Έκθεση Γενεύης 2014: Fiat Panda Cross και Freemont Cross
Η Fiat στην έκθεση της Γενεύης παρουσίασε την Cross έκδοση των Panda και Freemont.
Ξεκινώντας από το Panda Cross, οι σχεδιαστές της Ιταλικής φίρμας προσπάθησαν (και κατάφεραν) να κάνουν την νέα αυτή έκδοση, άμεσα αναγνωρίσιμη. Στο εμπρός μέρος,
Το Panda Cross εξοπλίζεται με ειδική για την έκδοση ταπετσαρία και ταμπλό, δερμάτινο τιμόνι και λεβιέ ταχυτήτων. Στον standard εξοπλισμό ανήκουν ο αυτόματος κλιματισμός, το radio/MP3 με Blue&Me σύστημα με χειριστήρια στο τιμόνι κ.ά. Από τον προαιρετικό εξοπλισμό, ξεχωρίζει το City Brake Control σύστημα που λειτουργεί για ταχύτητες έως 30km/h. Τέλος, όσον αφορά στους κινητήρες, δύο θα είναι διαθέσιμοι. Και οι δύο διαθέτουν Start&Stop σύστημα ενώ και οι δύο είναι ελαφρώς αναβαθμισμένοι. Ο 1.3 λίτρων MultiJet II turbodiesel που αποδίδει 80 ίππους και ο 0.9 λίτρων TwinAir Turbo με τα 90 άλογα. Ο τελευταίος συνδυάζεται με ειδικό 6-τάχυτο κιβώτιο με πιο κοντή την πρώτη σχέση.
Το Freemont Cross από την άλλη, τοποθετείται στην κορυφή της γκάμας του μεγάλου SUV της Fiat. Έχει εξίσου χαρακτηριστικό παρουσιαστικό με το Panda Cross χάρη στους νέους προφυλακτήρες στο εμπρός και το πίσω μέρος, τις 19άρες Hyper Black ζάντες ελαφρού κράματος και τις πλαϊνές ποδιές Platinum-Chrome χρώματος. Premium θα είναι και το εσωτερικό, με δερμάτινα καθίσματα, λεπτομέρειες σε Liquid Graphite χρώμα και standard εξοπλισμό που μεταξύ άλλων περιλαμβάνει οθόνη αφής 8.4 ιντσών, κάμερα οπισθοπορείας, ηχοσύστημα της Alpine κ.ά. Το Freemont Cross θα πωλείται με γνωστό δίλιτρο MultiJet II turbodiesel σε δύο ιπποδυνάμεις-εκδόσεις. Είτε με 140 ίππους, 6-τάχυτο χειροκίνητο κιβώτιο και κίνηση στους εμπρός τροχούς είτε με 170 άλογα. Στην δεύτερη “έκδοση” μπορεί να συνδυαστεί με κίνηση στους εμπρός τροχούς και χειροκίνητο κιβώτιο ή με τετρακίνηση και 6-τάχυτο αυτόματο κιβώτιο.
Οι πωλήσεις του θα ξεκινήσουν από το φθινόπωρο, με τις τιμές, όπως συνηθίζεται, θα ανακοινώνονται κοντά στο λανσάρισμα τους.
[Πηγή: Fiat]
Δελτίο ΤύπουΈκθεση Αυτοκινήτου Γενεύης 2014: ντεμπούτο του Fiat Panda Cross
- Παγκόσμια πρεμιέρα της κορυφαίας έκδοσης του Panda- Εξασφαλίζει ελευθερία χρήσης, ακόμη και στις πιο απαιτητικές συνθήκες, χάρη στο σύστημα τετρακίνησης, προσφέροντας ταυτόχρονα ελκυστικό στιλ και έντονη προσωπικότητα- Το Panda Cross προσφέρει όλα τα πλεονεκτήματα των μεγαλύτερων SUV με μήκος μικρότερο από 370 εκατοστά- Συστήματα «ροπής ανάλογα με τη ζήτηση» (Torque on demand), τετρακίνησης και ηλεκτρονικού μπλοκέ διαφορικού στο στάνταρ εξοπλισμό, μαζί με Terrain Control, τον επιλογέα για τους λάτρεις της off-road οδήγησης- Διαθέσιμο με τους δυνατούς κινητήρες 1.3 MultiJet II 80 ίππων και 0.9 TwinAir Turbo 90 ίππων, ο τελευταίος με 6ταχυτο χειροκίνητο κιβώτιο με πιο κοντή πρώτη σχέση- Συγκρινόμενο με το Panda 4×4, το Panda Cross προσφέρει μεγαλύτερα ελαστικά (“All Seasons” 185/65R15) και βελτιωμένες επιδόσεις εκτός δρόμου με 24° γωνία προσέγγισης, 33° γωνία διαφυγής- Το σύστημα “City Brake Control”, που κέρδισε το βραβείο “Euro NCAP Advanced 2013″ διαθέσιμο κατά παραγγελία- Το Fiat Panda Cross θα είναι στις εκθέσεις το φθινόπωρο του 2014
Η Fiat επέλεξε το Διεθνές Σαλόνι Αυτοκινήτου της Γενεύης για να παρουσιάσει επίσημα σε παγκόσμια πρώτη εμφάνιση το Panda Cross, το οποίο τοποθετείται στην κορυφή της γκάμας του μοντέλου. Το αυτοκίνητο προσφέρει μοναδικό στιλ και σημαντικό εξοπλισμό για την ασφάλεια και την άνεση των επιβατών.
