Φοιτητές θα σχεδιάσουν τα μελλοντικά Fiat
Οι σχεδιαστές της Fiat ανακοίνωσαν έναν ενδιαφέρον διαγωνισμό, για 60 μεταπτυχιακούς φοιτητές του Royal College of Art, με σκοπό την δημιουργία πρωτοποριακών σχεδίων για τα μοντέλα Panda και 500 του 2020.
Με 7 ομάδες ανά μοντέλο και 4 διαγωνιζόμενους ανά ομάδα, οι σπουδαστές θα σχεδιάσουν τόσο το εσωτερικό όσο και το εξωτερικό των δύο μοντέλων,
Οι δημιουργοί των νικητήριων σχεδίων για το κάθε μοντέλο θα πάνε στο σχεδιαστικό κέντρο της Fiat στο Τορίνο για 4 μέρες. Εκεί θα βοηθήσουν τους σχεδιαστές να κατασκευάσουν μοντέλα υπό κλίμακα, τα οποία θα εκθέσουν τον ερχόμενο Ιούνιο σύμφωνα με το πρόγραμμα του διαγωνισμού. Οι νικητές του διαγωνισμού, έως 10 φοιτητές, θα κερδίσουν εξάμηνη πρακτική άσκηση στο σχεδιαστικό κέντρο της Fiat.
Οι καλύτεροι σχεδιαστές της ιταλικής αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίας, όπως ο Roberto Giolito και ο Lorenzo Ramaciotti, θα κάνουν σεμινάρια στην Αγγλία κάθε δύο εβδομάδες με θέματα όπως «η σχεδιαστική προσέγγιση της Fiat» και «οι ρίζες του Ιταλικού σχεδιασμού», μέχρι τις αρχές Δεκεμβρίου, όπου θα κριθούν και τα σχέδια των διαγωνιζομένων. Οι προτάσεις των φοιτητών θα συνοδεύονται από πλάνα, 2D και 3D σχεδιασμούς, προσομοιώσεις κίνησης και ψηφιακές αναπαραστάσεις των επιμέρους λεπτομερειών.
Ο διευθύνων καθηγητής του προγράμματος για το Royal College of Art δήλωσε:
Είναι ένας εξαιρετικά σημαντικός διαγωνισμός για εμάς. Η Fiat είναι πολύ σοβαρή στο να βασίσει τα πιο σημαντικά μοντέλα της στις ιδέες των φοιτητών μας
Από την μεριά τους οι σχεδιαστές της Ιταλικής εταιρίας παραδέχονται ότι έχουν μεγάλη πρόκληση μπροστά τους στον σχεδιασμό της 3ης γενιάς του Fiat 500 και της 4ης του Panda και θεωρούν πως η επιρροή του κοσμοπολίτικου Λονδίνου και οι φρέσκες ιδέες των φοιτητών του RCA μπορούν να προσφέρουν πολλές νέες ιδέες.
[Πηγή: Fiat]
Δελτίο ΤύπουFIAT challenges the Royal College of Art Vehicle Design students to imagine how FIAT’s iconic 500 and Panda will look in the futureFourteen teams of four students will work on future design proposals supported by six lecture days delivered by senior FIAT design headsWinning proposals will be created as clay models following debrief by students in FIAT Centro Stile in TurinWinning students offered internships at FIAT’s Centro StileFIAT is challenging Vehicle Design students at the prestigious Royal College of Art (RCA) in London to explore how FIAT’s most iconic models might look in the future, via a new initiative entitled “Two of a Kind”.
The “Two of a Kind” project focusses on the two models that best characterise the FIAT ethos of making cool cars – infused with Italian effervescence – for real people: The iconic, stylish and much-loved FIAT 500 and the distinctive, charming and practical FIAT Panda – very different vehicles but both quintessentially FIAT. “Two of a Kind”, you might say.
Placing FIAT’s brand identity at the centre and using its design language as a starting point, fourteen teams of four students will be challenged to develop concepts that explore innovative ‘outside the box’ ideas while taking interactivity, digital interface, sustainability and global appeal in account.
To assist the Master’s students, a series of live lectures are planned at the RCA by FIAT-Chrysler’s top designers, including Head of Design (EMEA region) Roberto Giolito and Head of Global Design Lorenzo Ramaciotti, with the first lecture having taken place yesterday (October 2nd) at the Royal College of Art.
FIAT will deliver six RCA lectures in total, with each lecture focussing on a different theme. The final portion of each lecture will see the students share and receive feedback on the status of their ‘Two of a kind’ project. The series culminates on December 11th 2013 with final student presentations, with the winning projects to be judged by senior FIAT designer heads, RCA department heads and FIAT UK’s Managing Director, Steve Zanlunghi.
In early 2014, the winning students will then take their final designs to the FIAT Centro Stile (Styling Centre) in Turin where they will meet with the model makers to brief them on how best to turn these designs into clay models. These models will then be prepared and unveiled at the students’ RCA degree show in June 2014. In addition, these students will also be offered internships at FIAT’s Centro Stile between July 2014 and February 2015.
Commenting on the project, Mr Zanlunghi explained: “This project is hugely beneficial for both FIAT and the students of the Royal College of Art. The students get to experience how a design proposal is put together, harnessing their creativity, passion and vision to produce an exciting concept that innovates and delights and but with an eye to practicality and feasibility. FIAT, meanwhile, enjoys an influx of fresh ideas, creative solutions and pure design talent, all of which are essential to keeping FIAT at the forefront of design and technological innovation in the future.”
Professor Dale Harrow, Head of Vehicle Design and Dean of the School of Design, Royal College of Art, noted: “One of the benefits of studying Vehicle Design at the RCA is that students have the opportunity to grapple with real design challenges and see their ideas become part of the solution. It’s great to have this relationship with FIAT, and to have these iconic designers giving lectures here.”
The project also coincides with expansion of the “FIAT Likes U” student car-sharing programme into a university outside of Italy for the first time. Originally launched in 2012 by FIAT, with support from the Italian Ministry of Education and Italian Ministry for the Environment, “Fiat Likes U” offered some 280,000 students from the eight universities a practical solution to their personal mobility problems by making a fleet of eight FIAT vehicles available for use free of charge: More than 6,000 students made approximately 28,000 trips totalling more than 320,000 km, with more than 18,000 visits to the dedicated “likesu.FIAT.it” website.
Encouraged by this success, FIAT has chosen to expand the project to other universities in Italy and to open the initiative up to selected universities across Europe beginning with the Royal College of Art in London. Two vehicles, a FIAT 500 and FIAT Panda, will be available to the students participating in the “Two of a Kind” project, allowing them to immerse themselves in, and fully understand, the two great FIAT icons they are endeavouring to re-interpret for the future.
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