Έκθεση Γενεύης 2014: BMW 2 Series Active Tourer
Το πρώτο μπροστοκίνητο μοντέλο της BMW, καθώς και το πρώτο αυτοκίνητό της πολυμορφικού χαρακτήρα, παρουσιάστηκε στη Γενεύη, εγκαινιάζοντας μια νέα εποχή στην ιστορία της Γερμανικής εταιρίας. Η 2-Series Active Tourer
Για το σχεδιασμό του είχαμε πάρει μια ιδέα από το BMW Active Tourer concept και σε σχέση με το πρωτότυπο διαθέτει νέα
Παρά τις πολλές αντιρρήσεις που μπορεί να προκαλέσει ο σχεδιασμός του, το αυτοκίνητο φωνάζει από μακριά ότι ανήκει στην οικογένεια της BMW, με τα χαρακτηριστικά νεφρά, τους διπλούς προβολείς μέσα στα φωτιστικά σώματα και την Hofmeister πινελιά στο πίσω μέρος. Έχει μήκος 4.342 χλστ, 1.800 χλστ πλάτος και 1.555 χλστ ύψος, με το μεταξόνιο του να φτάνει στα 2.670 χλστ, ενώ το βάρος του κυμαίνεται από τα 1.320 κιλά έως τα 1.430 κιλά ανάλογα την έκδοση και τον κινητήρα.
Ο οδηγός και ο συνοδηγός του Active Tourer απολαμβάνουν μια αρκετά ψηλότερη θέση καθισμάτων σε σχέση με ένα sedan, η οποία προσφέρει μια πανοραμική θέα και την ίδια στιγμή καθιστά ευκολότερη την πρόσβαση και αποβίβαση από το αυτοκίνητο. Ο χώρος αποσκευών ανέρχεται στα 468 λίτρα, που με την αναδίπλωση των πίσω καθισμάτων κατά 40/20/40 μπορεί να φτάσει μέχρι και τα 1510 λίτρα.
Το πεντάπορτο hatchback μοντέλο θα τεθεί απέναντι από την Mercedes B-Class και θα κατασκευαστεί πάνω στη νέα UKL1 πλατφόρμα που πρωτοφορέθηκε στη νέα γενιά του MINI. Η 2-Series Active Tourer διαθέτει μπροστά ανάρτηση με γόνατα MacPherson ενώ πίσω θα φορά μια ανάρτηση πολλαπλών συνδέσμων. Πάνω στην UKL πλατφόρμα η BMW και η Mini θα κατασκευάσουν τουλάχιστον 15 μοντέλα μέσα σε βάθος πενταετίας, με την 2-Series Active Tourer να είναι διαθέσιμη και ως επταθέσια.
Αρχικά με το λανσάρισμα του μοντέλου θα είναι διαθέσιμο με τρεις διαφορετικούς κινητήρες, τριών και τεσσάρων κυλίνδρων.
Η 218i Active Tourer αποτελεί την entry-level έκδοση και το πρώτο αυτοκίνητο της γκάμας που θα εφοδιάζεται με τον 1500άρη τρικύλινδρο βενζινοκινητήρα απόδοσης 136 ίππων στις 4.500 σ.α.λ. και 220 Nm ροπής στις 1.250 σ.α.λ., που φτάνει τα 230 Nm σε διαδικασία overboost. Τα 0-100 χλμ/ώρα τα κάνει σε 9,3 δευτερόλεπτα (9,6 με το 6-άρι αυτόματο κιβώτιο) με τελική ταχύτητα 200 χλμ/ώρα. Έχει μέση κατανάλωση 4,9-5,1 λίτρα/100 χλμ και εκπέμπει 115-119 γρ/χλμ CO2, είτε όταν συνδυάζεται με το 6-τάχυτο μηχανικό κιβώτιο, είτε όταν συνδυάζεται με το 6-τάχυτο αυτόματο κιβώτιο.
Ακολουθεί, η 225i Active Tourer που εξοπλίζεται με τον 2-λιτρο τετρακύλινδρο κινητήρα απόδοσης 170 ίππων στις 4.750 σ.α.λ με 350 Nm ροπής από τις 1.250 σ.α.λ. Τα 0-100 χλμ/ώρα τα κάνει σε 6,8 δευτερόλεπτα με τελική ταχύτητα 235 χλμ/ώρα και συνδυάζεται αποκλειστικά με το 8-άρι αυτόματο κιβώτιο. Έχει μέση κατανάλωση 6 λίτρα/100 χλμ και εκπέμπει 139 γρ/χλμ CO2.
