Επίσημο: BMW Σειράς 7
H BMW παρουσίασε πριν λίγα λεπτά με κάθε επισημότητα στις εγκαταστάσεις της στην Γερμανία τη νέα Σειρά 7. Η νέα γερμανική λιμουζίνα διαθέτει εξελικτική σχεδίαση και αντλεί στοιχεία από το Vision Future Luxury concept και το Gran Lusso Coupe. Τίθεται αντιμέτωπη με την Mercedes-Benz S-Class
Στιλιστικά η ναυαρχίδα της βαυαρέζικης φίρμας διαθέτει λεπτά LED μπροστά φωτιστικά σώματα, με τα λέιζερ που παρουσιάστηκαν στο i8 να είναι στον προαιρετικό εξοπλισμό. Ακόμα υπάρχει προεξέχουσα χρωμιομένη μάσκα, η οποία διαθέτει flaps που ανοιγοκλείνουν για να αυξομειώνουν την εισροή αέρα στο χώρο της μηχανής όταν χρειάζεται. Ο εμπρός προφυλακτήρας ενσωματώνει τους LED προβολείς ομίχλης, ενώ το καπό έχει ιδιαίτερα ανάγλυφες λεπτομέρειες. Στο προφίλ υπάρχει στο επάνω μέρος μια χαρακτηριστική ακμή που διατρέχει όλο το αμάξωμα, και χαμηλά μια χρωμιωμένη γραμμή, που ξεκινάει από τον αεραγωγό των εμπρός φτερών και καταλήγει στον πίσω προφυλακτήρα. Τα κρύσταλλα είναι πιο μεγάλα και στο πίσω μέρος συναντάμε διπλές χρωμιομένες απολήξεις και χρωμιομένα διακοσμητικά.
Η νέας 7άρα είναι διαθέσιμη σε τέσσερα στιλιστικά πακέτα, καθώς εκτός από το βασικό, υπάρχει το M Sport, το Pure Excellence και το Individual. Η νέα γενιά της Σειράς 7 (G11) είναι κατασκευασμένη πάνω στη νέα πλατφόρμα CLAR, και είναι το πρώτο μοντέλο της εταιρίας (μετά τα i3 και i8) που κάνει χρήση CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer), αλουμινίου και χάλυβα υψηλής αντοχής. Το σώμα της 7άρας να έχει και αυτό μέρη από carbon, με το συνολικό βάρος να έχει μειωθεί κατά 200 κιλά, αλλά λόγω της προσθήκης επιπλέον συστημάτων ασφαλείας αυτό είναι είναι μέχρι 130 κιλά λιγότερο κατά μέσο όρο -ανάλογα της έκδοσης- από τη προηγούμενη γενιά, κάτι που σημαίνει περίπου 15% ελαφρύτερο, με τους ιθύνοντες της εταιρίας να αναφέρουν χαρακτηριστικά ότι το αυτοκίνητο είναι το ελαφρύτερο πολυτελές sedan της κατηγορίας του. Η χρήση αλουμινίου στα άκρα των κάθε τροχών έχει μειώσει το αναρτώμενο βάρος κατά 10 κιλά σε κάθε γωνία, με την BMW να υποστηρίζει ότι έχει πετύχει ιδανική κατανομή βάρους 50/50 στον εμπρός και πίσω άξονα, ενώ έχει μειωθεί και το κέντρο βάρους.
Είναι διαθέσιμη σε δύο εκδόσεις, μια με κανονικό μεταξόνιο (G11) με το μήκος της να φτάνει τα 5.098 χλστ., το πλάτος τα 1.902 χλστ., και το ύψος τα 1.478 χλστ., κάτι που σημαίνει ότι η νέα 7άρα είναι κατά 19 χλστ. μακρύτερη και 7 χλστ. ψηλότερη από την προηγούμενη γενιά, ενώ το μεταξόνια της φτάνει τα 3.070 χλστ. Όμως, είναι και με μακρύ μεταξόνιο (G12), το οποίο είναι κατά 139 χλστ. μακρύτερο, φτάνοντας τα 3.210 χλστ., με το συνολικό μήκος της μεγάλης έκδοσης να φτάνει τα 5.238 χλστ., όντας 18 χλστ. πιο μακριά από το προηγούμενο μοντέλο. Τέλος, το εμπρός μετατρόχιο έχει αυξηθεί κατά 7 χλστ., φτάνοντας τα 1.618 χλστ., ενώ το πίσω έχει μειωθεί κατά 4 χλστ., αγγίζοντας τα 1.646 χλστ.