Το νέο Panda Cross είναι το ευκίνητο SUV που οδηγείται εύκολα στην κίνηση της πόλης, αλλά έχει το πνεύμα και τις δυνατότητες και τον εξοπλισμό ενός τετρακίνητου SUV υψηλότερης κατηγορίας, όπως αποδεικνύεται από τη χρήση στον στάνταρ εξοπλισμό του συστήματος μετάδοσης με παροχή «ροπής ανάλογα με τη ζήτηση» (Torque on demand) -ενεργοποιείται αυτόματα όταν χρειάζεται- και του συστήματος ελέγχου ευστάθειας ESC (Control) με λειτουργία ηλεκτρονικού μπλοκέ διαφορικού (ELD). Αυτό προσφέρει πρόσθετη βοήθεια στην οδήγηση σε ολισθηρές επιφάνειες.
Το Panda Cross προσφέρει επίσης έναν επιλογέα για τους λάτρεις της εκτός δρόμου οδήγησης ώστε αυτοί να έχουν τη δυνατότητα της καλύτερης δυνατής χρήσης του συστήματος τετρακίνησης, ανάλογα τις συνθήκες οδήγησης. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, το “Terrain Control” επιτρέπει στον οδηγό να επιλέξει μεταξύ τριών λειτουργιών:• AUTO – Αυτόματη κατανομή της ροπής μεταξύ των δυο αξόνων ανάλογα με την πρόσφυση που προσφέρει το έδαφος• LOCK – το σύστημα τετρακίνησης είναι μόνιμα ενεργοποιημένο για βέλτιστη χρήση εκτός δρόμου, με κατανομή της ροπής ανάμεσα στους τέσσερις τροχούς, φρενάροντας τους τροχούς που χάνουν πρόσφυση (ή γλιστρούν περισσότερο από τους άλλους) και μεταφέρει την κίνηση στους τροχούς με την μεγαλύτερη πρόσφυση.• HILL DESCENT – για βέλτιστο έλεγχο σε απότομες κατωφέρειες ή κατά την κίνηση σε κατηφορικές διαδρομές με πολύ μεγάλες ανωμαλίες.
Για να εξασφαλίζει μέγιστη πρόσφυση σε κάθε είδους επιφάνεια, το νέο μοντέλο χρησιμοποιεί ελαστικά “All Seasons” διαστάσεων 185/65 R15, μεγαλύτερα από αυτά το Panda 4×4. Αυτά έχουν εξελιχθεί για να εξασφαλίζουν βέλτιστο έλεγχο και ελκτική πρόσφυση σε χιονισμένους δρόμους. μαζί με πολύ καλή απόκριση στο σύστημα διεύθυνσης, για οδηγική απόλαυση στο στεγνό και στο βρεγμένο και για εξαιρετική απόδοση εκτός δρόμου.
Το Panda Cross κινείται με ευκολία και στην πιο ανώμαλη και δύσκολη επιφάνεια, χάρη και στη γενναιόδωρη απόσταση του δαπέδου από το έδαφος (16 εκατοστά για το MultiJet II και 15 εκατοστά για το TwinAir Turbo), όπως αποδεικνύουν και οι εξαιρετικές γωνίες που χαρακτηρίζουν τις εκτός δρόμου δυνατότητες ενός αυτοκινήτου: γωνία προσέγγισης 24°, αυξημένη κατά 3° σε σχέση με το Panda 4×4, γωνία φυγής 33° και γωνία ράμπας 20°, ενώ μπορεί να σκαρφαλώσει σε κλίσεις 31,5° (70%).
Κάθε λεπτομέρεια στο Panda Cross έχει σχεδιαστεί για να το κάνει άμεσα αναγνωρίσιμο και ελκυστικό, με σχεδιαστική γλώσσα γνώριμη για ένα SUV. Όλα ξεκινάνε από το εμπρός τελείωμα που φέρνει ένα εντελώς νέο “λουκ” χάρη στο νέο προφυλακτήρα, ο οποίος προβάλλει μια γενναιόδωρη ποδιά σε ένα σατέν χρώμα τιτανίου με ένα σχέδιο οπών το οποίο ερμηνεύει το χαρακτηριστικό μοτίβο «καμπύλου κύκλου» του Panda. Οι γάντζοι ρυμούλκησης διαθέτουν ένα εντελώς νέο σχέδιο με να χαρακτηριστικό κόκκινο χρώμα, δίνοντας έμφαση στον εκτός δρόμου χαρακτήρα. Τα φώτα είναι επίσης νέα, χάρη στους κύριους φανούς και στα φώτα ομίχλης που έχουν ενσωματωθεί με το λογότυπο στο τέλος του καπό και στα φώτα ημέρας τεχνολογίας LED, που είναι ενσωματωμένα στην ποδιά. Στο πλάι, κύρια στιλιστικά στοιχεία όπως οι τονισμένοι θόλοι, σημεία με το λογότυπο “Cross” και οι νέες μπάρες οροφής ξεχωρίζουν με την παρουσία και το στιλ τους. Οι ζάντες ελαφρού κράματος είναι 15″ με 5 ακτίνες σε σχήμα V. Το πίσω μέρος χαρακτηρίζεται επίσης από τον νέο προφυλακτήρα με ποδιά κάτω από το δάπεδο, που είναι παρόμοιος σε σχεδίαση με τον μπροστινό προφυλακτήρα, νέα φώτα και χρωμιωμένη εξάτμιση. Στο σύνολό του το νέο σχέδιο είναι εξαιρετικά αναγνωρίσιμο και προσφέρει άμεσα δυναμισμό και ευελιξία.