Τέλος, η 218d Active Tourer εξοπλίζεται με τον 2-λιτρο τετρακύλινδρο πετρελαιοκινητήρα απόδοσης 150 ίππων στις 4.000 σ.α.λ με 330 Nm ροπής από τις 1.750 σ.α.λ έως και τις 2.250 σ.α.λ. Τα 0-100 χλμ/ώρα τα κάνει σε 8,9 δευτερόλεπτα (το ίδιο με το 8-άρι αυτόματο κιβώτιο) με τελική ταχύτητα 205 χλμ/ώρα. Έχει μέση κατανάλωση 4,1 λίτρα/100 χλμ και εκπέμπει 109 γρ/χλμ CO2, είτε όταν συνδυάζεται με το 6-τάχυτο μηχανικό κιβώτιο, είτε όταν συνδυάζεται με το 8-τάχυτο αυτόματο κιβώτιο.
Κάποια στιγμή στο μέλλον, θα προστεθούν και οι 216d, 220d και 220i, μαζί με τις τετρακίνητες xDrive εκδόσεις των 220d και 225i.
Η 2 Series Active Tourer θα είναι διαθέσιμη με τρία πακέτα εξοπλισμού. Το πρώτο, η Luxury Line, θα διαθέτει χρωμιωμένη μάσκα και ζάντες αλουμινίου 16 ή 17 ιντσών. Στο εσωτερικό το τιμόνι θα είναι ντυμένο με δέρμα, ενώ θα υπάρχουν και χρωμιωμένες λεπτομέρειες.
Το επόμενο πακέτο είναι το Sport Line που θα έχει μαύρες γυαλιστερές λεπτομέρειες, ειδικές εισαγωγές άερα και ειδικές ζάντες αλουμινίου 16 ή 17 ιντσών, ενώ στο εσωτερικό θα υπάρχουν σπορ καθίσματα και γυαλιστερές επενδύσεις.
Τέλος, αν αυτή δε σου είναι αρκετή θα υπάρχει και το M Sport πακέτο, που περιλαμβάνει νέο αεροδυναμικό bodykit, μαύρη γρίλια, σπορ ανάρτηση που χαμηλώνει το αμάξωμα κατά 10 χλστ. και ειδικές ζάντες αλουμινίου 17 ή 18 ιντσών.
Αναλυτικές λεπτομέρειες μπορείς να βρεις στο δελτίο τύπου που ακολουθεί καθώς σε αυτό αυτό το PDF.
Δελτίο ΤύπουThe new BMW 2 Series Active Tourer.
The arrival of the BMW 2 Series Active Tourer (fuel consumption combined: 6.0–4.1 litres per 100 km [47–68.9 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions: 139–109 g/km)* sees BMW expand its portfolio into another new model segment. The newcomer in the premium compact class skilfully blends comfort and functionality of space with the trademark BMW strengths of dynamism, style and elegance. Following on from the Coupe as the second member of the new BMW 2 Series range, the harmoniously proportioned Active Tourer oozes sportiness from every angle. Measuring just 4,342 millimetres long, 1,800 millimetres wide and 1,555 millimetres in height, it combines compact dimensions on the outside with a strikingly spacious feel on the inside, making it perfectly suited to cope with the growing challenges of urban mobility.
New turbocharged engines with three and four cylinders, a comprehensive package of BMW EfficientDynamics measures and the extensive connectivity provided by BMW ConnectedDrive are all formative elements in a driving experience that centres on sporty performance and exemplary efficiency.
Dynamism und functionality of space brought together in classic BMW fashion.
