Επίσημο: BMW i3 [w/video]
Επιτέλους μετά από μια σειρά teaser, διαρροών και επίσημων χαρακτηριστικών, η BMW παρουσίασε σήμερα το i3, το μικρό της ηλεκτρικό αυτοκίνητο το οποίο στην Ελλάδα θα ξεκινά από τις 36.150 ευρώ.
Το πρώτο αμιγώς ηλεκτρικό αυτοκίνητο
Επίσης η γραμμή των πίσω παραθύρων δεν είναι σε ευθεία γραμμή, με τους σχεδιαστές της BMW να έχουν επιλέξει μια ασύμμετρη σχεδίασή, με τα πίσω παράθυρα να είναι τοποθετημένα χαμηλότερα σε σχέση με αυτά των μπροστά θυρών. Οι πίσω πόρτες ανοίγουν ανάποδα με το αυτοκίνητο να μην έχει μεσαία κολόνα.
Το πρώτο αυτοκίνητο του i brand εφοδιάζεται με έναν ηλεκτροκινητήρα στον πίσω άξονα απόδοσης 125 kW (170 ίππων) με 250 Nm ροπής, ο οποίος ζυγίζει 50 κιλά. Συνδυάζεται με ένα μονοτάχυτο κιβώτιο με τα 0-60 χλμ/ώρα να τα κάνει σε 3,7 δευτερόλεπτα, τα 0-100 χλμ/ώρα σε 7,2 δευτερόλεπτα, με την τελική ταχύτητα να ανέρχεται στα 150 χλμ/ώρα. Έχει αυτονομία μεταξύ 130 με 160 χλμ.
Σε ότι αφορά το i3 με range-extended κινητήρα, θα φορά έναν μικρό δικύλινδρο κινητήρα βενζίνης, προερχόμενος από μια μοτοσυκλέτα της BMW. Πρόκειται για τον 652 κ.εκ. της GS απόδοσης 34 ίππων ο οποίος θα φορτίζει την μπαταρία ώστε να επεκτείνει την αυτονομία του i3 στα 300 χλμ, σε σχέση με τα 160 χλμ της αμιγούς ηλεκτρικής έκδοσης. Ο κινητήρας είναι τοποθετημένος στον πίσω άξονα, δίπλα ακριβώς από τον ηλεκτροκινητήρα.
Οι μπαταρίες μπορούν να φορτίσουν κατά 80% μέσα σε μισή ώρα με χρήση ταχυφορτιστή (50 kW), ενώ με χρήση απλής οικιακής πρίζας, οι μπαταρίες φορτίζουν 100% μέσα σε 8 ώρες, ενώ με τον οικιακό φορτιστή BMW i Wallbox, οι μπαταρίες φορτίζουν πλήρως μέσα σε 6 ώρες.
Στο εσωτερικό υπάρχει ένα διάκτινο τιμόνι, δύο ψηφιακές οθόνες, ξύλινες επενδύσεις, ο διακόπτης του iDrive και μεταλλικά διακοσμητικά. Ζυγίζει 1.195 κιλά χάρη στο CFRP σασί του, έχοντας αναλογία βάρους 50:50 μπροστά-πίσω. Οι αναρτήσεις του αποτελούνται από γόνατα MacPherson μπροστά και πολλαπλών (5) συνδέσμων πίσω, ενώ πατά στη γη με ζάντες 19″ με ελαστικά διαστάσεων 155/70.
Υπάρχουν τρία επίπεδα εξοπλισμού Loft, Lodge και Suite, ζάντες 19″ και 20″. Στον βασικό εξοπλισμό υπάρχει air condition, οθόνη 6,5″ του συστήματος iDrive και συνδέσεις USB, Bluetooth και κάρτας SIM. Στον επιπλέον εξοπλισμό μεταξύ άλλων συναντάμε θερμαινόμενα μπροστά καθίσματα, ηλεκτρική ηλιοροφή, GPS και αυτόματος κλιματισμός.
Η BMW καταβάλλει σημαντικές προσπάθειες για να προσελκύσει πελάτες που θα αγοράζουν το νέο i3 και εκτός ότι θα δίνει τη δυνατότητα ενοικίασης ενός συμβατικού μοντέλου της BMW για κάποιες μέρες το χρόνο, αλλά και θα εγκαταστήσει προαιρετικά συσκευές ταχείας φόρτισης στο σπίτι των μελλοντικών αγοραστών.
Οι πρώτες παραδώσεις αναμένεται να ξεκινήσουν από τα τέλη του Οκτώβρη, με την BMW να έχει ήδη δεχτεί περισσότερες από 100.000 αιτήσεις για test drive του αυτοκινήτου. H BMW αναφέρει πως μέσα στο 2013 θα πουληθούν σε όλο τον κόσμο περισσότερα από 150.000 ηλεκτρικά αυτοκίνητα. Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες μπορείς να βρεις στο δελτίο τύπου και σε αυτό το PDF.
