Επισημο: Mini Cooper 2014 [Mega Gallery]
Μετά από μια σειρά διαρροών, teaser και spy φωτογραφιών η MINI μας αποκαλύπτει επίσημα το νέο Cooper το οποίο έχει μεγαλώσει σε μήκος κατά 98 mm, σε πλάτος κατά 44 mm και σε ύψος κατά 7 mm σε σχέση με το μοντέλο που αντικαθιστά. Το μεταξόνιο του αγγίζει τα 2495 mm (+42 mm) με τα μετατρόχια να έχουν μεγαλώσει κατά 42 mm μπροστά και 34 mm πίσω. Έτσι το νέο MINI μετρά 3.821 mm σε μήκος, 1.727 mm σε πλάτος, 1.414 mm σε ύψος, προσφέροντας
Έχει κατασκευαστεί πάνω στην UKL πλατφόρμα και δανείζεται μερικά σχεδιαστικά στοιχεία από το Rocketman Concept. Αρχικά θα είναι διαθέσιμο με τρεις turbo Euro 6 κινητήρες (TwinPower και όχι twin-turbo) οι οποίοι όλοι συνδυάζονται με σύστημα Start/Stop. Οι βενζινοκινητήρες εφοδιάζονται με σύστημα άμεσου ψεκασμού καυσίμου και διπλό VANOS. Να σημειωθεί επίσης πως αυτοί είναι οι πρώτοι κινητήρες που τοποθετούνται σε Mini προερχόμενοι από την μητρική BMW.
Entry-level κινητήρας είναι ο τρικύλινδρος 1.500αρης βενζίνης απόδοσης 134 ίππων με 220Nm ροπής στις 1.250 στροφές. Υπάρχει και λειτουργία overboost που αυξάνει για μερικά δευτερόλεπτα την ροπή στα 230Nm. Με τον κινητήρα αυτό, το MINI έχει μέση κατανάλωση 4,4 λίτρα/100 χλμ και 105 γρ/χλμ εκπομπές CO2.
Ακολουθεί ο 1.500αρης τρικύλινδρος turbodiesel απόδοσης 114 ίππων με 269 Nm ροπής στην έκδοση Cooper D. Έχει μέση κατανάλωση 3,5 λίτρα/100 χλμ και 92 γρ/χλμ εκπομπές CO2.
Τέλος αρχικά θα είναι διαθέσιμος είναι και ένας τετρακύλινδρος, δίλιτρος κινητήρας στην έκδοση Cooper S με απόδοση 189 αλόγων και 280Nm -300Nm με overboost- , που καταναλώνει 5,6 λίτρα/100 χλμ και εκπέμπει 133 γρ/χλμ CO2.
Οι προαναφερθέντες κινητήρες συνδυάζονται με κιβώτια χειροκίνητα και αυτόματα ταχυτήτων έξι σχέσεων αγνοώντας την τάση των διαρκώς αυξανόμενων σχέσεων για χάρη της αποδοτικότητας. Τα Mini Cooper που θα διαθέτουν αυτόματο κιβώτιο και πλοηγό, θα έχουν μία νέα τεχνολογία από την BMW που θα μπορεί να «αναμένει» και να «προβλέπει» κατεβάσματα ταχυτήτων, όπως πχ όταν πλησιάζει το όχημα διασταύρωση ή απότομη στροφή. Εκτός αυτού, τα χειροκίνητα κιβώτια για θα διαθέτουν σύστημα που θα ταιριάζει την ταχύτητα του κινητήρα στις αλλαγές ταχυτήτων.
Αργότερα θα προστεθούν στη γκάμα και οι εκδόσεις One, One D, Cooper SD και φυσικά η γρήγορη JCW.
Αφήνοντας το powertrain στην άκρη, το νέο Mini Cooper διαθέτει και ένα εντελώς σύγχρονο chassis. Η UKL1 πλατφόρμα επωφελείται από τεχνολογίες που μοιράζεται με την i σειρά της BMW ενώ από πλευράς αναρτήσεων, μπροστά βρίσκουμε το δοκιμασμένο single-link spring strut axle και πίσω την εξελιγμένη εκδοχή της διάταξης πολλαπλών συνδέσμων. Ενδιαφέρον έχει το γεγονός πως για πρώτη φορά στην ιστορία της Mini προσφέρεται ηλεκτρονικά ρυθμιζόμενη ανάρτηση Variable Damper Control με διακόπτη στο εσωτερικό για να επιλέγεται ένα από τα δύο mode λειτουργίας (Comfort και Sport). Το σύστημα διεύθυνσης δεν θα είναι άλλο από την επόμενη γενιά του EPS (Electronic Power Steering).
Στο βασικό εξοπλισμό υπάρχει και ενεργό καπό που προστατεύει τους πεζούς σε περίπτωση ατυχήματος, ζάντες 15″ (16″ στο Cooper S), ενώ στον πρόσθετο εξοπλισμό συναντάμε και ζάντες έως 18″.
Άξιο αναφοράς είναι το γεγονός η MINI αναφέρεται συχνά στο βάρος/μείωση βάρους/ελαφριά υλικά κλπ καθώς και στη sport οδική συμπεριφορά χωρίς να θυσιάζεται η άνεση. Από το τιμόνι, τα φρένα, την ανάρτηση και την απόκριση του κινητήρα, όλα έχουν να κάνουν με την αίσθηση που θα δίνει το Mini Cooper στον δρόμο. Με δεδομένη την ιστορία του μοντέλου, ελπίζουμε να μην απογοητεύσει.
Διαθέτει LED φωτιστικά σώματα μπροστά-πίσω και στο εσωτερικό συναντάμε ένα νέο head-up display που προβάλει πληροφορίες σε μία μικρή αναδιπλούμενη οθόνη στο ταμπλό. Μπορεί να δείχνει την ταχύτητα του οχήματος, πληροφορίες του συστήματος πλοήγησης ή ψυχαγωγίας και διάφορες ειδοποιήσεις.
Στο μέτωπο της ασφάλειας, υπάρχει σύστημα προειδοποίησης σύγκρουσης αλλά και αντίστοιχο σύστημα για πεζούς ενώ και τα δύο έχουν “city braking” λειτουργία. Αν το σύστημα κρίνει πως επίκειται σύγκρουση, προειδοποιεί τον οδηγό μέσω ακουστικών και οπτικών ερεθισμάτων. Αν ο οδηγός δεν αντιδράσει, το σύστημα τότε φρενάρει αυτόματα το όχημα έτσι ώστε να αποφευχθεί η σύγκρουση ή τουλάχιστον να μειωθεί η ταχύτητα με την οποία θα συμβεί το αναπόφευκτο.