In order to achieve a particularly high level of versatility and functionality in the premium compact class, special design concepts are needed. BMW has therefore opted for a sophisticated front-wheel-drive system for the 2 Series Active Tourer that is able to deliver the degree of driver engagement expected of the brand’s models. Together with the long wheelbase of 2,670 millimetres and raised roofline, this configuration enables the room inside to be maximised, resulting in an unprecedented feeling of spaciousness. Driver and front passenger enjoy a far higher seating position than in a sedan, which affords a commanding all-round view at the same time as making it easier to get in and out. The wealth of storage facilities and the option of a fold-flat passenger seat backrest are just two examples of the interior’s impressive flexibility and cleverly devised layout. The cabin has a light and spacious feel to it, with all surfaces horizontally structured in a layered look. There is also the option of a large panoramic roof that lets light flood into the interior. The brand identity with its overriding sense of dynamism is clearly present in the BMW 2 Series Active Tourer too. It shines through in trademark features such as the slightly forward-slanting BMW kidney grille at the front end flanked by the distinctive twin circular headlights. The short front overhang in particular is highly unusual for a front-wheel-drive car, and is just as much a classic BMW styling cue as the short overhang at the rear, the long wheelbase, the Hofmeister kink in the rear side windows and the L-shaped rear lights. Crisp contours and an eye-catching swage line at the sides give added impact to the wheel arches and inject the BMW 2 Series Active Tourer with forward thrust even when stationary. Moving inside, the controls for the radio, air conditioning and air vents are angled towards the driver in another unmistakable BMW design trait.
Maximum versatility and functionality.
The versatile luggage compartment, whose capacity can be enlarged from 468 to 1,510 litres, and the 40:20:40 split-folding rear backrest fitted as standard exemplify this model’s excellent everyday practicality. Flexibility is further enhanced by a sliding rear seat, allowing either kneeroom or luggage space to be increased as required. One particularly smart touch is the foldable boot floor that conceals a storage compartment with a handy multifunction tray. The rear backrest can be adjusted to offer either added comfort for the three rear seats or extra luggage space. Access to the luggage compartment couldn’t be easier thanks to the large, broad, wide-opening tailgate, which can furthermore be optionally specified with pushbutton automatic opening and closing or the Smart Opener function for supreme ease of operation with a quick flick of the foot.
Latest-generation engines running on three or four cylinders.
The new BMW 2 Series Active Tourer is being launched with a choice of three powerful, light and fuel-efficient three and four-cylinder drive units that form part of a new generation of engines. They are installed transversely and boast a compact design along with BMW TwinPower Turbo technology, at the same time as complying with the EU6 emissions standard.
The new three-cylinder petrol unit stands out for its exceptional efficiency and great performance abilities. This cutting-edge powerplant is receiving its premiere in a model from the BMW core brand in the guise of the BMW 218i Active Tourer (fuel consumption urban/extra-urban/combined: 6.1/4.2/4.9 l/100 km [46.3/67.2/57.6 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions combined: 115 g/km)* with a six-speed manual gearbox. The engine has a displacement of 1.5 litres, generates 100 kW/136 hp and excels with its spontaneous throttle response, hearty appetite for revs and high pulling power. The design of three-cylinder engines means they are not subject to first and second-order inertia forces, while the balancer shaft included on the BMW unit ensures that it operates even more smoothly over the entire rev range.
Topping the bill at market launch is the BMW 225i Active Tourer (fuel consumption urban/extra-urban/combined: 7.6/5.0/6.0 l/100 km [37.1/56.5/47 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions combined: 139 g/km)*. With an output of 170 kW/231 hp, a time of 6.8 seconds* for the 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) dash and a top speed of 235 km/h* (146 mph), the model’s four-cylinder engine raises the bar for dynamic performance in its class.
Hard at work under the bonnet of the BMW 218d Active Tourer (fuel consumption urban/extra-urban/combined: 5.0/3.6/4.1 l/100 km [56.5/78.4/68.9 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions combined: 109 g/km)* is a four-cylinder diesel engine. A member of the same new engine family as its two petrol counterparts, it delivers 110 kW/150 hp while mustering up a peak torque of 330 Nm (243 lb-ft). This powerpack serves to reaffirm the exceptionally dynamic performance qualities of diesel engines from BMW, propelling the BMW 218d Active Tourer from standstill to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 8.9 seconds* and on to a top speed of 205 km/h (127 mph)*.
The BMW among front-wheel-drive cars.