Η παραγωγή της έκτης γενιάς του μοντέλου ξεκινάει από την 1η Ιουλίου στο εργοστάσιο της εταιρίας στο Dingolfing της Γερμανίας, με την κυκλοφορία της να ξεκινάει στο τέλος του χρόνου. Εκεί, κατασκευαζόταν και η προηγούμενη γενιά, όπου από το 2008 που ξεκίνησε η παραγωγή της, κατασκευάστηκαν 370.000 αυτοκίνητα, ενώ από το 1977 που βρίσκεται το μοντέλο στην αγορά, έχουν κατασκευαστεί πάνω από 1,6 εκατ. μονάδες
Στο εσωτερικό υπάρχει σύστημα αναγνώρισης χειρονομιών (gesture control), το οποίο μέσω ενός 3D αισθητήρα τοποθετημένο στην οροφή του αμαξώματος, και κοντά στον εσωτερικό καθρέφτη, μπορεί μέσα σε ένα συγκεκριμένο πεδίο να αναγνωρίζει κινήσεις από τα χέρια του οδηγού. Με αυτές μπορείς να ρυθμίζεις την ένταση του ηχοσυστήματος, να απαντάς στο τηλέφωνο και πολλά άλλα, κάνοντας θεωρητικά τη ζωή του οδηγού πολύ πιο εύκολη.
Νέο είναι και iDrive που πλέον διαθέτει οθόνες αφής αλλά μπορεί να χειρίζεται και με τα κλασικά κουμπιά. Το σύστημα ενημέρωσης και ψυχαγωγίας για τους μπροστά επιβάτες είναι επίσης νέο, ενώ υπάρχει ένα προαιρετικό σύστημα πληροφόρησης για τον συνοδηγό, εντελώς ανεξάρτητο από αυτό του οδηγού.
Μετά το i8, η BMW διαθέτει στη καινούρια 7άρα το “Display Key” κλειδί. Όπως δηλώνει και το όνομα του, αυτό προσφέρει χρήσιμες οδηγίες μέσω της μικρής ενσωματωμένης οθόνης του, ενώ μπορεί να παρκάρει μόνο του, ή να ξεπαρκάρει από κάποιο parking χωρίς τη παραμικρή επέμβαση του οδηγού, αντίστοιχο με εκείνο που παρουσιάστηκε στη CES. Ακόμα εξοπλίζεται με αρκετές επιπλέον τεχνολογίες, όπως το βελτιωμένο Active Driving Assistant και πολλά άλλα.
Το σύστημα ημι-αυτόνομης οδήγησης ρυθμίζει τις παραμέτρους του αυτοκινήτου αυτόματα, και μπορεί να οδηγεί το αυτοκίνητο χωρίς τη παρέμβαση του οδηγού σε ταχύτητες μέχρι 210 χλμ/ώρα. Μάλιστα, έχουν διαρρεύσει και οι τιμές της στην Αυστρία.
Μηχανικά, το στιβαρό σασί του αυτοκινήτου πατάει σε αερανάρτηση, με τις κινήσεις της κάθε μια να γίνεται σε δύο άξονες, έτσι ώστε να προσφέρει εξαιρετική άνεση στους επιβάτες, αλλά και να ρυθμίζεται σύμφωνα με τις ανάγκες του οδηγού, μέσω του στάνταρ Dynamic Damper Control. Επιπλέον, διαθέτει ηλεκτρομηνικές αντιστρεπτικές ράβδους, που περιορίζουν κατά πολύ τις κλίσεις του αμαξώματος. Ο οδηγός μπορεί να αυξήσει την απόσταση από το έδαφος κατά 20 χλστ. με το πάτημα ενός κουμπιού, σε ταχύτητες κάτω των 40 χλμ/ώρα, ενώ όταν είναι επιλεγμένο το Sport πρόγραμμα, το ύψος του αμαξώματος μειώνεται αυτόματα κατά 10 χλστ. πάνω από κάποια ταχύτητα για να καλύτερη αεροδυναμική.
Από πλευράς βενζινοκινητήρων εφοδιάζεται με νέα γενιά εξακύλινδρων κινητήρων 3.0-λίτρων, με το βασικό μοντέλο να είναι η 740i και 740Li με τον 3,0-λιτρο εξακύλινδρο κινητήρα TwinPower Turbo (B58B30M0) κινητήρα απόδοσης 326 ίππων και 450 Nm ροπής. Επιταχύνει από τα 0-100 χλμ/ώρα σε 5,5 δευτ. με την τελική του ταχύτητα να είναι 250 χλμ/ώρα.