Το νέο Panda Cross εγγυάται μεγάλους χώρους για τους επιβάτες, την ευκολία του 5θυρου αμαξώματος και τον εύκολα διαμορφώσιμο εσωτερικό χώρο, όλα αυτά περιέχονται σε 370 εκατοστά. Επιπρόσθετα, ο χώρος των επιβατών διαθέτει όμορφα χρώματα και ταπετσαρίες, δερμάτινο τιμόνι και επιλογέα και εξαιρετικό υλικό στο ταμπλό. Εξάλλου, ο εξοπλισμός είναι πλούσιος σε κάθε περίπτωση, δημιουργώντας ένα ευχάριστο περιβάλλον στον οδηγό και στους επιβάτες του αυτοκινήτου.
Σε ό,τι αφορά τους κινητήρες δυο σύνολα είναι διαθέσιμα, και τα δύο με στάνταρ το σύστημα Start&Stop και ανώτερες επιδόσεις από το Panda 4×4: ο τούρμπο ντίζελ 1.3 MultiJet II των 80 ίππων και ο 0.9 TwinAir Turbo των 90 ίππων, ο τελευταίος με 6ταχυτο κιβώτιο με κοντή πρώτη σχέση.
Το νέο μοντέλο ξεχωρίζει άμεσα είτε κινείται στην πόλη είτε ταξιδεύει και χαρίζει ένα αίσθημα ελευθερίας στον οδηγό του, ο οποίος μπορεί να κινηθεί με άνεση σε κάθε έδαφος. Όμως δεν έχει γίνει κανένας συμβιβασμός σε τομείς όπως είναι η άνεση και η ποιότητα κύλισης, χάρη βέβαια και στις δοκιμασμένες και αξιόπιστες αναρτήσεις του: μπροστά υπάρχει ένα σύστημα με γόνατα MacPherson, ενώ ένα σύστημα με ημιάκαμπτο άξονα πίσω ειδικά σχεδιασμένο για την έκδοση all-wheel-drive, κρίθηκε πως ήταν το πλέον κατάλληλο.
Cross: η κορυφαία επιλογή για ένα κορυφαίο μοντέλοΤο νέο Panda Cross μπαίνει σε μία από τις ταχύτατα αναπτυσσόμενες κατηγορίες στην Ευρώπη, μια ειδική κατηγορία κορυφαίων μίνι SUV, που το ίδιο το Panda δημιούργησε το 1983 και ανέπτυξε ακόμα περισσότερο με τη δεύτερη γενιά του το 2004 με την έκδοση 4×4 και το 2006 με την έκδοση Cross. Περισσότερα από 30.000 Panda Cross ταξινομήθηκαν σε έξι χρόνια.
Το Panda ενισχύει ακόμα περισσότερο την ηγετική θέση του στην κατηγορία των εκτός δρόμου με αυτήν τη νέα έκδοση, που συμπληρώνει τα άλλα δύο SUV πόλης που παρουσιάστηκαν το 2012: το Panda Trekking με το σύστημα Traction+ και το Panda 4×4. Οι δύο αυτές εκδόσεις έχουν ήδη γνωρίσει μεγάλη επιτυχία, όπως αποδεικνύουν οι 26.300 πωλήσεις του σε κάτι περισσότερο από ένα χρόνο και τα βραβεία που έχουν κερδίσει. το Panda 4×4 είναι μια χαρακτηριστική περίπτωση επιτυχίας. στην τριακονταετή ιστορία του δημιούργησε μία νέα κατηγορία κι έπεισε περισσότερους από 500.000 πελάτες στην Ευρώπη.
2014 Geneva Motor Show: début of the Fiat Panda Cross and Fiat Freemont Cross
World première of the new top-of-the-range versions of the Panda and Freemont modelsWith differing forms and characters, both ensure ultimate freedom of use, even in the most demanding conditions thanks to the all-wheel drive, without giving up on a distinctive style with great personalityPanda Cross: it provides all the exclusivity offered by the SUVs of higher segments in less than 370cm‘Torque on demand’ all-wheel drive and Electronic Locking Differential function as standard with Terrain Control, the selector for lovers of off-road drivingAvailable with the boosted versions of the 80HP 1.3 MultiJet II and 90HP 0.9 TwinAir Turbo, the latter with specific 6-speed transmission with shortened first gearCompared to the Panda 4×4, the Panda Cross offers oversized tyres (‘All Seasons’ 185/65R15) and improved off-road performance owing to the 24° approach and 33° exit angles and increased ground clearance‘City Brake Control’ on request, the active safety system that brakes automatically to avoid collision which won ‘Euro NCAP Advanced 2013′Freemont Cross: a tough off-road look to satisfy your urge for exclusivity and distinctionNew front and rear bumpers, ‘platinum chrome’ details, black frames for the front and rear light clusters, dedicated five-spoke 19″ Hyper Black alloy wheels8.4″ Uconnect touchscreen navigator, new black leather seats with sports mesh fabric inserts and light ardesian grey top stitching, and Liquid Graphite interior finishes as standard2 engine versions (140HP 2.0 MultiJet II and 170HP 2.0 MultiJet II), 2 gearboxes (manual or automatic 6-speed transmission) and 2 drive options (front-wheel or AWD)Fiat Panda Cross and Fiat Freemont Cross will be on sale starting from autumn 2014Fiat has picked the Geneva stage to present the world début of the Panda Cross and Freemont Cross, both at the top of their respective ranges. The two new cars offer exclusive, comprehensive equipment for the safety of occupants and maximum well-being on board combined with a unique and unmistakable style.