Το αυτοκίνητο επίσης προσφέρεται και με ένα σύστημα που ενεργοποιεί και απενεργοποιεί τη μεγάλη σκάλα των φώτων ανάλογα με την κίνηση και τον γενικό φωτισμό. Άλλα συστήματα περιλαμβάνουν ένα ενεργό cruise control που χρησιμοποιεί κάμερα, πίσω κάμερα και parking assist, σύστημα που απομνημονεύει τα σήματα στον δρόμο και προβάλει πληροφορίες σχετικές με το όριο ταχύτητας και το αν επιτρέπεται ή όχι το προσπέρασμα.
Το κοντέρ στο κέντρο του ταμπλό έχει αφαιρεθεί, αφού εκεί έχει τοποθετηθεί το σύστημα ενημέρωσης και ψυχαγωγίας, το οποίο διαθέτει ένα φωτιζόμενο πλαίσιο, το οποίο αναβοσβήνει όταν χτυπά το τηλέφωνο του οδηγού. Η κεντρική οθόνη 8,8″ ελέγχεται μέσω δύο διακοπτών παρόμοιας φιλοσοφίας με το iDrive της BMW, με τα πίσω καθίσματα να αναδιπλώνονται με ποσοστό 60:40.
Στην Αγγλία το MINI Cooper ξεκινά από τις £15.300 (€18.220), το Cooper D από τις £16.450 (€19.590) και το Cooper S από τις £18.650 (€22.210). Οι παραδώσεις του θα ξεκινήσουν από την ερχόμενη άνοιξη. Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες μπορείς να βρεις στο δελτίο τύπου που ακολουθεί καθώς και σε αυτό το PDF.
[Πηγή: MINI]
Δελτίο ΤύπουThe new MINI.
• New edition of the premium small car segment original; new MINI with hallmark emotional design, further optimised balance between driving fun and fuel consumption, innovative networking technology and clever functionality; significant advances in the areas of spatial comfort, safety, equipment, quality of material and finish as well as sporty flair and ride comfort as the result of consistently and extensively refined product substance; new model generation now more than ever before the benchmark for driving fun, premium quality and individual flair within its competitive environment.
• Exterior design refined on an evolutionary basis with hallmark styling, proportions and body structure; characteristic design features such as hexagonal radiator grille, headlamps and rear light clusters with wide chrome surround, turn indicator element and peripheral body surround in black reinterpreted and given additional emphasis due to the surface design in each specific area; high-end details underscore the sophisticated nature of the new model; five exterior paint finishes, roof in contrasting colour available as an option at no extra charge.
• Newly designed headlamps; daytime driving light; optional: LED headlamps including daytime driving ring with integrated direction indicator, adaptive light distribution and LED fog lamps; rear lights also optionally available in LED technology, optional lighting package with LED interior lights and orange-coloured ambient lighting.
• Vehicle length increased by 98 millimetres, width by 44 millimetres, height by 7 millimetres, also longer wheelbase (+ 28 millimetres) and larger track width (front + 42 millimetres, rear + 34 millimetres) as compared to the predecessor model (differential figures relate to MINI Cooper); optimised spatial comfort on all four seats; new seat design with larger adjustment range at front and longer seat surface at rear (+ 23 millimetres); more shoulder room and foot space as well as increased comfort for rear passengers; luggage compartment volume increased by 51 litres to 211 litres; rear backrest foldable with 60 : 40 split; optional storage package including luggage compartment floor which can be locked into place at varying points.
• New generation of engines with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology; three model variants available as of market launch: MINI Cooper with 100 kW/136 bhp 3-cylinder engine, MINI Cooper S with 141 kW/192 bhp 4-cylinder petrol engine and MINI Cooper D with 3-cylinder diesel engine (85 kW/116 bhp); 6-speed manual transmission as standard, with optional 6-speed automatic transmission or sports automatic transmission, also newly developed; extensive MINIMALISM technology including automatic engine start/stop function likewise in conjunction with automatic transmission and optional GREEN mode; improved driving performance figures and reduced fuel consumption; biggest efficiency advance in the MINI Cooper with automatic transmission: acceleration from zero to 100 km/h 2.6 seconds faster, average fuel consumption 27 per cent lower; lowest fuel consumption and CO2 levels in the MINI Cooper D: 3.5 – 3.6 litres/100 km, 92 – 95 g/km (EU test cycle figures, dependent on tyre format selected).
• Intensification of the typical MINI go-kart feeling with extensively revised suspension technology, reduced weight and increased rigidity; new single-joint spring strut axle with aluminium swivel bearing and also axle supports and wishbones made of high-strength steel; new multilink rear axle also in optimised lightweight construction and space-saving geometry; refined electromechanical power steering now with Servotronic as standard; Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) as standard including Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) and Electronic Differential Lock Control (EDLC), in the MINI Cooper S also including Performance Control; new spring and damper set-up with triple-path support bearings; Dynamic Damper Control optionally available for the first time in MINI; refined brake system, adapted to increased driving performance; light alloy wheels in 15-inch or 16-inch (MINI Cooper S) format as standard; light allow wheels optionally available up to 18 inches.
• Variable vehicle set-up using the new Driving Modes option by means of rotary switch at the base of the gearshift or selector lever; in addition to the standard setting MID mode, the modes SPORT and GREEN can be activated; choice of mode influences the characteristic curve of the accelerator and steering, as well as the shift times of the automatic transmission and the Dynamic Damper Control where these features are fitted; GREEN mode in conjunction with automatic transmission enables coasting with decoupled drivetrain.
• New display and operating concept: instrument cluster on the steering column showing road speed and engine speed, colour display for vehicle status details and fuel level; central instrument with new display elements and coloured lighting configuration including LED ring for visual feedback in response to numerous operating functions, 4-line TFT display as standard or optional colour display up to 8.8 inches in size; operation of navigation, entertainment, telephone and vehicle functions using MINI Controller in centre console with the relevant feedback provided on the on-board computer; start/stop button at the centre of the toggle switch bar on the centre console, can be activated without key insertion; power window lifts in the door trim panels; operating panel for lights in the dashboard.
• Body structure weight-optimised and crash-optimised; standard safety features including front and side airbags, side curtain airbags, 3-point automatic seat belts on all seats, with belt tensioners and belt force limiters at front, ISOFIX children’s seat mounting at rear, Run Flat Indicator and partially active engine compartment lid to optimise pedestrian protection; vehicle weight lower than in predecessor models and competitors in the segment in virtually all variants of the new MINI despite extended range of fittings; increased acoustic and vibrational comfort: optimised aerodynamic properties as appropriate to each specific model including active cooling air flaps, underbody trim panel and air ducting elements in the upper section of the C columns; best aerodynamic figures within the competitive environment: Cd value reduced to 0.28 (MINI Cooper, MINI Cooper D).