Οι εκδόσεις 750i και 750Li φορούν τον οκτακύλινδρο 4,4-λίτρων V8 N63B44O2 κινητήρα απόδοσης 450 ίππων και 650 Nm ροπή. Με αυτό επιταχύνει από τα 0-100 χλμ/ώρα σε 4,4 δευτ. με την τελική του ταχύτητα να είναι 250 χλμ/ώρα . Οι κορυφαίες 760i και 760 Li εξοπλίζονται με τον V12 6,6-λίτρων N74B66U1 κινητήρα προερχόμενος από τις Rolls-Royce Ghost και Wraith, απόδοσης 570-600 ίππων.
Από πλευράς πετρελαιοκινητήρων, η έκδοση 730d είναι διαθέσιμη και στις δύο εκδόσεις μεταξονίου, καθώς και με το xDrive σύστημα τετρακίνησης. Φορά τον νέο B57 3.0-λιτρο κινητήρα, ο οποίος διαθέτει νέο σύστημα ψεκασμού που ψεκάζει με πίεση 2.500 bar. To μηχανικό σύνολο αποδίδει 265 άλογα και 620 Nm ροπή και επιταχύνει από τα 0-100 χλμ/ώρα σε 5,8 δευτ., έχοντας τελική ταχύτητα 250 χλμ/ώρα. Αυτός είναι ο μοναδικός πετρελαιοκινητήτας που είναι διαθέσιμος κατά το λανσάρισμα του μοντέλου, καθώς αργότερα θα προστεθούν οι 740d και 750d. Ανανεωμένο είναι και το 8-τάχυτητο αυτόματο κιβώτιο Steptronic της ZF, που διαθέτει μέρη με λιγότερη τριβή, ενώ η μετάδοση του αυτοκινήτου χρησιμοποιεί το ενσωματωμένο GPS για να επιλέξει την κατάλληλη σχέση στο κιβώτιο, ώστε να καταναλώνεται λιγότερο καύσιμο. Η μετάδοση της κίνησης μεταφέρεται στον πίσω άξονα, ενώ μερικές προσφέρονται και με το σύστημα τετρακίνησης xDrive, το οποίο προσθέτει 70 κιλά στο συνολικό βάρος.
Τέλος, η plug-in υβριδική έκδοση 740e και 740 Le φορά τον 2,0-λιτρο TwinPower Turbo τετρακύλινδρο κινητήρα με κωδική ονομασία B48B20O0 απόδοσης 275 ίππων και έναν ηλεκτροκινητήρα απόδοσης 95 ίππων, με την συνδυαστική ισχύ να φτάνει τα 326 άλογα. Επιταχύνει από 0-100 χλμ/ώρα σε 5,5 δευτ. με την τελική ταχύτητα να φτάνει τα 240 χλμ/ώρα. Συνδυάζεται με 9αρι αυτόματο κιβώτιο με την κατανάλωση του μοντέλου να είναι μόλις 2,1 λίτρα/100 χλμ, με την ηλεκτρική αυτονομία να φτάνει τα 40 χλμ., και την τελική ταχύτητα να είναι 120 χλμ/ώρα.
With the new BMW 7 Series, BMW has redefined what an exclusive, luxurious driving experience looks like in contemporary, pioneering form. Groundbreaking technologies in the areas of lightweight design, powertrains, chassis, operating systems, intelligent connectivity and interior ambience underline its mission to bring together unbeatable driving pleasure and long-distance comfort in a luxury sedan. The handing over of the baton from one generation to the next at the top end of BMW’s model line-up sees the brand presenting a raft of innovations unmatched by any of its rivals.
Key factors in enhancing dynamics, efficiency, comfort and safety while on the move are the use of carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP) in the body structure, engines from the BMW Group’s new generation of power units, the plug-in hybrid system in the new BMW 740e, the Executive Drive Pro active chassis system, the Driving Experience Control switch with ADAPTIVE mode and BMW Laserlight. Maximising well-being in the rear compartment, meanwhile, are the Executive Lounge feature with massage function and Vitality Programme, the Sky Lounge Panorama glass roof, the Welcome Light Carpet, the Ambient highlight and a smartphone holder with inductive charging station. Standout innovations in operating system and driver assistance technology include the extension of the iDrive system to include a touch display and BMW gesture control, as well as Touch Command, the new BMW Head-Up Display, crossing traffic warning, the steering and lane control assistant, active side collision protection, Surround View with 3D View and the Remote Control Parking system.
