the brilliant 100 HP 1.4 16v engine with a top speed of 182 km/h and 0-100 km/h in only 10.5 seconds.
You can recognise the new 500S by its exterior, with the rear spoiler, the new side skirts, the specific spots bumper (front and rear), tinted windows, 15” alloy rims with sports design (16″ rims available upon request) and the burnished finishes. The interior on the other hand stands out for the new and exclusive sports seats with bubble wrap effect fabric, with red stitching and the ’500S’ logo on the backrests (leather upholstery available upon request).
In addition, to give the car more muscle, it can be equipped with optional spoiler and black roof. In keeping with the seductive spirit of the new version, the passenger compartment of the Fiat 500S also stands out for the unprecedented racing steering wheel, the specific gear knob and the matt silver treated dashboard. Similarly, the extensive range of standard equipment includes manual climate control and Blue&MeTM system with radio controls on the steering wheel. The Punto 2013 and the new ‘Sporting’ Pack The Geneva International Motor Show will also be the opportunity to admire the Punto 2013, the evolution of the Fiat best-seller of which over 8.7 million units have been sold across the world since 1993. The new range offers a more rational line – in terms of trim levels and engines – while retaining the possibility of personalising every single Punto thanks to the new optional packs designed to accommodate the needs of a broad, multifarious clientele with different inclinations, ages and requirements.
Depending on the markets, the Fiat Punto 2013 range comprises two bodies (3- or 5-door), 2 trim levels (Easy and Lounge, with the addition of the Pop Star trim level in Switzerland), 8 engine types, 4 fuel systems (petrol, diesel, methane and LPG), 2 types of gearbox (manual and Dualogic robotised) and characterising optional packs – for instance Function, Comfort, Sporting and Sport 1 / 2 for the Swiss market – allowing for maximum personalisation, with a significant advantage for the customer.
The Fiat booth will be exhibiting a ’3-door’ Easy version with 105 HP 1.4 MultiAir engine personalised with the new ‘Sporting’ Pack which includes: a glossy black painted roof, dedicated 16″ alloy rims with glossy black finish, burnished headlights, glossy black pillars and mirror covers, side skirts and low ride. The same sporty feel is found in the interiors, where the leather sports steering wheel with aluminium insert and grey stitching stands out, along with the leather trim on the hand brake lever and gear knob. The interior look is completed with the black “ceiling” and the “Tarmac” dashboard finish. In addition, the version on show features the exclusive white paintwork, which emphasises the model’s bold styling personality.
The Fiat Sedici and the new Nitro Kit A Fiat Sedici equipped with the new Nitro kit will be on display in the Fiat booth. Indeed, following on from the success on the Qubo Trekking model last year, Fiat has decided to restyle the kit with new graphics and new contents, and to extend the availability of the Nitro kit – developed with the American leading snowboard maker – to the Fiat Panda 4×4 and to the Fiat Sedici.
Recently launched onto the market, the new Nitro kit is targeted to the most dynamic customers who want a car for enjoying all the sorts of open-air sports with its 490 litre Freebox, its roof bars and its “Road Warriors” Nitro snowboard. All this and more, with style details like body stickers and the handy backpack with cool “Nitro – Fiat Free Style Team” graphics.
This consolidates a partnership established in 2009 between FIAT Freestyle Team and Nitro Snowboards with a European agreement which will continue in 2013. More specifically, the FIAT Freestyle Team supports “Nitro Road Warriors”, a team of very talented rookies and expert riders, with the team’s official Fiat cars for their travels across Europe seeking out the coolest destinations.
The Freemont Lounge AWD The Fiat booth at the Geneva International Motor Show will also exhibit the Fiat Freemont in the Lounge AWD 170 HP 2.0 MultiJet trim level combined with the 6-speed automatic transmission, the version which has bowled over European customers and which became the most popular in 2012, becoming the best-seller in the range, with over 30% of the mix.