New Panda Cross
The new Panda Cross is the agile SUV that’s easy to handle in city traffic but has the spirit and equipment typical of a 4×4 SUV of a higher category, as demonstrated by the adoption as standard of both the ‘Torque on demand’ transmission system – it activates automatically as required, so you can tackle any situation with complete cool – and the ESC (Electronic Stability Control) system complete with ELD (Electronic Locking Differential) function. This provides additional assistance while driving and setting off on slippery terrain.
The Panda Cross also offers a selector for lovers of off-road driving so they can have the choice to best use several AWD features based on the driving conditions. In detail, ‘Terrain Control’ lets the driver select three different modes:
AUTO – Automatic distribution of drive between the two axles in accordance with the grip of the road surfaceLOCK – The four-wheel drive is always active for optimal off-road use, with distribution of torque among the four wheels, braking the wheels that are losing grip (or slip more than the others), and thus transferring the drive to those with the most grip.HILL DESCENT – For optimum handling of particularly steep hill descents or when going down extremely bumpy routes.Every detail of the Panda Cross has been designed to make it immediately recognisable and distinctive, with a stylistic language typical of an SUV. It all starts with the front end featuring a brand-new look thanks to the new bumper, which boasts a generous skid plate in a satin titanium colour with a design of holes which reinterprets the Panda’s characteristic “squircle” motif. Tow hooks with an immediately recognisable new design in a brilliant red place emphasis on its off-road character. The light clusters too are brand new, thanks to the headlights and new fog lights integrated with the logo holder bonnet trim, and to the new DRLs with LED technology, built into the skid plate. From the side, certain specific elements, such as the pronounced wheel arches, mouldings with ‘Cross’ badge and the new roof bars which both take up the finish of the skid plate, stand out. The 15″ alloy wheels sport a 5-spoke V design and a burnished metal finish. The rear end too is characterised by a new bumper with under-body protection which takes up the design and finish of the front skid plate, a new burnished light cluster and the chrome tail pipe. Taken as a whole, these details lend it an extremely sophisticated appearance and immediately communicate dynamism and agility.
The new Panda Cross guarantees extensive passenger room, the convenience of five doors and a large modular space, all contained in just 370 centimetres. Additionally, the passenger compartment offers specific fabric trim, leather-lined steering wheel and gear knob and distinctive trim for the dashboard. Of particular interest among the standard equipment are the automatic climate control, radio CD/MP3 with Blue&MeTM system with steering wheel controls, special 15″ alloy wheels, electric door mirrors, height-adjustable driver’s seat and ‘All Seasons’ 185/65R15 tyres.
And standing out among the wealth of equipment available on request, there’s the innovative City Brake Control, the system that received the ‘Euro NCAP Advanced 2013′ award and which recognises the presence of other vehicles or obstacles in front of the car, braking automatically if the driver fails to intervene directly to avoid collision or mitigate its consequences, active for speeds up to 30 km/h.
Two engine versions are available, both with Start&Stop standard and boasting higher performance than the versions on the Panda 4×4: the 80 HP 1.3 MultiJet II turbodiesel and 90 HP 0.9 TwinAir Turbo petrol, the latter with specific 6-speed transmission with shortened first gear. What’s more, compared to the Panda 4×4 from which it is derived, the new car offers enhanced performance. With its 24° approach angle and 33° exit angle plus its larger special ‘All Seasons’ 185/65R15 tyres, the Panda Cross ensures ever surprising performance off the road and exceptional comfort on the road.
The distinctive personality, compact size and agility of the Panda Cross will attract attention when travelling down city streets, and will capture the hearts of those who love adventure and life in the open air owing to its outstanding off-road performance. That’s without mentioning its possession of all the dynamic and comfort characteristics that allow it to complete long and challenging routes with ease, in part thanks to the tried-and-tested suspension layout: an independent MacPherson system at the front, while a system with wheels interconnected via torsion beam specially developed for the all-wheel-drive version was considered more suitable for the rear.
The new Panda Cross will be marketed starting from the autumn in the major European markets, and a three-layer orange livery of enormous impact will be offered for the occasion.
New Freemont Cross
The Swiss show will also be graced by the new Freemont Cross, the top-of-the-range crossover targeted at a diverse, wide-ranging public with an eye on new developments and looking for the best balance between functionality and design.
Devoted to all those who love to be able to choose their own road, whatever the distance or weather to be tackled, the Cross version depicts the outdoor spirit of the Fiat crossover. The Freemont Cross is characterised by a tough, distinctive appearance thanks to the brand-new front and rear bumpers with Platinum Chrome details, the front glossy black grille, five-spoke 19″ Hyper Black wheels and Platinum Chrome-coloured side skirts. The black frames of the front and rear light clusters give the Freemont Cross an even more audacious personality, stating a readiness to tackle any road.
Fiat Freemont Cross also offers an exclusive interior with new leather seats complete with sports mesh inserts and light ardesian grey top stitching, interior finishes in the shade of Liquid Graphite, plus standard features like the 8.4″ Uconnect touchscreen satellite navigator, rear parking camera and Premium Alpine audio system with six speakers, 368 W amplifier and subwoofer. And there’s more: electric heated and folding door mirrors, six airbags, illuminated cup holders, Keyless Entry and Keyless Go with starting button and audio and driving speed regulation controls on the steering wheel.
Fiat Freemont customers can also configure the interior as they see fit, thanks to the 32 seat configurations and more than 20 storage compartments spread throughout the entire passenger compartment, reaching a total capacity of 140 litres, practically the same boot space of a city car. A load volume of roughly 1.5 cubic metres can be created by folding down the second and third rows of seats.