• New MINI with significantly extended range of innovative driver assistance systems: MINI Head-Up-Display, Driving Assistant including camera-based active cruise control, collision and pedestrian warning with initial brake function, high beam assistant and road sign detection, parking assistant; rear view camera.
• Newly structured MINI Connected in-car infotainment program with additional functions; Emergency Call and MINI Teleservices available for use with permanently installed SIM card; unique range of functions and the opportunity for ongoing expansion due to apps allowing integration in the car via smartphone; increased driving fun with typical MINI functions such as Mission Control, Dynamic Music, Driving Excitement and MINIMALISM Analyser; new MINI Connected XL Journey Mate with Real Time Traffic Information; online connection also allows the use of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, foursquare and Glympse, the reception of RSS newsfeeds and entertainment features such as AUPEO!, Stitcher, Deezer, Audible, Napster/Rhapsody and TuneIn.
• Extensive standard fittings and high-end options to increase comfort, premium characteristics and individual flair; these include: rain sensor, Park Distance Control, Comfort Access, electrically operated glass roof, roof rails, electrically heated and folding exterior mirrors, interior and exterior mirrors with automatic anti-dazzle function, seat heating, 2-zone automatic air conditioning, rear spoiler in John Cooper Works design; large selection of decorative roof and exterior mirror options, bonnet stripes, seat upholsteries, interior surfaces and Colour Lines; MINI navigation system, MINI Radio Visual Boost, harman kardon hi-fi speaker system.
• Engine variants:MINI Cooper S: 4-cylinder petrol engine with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology (turbo charging, direct injection, fully variable valve control, variable camshaft control),capacity: 1 998 cc, output: 141 kW/192 bhp at 4 700 – 6 000 rpm, max. torque: 280 Nm at 1 250 – 4 750 rpm(300 Nm with overboost),acceleration (0–100 km/h): 6.8 seconds (automatic: 6.7 seconds),top speed: 235 km/h (233 km/h),average fuel consumption*: 5.7 – 5.8 litres (5.2 – 5.4 litres)/100 kilometres,CO2 emissions*: 133 – 136 g/km (122 – 125 g/km), exhaust emission standard: EU6.
MINI Cooper: 3-cylinder petrol engine with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology (turbo charging, direct injection, fully variable valve control, variable camshaft control),capacity: 1 499 cc,output: 100 kW/136 bhp at 4 500 – 6 000 rpm,max. torque: 220 Nm at 1 250 – 4 000 rpm(230 Nm with overboost),acceleration (0–100 km/h): 7.9 seconds (automatic: 7.8 seconds),top speed: 210 km/h (210 km/h),average fuel consumption*: 4.5 – 4.6 litres (4.7 – 4.8 litres)/100 kilometres,CO2 emissions*: 105 – 107 g/km (109 – 112 g/km).
MINI Cooper D: 3-cylinder diesel engine with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology (turbocharger with variable turbine geometry, common rail direct injection, max. fuel injection pressure: 2 000 bar),capacity: 1 496 cc,output: 85 kW/116 bhp at 4 000 rpm,max. torque: 270 Nm at 1 750 rpm,acceleration (0–100 km/h): 9.2 seconds (automatic: 9.2 seconds),top speed: 205 km/h (204 km/h),average fuel consumption*: 3.5 – 3.6 litres (3.7 – 3.8 litres)/100 kilometres,CO2 emissions*: 92 – 95 g/km (98 – 99 g/km), exhaust emission standard: EU6.
* Fuel consumption depends on the selected tyre format.
• Exterior dimensions:Length: 3 821 millimetres (MINI Cooper S: 3 850 millimetres)Width: 1 727 millimetres)Height: 1 414 millimetres)Wheelbase: 2 495 millimetres
Start of production for new MINI
Oxford. The MINI plant in Oxford celebrated the world premiere of the new MINI with an official ceremony. Among the guests were British Secretary of State for Transport Patrick McLoughlin; Harald Krüger, member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, responsible for Production and Peter Schwarzenbauer, member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, responsible for MINI, BMW Motorrad, Rolls-Royce and Aftersales.
Harald Krüger at the ceremony: “In our Oxford plant’s centenary year, we are continuing the MINI brand success story and today starting production of the new model generation. Our total investment of 750 million pounds in our British production locations of Oxford, Swindon and Hams Hall between 2012 and 2015 underscores the importance of the MINI production triangle within our global production network. The UK is the heart of MINI production – thanks to the experience, competence and strong commitment of all our employees.”
Peter Schwarzenbauer: “MINI is an inspiration for trend-setters and creative spirits the world over. And with our latest generation of MINI Hatch, we want to excite once again. To ensure the new generation of MINI Hatch is as successful as its predecessors, we have made just subtle modifications to its design. But beneath the outer skin is a brand-new car with state-of-the-art technologies seen for the first time at a small car.”
This investment forms part of the international growth strategy for the MINI brand and secures the long-term future of the Oxford plant, as well as jobs at the Swindon pressing plant and the engine plant in Hams Hall, near Birmingham. The investment programme has mostly targeted efficient and sustainable production structures for the new generation of MINI models in Oxford. More than 1,000 additional latest-generation robots will be deployed in the plant’s body shop, for example; while Hams Hall installed production systems for a new generation of fuel-efficient petrol and diesel engines. The BMW Group has invested a total of around 1.75 billion pounds in its British locations since 2000.
These investments are also linked to a broad-based training and further education campaign for the BMW Group’s employees in the UK. The company opened a new training centre in Oxford in 2012, which is used by the plant’s apprentices. There are more than 190 apprentices across BMW Group’s four UK manufacturing sites at Swindon, Hams Hall, Oxford and Goodwood who are currently participating in a dual vocational training programme based on the German model. The plants’ production employees also received training resulting in a practical qualification equivalent to the British “NVQ (National Vocational Qualification) Level 2”.
With a production volume of 207,789 units in 2012, Plant Oxford is the thirdlargest vehicle manufacturer and exporter in the UK. MINI accounts for 14 per cent of all locally-manufactured passenger cars and 14 per cent of all passenger cars exported from the UK. The MINI Hatch, Convertible, Clubman, Clubvan, Roadster and Coupé models are all produced here.
The success of the MINI brand can be seen in the positive development at Plant Oxford since 2001. Back then, a single shift of around 2,400 employees produced about 300 cars a day. Today, a team of nearly 4,000 works two shifts and builds up to 900 cars a day – reaching a total of more than 2.4 million MINIs to date. More than 1.8 million MINI cars have been exported to over 100 countries since 2001.