[Πηγή: BMW]
Δελτίο ΤύπουThe BMW i3.
The world, and with it the sphere of personal mobility, is in a state of ecological, economic and social upheaval. Global developments such as climate change, dwindling resources and increasing urbanisation call for fresh solutions. BMW i is finding those solutions. The brand stands for visionary vehicle concepts, inspiring design and a new understanding of premium that is strongly defined by sustainability.
In the BMW i3 – the first series-produced model by BMW i – zero-emission mobility in a premium car package proves to be a recipe for pure driving pleasure. The first BMW Group model running on electric power alone offers customers totally new and groundbreaking ways to experience driving pleasure, sustainability and connectivity on city roads. The visionary design of the BMW i3 showcases both BMW’s customary sporting capability and the efficiency of a four-seater with authentic clarity. Its innovative vehicle concept, including a passenger compartment made from carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP), combines lightness, stability and safety with extraordinary spaciousness. Meanwhile, the driver assistance systems and mobility services from BMW Connected Drive and the 360° ELECTRIC services – all developed specially for BMW i – turn zero-emission urban mobility into a compelling everyday driving experience.
The electric motor powering the BMW i3 generates a maximum output of 125 kW/170 hp and peak torque of 250 Newton metres (184 lb-ft). Its instantaneous power flows to the rear wheels via a single-speed transmission. The motor sources its energy from lithium-ion storage cells integrated into the car’s underfloor section. The significantly lower centre of gravity of the i3 – the result of the low, central placement of the battery units – and even weight distribution make an additional contribution to the car’s agile handling. The battery gives the car a range in everyday conditions of 130 – 160 kilometres (81 – 99 miles) when fully charged from a conventional domestic power socket, BMW i Wallbox or public charging station.
BMW i3 world premiere in New York, London and Beijing
Series version of the BMW i3 unveiled simultaneously worldwide
Reithofer: BMW i3 is a great leap forward
BMW i3 sets new benchmark for sustainable mobility
Already more than 90,000 requests for test drives
New York, London, Beijing. The BMW Group debuted the series version of its innovative electric vehicle, the BMW i3, simultaneously in New York, London and Beijing on Monday. “Innovation drives change. The i3 is more than just a car. It’s a revolutionary step towards sustainable mobility. It is purpose-built around an electric power train to serve the needs of our megacity customers,” said Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Norbert Reithofer, at the world premiere in New York on Monday.
The BMW i3 – the BMW Group’s first pure electric series-produced model – has the same sporting genes as every BMW and is characterised by sheer driving pleasure. Sustainability is a priority throughout the entire BMW i3 value chain: “The BMW i3 sets a new benchmark for sustainable mobility in all stages of development and production, as well as aftersales,” said Friedrich Eichiner, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Finance, at the unveiling of the BMW i3 in Beijing.
Range of 130 to 160 kilometres generally quite sufficient
The vehicle achieves a range of 130 to 160 kilometres. The BMW Group’s experience with test fleets of MINI E and BMW ActiveE cars has shown that a range of 130 to160 km is quite sufficient for the vast majority of drivers. The average distance driven daily worldwide is no more than 64 km.
If desired, the BMW i3 is also available with a range-extender, which maintains the charge of the lithium-ion battery at a constant level enroute, as soon as it falls below a specified value. This is performed by a two-cylinder gasoline engine with 34 hp(25 kW), mounted adjacent to the electric motor above the rear axle. The range extender increases the car’s maximum range in day-to-day driving to around 300 kilometres.
Low running costs and strong global interest
The BMW i3 will be released in Germany and other European markets in November 2013. The market launch of the BMW i3 in USA, China, Japan and several other markets will take place in the first half of 2014. The base price for the BMW i3 has been set at 34,950 Euros in Germany. If customers opt to purchase the Range Extender as an extra, the price in Germany will amount to 39,450 Euros.
The vehicle’s running costs are comparatively low: Over a period of three years, the maintenance and running costs for a BMW i3 are about 40% lower than those of a highly-economical 320dA registered in Germany. In other countries, figures may even be lower, depending on the level of subsidies available for electric vehicles.
Public interest in the BMW i3 and BMW i overall is extremely high and the response has been very positive: BMW i already has more than 1.2 million fans worldwide on Facebook, and more than 90,000 people have already requested a test-drive with the BMW i3.