Design: stylish presence, assured dynamics, exclusive elegance.
The design of the new BMW 7 Series provides an authentic showcase for the car’s character. Harmonious proportions, a strongly controlled surface design and precise lines point to the stylistic confidence, assured dynamics and exclusive elegance at work here. The optimised balance of driving pleasure and long-distance comfort finds clear expression in the unmistakable aura of the luxury sedan, which is available in both standard and long wheelbase variants.
Characteristic features of the interior include generous levels of space accentuated by its horizontal surfaces and lines, the driver-focused cockpit design, the fusion of exquisite materials and precision craftsmanship and the sophisticated functionality of the control and display elements. The M Sport package, the design Pure Excellence package and a BMW Individual Design Composition will be available for the new BMW 7 Series from launch. They underline the car’s dynamic ability, exclusive elegance and luxurious ambience to great effect, and satisfy the diverse expectations of customers around the world.
“At BMW we believe the future can be predicted most effectively if we’re helping to shape it,” explains Adrian van Hooydonk, Senior Vice President BMW Group Design. “The primary objective in the development of the new car was to create a vision of modern luxury and to exceed our customers’ expectations. In BMW’s eyes, modern luxury is rooted in the most advanced technologies and extremely fine attention to detail. This generation of the BMW 7 Series is the most luxurious, most comfortable and – all round – the best car we have ever built in this class.”
BMW EfficientLightweight: Carbon Core reduces weight by as much as 130 kilograms.
BMW EfficientLightweight helps to reduce the weight of the new BMW 7 Series models by up to 130 kilograms compared to their previous-generation counterparts. At the centre of it all is the body structure with Carbon Core, a product of the transfer of technology from the development of BMW i cars. The new BMW 7 Series is the first car in its segment in which industrially manufactured CFRP combines with steel and aluminium. The intelligent body concept uses this mixed-materials approach to increase the strength and rigidity of the passenger cell while at the same time significantly reducing vehicle weight.
New-generation straight-six engines.
The new BMW 7 Series is available with an extensively updated V8 engine and six-cylinder in-line variants from the BMW Group’s latest generation of power units. All the engines link up as standard with the likewise further developed eight-speed Steptronic transmission. The BMW xDrive intelligent all-wheel-drive system, which can be specified as an option, also operates more effectively than ever.
Plug-in hybrid BMW 740e features BMW eDrive technology.
The addition to the model range of the BMW 740e sees the arrival in the luxury sedan segment of BMW eDrive technology which was first introduced in BMW i cars. The plug-in hybrid model, which will be launched in long-wheelbase BMW 740Le form and bear the BMW 740Le xDrive badge when specified with intelligent all-wheel drive, is powered by a four-cylinder petrol engine and an electric motor, which together generate total system output of 240 kW/326 hp. The BMW 740e records combined fuel consumption of 2.1 litres per 100 kilometres (134.5 mpg imp) as calculated in the EU test cycle for hybrid vehicles and a combined electric power consumption of 12.5 kWh per 100 kilometres. CO2 emissions stand at 49 grams per kilometre (provisional). The electric drive system, supplied with energy by a high-voltage lithium-ion battery, provides a noticeable boost for the combustion engines when dynamic acceleration is required. Moreover, the BMW eDrive technology enables all-electric and therefore locally emission-free driving at speeds of up to 120 km/h (75 mph) and with a range of up to 40 kilometres (25 miles).
Dynamics and ride comfort made to measure – and to the highest standard.
Sophisticated, precision-honed chassis technology and additional chassis control systems – fitted as standard or available as an option – enhance both the dynamics of the new BMW 7 Series and its ride quality. At the same time, the balance between these two facets of driving pleasure reaches a level without parallel in the luxury sedan segment. Standard specification includes 2-axle air suspension with automatic self-levelling and Dynamic Damper Control.
Further enhancing comfort, dynamics, poise and assurance are the latest update of the Integral Active Steering system, which can now be specified in conjunction with BMW xDrive, and the Executive Drive Pro system with active roll stabilisation and data-based predictive function, which is available for the first time. Electromechanical anti-roll bars reduce body roll under dynamic cornering and the active chassis control system adapts the dampers’ responses to ruts and bumps in the road.