BMW Group a major contributor to the UK economy
The UK is the BMW Group’s fourth-largest single market, behind only Germany, the US and China, with sales in 2012 across the BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brands totalling 174,530 vehicles.
Rolls-Royce models have been built in the UK for 109 years. The company has continually invested in the Goodwood facility in West Sussex since the company was re-launched in 2003, and will continue to do so in response to the growth of the brand.
In 2012, the Hams Hall engine plant produced 385,410 four-cylinder petrol engines, representing about 16 per cent of total UK engine production.
The BMW Group and its dealer network employ around 18,000 people directly in the UK, while its supplier and service network supports more than 46,000 jobs in total.
80 per cent of MINIs and 90 per cent of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars produced in the UK are exported. With cars and engines worth a total of 2.4 billion pounds exported each year, the BMW Group accounts for around one per cent of all goods exported by UK companies.
New MINI makes worldwide debut at Plant Oxford.
Munich/Oxford. The new MINI has made its worldwide debut today (18 November) at MINI’s UK production plant in Oxford and features all-new vehicle architecture , an evolutionary design and a range of new fuel-efficient engines to give owners even more fun behind the wheel. A £750 million investment across three of BMW Group’s UK manufacturing facilities marks the launch of the new car with a new 1,000-robot body shop at Plant Oxford, the debut of new technologies at the steel body pressings operation in Swindon, and new machining and assembly facilities to produce a new generation of three and four-cylinder engines at the Hams Hall engine plant near Birmingham.
Prime Minister David Cameron said: “I was lucky enough to get an early preview of the new Mini – a classic British icon – during a visit to the factory in Oxford last month. This £750 million investment is great news for both the local and wider economy, along with the 5,500 workers whose jobs are safeguarded by this launch.
“Car manufacturing is a vital engine for growth. Production is back up to pre-recession levels and a car rolls off the line every 20 seconds in the UK. But we’re not complacent. Our industrial strategy is a key part of the Government’s economic plan and we’re helping to drive the car industry further and faster with over £4bn of investment.”
Harald Krueger, BMW Group’s board member for production, said: “In our Oxford plant’s centenary year, we are continuing the MINI brand success story and today starting production of the third model generation. Our total investment of £750 million in our British production locations of Oxford, Swindon and Hams Hall between 2012 and 2015 underscores the importance of the MINI production triangle within our global production network. The UK is the heart of MINI production – thanks to the experience, competence and strong commitment of all our employees.”
The investment means additional job security for the 5,500 associates currently working in the UK MINI production network. Besides a new state-of-the-art body shop, the Oxford plant also benefits from upgrades to its paint shop, its final assembly area and from a series of initiatives reducing the operation’s carbon footprint and improving its waste management processes. The introduction of the new MINI has also seen a significant investment in the most extensive workforce training programme undertaken at the plant.
Even though there’s instant recognition – something which comes from having such a globally identifiable design – the new MINI is completely new from the ground up in an effort to optimise its styling, function and performance. With its market launch in Spring 2014, the new car offers an enhanced standard specification, an extensive range of options to allow customers to adapt the car to their individual style, higher comfort levels, comprehensive safety technology including pedestrian protection and more innovative networking technology. Longer and wider than its predecessor, the new model provides more interior space for both the driver and passengers. Extensively revised suspension technology, reduced weight and increased rigidity have intensified the typical MINI go-kart feeling.
Commenting on the new model, Peter Schwarzenbauer, BMW Group’s board member for MINI, BMW Motorrad, Rolls-Royce, Aftersales BMW Group said: “MINI is an inspiration for trend-setters and creative spirits the world over. And with our latest generation of MINI, we want to excite once again. To ensure the new generation of MINI is as successful as its predecessors, we have made just subtle modifications to its design. But beneath the outer skin is a brand-new car with state-of-the-art technologies seen for the first time at a small car”.
MINI at the Los Angeles International Auto Show 2013.Munich/Los Angeles. The British premium brand provides one of the outstanding highlights at the 2013 Los Angeles International Auto Show with the North America premiere of the new MINI Hardtop. The presentation in the Californian movie capital takes place just days after the official world premiere of the new model in the UK – the home country of MINI. This makes the Los Angeles International Auto Show the setting for the car’s first ever auto show appearance. From November 22nd to December 1st 2013, visitors will be able to see how the model’s design has been further evolved and take a close look at its expanded interior space and new display and operating concept, as well as finding out more about an entirely new generation of MINI engines, completely revised suspension technology and the very latest innovations in the field of driver assistance systems. The debut of the new MINI Hardtop is supplemented with an extensive presentation of the brand’s other models. Those on display will include the latest all-wheel drive models – the MINI John Cooper Works Countryman ALL4 and the MINI John Cooper Works Paceman ALL4. (ALL4 only available on S models in the US, only JCW Countryman and Paceman will be on display in LA)
The new MINI Hardtop features an instantly recognisable upgrade in terms of product substance that benefits its sporty, agile handling, ride comfort and efficiency as well as enhancing its unmistakable character, functionality and premium style. New engines with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology and likewise newly developed transmissions increase the car’s sprint capabilities while at the same time reducing fuel consumption. Efficiency is significantly boosted by the extensive MINIMALISM technology, consistently optimised weight and improved aerodynamic properties.
The sophisticated technology of the new MINI Hardtop, unparalleled in the small car segment, is also reflected in numerous innovative features. For the first time ever, a MINI can be fitted with adjustable dampers. The new MINI Driving Modes allows the car to be driven in GREEN mode, including coasting function with decoupled drivetrain. Another unique feature in this class of vehicle are the optionally available LED headlamps. Meanwhile, the range of driver assistance systems and MINI Connected Services has been significantly expanded. New features in his area include the MINI Head-Up-Display, parking assistant and rear view camera.
Hallmark proportions, optimised space. This latest evolutionary stage in the development of MINI enhances not only driving fun but also the car’s quality feel, space on all four seats and level of safety. The new MINI is 98 millimetres (114 mm, 4.5 inches) longer, 44 millimetres (1.7 inches) wider and 7 millimetres (0.3 inches) higher than its predecessor. The wheelbase has been extended by 28 millimetres (1.1 inches) while the track has been increased by 42 millimetres (1.7 inches) at the front and 34 millimetres (1.3 inches) at the rear. Cornering agility and ride comfort benefit from these new dimensions as do the amount of space available to occupants and the luggage compartment volume, which has been increased by 51 litres (1.8 feet3) to a total of 211 litres (7.5 feet3).