Like all BMW models, the new BMW 2 Series Active Tourer makes its mark with great driving dynamics and the sort of driving experience the brand is renowned for. The newly developed chassis, comprising a single-joint spring strut axle at the front and a multi-link rear axle, combines agility and directional precision with excellent handling stability and suspension comfort. The front drive axle in the new BMW 2 Series Active Tourer has undergone extensive fine-tuning, ensuring that it endows the car with optimum driving dynamics and wonderfully precise steering feedback. The electromechanical steering and the system’s functional arrangement combine to produce a driving sensation that is devoid of interfering torque steer.
The intelligent use of high-tensile and ultra-high-tensile multi-phase steels makes a decisive contribution to safety standards in the BMW 2 Series Active Tourer, while also helping to keep the vehicle’s weight down. Apart from being a crucial factor in the model’s exceptional driving dynamics, this lightweight engineering is just one among many BMW EfficientDynamics technology elements. These also include the Auto Start Stop function, Brake Energy Regeneration, Optimum Gearshift Indicator, on-demand operation of ancillary units and the integral Air Curtain, which uses two vertical air inlets in the front bumper to direct the airstream along the front wheels.
M Sport package for maximum presence.
Besides the standard trim, two further equipment lines both allow owners to put an individual slant on the interior and exterior. The Sport Line places the emphasis on the dynamic side, while the Luxury Line is all about elegance and exclusiveness. The M Sport package that will be available from November opens up even greater scope for customisation. An M Aerodynamics package, M Sport suspension and 17 or 18-inch M light-alloy wheels on the outside are complemented by an M leather steering wheel and specially upholstered sports seats in the interior to maximise the on-road presence of the BMW 2 Series Active Tourer. The range will be extended from late autumn to include variants equipped with the xDrive intelligent all-wheel-drive system.
High degree of connectivity for enhanced safety and comfort.
Standards of safety and comfort aboard the BMW 2 Series Active Tourer are boosted by the assistance systems and various infotainment features that are collectively known as BMW ConnectedDrive. Take, for instance, the Traffic Jam Assistant or the camera-based cruise control system with Stop & Go function, which both work using a mono camera. They assist with accelerating and braking (longitudinal guidance) as well as steering (lateral guidance with the Traffic Jam Assistant), at the same time as relieving the driver of monotonous tasks, such as when driving in a queue of traffic on the motorway or in heavy city-centre traffic.
BMW ConnectedDrive Services & Apps bring smartphone applications into the vehicle and allow innovative features like the Concierge Service or Real Time Traffic Information to be added. These can also be booked at a later date and, in many cases, for flexible periods of time. In this way, the functionality of the BMW 2 Series Active Tourer can be vastly enhanced and updated by the owner at any time.
The BMW 2 Series Active Tourer is the first model in the premium compact class to be made available with a Head-Up Display, which projects all relevant driving information into the driver’s field of vision in full colour. Instead of being displayed on the windscreen itself, the information is shown on a screen that extends out between the steering wheel and windscreen. This enables drivers to view all key information without having to divert their attention from the road.
* Figures are provisional and have not yet been officially confirmed. The estimated fuel consumption figures have been calculated as per the ECE text cycle.
Further information on official fuel consumption figures, specific CO2 emission values and the electric power consumption of new passenger cars is included in the following guideline: “Leitfaden über Kraftstoffverbrauch, die CO2-Emissionen und den Stromverbrauch neuer Personenkraftwagen” (Guideline for fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and electric power consumption of new passenger cars), which can be obtained from all dealerships, from the Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH (DAT), Hellmuth-Hirth-Str. 1, 73760 Ostfildern-Scharnhausen and at http://www.dat.de/en/offers/publications/guideline-for-fuel-consumption.html. LeitfadenCO2 (GuidelineCO2) (PDF ‒ 2.7 MB)
BMW at the 84th Geneva International Motor Show 2014.