The latest wave of innovations offer drivers greater freedom when selecting the perfect set-up for their car; they can opt for even sportier handling or further improved ride comfort, or use the high-efficiency ECO PRO mode. ADAPTIVE mode can now also be activated via the newly designed Driving Experience Control switch. In this setting, the car set-up adapts to driving style and route characteristics.
Intuitive operation with touch display and BMW gesture control.
In the new BMW 7 Series the iDrive operating system’s monitor comes in touch display form for the first time. This means customers will also be able to operate the system in the same way as modern electronic devices. In addition to using the Controller to control the system in familiar style, its functions can also be selected and activated by touching the screen’s surface.
Another new addition to the iDrive system’s functionality is BMW gesture control, which is being introduced for the first time. Hand movements detected by a 3D sensor control infotainment functions in an extremely intuitive and user-friendly fashion. The gestures can be used for a number of functions, including controlling the volume in audio applications and accepting or rejecting incoming telephone calls. There is also the option of pairing a specific gesture with an individual choice of function. Also joining the fray is a new smartphone holder integrated into the centre console, which allows wireless, inductive charging for mobile phones for the first time in a car.
Luxury ambience with all the trimmings: Executive Lounge, Touch Command.
The BMW 750Li xDrive, BMW 740Li, BMW 730Ld and BMW 730Ld xDrive models specified with the optional Executive Lounge, which redefines personal well-being in a luxury car, offer levels of comfort a class apart. This equipment package includes Automatic air conditioning with 4-zone control, Electrically adjustable comfort seats with massage function in the rear and Active seat ventilation for all seats, plus the optional Executive Lounge Seating, Executive Lounge rear console and Rear-seat entertainment Experience with BMW Touch Command. The massage function now also includes the Vitality Programme, which allows rear passengers to engage in active physical exercise for recuperation purposes. The Executive Lounge Seating option increases comfort in the rear seat behind the front passenger seat, which can slide forward by an additional 90 millimetres and has an electrically extendable footrest integrated into its backrest. The rear passenger can unwind into an extremely relaxing position thanks to a backrest which can recline impressively close to the horizontal position.
The Executive Lounge rear console houses a fold-out table, additional cupholders and the Touch Command system. This removable 7-inch tablet computer allows the user to control the infotainment and comfort functions available in the rear of the new BMW 7 Series and can also be used to play back external audio and video files, as a games console or to surf the internet.
Atmospheric touches: Ambient light, Sky Lounge Panorama glass roof.
The exclusive ambience inside the new BMW 7 Series is also enhanced by a precisely arranged lighting design. The Ambient light option now includes the Welcome Light Carpet, which provides eye-catching illumination of the area around the car doors. Another unique feature is the Ambient highlight for the long-wheelbase versions of the new BMW 7 Series, which bathes the rear compartment in an atmospheric light from light sources positioned vertically on the B-pillars.
Long-wheelbase versions of the new BMW 7 Series will also be available with the Sky Lounge Panorama glass roof, which is likewise one of a kind in the luxury sedan segment. When it gets dark, the light emitted from side-mounted LED modules is directed evenly onto the glass surface, where it hits an imprinted graphic. This creates an atmospheric motif mimicking a starry sky.
Another option customers can select to increase the feeling of well-being on board is the Ambient Air package, which ionises the air and generates a selection of eight aromas. Outstanding sound quality, meanwhile, is the speciality of the likewise newly developed Bowers & Wilkins Diamond surround sound system, which has been specifically tuned to the interior of the new BMW 7 Series.
World premiere in the new BMW 7 Series: Remote Control Parking.
The new BMW 7 Series is the world’s first series-produced car that owners will be able to manoeuvre in or out of forward-parking spaces or garages without anyone at the wheel. As such, the Remote Control Parking option allows drivers to access tight parking spaces with ease. The driver initiates the car’s progress forwards into or in reverse out of a space using the likewise newly developed BMW Display Key. While the car is carrying out the semi-automated manoeuvre, the driver watches out for obstacles.
Unique in the luxury sedan segment: BMW Laserlight.
Another new feature in the luxury sedan segment is BMW Laserlight, familiar from the BMW i8. Thanks to BMW Selective Beam, this is dazzle-free and can be specified for the new BMW 7 Series as an alternative to the standard full-LED headlights. The laser headlights generate a particularly bright, pure white light as well as providing a high-beam range of 600 metres, double that of the LED headlights.