The new top-of-the-range version is available with the 140 HP 2.0 MultiJet II engine, with 6-speed manual gearbox and front-wheel drive, and the 170 HP 2.0 MultiJet II, both in a 4×2 version with manual gearbox and an active AWD version teamed exclusively with a 6-speed automatic transmission.
In detail, the active AWD (All-Wheel Drive) is ‘on demand’ type, with an electronic control unit that uses sensors to measure the grip of the four wheels and decides when to transfer drive to the rear. The electronic system modulates torque transfer through the use of the ECC (Electronically Controlled Coupling) and, operating only when necessary, contributes to limiting fuel consumption
The new Freemont Cross will be available in European showrooms starting from Autumn 2014.
Cross: the superior choice for two winning models
These two important developments extend the Panda and Freemont ranges so that new commercial opportunities in segments experiencing growth can be seized, as well as building on the highly positive response of the European public to the two Fiat models.
Specifically, the new Panda Cross enters one of the major rapid-growth segments in Europe, a particular category of top-of-the-range 4×4 mini-SUVs that the Panda itself invented in 1983 and further developed with the second generation in 2004 with the 4×4 versions and in 2006 with the Cross, another high-end Panda version. Over 30,000 Panda Cross vehicles have been registered in six years
Eight years later the Panda Cross presents itself with an even stronger personality and offers more equipment, enhanced individuality and even better off-road performance. The Panda has reinforced its leadership position in the off-road segment even more with this new model that completes the innate, winning qualities of the other two city car-SUV variants launched in 2012: the Panda Trekking with Traction+ and the Panda 4×4 with all-wheel drive. The two versions have already met with success in a little bit over a year, as proven by the over 26,300 units registered and the score of awards received, like the authoritative SUV of the Year 2012 conferred by the British magazine Top Gear. The Panda 4×4 is one case of success. In its 30-year-long history, it invented a new segment and convinced more than 500,000 customers across Europe.
The new Panda Cross will help to consolidate the superior results achieved by the entire Panda family: in 2013, its first full year after the range update, the new Panda was Italy’s best-selling car for the second year running in addition to being second in its segment in Europe, after the Fiat 500. And together with the 500, the Panda led Fiat to a position of undisputed leadership in the A segment in 2013 with more than 27% of the share in Europe.
The success of the Panda model lies in its extraordinary range, the most extensive and diverse in the category. It is the only one to boast engine versions ranging from turbodiesel to turbo petrol, from LPG to methane (the TwinAir Turbo Methane was named ‘Best Green Engine of the Year 2013′); the first to offer the City Brake Control safety system which won it the prestigious ‘Euro NCAP Advance award’; and the only car to combine the compactness and handling of a city car with the 4×4 performance of an authentic off-road vehicle. ;;
With the same end in view, the new Freemont Cross, the exclusive top-of-the-range version of Italy’s best-selling 7-seater crossover, is launched today. In Europe too, the model is among the most highly regarded in its segment thanks to a multi-faceted spirit. It is a modern crossover perfect for a contemporary and dynamic family that contains the best of a variety of product categories: MPV, SUV and station wagon, without foregoing a dynamic and captivating style.
A significant contribution to the Fiat Freemont’s excellent commercial performance was made by the top-of-the-range Lounge and Park Avenue trim levels, which represent more than 75% of sales, and which will be further reinforced by the recent introduction of the Black Code version and the AWD version, which represents more than 50% of sales. In total, in two and a half years on sale, the Fiat Freemont has achieved a share of more than 60,000 units registered in Europe. And today it’s the turn of the new Cross version to raise the bar of exclusiveness and technology in the world of crossovers.
Distinctive style and compact size are the terms that describe the Panda Cross top-of-the-range version: all the exclusivity offered by the off-road vehicles of higher segments in less than 370cm ‘Torque on demand’ all-wheel drive and Electronic Locking Differential function as standard Dedicated Terrain Control selector for lovers of off-road drivingAvailable with 80HP 1.3 MultiJet II and 90HP 0.9 TwinAir Turbo, the latter with specific 6-speed transmission with shortened first gear‘All Seasons’ 185/65R15 tyres and generous ground clearance:16 cm for 1.3 MultiJet II and 15 cm for 0.9 TwinAir TurboCompared to the Panda 4×4, the Panda Cross boasts better approach and exit angles (24° and 33°)‘City Brake Control’ on request, the safety system awarded with the prestigious ‘Euro NCAP Advanced 2013′In European showrooms starting from the autumnFor young and dynamic customers, the Panda Cross immediately conveys solidity and robustness owing to its typical SUV style, with all the advantages that only a compact car can offer.
Style and dimensions
Every detail of the Panda Cross has been designed to make it immediately recognisable and distinctive, with a stylistic language typical of an SUV.
The front-end features a brand-new look, thanks to the new bumper, which features a generous skid plate in a satin titanium colour for the protection of mechanical components with a design of holes which reinterprets the Panda’s characteristic “squircle” motif. The robust, off-road character is highlighted by tow hooks with an immediately recognisable new design in a brilliant red. The light clusters too are brand new, thanks to the headlights and new fog lights integrated with the logo holder bonnet trim, and to the new DRLs with LED technology, built into the skid plate. From the side, certain specific elements, such as the pronounced wheel arches, mouldings with ‘Cross’ badge and the new roof bars which both take up the finish of the skid plate, stand out. The 15″ alloy wheels feature a 5-spoke V design and a burnished metal finish.
The rear end too is characterised by a highly distinctive look, a new bumper with under-body protection which takes up the design and finish of the front skid plate, a new burnished light cluster and the chrome tail pipe.