Like its proportions, the evolutionary refinement of the model’s design ensures that characteristic features are retained. The three-section body structure continues to define the car’s distinctive look in the new MINI. The main body of the vehicle, the greenhouse glass section encompassing the entire car and the roof on top are clearly separated from each other in visual terms. The wide track and short overhangs emphasise the striking expression of the vehicle’s body, seated powerfully on the wheels. The athletic stature of the new MINI is also highlighted by prominent lines in the side view. Traditional design features such as the hexagonal contour of the radiator grille, the side indicator surrounds known as side scuttles, the circular headlights, the upright rear light clusters and the black periphery around at the bottom edge of the body are reinterpreted and given additional emphasis by means of a high-end surface design in each specific area.
The MINI Cooper S draws its model-specific sporty flair from such features as a radiator grille with honeycomb pattern, an additional opening in the bonnet, brake air ducts integrated in the lower air inlets and a separate rear apron with exhaust tailpipes arranged at the centre. In addition to the side scuttle elements, the radiator grille of this model variant now also bears an “S” logo with chrome surround.
Unique in the segment: LED headlamps with adaptive light distribution.The new MINI is the first car in its segment to offer the option of LED headlamps. The bright white LED units are the light source for both low and high beam. They are also surrounded by an LED daylight driving ring, of which the lower section reaches down to the white turn indicators. Another option is an adaptive light distribution function that ensures optimum illumination of the road surface and roadside – depending on situation and route profile – and also includes a turning light. The optional fog lamps are likewise available in halogen or LED, according to preference. In conjunction with the LED headlamps, the rear light clusters also come as LED units.
High-end interior with new display and operating concept.The design of the interior likewise combines hallmark brand styling with an optimised premium look and feel. A key element here – in addition to the high-quality selection of materials and colours – is the new display and operating concept. One of the most important new features is the instrument cluster on the steering column. Road speed, engine speed and fuel supply are displayed on vertically arranged circular instruments. The speedometer scale includes a colour display for Check Control messages, vehicle status displays and visual indicators relating to currently activated driver assistance systems.
With its new indicator elements and extended functionality, the typical MINI central instrument intensifies interaction between driver and car. As an optional extra, the interior of the LED ring can also act as an on-board monitor. The color screen – measuring up to 8.8 inches – is used along with the MINI Controller on the centre console to operate vehicle functions, infotainment, communication, navigation and MINI Connected Services. This allows for intuitive, safe and convenient operation based on the principles of the BMW iDrive system – a ground-breaking force throughout the entire automotive sector.
The innovative display and operating concept is supported by a lighting design in the area of the central instrument which is unique to MINI. LED units around the outer edge of the circular instrument – available in six colours – can respond to the current situation on the road or else to specific operating steps as the driver prefers.
The increased interior space available and a wide range of clever details make for further advancements in the area of functionality. The split rear backrest is not only foldable, its tilt angle can be adjusted too. Numerous cupholders and storage facilities make it easy to take drinks and travel utensils along in the car, and there is an additional storage compartment behind the decor strip on the passenger side.
New engines with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology.The new MINI lines up for its launch on the US market in two model variants: the MINI Cooper and the MINI Cooper S. Both are powered by newly developed engines featuring MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology, including a turbocharging system, petrol direct injection, variable camshaft control on the intake and exhaust side (double VANOS) and fully variable valve control in the form of VALVETRONIC, as patented by the BMW Group. The engines are combined with a 6-speed manual transmission as standard, with the option of a 6-speed automatic transmission.
The new MINI Cooper S is powered by a 2.0-litre 4-cylinder engine with a peak output of 141 kW/192 bhp (189 bhp in US) which goes on stream between 4 700 and 6 000 rpm, delivering its maximum torque of 280 Newton metres (207 ft-lbs) at 1 250 rpm. Torque can even briefly be increased to 300 Newton metres (221 ft-lbs) by means of an overboost function. As a result, acceleration from zero to 100 km/h (62 mph) takes just 6.8 seconds (automatic: (6.7 seconds), while the top speed is 235 km/h (146 mph) (233 km/h)(145 mph). This fascinating sporty flair goes hand in hand with further optimised efficiency. The combined range of the new MINI Cooper S is 28 mpg (automatic: 32 mpg).
The 3-cylinder engine in the new MINI Cooper – also newly developed – delivers an output of 100 kW/136 bhp (134 bhp in US) from a capacity of 1.5 litres and between 4 500 and 6 000 rpm with a maximum torque of 220 Newton metres (162 ft-lbs) (230 Nm with overboost(170 ft-lbs in US)) at 1 250 rpm. With this increased performance the new MINI Cooper sprints from standing to 100 km/h (62 mpg) in 7.9 seconds (automatic: 7.8 seconds), while its top speed is 210 km/h (130 mph) in each case. In spite of these increased performance figures, the new MINI Cooper Hardtop likewise demonstrates a reduced level of fuel consumption. Its combined range is 34 mpg (MINI Cooper Hardtop with automatic transmission).
MINI Driving Modes: sporty flair and efficiency and turn of a switch.For the first time, the MINI Driving Modes option is now available for the new MINI Hardtop, allowing the driver to select a preferred set-up. A rotary switch at the base of the gear or selector lever is used to activate either the standard MID mode, SPORT MODE or GREEN mode. The MINI Driving Modes influence the characteristic curve of the accelerator and steering, as well as shift properties of the automatic transmission and the damper set-up where applicable.
In GREEN mode – supporting a relaxed and more fuel-efficient driving style – the energy used by electrically powered comfort functions such as the air conditioning and exterior mirror heating is reduced. In cars fitted with automatic transmission it is also possible to use the coast function. Here the drivetrain is decoupled at speeds of between 50 and 160 km/h (31 and 99 mph), enabling the driver to remove their foot from the accelerator pedal.
Optimised suspension technology: less weight, more go-kart feeling and adjustable dampers for the first time.The refinement of suspension technology in the new MINI aims to intensify experience of the car’s agile handling properties, commonly known as the go-kart feeling. Virtually all parts have been modified at the front and rear axle so as to reduce weight and increase component rigidity. The set-up of the wheel suspension, body mounting, suspension, damping, steering and brakes has been adapted to the increased engine output and to the typical MINI concept consisting of front-wheel drive, transversely mounted engine at the front, low centre of gravity, short overhangs, wide track and rigid, weight-optimised body structure.