With several world and European premieres on its agenda, BMW is using this year’s Geneva International Motor Show to present a selection of fascinating new series-production models which are geared to fulfilling present-day customer requirements and in some cases usher in all-new market segments. Marking their world premiere are the BMW 2 Series Active Tourer (fuel consumption combined: 6.0–4.1 l/100 km [47.1–68.9 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions combined: 139–109 g/km)*, a totally new compact-class vehicle majoring on functionality of space; the BMW 4 Series Gran Coupe (fuel consumption combined: 8.1–4.5 l/100 km [34.9–62.8 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions combined: 189–119 g/km), a new four-door Coupe in the mid-size segment; and the second generation of the successful BMW X3 (fuel consumption combined: 8.3–5.0 l/100 km [34.0–56.5 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions combined: 193–131 g/km). Making its first European appearance is the new, characteristic BMW 2 Series Coupe (fuel consumption combined: 8.1–4.2 l/100 km [34.9–67.3 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions combined: 189–111 g/km), along with the new BMW M3 Sedan (fuel consumption combined: 8.8–8.3 l/100 km [32.1–34.0 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions combined: 204–194 g/km) and BMW M4 Coupe (fuel consumption combined: 8.8–8.3 l/100 km [32.1–34.0 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions combined: 204–194 g/km). The BMW Group is also showcasing the BMW i3 (fuel consumption combined: 0.0 l/100 km [mpg not applicable]); CO2 emissions combined: 0 g/km) and the progressive BMW i8 sports car (fuel consumption combined: 2.1 l/100 km [134.5 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions combined: 49 g/km) to highlight its future focus and the versatility of BMW i. The BMW i8 introduces the world’s first laser headlights available for a series-produced vehicle, while new services from BMW ConnectedDrive round off BMW’s programme at the Geneva Motor Show, traditionally held in early March each year.
* Figures are provisional and have not yet been officially confirmed. The estimated fuel consumption figures have been calculated as per the ECE test cycle.
BMW 2 Series Active Tourer: dynamics and functionality of space.The new BMW 2 Series Active Tourer is celebrating its world premiere in Geneva. The fresh arrival creates a whole new class of car and combines comfort and functionality of space with the signature BMW values of dynamic ability, style and elegance in the premium compact class. The BMW 2 Series Active Tourer follows in the tyre tracks of the Coupe as the second member of the new BMW 2 Series line-up and impresses from every angle with its sporty presence and harmonious proportions. New turbocharged engines with three and four cylinders, an extensive package of BMW EfficientDynamics technology and wide-reaching connectivity courtesy of BMW ConnectedDrive illustrate a driving experience defined by sports performance and exemplary efficiency. In order to meet the particular requirements of the compact class in terms of variability and functionality, BMW has given the 2 Series Active Tourer a cutting-edge front-wheel-drive set-up. And it has honed its responses to fully satisfy the dynamic expectations of a model wearing the BMW badge.
BMW 4 Series Gran Coupe: a new yardstick for elegance and extravagance.The BMW 4 Series Gran Coupe is another car marking its world premiere at the Geneva Motor Show 2014. The premium mid-size four-door Coupe demonstrates BMW’s commitment to expanding its model range. Following the BMW 4 Series Coupe (fuel consumption combined: 8.4–4.6 l/100 km [33.6–61.4 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions combined: 197–121 g/km) and Convertible (fuel consumption combined: 8.4–4.8 l/100 km [33.6–58.9 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions combined: 195–127 g/km), the Gran Coupe is the third member of the new BMW 4 Series family and – with its well-balanced proportions – is longer, wider and more dynamic than any mid-size model series before it. The BMW 4 Series Gran Coupe merges the stylistic qualities of the two-door Coupe with the functionality of four doors and generous levels of space behind the high-opening tailgate. Five punchy, refined and economical engines will be available from launch, developing outputs ranging from 105 kW/143 hp in the BMW 418d Gran Coupe (fuel consumption urban/extra-urban/combined: 5.4/4.0/4.5 l/100 km [52.3/70.6/62.8 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions combined: 119 g/km) to 225 kW/306 hp in the BMW 435i Gran Coupe (fuel consumption urban/extra-urban/combined: 11.4/6.2/8.1 l/100 km (24.8/45.6/34.9 mpg imp); CO2 emissions combined: 189 g/km).