Taken as a whole, these details lend it an extremely sophisticated appearance, which immediately communicates dynamism and agility.
On the inside, the Panda Cross is also characterised by a refined passenger compartment with great personality. The seats have a flamed natural fabric with a technical appearance featuring brown ecoleather side containment strips to match the trim on the door panels. The driving seat is characterised by the burnished Cross wording on the backrest, obtained with a polyurethane insert.
The dashboard fascia comes in a new copper colour to set off the striking new satin titanium finish of the dashboard. The same finish is used for the central console, on two levels, where the brand-new Terrain Control selector is fitted. The equipment is competed by the steering wheel, with built-in controls, and the leather gear knob.
Thanks to its five doors and with the passenger room of a higher segment, the new Panda Cross is an authentic City SUV, in that it efficiently combines its smaller external size – 368 centimetres long, 167 centimetres wide and 160 centimetres high – with a surprising internal volume. Suffice it to say that the boot is one of the biggest in its segment (225 litres) and there are as many as 15 storage compartments, including the practical two-level central tunnel console, an exclusive of the 4×4 and Cross versions.
“Torque on demand” all-wheel drive and ELD (Electronic Locking Differential) function
The Panda Cross is a vehicle with strong personality, which knows how to win over the most demanding customers, lovers of adventure and life in the open air. For those customers, the new version uses a “Torque on demand” transmission system, with two differentials and one electronically controlled coupling. This is a permanent all-wheel drive system managed by an electronic control unit which, by analysing vehicle signals, distributes traction on the front and rear axles homogeneously and proportionally according to the road grip conditions. The advantages of this system include fully automatic operation and zero maintenance.
The Panda Cross features the ESC (Electronic Stability Control) system with ELD (Electronic Locking Differential) function as standard. This system provides additional assistance while driving and setting off on slippery terrain (snow, ice, mud etc.).
Dedicated Terrain Control selector for lovers of off-road driving
As on top-of-the-range SUVs and all models with a decidedly off-road vocation, the Panda Cross too offer lovers of off-road driving the possibility of selecting four-wheel drive according to the driving conditions, with a choice of three modes:
AUTO – Automatic distribution of drive between the two axles in accordance with the grip of the road surface;LOCK – The four-wheel drive is always active for optimal off-road use, with distribution of torque among the four wheels, achieved by braking the wheels that are losing grip (or slip more than the others) and thus transferring the drive to those with the most grip. This function operates under a threshold of 50km/h;HILL DESCENT – For optimum handling of particularly steep hill descents or when going down extremely bumpy routes.Tyres
To ensure maximum grip on any road surface, the new model benefits from ‘All Seasons’ 185/65R15 tyres – larger than those of the Panda 4×4 – developed specially to ensure optimum drivability and traction on snow-covered roads, along with extremely responsive steering, for driving pleasure on wet and dry surfaces, as well as excellent off-road performance.
The suspension system of an all-wheel drive car has two main tasks to fulfil. It must ensure all typically 2WD features such as passenger comfort, handling, roadholding and safety, and at the same time it must provide better characteristics for tackling any type of terrain, particularly off-road. Engineers worked to reach both objectives: levels of absolute excellence have been reached with a particular eye to comfort and off-road performance. For this reason, two tried and tested layouts were chosen: an independent MacPherson arrangement at the front and an interconnected wheel with torsion beam layout at the rear, specifically developed for the all-wheel drive version. With respect to the semi-trailing arm solution of the previous generation, the rear suspension is lighter and provides better ride and acoustic comfort with the same off-road performance as before.
Typical angles
The Panda Cross is at ease on rough and challenging terrain, as demonstrated by its generous ground clearance – 16 cm for the MultiJet II version and 15 cm for the TwinAir Turbo version – and by its excellent typical off-road angles: 24° (approach), 33° (departure), 20° (ramp breakover) and 31.5° (70%) of climbable gradient. In particular, compared to the Panda 4×4, the approach angle has been improved by 3 degrees, so it can tackle a greater inclination of the ground without touching with the front of the car, and the departure angle by 1 degree.
Engine versions
The Fiat Panda Cross is available with two engine options, both with Start&Stop: the new 90 HP 0.9 TwinAir Turbo and the 80 HP 1.3 MultiJet II diesel.
Both offer an additional 5 HP compared to the equivalent units on the rest of the Panda range, to ensure greater performance while highlighting the top-of-the-range positioning of the Panda Cross.
The forerunner of a new family of Fiat two-cylinder engines, the 0.9 TwinAir Turbo engine deploys maximum power of 90 HP (66 kW) at 5500 rpm and a torque of 145 Nm at 1900 rpm (constant up to 3000 rpm). In addition, for more ‘eco-friendly’ driving and reduced fuel consumption, you can simply press the ECO button on the instrument panel, which limits torque to 100 Nm at 2,000 rpm. This engine, in a combined cycle, offers consumption of 4.9 litres/100 km and CO2 emissions of 114 g/km.
Again with a view to respect for the environment coupled with driving satisfaction, the new Panda Cross can be equipped with the 1.3 MultiJet II turbodiesel with DPF as standard, which delivers a maximum power of 80 HP (59 kW) at 4000 rpm and generous torque of 190 Nm at just 1500 rpm. A masterpiece of technology in miniature – complete with all its accessories, it weighs approximately 140 kg – the diesel engine belongs to the second generation of MultiJet power units and is equipped with a fixed geometry turbocharger with intercooler, optimised for torque delivery at low rpm. In the combined cycle, the 1.3 MultiJet II engine records just 125 g/km of CO2 emissions and fuel consumption of 4.7 litres per 100 km.