The optionally available adjustable dampers are another novel element in the range of MINI equipment features. Two characteristic lines are available for damper set-up, allowing activation of either a more comfort-oriented or a direct, sporty response to road surfaces, depending on the given situation. The electromechanical power steering has also been subjected to extensive further development and includes the speed-related assistance function Servotronic as standard. DSC (Dynamic Stability Control) – likewise a standard feature – now also features a dry brake function, fading compensation, a drive-off assistant and the traction mode DTC (Dynamic Traction Control). Meanwhile cornering agility is enhanced by means of Electronic Differential Lock Control (EDLC), and the new MINI Cooper S additionally features System Performance Control.
Innovative driver assistance systems increase convenience and safety.Further evidence of the technological progress ushered in with the new MINI Hardtop is to be found in the program of driver assistance systems. New features include the MINI Head-Up-Display which shows information relevant to the driver on an extendible monitor in the upper section of the dashboard between the windscreen and steering wheel. A rear view camera and parking assistant are also available for the new MINI. The rear view camera, housed underneath the tailgate handle, transmits video images to the on-board monitor in the central instrument. The parking assistant automatically identifies suitable parking spaces at the roadside and takes care of all the steering movements required to park the car.
A wide range of other high-end options in the areas of comfort, functionality and individuality are also available to allow drivers to style the new MINI according to their own detailed personal preferences. In addition to the standard air conditioning systemthere is also a 2-zone automatic air conditioning system, seat heating for driver and front passenger, a panorama glass roof, rain sensor and automatic light control, the harman kardon hi-fi speaker system and a sports leather steering wheel including optional multifunction buttons and cruise control.
Other options include Comfort Access, Park Distance Control, roof rails and electrically heatable and folding exterior mirrors as well as interior and exterior mirrors featuring automatic anti-dazzle function. For customisation of the exterior and interior in hallmark brand style, options also include a rear spoiler in John Cooper Works design as well as various roof and exterior mirror decors, bonnet stripes, seat upholsteries, interior surfaces, Color Lines and the lighting package with LED interior lighting and ambient lighting.
MINI Connected: Apps now also available for Android smartphones .The option MINI connected is also available in conjunction with the Radio MINI Visual Boost and the MINI navigation system. It offers extensive integration of smartphones in the car and therefore the use of internet-based services in the areas of infotainment, communication and driver experience. These are provided via apps whose functional diversity is being continuously expanded. In future, both the MINI Connected App and the so-called MINI Connected ready Apps supplied by third-party providers will be available not just for the Apple iPhone but also for smartphones using the Android operating system.
MINI in the USA: the success story goes on.The 2013 Los Angeles International Auto Show provides the perfect setting for the first auto show appearance of the new MINI Hardtop. For years now, the USA has been the most important market for the small cars and compact models of the British premium brand. The 500 000th MINI was supplied in the United States earlier this year, and nowhere in the USA is the MINI Community larger than in the Californian entertainment capital. The British brand reaches its highest nationwide market share in Los Angeles.
The best-selling model in the USA continues to be the iconic body version, also known as the Hardtop. The new MINI now has everything it takes to carry its predecessor’s success story forward with fresh impetus. But the continuing growth of MINI is also due to the consistent expansion of the model range. So MINI will not just be showing the model family’s new arrivals in the South Hall of the Los Angeles Convention Center but will display as diverse a selection as possible of the driving fun, premium quality and individual flair which is typical of the brand.
The MINI family has continuously grown over recent years to reach its current range of seven models. Hallmark brand qualities are to be found in the classic MINI vehicle concept just as they are in the MINI Clubman, which offers the additional feature of expanded space. As a purebred two-seater, the MINI Coupé embodies a thoroughly sporty style. With the MINI Convertible and the MINI Roadster, motorists are offered two ways of enjoying the brand’s typical driving fun in an open-top premium small car. And there are also two models now representing the brand’s venture into a new market segment. The trailblazer here was the MINI Countryman, the first model of the brand to be fitted with four doors, a large tailgate and space for up to five occupants. As of this year, this agile all-rounder is now joined by the MINI Paceman, the world’s first ever Sports Activity Coupé in the premium compact segment. The ALL4 all-wheel drive system specially developed for MINI is also available for the MINI Countryman and the MINI Paceman.With supreme traction and enhanced agility on bends, it adds yet another distinctive touch to the authentic driving fun offered by MINI.
In the USA, too, the aspirations of especially high-performance MINI models are addressed by the extremely sporty John Cooper Works versions. The range of top sports cars in the small car and compact segment has now reached a total of seven models. With their drive and suspension technology derived directly from motorsport, an aerodynamically optimised exterior and specific interior styling, the John Cooper Works models generate an authentic race feeling. In the MINI John Cooper Works Countryman and the MINI John Cooper Works Paceman, the enormous power of the 4-cylinder turbo engine is transferred to the road by the standard ALL4all-wheel drive system to adapt to driving conditions.
Note: The cars described in this press release correspond to the engine and fittings specifications of the US automobile market. Deviations are possible in other markets. All figures for driving performance figures and fuel consumption figures are provisional.
MINI at the Tokyo Auto Show 2013.
Munich/Tokyo. Just a few days after the world premiere of the new MINI in its home country the UK, it now makes its first trade fair appearance in Asia at the 2013 Tokyo Motor Show. The new edition of this globally successful model will therefore be one of the highlights at the international motor show in the capital of Japan. The instantly recognisable features of the new MINI are its unmistakable design – which has now evolved further – increased interior space and a new display and operating concept. But it also comes with an entirely new range of engines and transmissions, completely revised suspension technology and numerous innovations in the field of driver assistance systems, making it one of the most spectacular new products on show at the 2013 Tokyo Motor Show.
The debut of the new MINI in Tokyo is supplemented with an extensive presentation of the brand’s other models. At the international trade fair centre Big Sight, visitors will be able to experience driving fun, premium quality and individual flair in all its diversity from November 23rd to December 1st 2013 – from the highly sporty open-top two-seater MINI John Cooper Works Roadster to the exclusive design model MINI Clubman Bond Street and the latest all-wheel drive model, the MINI Cooper Crossover ALL4.
The new MINI: more distinctive and progressive than ever.The latest edition of the MINI features an extensive upgrade in terms of product substance that benefits its sporty, agile handling, ride comfort and efficiency as well as enhancing its unmistakable aura, functionality and premium style. New engines with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology and likewise newly developed transmissions increase the car’s sprint capabilities while at the same time reducing fuel consumption. Efficiency is significantly boosted by means of extensive MINIMALISM technology, consistently optimised weight and improved aerodynamic properties.