BMW X3: powerful, exclusive appearance and unbeatable everyday usability.It was back in 2003 that BMW founded the new mid-size Sports Activity Vehicle (SAV) segment with the launch of the X3. That means the BMW X3 has been a paragon of sporty dynamics, premium ambience and robust agility, coupled with low fuel consumption and emissions, for over 10 years now – racking up sales figures of more than one million units in the process. The second generation of the successful BMW X3 has made a compelling case for itself since its introduction in 2010, boasting the best interior and boot measurements and the greatest versatility in its class. And now the new BMW X3 is set to build inexorably on its segment leadership. A pair of new-generation diesel engines, producing more power but once again burning less fuel, serve to improve dynamic performance and reduce pollutant emissions. The exterior and interior design of the new BMW X3 reveals stylistic revisions and also adds further depth to the car’s practicality with detail solutions responding to customer requirements.
BMW 2 Series Coupe: a new dimension in dynamics.The BMW 2 Series Coupe is a new addition to the BMW range celebrating its European premiere in Geneva. The BMW 2 Series Coupe can be distinguished from the BMW 1 Series line-up (fuel consumption combined: 8.0–3.8 l/100 km [35.3–74.3 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions combined: 188–99 g/km) by its standalone design, significantly larger dimensions, an engine range and suspension set-up geared squarely to sports performance, and more extensive standard equipment. The four-seater BMW 2 Series Coupe, with its two-door body, brings hallmark elements of BMW Coupes to the compact segment. Sophisticated suspension technology, virtually 50:50 weight distribution and rear-wheel drive ensure the presence of signature BMW handling properties.
BMW M3 Sedan, BMW M4 Coupe: innovative engine technology and a commitment to lightweight design.The new BMW M3 Sedan and new BMW M4 Coupe both celebrate their European premiere at the Geneva Motor Show 2014, as BMW M GmbH showcases its new take on the high-performance sports car. The all-new, high-revving, six-cylinder in-line engine with M TwinPower Turbo technology delivers maximum output of 317 kW (431 hp) and peak torque of 550 Newton metres (406 lb-ft), the latter figure exceeding that of the previous BMW M3 by almost 40 per cent. Fuel consumption and emissions have been cut by around 25 per cent. Both the BMW M3 Sedan and BMW M4 Coupe (with optional seven-speed M Double Clutch Transmission) cover the sprint from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 4.1 seconds.
BMW i takes to the stage with two models: electric motoring courtesy of the BMW i3 and BMW i8.With the joint presentation of its first volume-produced vehicle powered purely by an electric drive system and a sports car currently holding the status of the world’s most progressive, the BMW i brand is highlighting the broad spread of its future-oriented vehicle concepts. The two models represent a new, strongly sustainability-focused interpretation of the premium experience. The electric motors and lithium-ion high-voltage batteries of the two models were developed by the BMW Group – in model-specific versions. Another special ingredient conceived exclusively for BMW i is the LifeDrive architecture with passenger cell made from carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP), which plays a major role in minimising the weight of the cars. And a world first in a series-produced car comes in the form of the optional laser headlights developed by BMW, which offer three times the intensity and twice the high-beam range of conventional systems, as well as extremely low energy consumption.
BMW ConnectedDrive: 100 per cent connectivity, improved safety and service, unbeatable flexibility.BMW ConnectedDrive brings together an extensive range of mobility services unmatched by any rival and which can now also be accessed easily while on the move. Using the connectivity provided by the integrated SIM card, the BMW ConnectedDrive Store allows customers to purchase online options like the Concierge Service – the personalised assistant contactable 24 hours a day – at any time. The SIM card is part of the ConnectedDrive Services option and is also included when the Intelligent Emergency Call function, for example, is specified. BMW ConnectedDrive also spans an extensive selection of assistance and safety systems, including the full-colour, sharp-resolution BMW Head-Up Display. This premium feature, with its unique range of functionality, is available for almost all BMW vehicle classes.
Further information on official fuel consumption figures, specific CO2 emission values and the electric power consumption of new passenger cars is included in the following guideline: “Leitfaden über Kraftstoffverbrauch, die CO2-Emissionen und den Stromverbrauch neuer Personenkraftwagen” (Guideline for fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and electric power consumption of new passenger cars), which can be obtained from all dealerships, from the Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH (DAT), Hellmuth-Hirth-Str. 1, 73760 Ostfildern-Scharnhausen and at http://www.dat.de/en/offers/publications/guideline-for-fuel-consumption.html. LeitfadenCO2 (GuidelineCO2) (PDF ‒ 2.7 MB)
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