Specific 6-speed transmission
Together with the TwinAir Turbo engine, a specific 6-speed transmission is offered on the new Panda Cross. This transmission has a shortened first gear to accentuate the model’s off-road characteristics, ensuring optimum setting off during hill starts. The shortened first gear is also useful in tackling more difficult terrain, as it allows the vehicle to proceed at a very low speed with the engine idling, ensuring the maximum vehicle control typical of off-road models.
Standard equipment and options
The new Panda Cross is the top-of-the-range model as its complete and unique standard equipment demonstrates. This includes: automatic climate control, CD/MP3 radio with Blue&Me system with steering wheel controls, specific 15″ alloy wheels, electric door mirrors, central locking with remote control, rear headrests, height-adjustable steering wheel, fog lights, leather steering wheel and gear knob, steering wheel controls, height-adjustable driver’s seat, ESC system complete with ELD and ‘All Seasons’ 185/65R15 tyres.
Moreover, a vast range of optional equipment and accessories is available, to further enhance its mainly urban or off-road use as required. These include the heated windscreen, the privacy windows and the innovative City Brake Control system which last year received the ‘Euro NCAP Advanced 2013′ award.
The Panda Cross offers the innovative ‘City Brake Control’ on request. This active safety system detects the presence of other vehicles or obstacles in front of the car and automatically brakes if the driver fails to intervene promptly to avoid collision or mitigate its consequences. Winner of the prestigious ‘Euro NCAP Advanced 2013′ award, the device was designed to assist city driving and always operates when the car speed is between 5 and 30 km/h. Active every time the car is started, the system can be disabled and enabled at the request of the driver.
In detail, the ‘City Brake Control’ system employs a LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) laser sensor, positioned on the upper part of the windscreen, which dialogues with the ESC (Electronic Stability Control) system. Depending on certain parameters (road surface conditions, vehicle dynamics and trajectory, position of obstacles, condition of tyres), the system can intervene to completely avoid or mitigate the consequences of a collision (‘Collision Avoidance’ or ‘Collision Mitigation’).
The sophisticated device integrates three functions: Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB), Prefill and Brake Assist. While respecting the driver’s wishes, who remains in full control of the car, the AEB activates emergency braking when a collision appears inevitable and the driver fails to react, thereby actually anticipating their reaction. The “Prefill” function, on the other hand, prefills the braking system to provide a quicker response both when Automatic Emergency Braking intervenes and if the driver brakes. Brake Assist, last of all, identifies emergency situations and, if collision is imminent, the system becomes more sensitive, lending power to the braking action to permit a reduction in stopping distance.
Cross, 4×4 and Trekking: the different off-road interpretations of the Panda model
The Fiat Panda Cross is the top-of-the-range version that, together with the Panda 4×4 and Panda Trekking models, forms a city SUV offer which is unique in its segment. Three spirits which offer varying interpretations of the city SUV concept, capable of meeting numerous usage and mobility requirements: from those who choose it for city use, to those who want it as a ‘travelling companion’ for outings as well as for the most extreme adventures. What all three models have in common is innovative design, advanced technology made accessible to all and smart solutions to simplify and improve on-board comfort.
In particular, awarded the prestigious ‘SUV of the Year 2012′ title, the Panda 4×4 is the only four-wheel drive city car on the market and is the successor to a best-seller, which from 1983 to date has sold in more than 500,000 units, 3 generations and various successful special series, just like the brand-new Panda 4×4 Antartica, launched at the end of 2013 to celebrate the model’s 30th anniversary. A worthy competitor to off-road cars much larger in size (and with higher prices), the Panda 4×4 is fitted with the ‘torque on demand’ transmission system, which is activated automatically when needed and features the ESC (Electronic Stability Control) system complete with ELD (Electronic Locking Differential) function as standard. It is also the only city car that offers specific 175/65 R15 84T ‘All Seasons’ tyres that increase traction capacity on low-grip surfaces by 20% as standard.
The link between the 4×2 and the 4×4 version, the Fiat Panda Trekking represents a point of entry to the world of the Panda city SUV, combining the practicality of a 5-door car measuring less than 3.7 metres with the typical off-road look of the Panda 4×4 and, unique to its segment, smart front-wheel drive thanks to “Traction+” technology. The innovative traction control system improves the vehicle’s handling on low-grip terrain, guaranteeing excellent performance when setting off and permitting great light off-road performance. Available with the 85 HP 0.9 TwinAir Turbo and the 75 HP 1.3 MultiJet II as standard, “Traction+” is therefore perfectly in tune with the Panda concept: a car for doing whatever you want. That’s what makes the Panda Trekking the perfect solution for those who mainly use their vehicles in the city, but want to travel in complete safety on surfaces with poorer road grip during all their outdoor
A tough, powerful look to satisfy your urge for exclusivity and distinction New front and rear bumpers, platinum chrome details, black frames for the front and rear light clusters, dedicated five-spoke 19″ Hyper Black alloy wheels 8.4″ Uconnect touchscreen navigator, new black leather seats with sports mesh fabric inserts and light ardesian grey top stitching, and Liquid Graphite interior finishes as standardEngines in the range: 140HP 2.0 MultiJet II engine with 6-speed manual gearbox and front-wheel drive, and 170HP 2.0 MultiJet II, both in a 4×2 version with manual gearbox and an active AWD version teamed exclusively with a 6-speed automatic transmission The Freemont Cross will be on sale starting from the autumnThe Cross version of the Freemont is a cut above the rest, a model designed to meet the needs of modern families looking especially for space and practicality. At the same time it also satisfies those customers that do not want to give up an attractive and distinctive look. The successful positioning of the Freemont as “All the cars you want”, which has led it to win over new customer types from other segments by combining flexibility and functionality with a modern, original style, is confirmed with the Freemont Cross.