The sophisticated technology of the new MINI, unparalleled in the small car segment, is also reflected in numerous innovative features. For the first time ever, a MINI can be fitted with adjustable dampers. The new MINI Driving Modes option allows the car to be driven in GREEN mode, including coasting function with decoupled drivetrain. Another unique feature in this class of vehicle are the optionally available LED headlamps. Meanwhile the range of driver assistance systems and MINI Connected Services has been significantly expanded. New features in this area include the MINI Head-Up Display, the Driving Assistant with camera-based active cruise control, collision warning and road sign recognition, the parking assistant and Emergency Call.
Hallmark proportions, optimised space.This latest evolutionary stage in the development of MINI enhances not only driving fun but also the car’s quality feel, the space available on all four seats and the level of safety. The new MINI is 98 millimetres longer, 44 millimetres wider and 7 millimetres higher than its predecessor. The wheelbase has been extended by 28 millimetres while the track has been increased by 42 millimetres at the front and 34 millimetres at the rear. Bot cornering agility and ride comfort benefit from these new dimensions as does the amount of space available to occupants, and the luggage compartment volume has also been increased by 51 litres to a total of 211 litres.
Like its proportions, the evolutionary refinement of the model’s design ensures that characteristic features are retained. The three-section body structure continues to define the car’s distinctive look in the new MINI. The main corpus of the vehicle, the greenhouse glass section encompassing the entire car and the roof on top are clearly separated from each other in visual terms. The wide track and short overhangs emphasise the striking expression of the vehicle’s corpus, seated powerfully on the wheels. The athletic stature of the new MINI is also highlighted by prominent lines in the side view. Traditional design features such as the hexagonal contour of the radiator grille, the side indicator surrounds known as side scuttles, the circular headlights, the upright rear light clusters and the black periphery around the bottom edge of the body are reinterpreted and given additional emphasis by means of a high-end surface design in each specific area.
The MINI Cooper S draws its model-specific sporty flair from such features as a radiator grille with honeycomb pattern, an additional opening in the bonnet, brake air ducts integrated in the lower air inlets and a separate rear apron with exhaust tailpipes arranged at the centre. In addition to the side scuttle elements, the radiator grille of this model variant now also bears an “S” logo with chrome surround.
Unique in the segment: LED headlamps and adaptive light distribution.The new MINI is the first car in its segment to offer the option of LED headlamps. The bright white LED units provide the light source for both low and high beam. They are also surrounded by an LED daylight driving ring, of which the lower section reaches down to the white turn indicators. Another option is an adaptive light distribution function that ensures optimum illumination of the road surface and roadside – depending on situation and route profile – and also includes a turning light. The optional fog lamps are likewise available in halogen or LED, according to preference. In conjunction with the LED headlamps, the rear light clusters also come as LED units.
High-end interior with new display and operating concept.The design of the interior likewise combines hallmark brand styling with an optimised premium look and feel. A key element here – in addition to the high-quality selection of materials and colours – is the new display and operating concept. One of the most important new features is the instrument cluster on the steering column. Road speed, engine speed and fuel supply are displayed on vertically arranged circular instruments. The speedometer scale includes a colour display for Check Control messages, vehicle status displays and visual indicators relating to currently activated driver assistance systems.
With its new indicator elements and extended functionality, the central instrument so characteristic of MINI intensifies the interaction between driver and car. As an optional extra, its interior surface can also act as an on-board computer. The colour screen – measuring up to 8.8 inches – is used along with the MINI Controller on the centre console to operate vehicle functions, air conditioning, infotainment, communication, navigation and MINI Connected Services. This allows for intuitive, safe and convenient operation based on the principles of the BMW iDrive system – a ground-breaking force throughout the entire automotive sector.
The innovative display and operating concept is supported by a lighting design in the area of the central instrument which is unique to MINI. LED units around the outer edge of the circular instrument – optionally available in six colours – can respond to the current situation on the road or else to specific operating steps as the driver prefers.
The increased interior space available and a wide range of clever details make for further advancements in the area of functionality. The split rear backrest is not only foldable, its tilt angle can be adjusted too. Numerous cupholders and storage facilities make it easy to take drinks and travel utensils along in the car, and there is an additional storage compartment behind the decorative strip on the passenger side.
New engines with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology.The new MINI lines up for its launch on the Japanese automotive market in two model variants: the MINI Cooper and the MINI Cooper S. Both are powered by completely newly developed engines featuring MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology, including a turbocharging system, petrol direct injection, variable camshaft control on the intake and exhaust side (double VANOS) and fully variable valve control in the form of VALVETRONIC, as patented by the BMW Group. The engines are combined with a 6-speed manual transmission as standard, with the option of a 6-speed automatic transmission.
The new MINI Cooper S is powered by a 2.0-litre 4-cylinder engine with a peak output of 141 kW/192 bhp which goes on stream between 4 700 and 6 000 rpm, delivering its maximum torque of 280 Newton metres at 1 250 rpm. Torque can even briefly be increased to 300 Newton metres by means of an overboost function. As a result, acceleration from zero to 100 km/h takes just 6.8 seconds (automatic: (6.7 seconds), while the top speed is 235 km/h (233 km/h). This fascinating sporty flair goes hand in hand with further optimised efficiency. The combined range of the new MINI Cooper S is 15.8 km/l (automatic: 17.6 km/l).
The 3-cylinder engine in the new MINI Cooper – also newly developed – delivers an output of 100 kW/136 bhp from a capacity of 1.5 litres between 4 500 and 6 000 rpm with a maximum torque of 220 Newton metres (230 Nm with overboost) at 1 250 rpm. With this increased performance the new MINI Cooper sprints from standing to 100 km/h in 7.9 seconds (automatic: 7.8 seconds), while its top speed is 210 km/h in each case. In spite of these enhanced performance figures, the new MINI Cooper also boasts a reduced level of fuel consumption. Its combined range is 19.2 km/l (automatic: 17.8 km/l).
MINI Driving Modes: sporty flair and efficiency at the turn of a switch.For the first time, the MINI Driving Modes option is now available for the new MINI, allowing the driver to select a preferred set-up. A rotary switch at the base of the gear or selector lever is used to activate either standard MID mode, SPORT or GREEN mode. The MINI Driving Modes influence the characteristic curve of the accelerator and steering, as well as the shift properties of the automatic transmission and the damper set-up where applicable.
In GREEN mode – supporting a relaxed and more fuel-efficient driving style – the energy used by electrically powered comfort functions such as the air conditioning and exterior mirror heating is reduced. In cars fitted with automatic transmission it is also possible to use the coasting function. Here the drivetrain is decoupled at speeds of between 50 and 160 km/h, enabling the driver to remove their foot from the accelerator pedal.
