Η Brabus Classic θα παρουσιάσει 6 κλασικές Mercedes στην Techno Classica
Η Brabus ανακοίνωσε πως θα παρουσιάσει μία σειρά αναπαλαιωμένων, κλασικών Mercedes-Benz, στην Techno Classica που διεξάγεται από τις 26 Μαρτίου έως και τις 30 του ίδιου μήνα στο Essen της Ολλανδίας.
Στο περίπτερο του βελτιωτή, θα βρίσκονται 4 πλήρως αναπαλαιωμένες vintage Mercedes. Τρεις W113 280 SL και μία W111 280 SE 3.5 Cabriolet. Αυτά τα αυτοκίνητα, μετά την ολοκλήρωση των εργασιών, επιθεωρήθηκαν
Η Brabus μας λέει πως οι εργασίες αναπαλαίωσης ξεκινούν με την αποδόμηση του αυτοκινήτου. Όλα τα επιμέρους εξαρτήματα, μέχρι και την τελευταία βίδα, κατηγοριοποιούνται για να εξακριβωθεί ποια μπορούν να αναπαλαιωθούν και ποια πρέπει να αντικατασταθούν. Όσο οι τεχνίτες δουλεύουν στο αμάξωμα, η μηχανή λύνεται και ανανεώνεται εκ βάθρων. Το ίδιο συμβαίνει και στην μετάδοση, τον άξονα μετάδοσης και το διαφορικό. Κατά την συναρμολόγηση του αυτοκινήτου, η ανάρτηση και το σύστημα πέδησης αντικαθίστανται με καινούρια ενώ την τελευταία πινελιά, δίνει το πλήρως ανανεωμένο εσωτερικό. Η Brabus ισχυρίζεται πως η αναπαλαίωση ενός κλασικού αυτοκινήτου απαιτεί περί τις 2.500 ώρες και “δεν είναι φθηνή”.
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες μπορείς να διαβάσεις στο δελτίο τύπου που ακολουθεί.
[Πηγή: Brabus]
Δελτίο ΤύπουVintage Mercedes cars – rebuilt by BRABUS Classic
Automotive jewels with two-year warranty and “Grade A” Classic Data appraisal with extra rating
Up to 2,500 hours of labor, the know-how from more than 35 years of automobile construction, countless new parts and meticulous attention to detail: These are the ingredients that BRABUS Classic uses to create automotive jewels based on vintage and modern classic Mercedes-Benz cars. BRABUS (Brabus-Allee, D-46240 Bottrop, phone +49 / (0) 2041 / 777-0, fax +49 / (0) 2041 / 777 111, internet www.brabus.com) stands behind the outstanding quality of the classic vehicles rebuilt from the ground up not only with the one-of-a-kind two-year BRABUS Classic warranty with unlimited miles, but also stakes its excellent reputation on them.
At the 26th Techno Classica, which will be held March 26 to 30 at the Essen Expo Center, BRABUS Classic will be present in hall 1 on a joint exhibition stand with the vintage car division of LUEG. LUEG Group is one of the largest authorized Mercedes-Benz dealers in the world and maintains 15 locations in Germany’s Ruhr Valley.
BRABUS Classic will display four vintage Mercedes cars restored from the ground up – three Mercedes 280 SL cars of the W 113 “Pagoda” model series and a W 111 series Mercedes 280 SE 3.5 Cabriolet. The leading vintage car expert organization Classic Data inspected these vehicles after work was completed: Due to the unrivalled quality and authenticity of the restorations Classic Data issued these vehicles a grade of “A” for their condition and added that these vintage cars represented classics with “new-car character” to the appraisal report.
The exclusive BRABUS Classic product range on display at the Techno Classica 2014 is rounded out with a Mercedes 560 SL of the R 107 model series and a restored rolling chassis of a 300 SL Gullwing that demonstrates the outstanding quality of a restoration by BRABUS Classic in detail.
The starting point for the rebirth of a classic Mercedes always is the disassembly of the base car to the last nut and bolt. In the process all parts are inspected and catalogued, unserviceable components are discarded and components that are suitable for reconditioning, such as chrome parts, are replated and returned to mint condition by the best specialists in the business.