Innovative driver assistance systems from BMW ConnectedDrive enhance comfort and safety.
The Steering and lane control assistant, Lane keeping assistant with active side collision protection, Rear collision prevention and Crossing traffic warning functions have been added to the Driving Assistant Plus system. Meanwhile, the Traffic jam assistant – which involves semi-automated driving – can be used on any type of road. And the Active Cruise Control with Stop & Go function now only requires drivers to press a button to incorporate speed restrictions detected by the Speed Limit Info function. The new generation of the Surround View system now also includes a 3D View and Panorama Side View option in the Control Display.
Production at BMW Plant Dingolfing: globally unparalleled lightweight design expertise.
The new BMW 7 Series will be built, like all of its predecessors, at BMW Plant Dingolfing. The Dingolfing factory combines its many years of experience in building luxury sedans with globally unmatched expertise in the field of lightweight design. BMW Plant Dingolfing serves as the aluminium competence centre within the BMW Group’s worldwide production network and has now also become the world’s first automotive manufacturing facility in which CFRP is used in body construction as part of a hybrid technique.
Statements Harald Krüger and Klaus Fröhlich: Presentation of the new BMW 7 Series, Munich, BMW Welt, 10 June 2015
Statement Harald KrügerChairman of the Board of Management of BMW AGPresentation of the new BMW 7 SeriesMunich, BMW Welt, 10 June 2015
Statement Klaus FröhlichMember of the Board of Management of BMW AG, DevelopmentPresentation of the new BMW 7 SeriesMunich, BMW Welt, 10 June 2015
Harald Krüger, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AGLadies and Gentlemen,A warm welcome to the BMW Welt. We’re delighted to have you here with us this evening.Inspiration is the source for all of the beautiful things which enhance our lives. At the BMW Group, we also draw our ideas and innovations from it. We think ahead. We strive to attain perfection in everything we do. The result is always “Sheer driving pleasure” – which guides us on our path to the future.This evening we are embarking on a new chapter in the history of our company – together with more than 118,000 employees worldwide, who are a part of this.This morning I visited our plant in Dingolfing. The team there is rightly proud of being the only plant to build the 7 Series, from the very first generation. They have put their heart and all their know-how into this vehicle.This evening, we will be presenting our new BMW masterpiece.We know our customers well. We know what they desire. This enables us to anticipate their wishes and fulfil their dreams.Our 7 Series customers are progressive thinkers, people with drive and determination. They look to the opportunities of tomorrow. Their car is an expression of their personality and active outlook on life.With each generation of the 7 Series, we have brought our customers’ needs to the road, adapting accordingly as time moved on. Each generation has defined, changed and advanced mobility.It all started in 1977. At that time, I was just 12 years old… I still remember the first 7 Series driving down our road.Each generation has delivered ground-breaking innovations and set new standards – as you saw on our history walk. Just think of the first 12-cylinder engine from post-war Germany. Your press colleagues called it: “… the finest engine ever built in Munich.”Today, we are presenting another technological leap forward, with unique innovations.We are responding to the digitalisation of modern mobilityWe regard our customers worldwide as unique individualsAnd we are inventing automotive luxury for the 21st century.This is an incredibly special moment for me – to stand before you and introduce our new flagship vehicle. Please enjoy our new BMW 7 Series!This vehicle has everything that BMW currently has to offer.I am proud to present this car to you – together with my colleagues from the Board of Management – and on behalf of all the employees involved in Development, Design, Purchasing, Production and Sales and Marketing.To fulfil our customers’ every desire, we worked together even more intensively with them in the creation of this 7 Series. We have paid particular attention to fine details.The new 7 Series embodies our quest for modern mobility, the highest quality and absolute precision. Quite simply: driving luxury.Luxury today is increasingly defined by knowing and feeling that you own something unique.There have been a lot of media reports recently praising our winning combination of agility and comfort. I particularly like this quote:“It is a window into the future of BMW.” (Top Gear 18 April 2015)Precisely this balance of cutting-edge technology, connectivity and comfort is our vision of modern luxury.The new BMW 7 Series benefits from BMW i technologies. For a start, the laser lights are derived from the BMW i8 and are now available for the first time in a large-scale series-produced vehicle. Another first is the intelligent way in which different materials have been combined in this car. The body has a carbon core. With a much lighter weight, it offers a totally different driving experience, with maximum efficiency. It has never been this easy and comfortable to drive a large luxury sedan.In just a moment, my colleague, Klaus Fröhlich, will present some further technical details.The design of the 7 Series is global by nature. But, of course, our customers in Europe, Asia and the Americas all have different requirements regarding luxury vehicles. Therefore, for the first time, we are offering our customers vehicles with different characters.These characters reflect cultural and regional specifics in the main regions of the world. Standing right next to me, for example, is the Design Pure Excellence. Over the course of the evening, you also will get an idea of the others, such as the M Sport package.Every BMW 7 Series is tailor-made. Customers can choose between almost endless possibilities and customise their 7 Series to suit their own personal preferences. This means that every 7 Series is just as unique as its owner’s personality. That is also modern luxury.I’ll see you again at the IAA in Frankfurt in September. I’m already looking forward to it.At the end of October, the new BMW 7 Series will have its first market launches.Thank you once again for joining us this evening. I am looking forward to working with you over the coming years. Please enjoy your evening!