Ever since it was launched, the Freemont model has been able to accommodate the needs of the modern family to perfection: customers who preferred estates, minivans and crossovers were won over by its multifarious soul, by its notable value for money and by its outdoor spirit. Approximately 44,000 Freemonts have been ordered to date, ranking sixth in its category in Europe in 2012. In Italy, it tops the sales chart with a considerable share of 27.5% in its segment in January and retaining its solid leadership as the best-selling 7-seater in the Italian market. FGA Capital Visitors will be introduced to the products of FGA Capital, a finance company specialising in the automotive sector, through illustrative materials and dedicated media at the booth. The finance company is operative in all the major European markets, and in Switzerland with Fidis Finance, with a sole mission: to support the sales of all Fiat Group Automobiles brand vehicles by offering innovative financial products with high added value services targeted to the dealership network, private customers and companies.
Mopar® Both the cars on show and a dedicated area of the booth will host the exclusive accessories produced by Mopar®, the Fiat Spa and Chrysler Group LLC division that deals with Customer Service activities and Parts & Service operations. Specifically, for the 500L version, some of the over 140 products that make the 500 the Fiat Group Automobiles car with the largest number of accessories available from the catalogue will be presented: among these, white 17″ alloy rims, branded valve caps, velour mats, moulding on the bonnet, the rear number plate holder, the aluminium pedal unit and the kick plate with 500L logo. There will also be room to present the accessories in the Nitro Kit, which distinguish the Fiat Sedici on exhibit, whereas the Panda 4×4, offers the useful longitudinal roof rack bars and the innovative ‘Blue&ME TomTom’ navigation system.
The Panda Monster Truck During the show, public transiting in the reception area of Geneva airport will get the chance to admire the exclusive Panda Monster Truck, an enormous monster truck built by Fiat with the collaboration of Mercurio Cinematografica, set designer Andrea Faini and the Fabio Gementi workshop.
This fully functioning prototype combines a Panda 4×4 with a Jeep CJ7 4200 floor panel and features road tractor wheels with “High Speed” tyres, 150 centimetres in diameter and 50 cm wide, fitted with specially turned solid steel flanges. The end result is a ‘bigfoot’ Panda, towering at 390 centimetres (‘wither height’), 380 cm long and 250 cm wide. It took just over two weeks of work to build it, paying the utmost care when connecting the steering system, clutch, accelerator and brakes between the two cars.
The Fiat Panda Monster Truck plays the starring role of the latest advertisement dedicated to the new Panda 4×4. The video footage tells the story of four friends who set off for a weekend in the mountains aboard a Panda 4×4. The car, transforming into a Monster Truck, climbs nimbly up to the hostel, stunning everyone with its performance. And when the driver, thinking he’s in a normal Panda 4×4, gets out of the car, he ends up falling two metres onto a cushion of snow, to the laughter of his friends.
The Fiat 500e
The icon of Italian-made cars with a 111 HP (83 kW) electric battery-powered engine.Fiat meets the actual needs of its clientele, whatever the market or policy on CO2 emissions.Available for purchase solely in the USA from the second quarter of 2013.Less than 4 hours to ‘fill up’ and a range of 140 km.Consumption levels of just 29 kilowatts/hour for 160 km and an annual battery recharging cost estimated at 500 Dollars.Visitors of the Geneva International Motor Show will get a chance to see the European première of the 500e, the small zero-emissions electric car recently presented at the Los Angeles Motor Show, which will be available for purchase solely in the United States from the second quarter of 2013.
Together with the brand new 500 GQ and 500S versions on show in Geneva, the 500 continues to raise eyebrows for its ability to reinvent itself relentlessly. The new zero-emissions city-car emphasises how the Fiat brand is able to respond to the need to reduce CO2 emissions, whatever the market or government policy.