Optimised suspension technology: less weight, more go-kart feeling and adjustable dampers for the first time.The refinement of suspension technology in the new MINI aims to intensify experience of the car’s agile handling properties, commonly known as the go-kart feeling. Virtually all parts have been modified at the front and rear axle so as to reduce weight and increase component rigidity. The set-up of the wheel suspension, body mounting, suspension, damping, steering and brakes has been adapted to the increased engine output and to the typical MINI concept consisting of front-wheel drive, transversely mounted engine at the front, low centre of gravity, short overhangs, wide track and rigid, weight-optimised body structure.
The optionally available adjustable dampers are another novel element in the range of MINI equipment features. Two characteristic lines are available for damper set-up, allowing activation of either a more comfort-oriented or a direct, sporty response to road bumps, depending on the given situation. The electromechanical power steering has also been subjected to extensive further development and includes the speed-related assistance function Servotronic as standard. DSC (Dynamic Stability Control) – likewise a standard feature – now also features a dry brake function, Fading Brake Support, a drive-off assistant and the traction mode DTC (Dynamic Traction Control). Meanwhile cornering agility is enhanced by means of Electronic Differential Lock Control (EDLC), and the new MINI Cooper S additionally features the Performance Control system.
Innovative driver assistance systems increase convenience and safety. Further evidence of the technological progress ushered in with the new edition of the MINI is to be found in the program of driver assistance systems. New features include the MINI Head-Up-Display which shows information relevant to the driver on an extendible monitor in the upper section of the dashboard between the windscreen and steering wheel. The new Driving Assistant option includes a camera-based cruise control and distance function, a collision warning with initial braking function, road sign detection and high beam assistant. A rear view camera and parking assistant are also available for the new MINI. The rear view camera, housed underneath the tailgate handle, sends video images to the on-board computer in the central instrument. The parking assistant automatically identifies suitable parking spaces at the roadside and then takes care of all the steering movements required to park the car.
A wide range of other high-end options in the areas of comfort, functionality and individuality are also available to allow drivers to style the new MINI according to their own detailed personal preferences. In addition to the air conditioning system (comes as standard in the MINI Cooper S) there is also a 2-zone automatic air conditioning system, seat heating for driver and front passenger, a panorama glass roof, a visibility package including windscreen heating, rain sensor and automatic light control, the harman kardon hi-fi speaker system and a sports leather steering wheel (as standard in the MINI Cooper S) including optional multifunction buttons and cruise control.
Other options include Comfort Access, Park Distance Control, roof rails and electrically heatable and folding exterior mirrors as well as interior and exterior mirrors with automatic anti-dazzle function. Options for customisation of the exterior and interior in hallmark brand style also include a rear spoiler in John Cooper Works design as well as various roof and exterior mirror decors, bonnet stripes, seat upholsteries, interior surfaces, Colour Lines and the lighting package with LED interior lighting and orange ambient lighting.
MINI Connected: premiere for Emergency Call; apps now also available for Android smartphones.The option MINI Connected or MINI Connected XL is also available in conjunction with the Radio MINI Visual Boost and the MINI navigation system. It offers extensive integration of smartphones in the car and therefore the use of internet-based services in the areas of infotainment, communication and driver experience. These are provided via a range of apps whose functional diversity is being continuously expanded. MINI Connected XL also includes the function Journey Mate for networked navigation including Real Time Traffic Information with traffic feedback in real time. In future, both the MINI Connected App and the so-called MINI Connected ready Apps supplied by third-party providers will be available not just for the Apple iPhone but also for smartphones using the operating system Android.
And for the first time, the new MINI can be fitted with a SIM card which is permanently installed in the car. This can be used to make telephone calls required for Emergency Call , including automatic detection of vehicle location and accident severity.
MINI on the Asian automobile markets: a driving force for continuous growth.The new MINI puts the British manufacturer of premium small cars and compact models fully on course to continue its global success story. 12 years after the relaunch of the brand, MINI has become established all over the world as the epitome of efficient driving fun, stylish individual flair and uncompromising quality. One key factor accounting for the continuous increase in sales figures is dynamic growth in the Asian automobile markets. The MINI Community in Japan are among the most demanding customers, as well as being especially open to technological innovations and therefore looking forward very keenly to the launch of the new MINI.
But the continuing growth of MINI is also due to the consistent expansion of its model range. By transferring the hallmark MINI qualities to new vehicle concepts and making a successful move into the compact segment, MINI has been able to inspire additional target groups with its driving fun, premium quality and individual flair. For this reason an overview of the most recent and most attractive representatives of the remainder of the model portfolio will likewise be on show at the 2013 Tokyo Motor Show, parallel to the debut of the new MINI.
The model program of the MINI family has continuously expanded over recent years to reach its current size of seven members. Hallmark brand qualities are to be found in the classic MINI vehicle concept just as they are in the MINI Clubman, which offers the additional benefit of expanded space. As a purebred two-seater, the MINI Coupé embodies a thoroughly sporty style. With the MINI Convertible and the MINI Roadster, motorists are offered two ways of enjoying the brand’s typical driving fun in an open-top premium small car. And there are also two models now representing the brand’s venture into a new market segment. The trailblazer here was the MINI Crossover, the first model of the brand to be fitted with four doors, a large tailgate and space for up to five occupants. As of this year, this agile all-rounder is now joined by the MINI Paceman, the world’s first ever Sports Activity Coupé in the premium compact segment. The all-wheel drive system ALL4 specially developed for MINI is also available for the MINI Crossover and the MINI Paceman. With supreme traction and enhanced agility on bends, it adds yet another distinctive touch to the authentic driving fun offered by MINI. In future this can also be enjoyed in the models MINI Cooper ALL4 Countryman and MINI Cooper ALL4 Crossover and MINI Cooper ALL4 Paceman.
On the Japanese market, too, the aspirations of especially high-performance MINI models are addressed by the extremely sporty John Cooper Works versions. The range of top sports cars in the small car and compact segment has now also reached a total of seven models. With their drive and suspension technology derived directly from motor racing, an aerodynamically optimised exterior and specific interior styling, the John Cooper Works models generate an authentic race feeling. In the MINI John Cooper Works Crossover and MINI John Cooper Works Paceman, the enormous power of the 4-cylinder turbo engine is transferred to the road by the standard all-wheel drive system ALL4 to suit the given situation.
Note: The cars described in this press release correspond to the engine and fittings specifications of the Japanese automobile market. Deviations are possible in other markets. All figures for driving performance figures and fuel consumption figures are provisional.
The new MINI – the evolution of an icon. The brand’s successful history – which spans more than 50 years – enters a new dimension.
Munich . With its unmistakeable design and undiluted driving fun, the first example of the classic Mini sparked a revolution in the car market when it entered the fray in
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