BMW i3 sets a new benchmark in lightweight construction
The BMW i3 features a large number of technological innovations – such as a carbon-fibre passenger cell and a chassis made of aluminium – and sets new standards in the field of lightweight construction. With a curb weight of 1,195 kilogrammes, it is lighter than most vehicles in the compact segment, yet offers significantly more space for up to four occupants.
Its low weight contributes to the agility and dynamic performance of the BMW i3. The car’s electric drive-train generates output of 125 kW/170 hp and peak torque of 250 Newton metres, which is immediately available from a standing start. The BMW i3 sprints from 0 to 60 km/h in 3.7 seconds and from 0 to 100 km/h in 7.2 seconds. Its top speed is limited to 150 km/h for efficiency reasons.
Sustainability throughout the value chain
Sustainability plays a vital role for the BMW Group. For example, the electricity needed for production of the BMW i3 at the Leipzig plant is generated from wind power. In addition to its CO2-free electricity supply, the plant also uses 50% less energy and 70% less water than the average for the already highly-efficient BMW production network.
Sale of BMW i vehicles via multi-channel sales model
BMW i products and services will be marketed through a multi-channel sales model, comprising authorised retail partners (BMW i agents), a multimedia Customer Interaction Centre (CIC) and an online sales platform. All sales channels will be fully integrated and customers will be able to choose their own individual customer journey. Customers can easily switch between all four channels.
With the introduction of the new online sales channel, BMW is responding to changed customer behaviour. Customers want new possibilities in how they inform themselves about products and how they purchase them. BMW i Partners will be the backbone of the BMW i sales network and the main contact point for the customer.
With its holistic „360 ° ELECTRIC“ approach, BMW i provides the customer with an extensive product and service offer designed to meet the driver’s needs. “We will support our BMW i3 customers with a comprehensive package of premium services for seamless and uncomplicated “sheer driving pleasure”, explained Ian Robertson, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Sales and Marketing BMW, at the BMW i3 launch in London.
Global market for electric vehicles likely to exceed 150,000 vehicles in 2013
The global market for electric vehicles is showing positive development: After almost 93,000 electric vehicles were registered worldwide last year, a total of 150,000 units is already forecast for the current year.
Statement by Dr. Norbert Reithofer, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, World Premiere BMW i3, New York City, 29 July 2013
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Innovation drives change.
And truly revolutionary innovations can even transform society. There is a powerful idea behind them – and a strong desire to create something better for tomorrow.
This is why we are here today. We are at the starting-blocks of a new era — the era of sustainable mobility.
Welcome to New York City, America’s premier megacity with over 8.3 million residents.
I am delighted to present – for the first time – the BMW i3.
Big changes start small. Looking back in history, we can find many examples of this. Today, the BMW i3 marks the beginning of a new mobility age. To put this into perspective, take a look at the mobile phone in your pocket. We had more than one hundred years of landline telephones. Then came the mobile phone and it completely changed how we interact with our world. The mobile phone opened up business opportunities that no one would have believed possible.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The car industry has waited well over a century for its own revolution. Today the wait is over. What the mobile phone did for communication, electric mobility will do for individual mobility.
The BMW i3 is more than an evolutionary step —it is a great leap forward. From sketch to street, the i3 is unique in every respect. With the intention of creating a truly sustainable car, we conducted research in megacities around the world.
This included:
Millions of test miles with our retro-fitted electric cars, MINI E and BMW ActiveE,Years of research in collaboration with Megacity experts around the world, andThousands of hours talking with customers.From the start, we redesigned our entire development and production processes. The BMW i3 is purpose-built around an electric powertrain to serve the needs of our megacity customers.
The BMW i3 is Born Electric.
This is premium at its very best.
With every step of the way from development, to production, to after-sales, the BMW i3 sets new benchmarks in sustainable mobility. In the brand-new architecture, we use carbon fibre for the passenger cell — a first in high-volume car production. Our expertise in manufacturing with this material makes the passenger cell extremely strong and light weight. We produce the carbon fibre material using hydroelectric power. And we build the BMW i3 using wind power.
This is an industry first.
Our innovative production methods are also unique.
Carbon fibre components are bonded together in a fully automated process. The bonding techniques we have developed in-house are setting new industry standards.
The innovations of the BMW i3 go beyond R&D and production to include customer experience.
We will support all of our BMW i3 customers with a comprehensive set of premium service offerings. This approach, “360 Degree Electric”, will make BMW i3 driving enjoyable and easy. Adding to the BMW i3’s relaxing experience is the open interior with its lounge atmosphere.