All paint is removed from the bodyshell, which is then reconditioned by experienced master bodywork specialists and given a catalytic dip primer coating. Perfect corrosion protection using cutting-edge technology to protect the paint is also part of the scope of the restoration as is a perfect paint job in the original color.
While work on the body is going on, the engine is completely disassembled in the BRABUS high-tech engine shop and all parts are measured. The rebuilding process includes grinding and honing the cylinders as well as overhauling the cylinder head. The restoration of a classic engine is conducted with utmost care. The BRABUS powertrain technicians use the same precision in overhauling the drivetrain including the automatic transmission, driveshaft and differential.
Special ‘Classic’ lubricants supplied by technology partner MOTUL ensure maximum reliability in everyday operations.
There are also no compromises with regard to suspension and brakes: all components are replaced with new parts and thus offer optimal active safety.
One of the BRABUS domains from exclusive vehicle refinement of course also comes into play during the restoration: the company upholstery shop crafts cloth and leather interiors as well as carpeting in any color, perfectly and fully authentically finished to the smallest detail. The product lineup includes materials in precisely the same color as the original that once came off the assembly lines as well as in any imaginable desired color. The soft tops for the drop-top Mercedes-Benz models are also manufactured in any desired color with the same high quality.
The BRABUS finish carpenters specialize in reconditioning all cockpit wood inlays and in creating completely new ones from the same type of wood.
After work in the various departments is completed, the classic Mercedes car is rebuilt with utmost precision. It goes without saying that in the process not only all mechanical wear parts, but also all seals and gaskets are replaced.
Before the vehicle is delivered to the customer, depending on the destination either as a VIP transport in a closed truck or by air freight, each vehicle is subjected to extensive functional testing as well as safety and quality checks.
Of course any restoration involving this kind of thoroughness and effort does not come cheap. But buyers of a vintage car restored by BRABUS Classic, such as the 280 SL Pagoda or the 280 SE 3.5 Cabriolet on display at the Techno Classica 2014, can rest assured that every detail has been attended to with loving care in a process that took between 1,500 and 2,500 hours of labor.
After the restoration was completed, the leading expert organization for vintage cars, Classic Data, appraised all vehicles. Like the other vintage Mercedes-Benz cars restored from the ground up by BRABUS Classic, the 280 SE 3.5 Cabriolet on display at the Techno Classica 2014 also received an “A” grade from Classic Data for its condition, and was confirmed to offer “new- car character.”
The verdict of the Classic Data experts reaffirms the outstanding quality of the work performed by BRABUS Classic: “At the time of my inspection the vehicle was in a restored condition equivalent to an as-new state. All major components were restored perfectly so that no signs of use are discernible. Old parts that could not be restored to mint condition were replaced with new parts. The powertrain was given a general overhaul and corresponds to new. The body is visually in perfect condition. The gaps are equal to or better than new. In conclusion it is my expert opinion that this vehicle was restored in BRABUS hallmark fashion so perfectly that the original as-new condition was even surpassed. This is evident in the lovingly carried out detailed work such as e.g. the reproduction of the interior appointments, the perfect gaps etc., which in the ‘70s were not realized to this extent in series production. The purchase price reflects the nature and scope of the restoration as well as the overall condition. The restoration value for a technically comparably restored vehicle amounts to 410,000.00 euros incl. VAT.”
BRABUS underscores the perfect execution of all work with a warranty that is unique in the entire vintage car industry: The automotive Mercedes classics, which were restored in the BRABUS manufactory in Bottrop from the ground up, are sold with the exemplary two-year BRABUS Classic warranty with unlimited miles.
Full service by BRABUS Classic does not end with the purchase or the restoration: The company also offers the entire range of services from oil changes and professional inspections to complete conditioning. The motto for the proud owners is: Take a seat, start the engine and experience driving fun in its purest form!
A continually updated list of available BRABUS Classic vehicles can be found online at www.brabus.com/classic.
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