New and exclusive interior and exterior
The new Fiat Freemont Cross offers a fresh look that makes it highly distinct within the range. This is thanks to the new front bumper with Platinum Chrome colour inserts, the glossy black front grille and fog light frames, Platinum Chrome colour side skirts and lengthwise roof bars in the same colour, as well as the black frames for the front and rear light clusters, and the rear bumper with Platinum Chrome colour under-body protective insert. The Freemont Cross also has brand-new 19″ Hyper black five-spoke alloy wheels.
The inside of the Fiat Freemont Cross passenger compartment features unique details, like the new black leather seats with sports mesh inserts and light ardesian grey top stitching, also on the central armrest and door panels. Furthermore, a new Liquid Graphite colour finish highlights the dashboard, instrumentation, central console, door panel and steering wheel. The steering wheel and gear knob offered in leather as standard lend the finishing touch to the interior fittings.
Engine versionsThe new version is offered with the 140 HP 2.0 MultiJet II engine, with 6-speed manual gearbox and front-wheel drive, and the 170 HP 2.0 MultiJet II, both in a 4×2 version with manual gearbox and an active AWD version teamed exclusively with a 6-speed automatic transmission that ensures excellent performance together with precise and quiet operation for ultimate comfort and satisfaction at the wheel.
Standard equipment and options
With its strong, decisive look and full equipment, the Cross trim level offers the cream of state-of-the-art infotainment devices as standard. There’s an 8.4″ touch screen satellite navigation system with maps together with DVD player and SD slot, Bluetooth connection, rear parking camera and a Premium Alpine sound system with 6 speakers, 368 W amplifier and subwoofer. All these features make this version truly unique and exclusive.
The new Cross trim level offers a superior level of versatility and refinement in the crossover segment. For example, the driver’s seat features 10-way electric adjustment, the front passenger seat can be completely folded down, with a storage compartment hidden under the cushion, and the second and third rows of seats can be folded down, permitting the creation of a nearly 1.5 m³ load volume. What’s more, the second row of seats reclines and features exclusive integrated child boosters, permitting the transport of children weighing 150 to 36 kg without using a child seat.
There are a total of 32 seat configurations, making the Freemont the most versatile crossover and permitting customers to organise the interior space with surprising flexibility.
There are also more than 20 storage compartments, with a total capacity of 140 litres – the equivalent of a city car’s luggage compartment – such as, for example, the spacious compartments in the floor in front of the second row of seats, where valuable items such as cameras, portable computers and bags can be hidden. Thanks to the fold-down seats, uniform load platform and total capacity of the many storage compartments, the Fiat Freemont Cross offers surprising flexibility.
Finally, standard features also include electric heated and folding door mirrors, six airbags, illuminated cup holders, Keyless Entry and Keyless Go with starting button and audio controls and steering wheel driving speed regulation.
Active All-Wheel-Drive (AWD)
The active All-Wheel-Drive (AWD) system takes care of backing up the Fiat Freemont Cross’s tough appearance. This is available with the 170 HP 2.0 MultiJet II 16v engine version, teamed with a 6-speed automatic transmission.
The Fiat Freemont active four-wheel drive system is on-demand and it is equipped with an electronic control unit which uses sensors to detect the grip of the four wheels and decides when to transmit traction to the rear. The system intervenes on surfaces where the wheels may not have good grip (mud, snow, ice…) to ensure maximum traction and no limits to the routes the vehicle can take, or in the case of asphalt surfaces, to ensure additional traction and greater safety on bends.
The rear-wheel drive also activates on dry surfaces at a speed of between 40 and 100 km/h, improving handling when driving and allowing it to take curves more easily, with more neutral dynamic behaviour.
In particular, the electronic system modulates torque transfer through the use of the ECC (Electronically Controlled Coupling) and, operating only on request, contributes to greatly limiting fuel consumption. The ECC on the AWD system is more flexible and accurate than a viscous coupling.
The control unit also interfaces with the ESC and the traction control system, systems which help to keep the crossover firmly glued to the ground, whatever the weather or the road surface. Other features include the ABS system and the electronic rollover mitigation system as standard.
In terms of safety, the Fiat Freemont performs at the highest level as the prestigious five Euro NCAP stars and more than 50 safety devices available prove. These include the front passenger advanced multistage airbags, active headrests, electronic stability control with traction control at all speeds and Brake Assist system. Also on offer are the side window bags for all three rows of seats, airbags fitted in the front seats, disc brakes on all four wheels and Isofix child seat attachment system, as well as the Active Hood system, which uses sensors to detect the presence of pedestrians in frontal impacts, raising the rear part of the bonnet to reduce the impact force.
The electronic rollover mitigation system (ERM) and the Trailer Stability Control (TSC) are also available. The rollover mitigation system (ERM) uses data received from the ESP sensors to detect potential rollover risks and intervenes by varying the braking power supplied to individual wheels and adjusting the position of the throttle valve. The Freemont also has an intelligent system which takes care of your trailer, Trailer Sway Control (TSC). Once its sensors detect that a trailer is swaying, the system intervenes, automatically applying the correct braking action to the wheels in order to keep the trailer under control and avoid dangerous oscillations. With this system, drivers can feel safe and confident when transporting their own loads.
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