And of course, the BMW i3 will share one dynamic quality with every other BMW on the road: It will be an Ultimate Driving Machine.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In response to global trends such as urbanization and increasing carbon emissions, sustainability is an important part of a modern, urban lifestyle. The BMW i3 is the perfect solution to the mobility needs of people here in New York City. Mayor Michael Bloomberg has committed the remainder of his term to making New York City the greenest city on earth by supporting several citywide programs. Foremost, he seeks to improve and expand sustainable transportation infrastructure. We support with Mayor Bloomberg’s efforts to connect public parking spots in NYC for electric vehicle charging – up to 20 percent over the next seven years. This promotes not only sustainable mobility solutions, but also cost savings.
Charging your electric car costs up to 30 percent less than the average of what you now pay at the pump.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The car has existed for nearly 130 years.
Today marks a shift — a change — in the future of mobility.
The BMW Group is proud to be driving this change.
Today, the BMW i3 begins a new era:
The era of true sustainable mobility.
Thank you.
BMW i3 launch campaign
Start of communications for new electric BMW i3 to coincide with world premiere
Munich. The international premiere of the BMW i3 was held simultaneously in the cities of London, New York and Beijing today. The revolutionary concept behind the new BMW i3 was presented to the global public in a live broadcast from the three locations. Launch communications for the new electric BMW i3 also got underway at the same time. The campaign for the new BMW i3 started worldwide with a standard international online presence focused on the launch film, a redesigned website with configurator and the first print ads. Social network communications round out the campaign. The corresponding TV campaign will debut in November to coincide with the vehicle’s pan-European market launch. The integrated campaign is a logical continuation of the urban positioning that has defined the BMW i brand since its launch in February 2011. Electric driving in a BMW i3 requires no sacrifice: This comfortable vehicle with the latest technology is highly suitable for everyday driving and boasts all the characteristics of a premium vehicle.
With the start of the campaign, interested users can easily configure the BMW i3 on the redesigned BMW i website and find all information on relevant topics, such as charging, everyday driveability, technology and BMW i dealerships. It is also easy and convenient to configure the BMW i3 or register for a test drive through the social networks – for example, on Facebook, where BMW i already has more than 1.3 million fans. Online banner ads will be displayed on relevant sites, such as blogs or comparison portals for electrical and hybrid vehicles, and also inserted into editorial content. From mid-August, the BMW i app for Android, iPhone and iPad will also be available with extended functionality such as location-based visualisation of the BMW i3 range, a photo gallery, a visualiser with 360° panorama interior views of the new BMW i3 and a tool for arranging test drives.
Uwe Dreher, responsible for BMW i Marketing Communications worldwide, summarises: “The aim of all our communications activities is to encourage people to take a test drive and, in that way, win them as potential customers for the vehicle – because the best way to experience the fascination, unique feeling and typical BMW driving pleasure of the electric BMW i3 is to actually drive the car for yourself.”
Shooting for both print and online launch campaigns for the BMW i3 took place in Los Angeles. Abstract scenes were deliberately avoided in the choice of visuals. Instead, the BMW i3 is shown in everyday situations familiar to its urban target audience. The band Phoenix provides the soundtrack for the launch film with its song “Lisztomania”.
The TV campaign, shot between the high-rises of downtown Chicago, will follow in November, to coincide with the market launch in Europe.
BMW i stands for visionary vehicles and mobility services, inspiring design and a new understanding of premium that is strongly geared towards sustainability. The BMW i brand redefines individual mobility. The BMW i3 is the world’s first premium electric vehicle purpose-built from the ground up for electric power, creating a car that guarantees typical BMW sheer driving pleasure with zero emissions.
The BMW i3 – the first series-produced vehicle from BMW i – transforms emission-free mobility into pure driving pleasure in a premium automobile. The BMW Group’s first pure electric model creates totally new and ground-breaking possibilities for driving pleasure, sustainability and networking in urban traffic. The visionary design of the BMW i3 provides an authentic expression of typical BMW sportiness and the efficiency of a four-seater. Its innovative vehicle concept includes a carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) passenger cell that combines light weight, stability and safety with an exceptional feeling of spaciousness. Driver assistance systems and BMW ConnectedDrive mobility services specially developed for BMW i, combined with the services of 360° ELECTRIC, make emission-free mobility in the urban environment a fascinating everyday experience.
The BMW Group
The BMW Group is the leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles in the world with its BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brands. As a global company, the BMW Group operates 28 production and assembly facilities in 13 countries and has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.
In 2012, the BMW Group sold about 1.85 million cars and more than 117,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax for the financial year 2012 was euro 7.82 billion on revenues amounting to euro 76.85 billion. At 31 December 2012, the BMW Group had a workforce of 105,876 employees.
The success of the BMW Group has always been built on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company has therefore established ecological and social sustainability throughout the value chain, comprehensive product responsibility and a clear commitment to conserving resources as an integral part of its strategy. As a result of its efforts, the BMW Group has been ranked industry leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes for the last eight years.
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