Klaus Fröhlich, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, DevelopmentLadies and Gentlemen,A warm welcome to the premiere of our new BMW 7 Series!We had one goal: for the new 7 Series to set the standard for sportiness as well as for innovation in the luxury segment. We wanted our customers to experience all the innovative power of the BMW Group in our BMW flagship.Exceptional driving dynamics has always been one of the main reasons customers buy this car. That is why the new BMW 7 Series offers such a versatile driving experience – from absolute comfort to extremely sporty.Its innovative two-axle air suspension, which comes as standard, automatically adjusts body height – with a lower ride in sport mode, for example. Dynamic Damper Control also enables the new BMW 7 Series to perfectly stabilise all irregularities in the road surface.Another new feature in this luxury sedan is ADAPTIVE mode – which automatically adjusts the new 7 Series to the driving style and character of the road.The new BMW 7 Series also sets the standard for driving dynamics and driving comfort in its class with its active electromechanical roll stabilisation – we call this special feature “Executive Drive Pro”. Its sensitive control guarantees optimum road handling at all times. For the first time in a 7 Series, you can now combine the benefits of our Integral Active Steering – known as “X Steer” – with xDrive.The new 7 Series and its innovative driver assistance systems also represent a quantum leap for even greater comfort and safety. In this luxury sedan, our engineers have realised their broadest, most diverse BMW ConnectedDrive offering yet – taking driver support to a new dimension. A new feature here is for example our Steering and Lane Control Assistant, which provides semi-automated assistance for the driver at speeds of up to 210 km/h. Our innovation package also allows the speed of the new BMW 7 Series to be adjusted automatically to speed limits – if desired – at the push of a button.It will be the first vehicle worldwide to offer Remote Control Parking, which will be available shortly after market launch. This means the vehicle can manoeuvre itself in and out of the garage or a parking lot, without the driver behind the wheel. All that is needed is the new Display Key – which also provides helpful information on range and locking status, as well as service notifications.At the BMW Group, “sheer driving pleasure” and environmental responsibility are inseparably linked.This also applies to our new BMW 7 Series – the epitome of contemporary luxury. That means: light – efficient – ground-breaking.Its innovative combination of carbon-fibre structures with steel, aluminium, magnesium and plastic means that the 750i xDrive is 130 kilograms lighter than the previous model: Lightweight design measures adding up to roughly 200 kilos have enabled us to integrate additional comfort and safety features. This ensures that the 7 Series is the lightest luxury sedan in its segment.Its latest-generation engines and enhanced eight-speed Steptronic transmission make the BMW 7 Series the most efficient car in its class. The 730d, for example, with a fuel consumption of 4.5 litres and CO2 emissions of 119 g/km, is the absolute benchmark among diesel engines – just like the 750i xDrive among petrol engines, with a fuel consumption of 8.1 litres and CO2 emissions of just 189 g/km.When it comes out next year, our 740e plug-in hybrid will boast the best figures in its segment – with a fuel consumption of only 2.1 litres, CO2 emissions of 49 g/km and an electric range of around 40 km.The customer can also choose different ways to control the vehicle: The new BMW 7 Series now offers Touch Command, in addition to the iDrive Controller, push-button control and voice command.And we have another world debut in this car:Gesture control: For example, you can now turn up the radio or take a phone call with a simple gesture.I invite you to try out our new gesture control for yourselves afterwards!But, in the new BMW 7 Series, luxury is not just for the driver. The optional Executive Lounge feature offers rear passengers maximum comfort in every position.Our customers can also adjust their seats and control all entertainment functions individually using a removable tablet computer.“Sheer driving pleasure” and the automotive luxury of the future – that is what our customers experience at the highest level of perfection in the new BMW 7 Series.I would now like to hand over to our Head of Design, Adrian van Hooydonk.Thank you.