Unique style harnessed for efficiency
Designing cars which are compact on the outside and large on the inside, with an empathetic, eco-compatible design yet which are still fun to drive: this is the ‘Simply More’ styling and design approach implemented by the Fiat brand. The same approach applied to the new 500e, projecting its Italian design into the future, through a silhouette modelled in the wind tunnel and futuristic retro references with a spotted matrix for a look at the very cutting edge. To achieve an aerodynamic improvement of 13%, the Fiat 500e offers eight exterior refinements and over 140 hours of testing and honing in the wind tunnel.
Inside, the 500e 2013 merges a futuristic retro design with the unique features of Electric Vehicle technology, making for a simple yet innovative interior. A new 7″ TFT digital display embellishes the instrument panel where, thanks to clear and accurate colour graphics, all the vehicle functions are displayed, along with the battery charge levels and the trip summary. In addition, a new TomTom navigation system allows the driver to see the vehicle charge programme, the capacity and energy flow measurements, and he or she can even find the nearest recharging stations in real time.
Under the dashboard panel, the Fiat 500e 2013 features a new easy-to-use electronic gearbox with a drive selector push-button. And for an additional touch of style, the passenger compartment is available in black or white, all underscored by bright elettrico orange features which further accentuate the distinctive personality of this particular 500.
Best-in-class performance
Designed to be an Electric Vehicle without compromise, the Fiat 500e 2013 relies on the winning formula of offering a compact car – a characteristic trait of the 500 – adding a new electric battery-powered engine which develops a horsepower of 111 (83 kW) and which is recharged in under 4 hours thanks to the 240 V level-2 (OBCM) on-board charging module.
The EPA – the US Environmental Protection Agency – has valued the performance in the extra-urban cycle of the new Fiat 500e: the result is 108 MPGe, a value yet unbeaten by any electric vehicle on the US market. In detail, the MPGe is the measurement unit developed by the EPA to determine how many miles an electric vehicle can cover with a quantity of electricity generated by a battery, with the same energy content as a gallon of petrol.
The tests carried out by the EPA showed that, on a full charge, the Fiat 500e has a range of approximately 140 km, the best value among all electric vehicles on the US market produced by the major car manufacturers.
In addition, the Agency estimated the annual cost to power it to be in the region of 500 Dollars. This estimate was calculated by forecasting the price of electricity during a mileage of over 24,000 km with the performance specifications on the combined urban/extra-urban cycle of the car. The Fiat 500e boasts an index of 116 MPGe on the urban/extra-urban cycle and 122 MPGe on the urban cycle. Lastly, the EPA tests report the car’s energy consumption to be just 29 kW/hour for 100 miles.
Passengers can access information about the Fiat 500e using a new smartphone application, compatible with iPhone and Android, which shows the condition of the car in real time, managing the battery charge levels, recording the energy consumption, locating the car and the nearest battery recharging stations, planning and sending routes for the vehicle and sending text message warnings and notifications.
Lastly, to make sure the new Fiat 500e 2013 offers first-class manoeuvrability and braking capacity, the engineers devised a new chassis and suspension for the electric motor, consolidating the outstanding European driving dynamics for which Fiat and the 500 model are known the world over.
Custom-made technology for all the needs of the international markets
Where growing awareness of environmental issues brings together consumers and governments from the various continents, customer requirements differ considerably due to national culture and policy. This is the reason for the unique alliance between the Fiat and Chrysler groups for the joint development of innovative programmes which satisfy a sustainable custom-made mobility in the various markets in which both groups operate.
For this reason, Chrysler is the centre of expertise for electrifying cars for both Groups, with special focus on marketing these products in the United States where this technology is now consolidated. In Europe, on the other hand, Fiat Group Automobiles pursues the containment of polluting emissions and of the level of CO2 by developing its own technologies (TwinAir, MultiAir and MultiJet II) applied to its petrol and diesel engines, in addition to the distribution of alternative power supplies using methane gas and LPG, which are concrete solutions within everyone’s reach and now available for all.
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