Start of production of new BMW 7 Series at Plant Dingolfing
Clear commitment to Germany as high-tech production locationInvestment of over half a billion euros in efficient new production technologies at BMW Group’s largest German manufacturing siteIntegration of carbon-fibre and electrification expertise into existing production infrastructureTechnology transfer from BMW i to core BMW brand
Munich/Dingolfing. Like its predecessor, the new BMW 7 Series will also be built in Dingolfing: Series production of the sixth generation of the BMW 7 Series will get underway on 1 July. Between 2008 and the present day, 370,000 models of the previous generation were built in Dingolfing and shipped to customers in more than 100 countries worldwide. Since the launch of the first BMW 7 Series in 1977, the Dingolfing plant has produced a total of more than 1.6 million BMW 7 Series. Its main markets today are China, the US, Germany, the Middle East, Russia, Korea, the UK and Japan. Taking into account all the diverse engine, colour and customer-specific options, countless vehicle variants (options to 1070) can be produced. Barely any two BMW 7 Series leaving the Dingolfing assembly line are the same.
At the employee event to mark the start of production in Dingolfing Harald Krüger, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, said: “This car demonstrates the full innovation capabilities of our developers and designers, as well as the extensive experience and expertise gained from producing our flagship model here in Dingolfing. We have invested more than half a billion euros in the plant in the past three years alone for this purpose. The Plant has been developed and adapted so that it is fully prepared for the future with new technologies, such as carbon fibre and electrification. This represents a clear commitment on the part of the BMW Group to both Dingolfing as a high-tech production location, and to Germany.”
Intelligent lightweight design and technology transfer from BMW i
The newest version of this luxury sedan paves the way for a wide range of innovations in areas including driving dynamics, comfort, intelligent connectivity and control, all complemented by a holistic lightweight concept: Different materials are selectively combined to assure optimum vehicle performance and light weight. For example, ultra-lightweight, high-tech carbon-fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) is used in the passenger compartment. Carbon fibre is around 30 per cent lighter than aluminium and about 50 per cent lighter than steel. The unique body structure, referred to as the “carbon core”, is based on technology transferred from the BMW i models, which helps optimise vehicle weight, as well as material strength and rigidity. This results in significantly lower fuel consumption and emissions, combined with improved driving performance, dynamics and comfort. The new BMW 7 Series models weigh up to 130 kilograms less than the previous generation.
Pioneer in large-scale production of carbon fibre
The new BMW 7 Series is the first vehicle in the BMW Group’s core model portfolio to use industrially-manufactured carbon fibre in combination with maximum-strength steel and aluminium in the body structure rather than as a visible shell material. Carbon fibre is used for the roof bows, to reinforce the roof frame, the B and C pillars, the sills, the centre tunnel and for the rear shelf. The company benefits from the knowhow gained from development and production of its BMW i models. For the first time, the BMW Group is using two enhanced, innovative and highly-efficient processes in production of the BMW 7 Series in Dingolfing: wet pressing and hybrid pressing.
In wet pressing, carbon-fibre fabrics or netting, impregnated with resin, are pressed in a three-dimensional moulding die while wet and then hardened. The dry pre-shaping previously used in the Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM) process is no longer required. In hybrid pressing, carbon-fibre fabrics impregnated with resin, also still wet, are placed in a moulding die with sheet steel, then pressed and hardened. This bonds the steel and carbon materials to form a hybrid component. Hybrid components are light, but offer maximum rigidity and outstanding crash performance. Both processes enable highly economical large-scale production of up to several thousand carbon components per day, with compact systems engineering and short cycle times.
Josef Kerscher, head of Plant Dingolfing: “Our preparations for the start of production of the new BMW 7 Series have been intensive. We have been building the BMW brand flagship and technology platform for almost 40 years in Dingolfing. It is an honour and a privilege to continue to provide top quality for our customers around the world. The key to this success lies in our decades of expertise in building premium automobiles and our highly competent and dedicated employees. The structures and new manufacturing technologies for lightweight construction and electrification we established for the BMW 7 Series ramp-up will also benefit other models built at Dingolfing.”
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